Trust Me to Know You (38 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

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“Come for me, baby. Let me hear you,” he groaned at me.

I did and the orgasm was good, exquisite and rippled on deliciously. Jason was more urgent, abrupt and violent reaching deep inside me, planting his seed with force.

“Let’s get to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

He leaned over me and helped me up.




Martinson parked outside the hotel. One of the most elegant and prestigious in the city. I took one more deep breath and prepared myself for the whirlwind that would be Jason’s annual
ball. Jason was out of the car and coming round to meet me as Martinson opened the car door. Stepping out of the car, I allowed my
long red gown to settle around me and reached out to take Jason’s proffered hand.

“You look sublime, Gemma. It is a pleasure to have you here next to me.” Jason was handsome in his black tie suit. Mr Tuxedo himself.

His mask was on, golden and simple, blue eyes staring out of the lion’s face. It continued over the top of his head, like a mane. Just looking at him made my heart flutter uncontrollably. Mine was simpler.
I had gone for a gazelle with two horns rising up above my head. I had been tempted to go for a baboon, but somehow I
did not think Jason would have been amused.

He was pleased by the gazelle. “You’re my prey,” had been his comment as I slipped it over my eyes in the car.

In an instant his smile had gone. “You will remain on my heels for the duration of the evening, at my beck and call. You will require permission to leave my side.”

I huffed at his instruction until he gave me his severe blue eyed glare and I relented.

We paused in the foyer while Jason checked that all was going well with the hotel manager. Taking a glass of champagne from the waiter for me, Jason led me into the ballroom. The ceiling was high with glass chandeliers and the floor full of bustling, swarming people
in gowns and black ties wearing their own masks. The r
ed carpet underneath me was cushioning my heels. Mirrors hung around the room, reflecting the light around almost disorientating me.

Jason was guiding me through crowd, holding me gently by my elbow. He nodded and greeted different people, occasionally proffering a handshake. Everyone knew who he was but nobody recognised me. I rapidly became the topic of conversation and the sound reaching me ears was the whispering buzz going round the room.

I can survive this
, I chanted repeatedly to my inner self.

More people arrived and I was constantly being introduced to new arrivals. I smiled and shook hands, but otherwise remained quiet. I was so out of my comfort zone while
Jason handled it all with incredible ease. His affable manner and behaviour
were an eye-opener. The whole time he managed to keep himself both detached and cordial, never more than a polite handshake, no hugs or kisses. Although I was sure some of the ladies would love him to touch them.

As we moved around the room,
I made eye contact with another woman, young like me. Her lips were firmly set and turned down, she looked
It was Libby. What was she doing here? Her mask was an ostrich, complete with feather at the top and her extravagant gown was an expensive design. How could she afford that on her salary? Jason touched my shoulder, and I turned back to him.

“What is it?” he asked.

“Some-one from my old office, one of the gossip makers. I thought you said nobody would know me?” I whispered at me.

“Who?” he said following my gaze.

“Libby,” I hissed back “Bloody Libby Turvington, with the ostrich feather sticking up. Over there.”

Jason thought for a minute. “Turvington. Mike Turvington is her father, we’ve done business together, and she probably came with him. He is a widower. I think he helped Libby find a job in my company a few months back.”

I looked away in case she caught my eye. “I would rather avoid her at all costs. Can’t stand her,” I said with venom.

“We need to keep circulating, Gemma.” Jason tugged on my arm and I followed him.

There was music playing around the ballroom and in an adjoining room,
a sumptuous buffet laid out. I managed to select a few things and nibbled on them as I tried to listen in on one of Jason’s numerous conversations. His knowledge of different subject matters seemed wide ranging and deep.

I needed to pee
. I whispered in Jason’s ear. “I’m need to go
the powder room.”

He dropped out of his conversation. “Sure, baby. Over on the other side of the ballroom. I’ll find you, can’t miss those gazelle horns.”

I made my way over to the Ladies’ restroom. The relief from emptying my bladder was immense. I had
been holding out for too long. I came out of the cubicle and she was ther
e, Libby. Her mouth was a scowl and she whipped off her mask to expose her wide-open spoon shaped eyes. They were fixated on me.

“Libby, what a surprise,” I lied.

I dashed over to the hand basin and washed
my hands. There was one other
woman in the room and when she left, I was alone with Libby. I turned to face her taking my mask off as I could not look at her with it on.

“No fucking surprise, I knew you would be here,” she said. “I’ve been hoping to get you on your own. I’m on a mission.”

She stepped closer to me and without warning her hand lashed out and slapped me hard across my cheek. My head was thrown backwards and pain exploded across my face.

Arggghhh, what the fuck
was that for, Libby?” I yelled at her.

You bitch
! I spent ages getting my dad to find me a job in Jason’s company. I’ve been waiting and waiting for him. Then you waltzed in and took him from under my eyes.”

Her hatred of me was written across her enraged face. I did not think a face could display raw emotions so strongly and aggressively. All those months of barely interacting with me and now she boiled over with clear loathing and envy.

“Jeez, Libby,” I said, “Jason doesn’t have a clue who you are. He didn’t even recognise you in this crowd.”


Another painful blow across my face and for a fraction of second a multitude of tiny lights flashed before my eyes.

Why was I standing here taking this shit?

I picked up my mask and made to leave quickly, to find Jason and have him throw her out.

“Oh no you don’t,” she snarled.

She grabbed my arm, pulled me towards her and then I saw it in her other hand - a knife. It was short but very sharp and I could see the overhead halogen lights reflecting off its edge. Now my fear level had increased. I looked at her eyes, they were wild and I was very scared. I needed to control my sense of fear, to keep my focus on escaping from her.

“I have to bring you to him. He wants to chat with you. Clear up outstanding issues. I’m to bring you to the emergency exit down the corridor,” she seemed to speaking these instructions as if from memory.

“Who, Libby?” I gasped.

The knife was pointing at me, raised and threatening.

“My new boyfriend. Well, if Jason doesn’t want me, then I’ll find another. Well,
he found me actually. Turns out he knows you, very keen to meet you. He’s promised me a night of great sex if I take him to you. Boy, can he fuck. It has been a revelation been fucked by him over the last couple of weeks.”

I felt faint. I knew who she was talking about and my worst fears were materialising before me. My nightmare was coming to life.

“No, Libby, please. I can’t come with you. He’ll kill me. He wants to
me,” I spoke rapidly and urgently.

“Well if he does I don’t care. But we have to go, he’s waiting.” She forced me around and pushed me
up against the sink. “Put your mask back on.”

I did as she asked because the knife was now poking into my back. The point was sharp and digging into me. I fought back the desire to retch.

“We’re going walk out of here,” said Libby. “Don’t talk to anyone and we’re going to head to the door. If you say or do anything I will stick this into you.”

he jabbed me again and I cried out. I was sure
she had pierced my skin. We headed to the door, my legs shaking terribly. She walked behind me, very close and breathing rapidly on my exposed neck.

, don’t do this,” I pleaded with my heart in my mouth.

“Shut the fuck up,” she hissed in my ear.

The noise of the ballroom was deafening. A throng of disinterested people. Nobody recognised me or seemed to realise anything was wrong with the way Libby was escorting me.
We had a few metres to cover before turning off down one of the corridors. She knew where she was going. I winced as she poked me again. I looked out over the crowd, desperately seeking out Jason. I spotted
him, he was on the other side, so far away. His lion mask was clearly visible. I tried to catch his distant eyes. He stopped and I thought he was looking at me.

“Keep fucking moving.” I heard Libby say breathlessly in my ear.

I looked back across the room and Jason had turned his back on me.

Hell no!
He did not
see me! He was facing the wrong way.

We were heading down the corridor, double doors in front. She pushed and shoved through another set of doors into a quieter service corridor with laminate floors rather than soft carpeting. There was a service exit in front of us. I tried to pull away from her hand, but it was gripping my upper arm tightly
while the knife remained stuck in my side. She pushed on the bar of the door and kicked it open with her feet. I heard it slam behind
us but my eyes were fixed on the person greeting me.

stood, leaning back on the side of a car, denim legs crossed casually. The same crew cut hair, muscular physique and gold chain necklace. I had forgotten about his necklace, the way it had jangled over me while we had sex. He grinned widely at me, dark wild eyes, as they were the night he assaulted me. I could barely take him in. A haze of extreme fear had shielded my sight. I wanted to vomit and my legs were starting to give way. In his hands, a pair of handcuffs and duct tape.

“So, Gemma. Didn’t I tell you I’d find you? Remember what I said I was going to do to you? Fuck you. Fuck you dead!”

He uncrossed his legs. There was no sign of the knife he had promise to use on me. Libby was routed to the spot next to me with her mouth gaping at him.

“What about me? You said you were going to fuck me. Great sex you promised me
,” she shrieked at him wildly.

“You, you prissy, fucked up girl. You can piss off! You’ve served your purpose. I don’t have any desire to fuck that skinny arse of yours again,” he laughed at her with his well-practised humiliating snort of derision. He re-focused on me. “You on the other hand. I want you.”

He started to move toward me and I could not move or speak. I was frozen rigid with my feet growing roots into the tarmac. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Libby raise her arm up, her knife in hand and she let out a blood-curdling
cry. I did the only thing I could think to protect myself. I dropped down to my knees and curled up, head in hands. Suddenly I found my vocal cords and I screamed like
I had never screamed before. Not out of sexual lust or sensual pain, but because I was terrified for my life. As she moved, I shut my eyes tight and held my breath. I had merely a second to accept it was over for me.



Chapter 19


Monday 1
0 am. Interview with
Mr Jason Lucas.

Conducted by Detective Inspector Clark.


DI Clark: Thank you, Mr Lucas, for coming this morning. You’ve no problem with the voice recorder being on?

Lucas: No. What do you need to know?

DI Clark: I want to run through Saturday evening’s events. Can you describe in your own words for me what you saw happen.

Mr Lucas: Fine. (pause) I attended the ball with my girlfriend Gemma Marshall.

DI Clark: This is a relatively new relationship?

Lucas: Yes. A few weeks
. I was aware that Gemma, Miss
Marshall had been threatened by an ex-boyfriend of hers. I had a security detail with her at all times. (pause) I thought she was safe at the ball.

DI Clark: An unforeseen development with Miss Turvington.

Lucas: I knew nothing about the situation with Libby Turvington; her relationship with him. So when Gemma commented on her presence, I saw nothing malicious about it. It was only when I glimpsed Gemma coming out of the ladies with Libby that I became concerned.

DI Clark: You could tell this from across the room?

Lucas: She didn’t like Libby and to be in such close proximity to her.... She had told me she didn’t want to be anywhere near her that night.
Gemma looked tense. She’s my girlfriend, I know her well enough to recognise her unease. I indicated to Mr Martinson, my personal protection officer, that something was amiss. But when I turned back, Gemma and Libby were gone.

DI Clark: Please go on, Mr Lucas, this is very helpful to our enquiries.

Lucas: Martinson and I headed
to where we had last seen them.
I was suspicious. There was no sign of them. The obvious route out of the building was down some adjoining corridors. There were two choices; one went out on to the terrace, the other
a side
exit. We were about to split up when I thought I heard a cry. I followed the direction of the cry coming from outside, by the emergency exit. Then we heard the scream. I recognised Gemma's cry (pause) it was muffled but distinct. We reached the door as quick as we could. You know what we found on the other side of the door.

DI Clark: Yes. Libby Turvington has been charged with murder.
given her mental status she is currently confined to a secure psychiatric unit. Whatever happens in the criminal court, she’s not going anywhere for a long time. Well thank you for coming in.

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