Treasured Submission (9 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

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Sam hugged her hard and then sat back. "Thanks for that. Just promise me you won't continue hiding from the world. Go out and give the males a chance. Not all of them are like Nick; somewhere out there is a man for you just as strong and wonderful as Ian." They smiled at each other and then turned as the door opened. Sam jumped up and looked at her watch, then back at Ian as he walked through the door.

He saw her and said, "Easy, I'm a little early. You aren't late." Samantha smiled and walked to her husband to be gathered into his arms.

Abigail saw them give each other a gentle kiss. She picked up her book and slid it back into her bag. She was ready to go and leave them to their '
'. "Thank you for dinner and thank you for my gift. I did learn something and I'm happy we had this conversation. I'm honored that you can share your life with me and respect your choices. The review might have been something I was unprepared for…" She saw him open his mouth to speak, knowing he was probably going to absolve her of any guilt, but she shook her head. "Ian, in all honesty, it was my own fault for not really reading the invitation or the brochure. I understand why you are upset with Sam, but please know that I'm not upset. The review helps me understand the concept of domestic discipline. From what I can see, it isn't as frightening or as foreign as I would have believed."

Ian looked between the two women and saw his wife nod and smile. "Again, we are sorry to have you discover our lifestyle in this way. I hope you can forgive us," he said softly.

Abigail reached up and put her hand on his cheek. "Sweet man, you have nothing to ask forgiveness for. I know that you love Sam completely and know she loves you just as much. Thank you for sharing her with me. Just make sure you do forgive her."

Ian smiled and put his hand over her own, then bent to kiss Abigail on her cheek. "Never worry about that. She is always forgiven after a punishment. Sam is the treasure of my life."

Abby smiled and then gave Samantha a hug and kiss. Watching Samantha go towards her bedroom, she knew that she was preparing herself for her punishment. She allowed Ian to walk her out to her car, and smiled when he reminded her to wear her seat belt. "You are another treasure, Abby. I want you to drive carefully."

Abigail nodded and, with another quick wave, drove home. Though she hadn't known what tonight would bring, she was sincerely grateful for the evening. While she felt sorry that Sam would be getting a spanking, she also felt a little jealous. How would it feel to have your mate take such an active interest in your life? What would it feel like knowing he was not only conscious of the choices you made, but prepared to punish you if you made the wrong choices? Would she be able to give up that control to someone else? She didn't think she could, she'd been too used to having to be the strong one, but God, it might be nice to just hand over some of the stress and control to another. Ian and Samantha were just so in sync with each other, like two halves joined into one perfect being.

Abigail smiled as she remembered that Ian had told both she and Samantha they were treasured. With a start, she realized that she had just recently read that word. She remembered Dean's inscription in the book stating that Abigail was a treasure as well. Chuckling, she decided that he must write the same thing in every book and the word must be an endearment used throughout the chapters. The word 'naughty' was liberally used. 'Treasure' must be the counterpoint—something to calm the frightened little wife with before or after she offered her bottom up as a sacrifice for her supposed misbehavior. She was calm and content as she drove home, knowing that her friends would be able to take care of their needs and go to bed secure in their love for each other. Perhaps if she and Nick had practiced domestic discipline, they would have been happier. All she really remembered was the fighting, arguments and accusations as she screamed at him, wanting him to fight back, engage or at least acknowledge her feelings, fears and desires. Towards the end she had barely spoken to him, having run out of things to say. Admitting she had felt out of control, she wondered whether their lives would have followed a different path if he had stepped up to the plate. Shaking her head, she decided to abandon that trip down memory lane.

Once home, she changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed with both the book and Cicero. She read late into the night, this time actually reading the chapters and contemplating her reaction to the words. Thinking about her chances of finding someone who would truly consider her a treasure at this stage of her life, she felt an ache in her body and her soul. '
', she thought. What a simple word, and yet it now held a new meaning for her. That word had not appeared anywhere in the book except in Dean's inscription, so her earlier thoughts that it was a common endearment hadn't proven true. By the time she finished the book and turned off the light, she was thinking about being someone's treasure herself.

Snuggling down in her bed, she hoped that one day she would find someone who truly and deeply loved her and desired to discover life's possibilities with her by his side. Samantha's words replayed in her head and made her smile.
I'm not a fuddy-duddy quite yet. I just need to take Samantha's advice and try to give the male species a second chance.
She smiled as she drifted off to sleep, her hand on the book as if she were touching the face of its author.


Chapter 6


Samantha was in bed much earlier than Abby, although she didn't find sleep as easily. Her bottom was throbbing and she ached deep inside as well as out. Her '
' had been a rather intense one.

While Ian walked Abby out, Samantha had retreated into their master bathroom and quickly prepared herself as instructed. She had voided her bladder, brushed her teeth and stripped off her clothes. She blushed as she reached into the cabinet and pulled out the enema equipment. Ian didn't believe in the prepared bottles available at the store. He had demonstrated exactly how his view of a proper enema was to be prepared, and administered, within the first month of their marriage. Instead of grabbing a squeeze bottle out of a box, the act of filling the red rubber bag with warm, soapy water focused her mind on what was coming. After attaching the long length of tubing to the bag and then to the nozzle she was required to use, Sam got out the bottle of lubricant and lubed the nozzle well, knowing its size was another reason Ian preferred the old-fashioned equipment. This wasn't a thin, short length of plastic. This was a good six inches in length with a nozzle of a much wider girth that always seemed a challenge to accept. By the time she was lying on the rug, curled on her side, one leg pulled up and the enema streaming down the tubing and filling her, she was moaning softly. Talking to Abby about this was one thing, actually giving herself an enema immediately put her into a very submissive mind-set. She squirmed as her stomach cramped, the water churning deep in her bowels. The bag finally emptied and though she wanted to instantly seat herself on the toilet, she forced herself to remain still for the required fifteen minutes. Looking at the clock conveniently placed in easy viewing distance, she watched as the second hand slowly ticked off the end of her required holding time. Holding her distended tummy, she moved to the toilet and gently removed the nozzle before emptying herself, blushing the entire time.

She took a quick shower to make sure she was totally clean all over, then washed and put the equipment away. Before she placed herself in her punishment corner, she remembered Ian's final instruction. Opening the cabinet in their bedroom, she selected the anal plug he would want her to hold. It was not very long, but made up for its lack of length by its width. Sam hated the burgundy plug with a passion and always had a hard time accepting its placement into her bottom. By his selection, Ian was telling her that he intended her to feel well-punished indeed before the evening was over, that her ass would match the burgundy color of the plug she would be forced to hold as he spanked her. She shuddered as she closed the cabinet and walked to her corner.

Pressing her nose into the wall, she flushed hotly, her face resembling the color of the plug as she moved her hands behind her, sliding the plug between the cleft of her bottom, effectively hugging it in place with her cheeks. Once placed, she slowly moved her hands to cup her elbows and prayed that she wouldn't lose focus and allow the plug to drop to the floor. She was absolutely forbidden to touch the plug again once she had positioned it as required. Ian expected to be able to see it between her buttocks, as if anxious for him to bury it where it belonged. If it was on the floor, he would know she hadn't been concentrating hard enough, and would consider it a reason to increase or prolong her lesson.

Sam knew she would be spending at least thirty minutes in the corner with the expectation that she was to think about her behavior. At first all she could do was think about having the awful plug pushed into where Ian's thick finger had been pumping in and out of her earlier in the evening. Each time he '
' her, it was as if it were the first time; she was never quite prepared for the humiliation of having to lower or remove her panties, bend over and submit to his finger pushing into her most intimate opening. It had been a long time since she had worn a butt plug, and she felt her bottom clench at the coming trial. She finally settled down and did begin to think about why she was in this position.

Even though she had known what Ian had expected, she had been a coward, throwing the brochure and gift card for the book into the birthday card, figuring they were pretty self-explanatory. It wasn't easy to admit that it had been her responsibility to make sure Abby understood the topic and was comfortable attending the review. Samantha had always been grateful for their open and honest friendship. She knew Abby would never judge her, never consider her abnormal. Hiding an important feature of her life for so long had made her feel deeply ashamed. She was still thinking about it when she heard the door open. It was time. Her buttocks clenched around the plug in anticipation of her husband's attention.

Ian didn't speak when he first entered the room. He had made sure the house was locked up for the evening and had adjusted the thermostat, not wanting Samantha to become chilled while she spent the next few hours naked in the house. In the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and picked up an item from the vanity. He walked back into their bedroom to look at his wife in her punishment corner. She was standing correctly, her nose touching the wall, the correct anal plug clenched between her pale globes. Seeing the plug trembling a bit, he knew that while she would be grateful to feel him take it from between her cheeks, she was not going to be happy about its placement in just a few minutes. He opened the cabinet in their room and chose a few things. Finally ready, he made sure the phone ringer was off and pulled the heavy, ladder-back punishment chair into the center of the room. He laid the implements he had chosen on the table beside him.

"Come here, Samantha." He watched as his wife pushed away from the wall to turn towards him. Keeping her hands behind her back, she walked stiffly to stand in front of him. He spread his knees apart a bit and drew her between them, his hands on her slim hips. She looked down at him and he could see tears already in her eyes. Though he had spanked her quite often during the first few months of their marriage, she had not given him cause to spank her as punishment in several months. Sam was a wonderful wife, and after being convinced that her new husband wouldn't ever hesitate to take her across his knees for her naughtiness, she usually followed their set rules. He knew she felt extremely guilty about what she had done, and that she wouldn't feel good inside until she had submitted herself to his discipline. They looked at each other for several moments.

"Tell me why you are going to be punished, Samantha."

At his words, a tear slipped down her cheek. Experience had taught her that when he informed her she was to be '
and not just '
her bottom was truly in for a trial. Taking a deep breath, she couldn't help but look at the table, trying not to react to what she saw. The large wooden hairbrush and the horrid paddle with multiple holes were lying beside the squirt bottle of lubricant. She looked back at her husband, wanting nothing more than to beg for him to let her off. Ian was waiting patiently, allowing her to gather her thoughts, accept his control and submit herself to his discipline.

"I was naughty and disrespectful to you and to Abby," she answered quietly. "I didn't do what we discussed and talk to her about the class. I–I didn't explain our lifestyle and prepare her for what the book was about. I–I pretended that she must know when she told me she loved Dean's books, even though I knew she wasn't talking about our Dean. I'm sorry, Ian, please forgive me."

Ian looked up at her and had no doubts about her sincerity. "I will forgive you, sweetheart. I'm sorry as well. I haven't had to punish you in a long time and am sorry you chose not to obey me. I wouldn't have asked you to talk to Abby if I didn't know how much you respect and love her. I know that you two talk about everything, and am a bit surprised that you found it necessary to disobey me in this. Are you ashamed of our lifestyle, Samantha?" he asked, his voice calm and steady, his fingers lightly stroking her hips.

Samantha felt totally exposed as she stood nude before her fully-clothed husband. It wasn't only her body that felt exposed—she felt as if her heart and very soul were laid out before him. Shivering a bit, not proud of having her sins examined, she looked down at her husband. "No, Sir. I wouldn't trade our lifestyle for anything." She hesitated, her eyes going to the table again before returning to her husband's. He gave a small smile and she returned it, letting him know that she just might trade it at the moment. "I know I was wrong and I li–lied to you about telling Abby. We had a talk when you left and she knows all about it now."

Ian nodded, proud of his wife, and understanding how difficult it must have been for her to have that discussion. "I'm glad, honey. She is a wonderful person and did not deserve being thrust into that sort of event unprepared. Despite what she said, we both know she felt embarrassed and shocked. You know how intense those classes are and knew we had discussed this before purchasing the ticket. I am very, very disappointed in you. I trusted you to do as I asked and discuss what we agreed. Samantha, you had over a month to talk to her and I'm very surprised you basically disobeyed me for that entire month." He watched as Samantha swallowed hard. Abigail was a woman he truly admired and he was really upset with Sam for her deception. Regardless of how difficult the discussion might have been, Samantha's upcoming discipline was going to be far more difficult. Ian watched her face closely and prayed that when they were done, Samantha would understand the full impact of her choices and would never again choose to walk down that path.

"I am going to punish you for three things tonight: breaking your promise to obey me, disrespecting both me and Abby with your choices, and for lying about having the conversation with your best friend." He watched another tear course down her cheek as she nodded slowly. Ian detested lying and would make sure she remembered that fact. Ian waited quietly. He watched her come to grips with why she was about to be punished before he continued, "After I blister your ass, I'm going to take your special little paddle to your bottom-hole, after which you will receive intimate punishment." Samantha moaned deep in her throat, pulling against his hold. He easily pulled her back. "Settle, Sam," he said, waiting until he felt the tension in her body dissipate, before asking his next question. "Tell me why I'm going to put my cock in your little pucker and punish it very, very hard."

Samantha's face turned crimson as she realized that he wasn't just going to plug her bottom during her punishment. The plug would serve another purpose, one she didn't want to admit would benefit her. Wearing the plug would stretch her at least a bit before her husband took her anally. He was a very well-endowed man and could physically harm her if he didn't take the time to properly prepare her before anal sex. With a soft shudder, she managed to answer. "You, you are going to pun–punish me intimately because I–I lied to you, Sir."

Ian nodded, knowing she was wrapping her mind around the evening's events. There were times when he simply tipped her over his lap or knee and gave her a quick spanking with few words spoken. However, whenever the situation warranted a harsh, strict punishment, he took the time to discuss his decision, gave her a chance to think about what was going to happen and why. Punishment sessions were never rushed and never interrupted. They took this time to concentrate on their relationship, to reconnect with the rules they had made together, and to make sure everything had been discussed and accepted.

Ian moved a hand to stroke her trembling buttocks. He tapped a fingertip against the tightly held plug, causing Sam to groan and flush all over. She was ashamed of the fact that despite the true discomfort of what was coming, her body was reacting to his touch with desire as well. Sam desperately wanted him to move his finger, wanted him to be stroking her elsewhere, and moaned as she felt her pussy moisten. She didn't dare pull away, and clenched her bottom tighter as she felt him stroking and pressing his finger against the plug, terrified his actions would cause her to lose control of the rubber plug. Her trembling didn't ease even when his hands finally moved back to hold her hips.

"Why do you get your tight little bottom-hole punished when you lie, Samantha?" he asked, causing the tears to begin to run down her flushed cheeks. "Why do I stretch you wide and push my cock deep into your pucker, all the way up inside your ass for a long, hard fucking when you lie?" He spoke quietly, using words that he knew embarrassed his wife, taking her to her place of submission, allowing her to release control over to him as the head of their house.

"Be–because lying is nasty, Sir. It isn't pure and causes you not to be able to trust me. Oh, Ian, I'm so sorry. Please, I promise never to lie again… please, don't do this. Please don't–not in my bottom–I've learned my lesson."

Ian shook his head and spoke softly. "Sweetheart, this is punishment. You earned this special session by making several wrong choices. You had multiple opportunities to speak with Abby and knew that if you were having a hard time discussing this with her, you could have come to me and asked for my help. Instead, you chose to take control yourself, and now you will pay for that choice. Your pucker will be stretched wide and it will be fucked hard to remind you how very much I detest lying." Knowing he was speaking a hard truth she didn't particularly want to hear, he needed to be make sure that she would never again be so stubborn about something she could have easily taken care of before it came to the conclusion she was now dreading. Ian watched her face, and when she finally met his eyes, he knew she was reaching the point where she understood what she did, what choices she made and what choices she should have made.

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