Treasured Submission (5 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Treasured Submission
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Everyone in the room nodded and Abigail saw that the wives were nodding just as emphatically as their husbands. Shivering at the thought that Dean was correct, she wondered again what it would be like to be able to truly trust a man's words. Nick had made many promises, but was quick to either forget them totally, or simply ignore the promise when reminded that he had made one. She had stopped trusting him early in their marriage and found it hard to believe that she would ever be able to trust anyone to follow through every time a promise was made. An unexpected smile curved her lips as she realized that she had trusted her own parents. When either of them had informed her that she was going to get a spanking, they had followed through, much to her distress. Memories of unsuccessful attempts to try to dissuade them danced through her mind—though none had ever worked. If she had been told that she was due a spanking, she had known without a doubt that she would be going to bed with a red bottom. A wave of respect for her parents flowed through her, and she realized that she had never truly respected her ex-husband. Abigail gave another sigh, looked back at the couple, and heard Russell continue.

"Karen was informed that she would receive one stroke for each dollar of the fees required for her lack of proper guidance. The latest bounced check fee was forty-five dollars." He paused as several gasps echoed through the room. "I believe in what Dean has said, and will never renege on giving my wife what I've promised her." He paused again, and gave the audience a soft smile. "However, I have no intention of physically or permanently truly harming my wife. As you can see from the fading lines on her bottom, Karen has been paying the price for the past few weeks. She has received a dozen strokes on three separate occasions before tonight, in order to allow her to heal from each punishment. Karen, how many strokes of your discipline do you still need to atone for?" he asked, turning back to his wife.

"Nine, Sir," Karen said clearly.

"Correct. I'm going to give you the final nine strokes of the cane on your naughty rump young lady. You are to count each one, do you understand me?" Abigail saw Karen nod and answer that she did.

Abby watched as Dean stepped forward, extending the cane to Russell. Russell thanked him, taking the implement and gently tapping it twice against his wife's bottom. Abby saw him draw back the cane and heard it whistle through the air before it connected with a sharp crack against the flesh of Karen's buttocks. Karen gave a moan and then clearly began her count. "One, Sir!" Russell tapped her twice more, directly below the first red line that was blooming on the pale flesh, before delivering the next stroke.

"Two, Sir." The caning continued, with Karen accepting and properly counting each one. Her voice began to falter slightly at the fourth stroke, and her hips began to wag from side to side. Russell looked down at his wife's churning body.

"Settle," Russell instructed, the single word evidently enough to remind his wife what he expected. He waited until Karen was still; giving her another double tap a moment before the cane lit into her again.

"Five, Sir, oh God, I'm sorry, Sir… please, I'm sorry!" Karen cried out, her pain evident in the red lines that ran across her buttocks. Russell didn't acknowledge his wife's apologies and continued her caning.

Abigail had never imagined witnessing such a thing. Tears filled her eyes as Karen's control finally broke and her sobs became audible. Abby felt her own bottom clench each time the cane was drawn back, and she flinched at the sharp crack of every stroke. Karen continued to cry and count, and then Abigail watched as the tenseness left Karen's body and she slowly relaxed her clenched muscles. Karen actually lifted her bottom higher, as if asking to be punished. She held herself still and ready, accepting her husband's discipline.

"That's my good girl," Russell said quietly, acknowledging his wife's submission, and delivered the last two strokes hardest of all.

Karen screeched, but had stopped begging and pleading, correctly counting each one. As the last one fell, she said, "Nine, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Russell handed the cane back to Dean, who laid it on the counter. Russell thanked him again before turning to the class. They all looked at the evidence of Karen's punishment. Each wheal was clear, every bright red line an angry contrast to her otherwise pale skin. Russell reached out and stroked one wheal after another, as if counting to make sure all nine strokes had left a proper mark. His experience was evident, as each stroke had been properly laid, all nine evenly spaced down the surface of his wife's bottom. Karen lay over the counter, her sobs gradually slowing.

Russell helped her to stand and said, "You did well, sweetheart. I'm proud of you. You may cover up." Karen bent and pulled her panties up, hissing slightly at the contact before lowering her dress.

She too, then stepped into her husband's embrace and said, "I'm really sorry, Sir. I promise I'll be a better role model for the children. Please forgive me?" Russell cupped his wife's face in his hands and gently kissed her.

"You're forgiven, my dear. I know you'll do a better job, but, sweetheart, if this happens again, you won't be able to sit down for a week because it won't just be an easy nine strokes like you received tonight. It will be a much harder caning, and you can think about taking every single stroke across your pretty little tushy all in one session."

Abigail gasped at this announcement, but Karen simply smiled at her husband and said, "Yes, Sir. I understand." Russell led his wife back to their table and they both took their seats, Karen sitting down even more gingerly than Elaine had earlier. Abigail felt her heart pounding and her insides churning. How many more skirts would be raised and panties lowered before the night was over? She then really looked at each table, and realized that she was the only woman wearing jeans; every other female there was wearing either a dress or a skirt, and was dressed much more nicely than she was. Running late, she had simply thrown a sweater over her t-shirt, pulled her hair up in a ponytail and stuck her feet into tennis shoes. These women looked far more feminine than she did, and Abby slumped down a bit further into her seat. A few minutes passed, and when she didn't see any couples rising out of their chairs, she sighed in relief. She didn't think she was capable of witnessing any further demonstrations tonight. Hearing Dean's voice, she looked back to the front.

"It was extremely lenient of Russell to spread Karen's discipline out over several weeks. Though doing so might seem too lenient, especially when the discipline has been earned by repeated disobedience; it also serves to strengthen Karen's trust in her husband to care for her. The cane is a very harsh implement. I caution you not to use your wife's bottom for training yourself in how to properly administer a caning. As you could see, Russell was careful to place each stroke below the previous one. With a larger count, that might not always be possible, but make sure you read the chapter on caning and use a pillow to practice before you decide to cane your wife. There are also private classes available for one-on-one training. I'd highly recommend you attend at least one of those classes before you begin with harsher implements." Pausing, he was glad to see the men nod, as well as the women looking relieved that he made the point before he made his next one.

"Russell's leniency demonstrates that even though he is the undisputed head-of-household in their marriage, and will make sure every stroke is given, he is not unsympathetic in considering how much a large count will hurt." Dean paused again, wanting to make sure the younger men understood that authority did not require unwarranted pain that could border on abuse if their wives were unused to it, or didn't have the physical capabilities of withstanding such a large amount of strokes given by such an unforgiving instrument.

"I also highly recommend that every head-of-household in this room gets up close and quite personal with any implement you are considering introducing and using in your life together. I guarantee that nothing is quite as convincing as taking a stroke or two across your own backside, to let you understand exactly how each paddle, belt or cane feels, before you begin using those implements to discipline your wife." At his words, there was no twitter of laughter, as each occupant seemed to concentrate on what had just been suggested. When he saw the understanding reflected back at him, Dean continued. "As you saw, Karen was required to count each stroke of the cane that her husband administered. Requiring your wife to count helps her to concentrate on her punishment and assures that her focus remains on the lesson. During a harsh punishment, such as a caning or a birching, sometimes it is easy for your wife to allow her mind to wander in an attempt to disassociate herself from what is happening. If you find that your wife isn't properly focused on her discipline, I urge you to employ the counting technique." He saw several men nod, and smiled.

"I know these demonstrations have been intense, but I hope you learn from both of them," Dean said and then smiled. "Now, let's discuss something far more pleasant. I want to touch on aftercare. How many of you practice aftercare?" Almost every male hand was raised, only a couple of men didn't join in. Dean smiled and said, "I'm glad to see that most of you practice what I believe to be a vitally important part of any discipline session. Once your wife has paid the price for her misbehavior and has spent her time reflecting on your discipline, it is time for you to reconnect as a loving couple. Let's be honest. Any spanking or punishment hurts unless it is an erotic one. A woman who has just been disciplined needs comfort." He nodded towards a table where a man had raised his hand.

"Doesn't that send a mixed message? I mean, if I've just spanked Olivia for misbehavior, and then turn all gentle and apologetic, won't that make her think that I'm weak, or that I'm sorry for spanking her? If I make love to her, isn't she being rewarded for that same misbehavior?"

Dean looked at the couple and shook his head. "Not at all. The fact that you've taken your wife in hand assures her of your strength. Your wife has been punished and knows why you have disciplined her. She has confessed her transgression and has paid a difficult price. If you practice reflection time, such as placing her in a corner after her spanking, she is paying an even bigger price. She is sorry and needs to honestly believe you have forgiven her and that you still love her deeply."

Abby had been listening carefully to Dean's every word. When he had spoken of the men actually allowing someone to give them a taste of each implement, she had been somewhat shocked, but pleased, thinking it made a great deal of sense. Hearing Dean speak of offering and sharing comfort had her smiling and agreeing with his words as she looked between him and the couple at the table. The man still looked unconvinced, though his wife was nodding her head.

Dean continued. "Let me ask you this. When you are spanking or disciplining your wife, do you become aroused?" The man looked stunned at the question and Dean quickly added, "I know I do, and I'm sure anyone who is deeply in love does as well. This is the woman you love, the one woman on this planet who you wish to spend the rest of your life with. Your wife is probably bare from the waist down—at least— and is submitting to you. It's only human to become aroused. Punishment is an intimate practice, and I believe that any woman who willingly submits herself to your discipline is a highly sensual human being. She is usually aroused despite her pain, and must not be led to think this is a wrong reaction. Punishment given with love is not abuse by any means. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand when done correctly. It is imperative that you take the time to connect with your wife. It not only reassures her that she is still loved and cherished, it also allows any session that has been painful to conclude by becoming a loving one for both of you. You'll find this covered in the book as well. Give it a try the next time you need to discipline Olivia. I promise both of you will understand the benefits of aftercare."

Abigail saw the man nod and then heard him say, "Thank you. I've always wanted to cuddle and make Olivia feel better, but I thought it was wrong. I'm sure we'll both benefit greatly from your words." He bent towards his wife and kissed her gently. Olivia was beaming, and Abby saw that the other hold-out on comfort was also whispering to his wife.

Abby smiled and hoped both couples took Dean's words to heart. It must be awful to have been spanked and punished, and then to have to lie in bed beside the same man who had reddened your bottom without benefit of his comfort.

Dean looked around for more hands, and when none were raised, he said, "That is all for this evening. I want to thank our couples again for being willing to share in our demonstrations, as it is never an easy thing to do. It is my hope that they will help you in your journey with domestic discipline. Thank you for coming, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions. Please feel free to send me an email if questions arise after you've had time to absorb what you've learned this evening. You can find my contact information in the back of the book. I would especially appreciate hearing whether including aftercare helps strengthen your relationship."

Olivia's husband grinned and said, "I'll be sure to let you know. Maybe Livvy will be naughty on purpose to see if I take your words to heart."

Olivia playfully slapped her husband's arm and said, "Not very likely!" Her husband laughed, and most of the others joined in. It was a good ending point.

Everyone began to rise, and a few couples did speak with Dean quietly at the front. Abigail saw Karen and her husband walk over to join Elaine and Roger. They looked like two generations meeting over a common interest, totally comfortable with each other though they probably had never met. Both wives were smiling and holding their husband's hands, despite having been publicly disciplined. Russell looked up and caught Abigail's eye. He smiled at her and gave her a small nod. Tearing her eyes away from his, Abigail shook her head in disbelief that she had actually returned his smile. Standing, she started to shove everything back into her bag and then realized that she still had Dean's copy of the book. She pulled it back out of her bag, put her purse over her shoulder and headed to the front of the room to return it. When the couple he was speaking to had turned and walked away, she stepped closer, the book held out in her hand.

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