Trust Me to Know You (26 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

BOOK: Trust Me to Know You
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“Yes, I understand, sir.” I looked around the room. “I’ve got lots to do here.
” I waved my hand around the room. Pip had risen too and I
was not going to hide the nature of our relationship from my friend. She understood the dynamics very well. I stepped back to make the introductions.

“Jason, this is Philippa, Pip.” I watched him shake her hand.

“Pleasure to meet you,
sir,” she said demurely. Pip was too well trained to be anything but super polite to another dominant even in the absence of her own master. “I hope I’ve not deprived you of Gemma’s company.”

“No,” smiled Jason. “We’d finished. You’ve know Gemma long?” His question was surprisingly acerbic.

“A few years, sir,” she blinked fractionally and I knew she had been hit by his voice, the eyes and the total demeanour that he could exude when he wanted to. “I helped Gemma, after....” her words ended abruptly.

“Pip found me and fetched help. So I’m very grateful to her,” I finished off her sentence.

Pip gathered up her scarf. “I should go. You’ll want to finish whatever....” another embarrassed trail of words finished abruptly.

Jason waited in the sitting room while I showed Pip out of the door.

“Wow, Gem,” she said quietly. “Quite a catch, heh?”

I blushed in reply. We hugged and I watched her dash off down the street. Jason came out into the hallway to join me.

“OK?” he asked leaning against the wall.

“Sure, she just checks up on me from time to time,” I explained.

“Good. Friends should do that.” He eyed me for a moment. “Don’t let our relationship deprive you of your friends. I don’t want you to give up on things that you consider important.”

“I know. But, to be honest, I can’t go back there to those friends. I’m sticking to my vanilla ones for now. Trudy and her
gang,” I smiled at him. My heart was fluttering and I had to box my emotions away like my
worldly possessions and accept he was not staying with me.

“Friday then?” he said.

“Of course, can’t wait for it, Jason,” I smiled. It had been very peculiar evening.

We walked to the door and as he stepped across its threshold he waved a finger at me. “No more hanky panky!” he warned me and I beamed back at him, shutting the front door.

I scurried back to my bedroom. I realised that this was Jason’s first and last visit to my apartment. The only dom I had ever allowed to use me on my own territory. He had been here for less than an hour and left his tangible mark on me as usual. I was blissfully happy and a little sore.



Chapter 13


The motivation to work hard was fast disappearing as I compiled my final report for Andy. A dismal Wednesday lunchtime and the others in the office had been ignoring me for most of the week, as if I had
betrayed them for wanting to leave their little sanctum. They
could not hide their frustrations when I avoided giving an explanation or refused to
reveal my plans. The secrecy was driving them crazy. I was sure the
chin-wagging was intense the moment I stepped out of the room.

Being in clandestine relationships was the norm for me though. My parents must have thought I was determined to be one of those independent single women who went through life with nothing but an ambitious career plan. My mother certainly would have lauded the idea as being virtuous and worthwhile. The reality was I thrived on the company of others and particularly like-minded people. To be able to compare marks, scenes and those moments where ones dominant takes control were the fun parts of mixing with other subs.

I had not boasted about my achievements, I had merely enjoyed the pleasure of admitting I was wanted and desired. My wavering ego had inflated a little if I got the chance to exchange the smallest amount of tittle-tattle with my D/s friends. I would hint at my exploits in cagey remarks in emails and chatrooms. Discretion had been important too and though I had avoided the complexity of entering into affairs with married men, I had known some of my previous doms were not exactly free or single.

I had been their alternative lifestyle, the little bit of fun on the side. Masquerading as a night with lads in the pub or a late night at the office, I was the girl they tied up or spanked for a brief period before they returned to their domestic normality. Therefore, I had learnt to be discreet and covert with my social life in order to protect those about me from falling foul of malicious gossip or spiteful maligners.

I had my vanilla friends and they were just as important. They grounded me in the day-to-day of life. With them, I spoke of work, families and financial worries. While I was with them, I was Gemma Marshall without the frills and trimmings, definitely a plainer woman. The role of my kink-free friends had grown over the last few months as I parted company with my past. The escapism of my dual social life was shifting in balance, kink down and vanilla up. Even moving in with Jason would not alter the change in my social circumstances and with the added complication of jacking in my job, I was even more dependent on the need for some frivolity and fun with friends. I fretted I had abandoned too much too quickly. Relief came from an unexpected quarter as Trudy’s number came up on my vibrating mobile phone.

“Trudy! Good to hear from you. I had a great time last week.” I was happy to be talking to someone.

“Come out tonight...
Nicky is still in town and now Jane has come for a visit, some conference she’s been attending. Come on, we’re going
clubbing, letting our hair down,” her voice implored me and I, the rebellious part of me, was seriously tempted. For one thing, I had done my gym sessions already, so Jason could not be mad at me on that front.

“It’s midweek, Trudy, don’t you have a job to keep up with?” I said in hushed tones, conscious that I was not alone in the room.

“Yes, but you’re quitting yours so what’s the prob. Who cares if you’re hung-over the next morning.”

One person would I knew for a fact.

“Gemma, it’s not money? I mean if you’re skint, I can help out.” Trudy sympathetically inquired. I knew her job paid better than mine.

“No. It’s not the reason.”

y heart fluttered inside, glancing about, wondering if anyone could read my thoughts. Money was certainly not a factor any more. I recalled quite clearly
on Monday morning when I checked my bank balance at the ATM and found a deposit of £20,000 had been made that very morning.
My allowance
! I
had not imagined it would be that much. What kind of clothes and beauty treatments had he in mind! I took the risk of texting him to show my appreciation.

: Sir. Thanks for the allowance. It is very generous.

The reply came almost instantly:

: You are welcome. Enjoy spending it.

What the hell, he never took me anywhere.

“Sure, Trudy. What time are we meeting up and where?”

Trudy could not hide her delight as she whooped down the phone at me. “The Jinx, like always!”

“The Jinx it is then.”




I glanced at my watch, nearly eleven o’clock and the flashing lights were starting to make me a tad queasy.
I had
tried to be restrained about the drinks, but the rounds had come thick and fast. The music was hypnotic and I just wanted to dance the night away, even though my high heels were killing my feet. I grinned inanely at Trudy, who waved back at me from the bar stool she was perched on. She was busy chatti
ng up yet another dark stranger. My friend seriously had no inhibitions.

Back on the dance floor,
I was going for it. Arms in the air, waving them aimlessly, bum wiggling in time with the music. The floor was busy but not packed, the advantage of it being mid-week. Two men had b
een eyeing me up all evening. They had approached and started to dance alongside me, one in front and the other behind me. Before I knew it,
we were doing a sandwich dance with hips jiving in close proximity. The sweat on their hair and bodies sprinkled down on me. I
did not care and I felt great having the company of men all over me. I was one sexy chick and my self-esteem was sky rocketing.

Music and dancing were my passions after my love of art. My classical music tastes were the product of my father’s
influence. He would plug his headphones into the hi-fi and, with his feet up on a footstool, would spend hours listening to his extensive collection of CDs. As a
child, I had grown
curious about what caused my father to lie there, eyes shut and face serene. It turned out he loved choral works of any era. From early music to 20th century compositions. Whether a large number of voices combined into a tumultuous sound or a handful locked in simple harmonies, he was content to broaden his repertoire with whatever he could find cheap at stores or markets.

He had joined a local choral society and attended practice sessions faithfully. A strong baritone, he flitted between bass and tenor parts according to the demands of the music or the wishes of the conductor. He
had taught himself to read music and he was a proficient sight-reader. I would go to listen occasionally and certainly made the effort to attend all of his concerts. Usually they were held in cold parish churches, school halls or if the choir was very lucky, the local civic assembly hall.

I had been
a quick convert to his passion. Like my father, I was happy in any era.
I had absorbed what he listened to and I
would find myself switching the hi-fi on and choosing a CD from my father’s personal collection. He
had not minded, moreover he had cultivated my fledging interest by filling me in with the back-story of many of the composers or helping me to translate the Latin
. Operas
did not interest him with their w
arbling sopranos and impenetrable plots. Hours of wailing voices
did not create his serene facial expression.

At school I had joined the choir. Not quite the standard of my father’s choral society. The music teacher had
preferred re-workings of the current chart hits, Gilbert and Sullivan plays or the compulsory Carols at Christmas. I
had gone because it gave me a connection to my dad and cracking open my dad’s protective emotional
shell was an achievement. At u
niversity, I had taken
my soprano range to the campus choir and found their choice of programme mirrored my own tastes. A requiem or
mass, the weaving of voices in a great choral work or a joyful gospel song. I
had managed to work my way into a small ensemble who
performed intimate works, acapella pieces or madrigals. My father came to one of our concerts and it was the first time I had ever seen him outwardly so pleased with me. The sense of pride he gave me
had brought me to tears, especially when he had given me a hug at the end of the performance.

I had found other passions in my choir. A very pleasing tenor caught my attention. A freshman with curly brown hair and
lanky legs. Though I
had been in my final year, I could not
help but be drawn to the younger man. We
had met up after rehearsals in a pub and the courtship had blossomed until he had taken
me to his bed. A single room in his halls of residence. I would sneak in and tip-toe up the stairs to his corner plot. Books shoved off the bed on to the floor
, we had
proceeded to have sex as quietly as possible. He
had come so close to being my first true boyfriend.

I would spend the night curled up in his arms on his narrow bed. I had to learn
to sleep deeply in another’s bear hug. His body
had twitched and wriggled about me as I moved with him, coiling my body about his and turning as he had
turned. A big advantage in later years because Jason was of the type
who clung to you in their sleep,
suffocating you with his arms and chest. My freshman
had been the perfect match until I had
spotted him leaving a different pub with a different girl. He
had actually waved across the road at me as if it was fine and dandy to be with another woman. I had confronted him later and he had shrugged his shoulders. “It’s my first year,
Gemma, I’m not interested in romance. I want to have fun.” I
could not criticise his honesty. He had shared the same approach as my first year of university. For my final year, I held back from making the same mistake again - I bought a vibrator and spent a small fortune on batteries.

Dancing was a different kettle of fish. The moment rhythmic music started up I was tingling and tapping to the beat. Style
did not matter. I would bop to the disco sounds, shake my arms to the house beat or attempt to street dance to the hip-hop. My real love though was the classic Latino styles of rumba, samba, salsa and mambo. I would swing, gyrate and throw my hips about on the dance floor. My friends always commented on how lost and entranced I was when I danced. It was not a social activity for me in the sense I did not use
the platform to manhunt. If
I would brush off any admirers or pawing hands with a snarl on my lips. I was a selfish dancer and what I desired was the buzz of adrenaline as I consumed the music and spat it back out with my swirling limbs.

During my school years, there had been the discos. I went to every single one and was one of
the first in the queue before the doors opened. A
token coin tossed in the bucket and I was given the stamp on the back of the hand. By the end of the lunch hour or evening, the ink would have
been washed off with sweat. Nightclubs came later and were a challenge since I was underage and my parents had my brother
chaperone me in the evenings. On a few occasions I had sneaked in, the atmosphere had been
electric. Nothing sexual came of my secret excursions with exception of one
encounter. Having met him at a club I had let
him, in a moment of abandonment a few days later, take my virginity. In the cold light of the following
morning, I had been annoyed with myself. I swore to avoid the temptation of men in clubs. I would stick to dancing and not use my swaying body as a magnet for undesirables.

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