Treasured Submission (14 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Treasured Submission
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It sounded wonderful. "That sounds perfect, thank you."

He smiled at her answer and when the wrapped dessert arrived, he paid for their meal, stood up and helped Abigail from the booth, once again placing his hand at the small of her back, guiding her out of the restaurant. She felt protected and cared for, something she hadn't felt in a long time. As the valet brought the car around, she reached out and gently brushed at some of the orange fur that was still clinging to his blazer.

Startled at her touch, Dean looked down and then chuckled at the sight of the fur. "And here I was thinking I'd left the feline king at home."

Abby giggled as he helped her brush off the remaining hairs. When the car was delivered, Abby patiently waited until Dean opened the door and helped her inside. Perhaps she could get used to this after all. When he reached across to fasten her seatbelt, she realized she was looking at his hands, unable to imagine him using them to, well, to spank anyone. She blushed as he looked down to smile at her, praying he couldn't read her thoughts. He stepped back, shut her door and moved to the driver's side.

As they drove back to her house, she was quiet, thinking about her reaction to this man. Despite what she knew about him, she was drawn to him. Just the simple touch of his hand on her arm or her back had her tingling. He was just so confident in himself, had a great sense of humor and was so strong and yet not in a frightening way. He was also incredibly polite and very, very attractive.

Within a half-hour, they were seated on her back porch, sharing both the swing and the piece of cake. As the coffee brewed, Dean had allowed her to transfer the dessert to a plate, but had insisted on only one fork. The first time he extended the fork to her, she felt her stomach flutter as she opened her mouth to accept the offered bite. The chocolate seemed to melt on her tongue, causing her to give a soft moan of pleasure. He smiled at her enjoyment, then leaned down and kissed her.

Abby was startled at first, then kissed him back, sparks shooting throughout her body. He deepened the kiss, pulling her closer with a hand behind her head.

He felt her surrender to the kiss, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth and play with her own. When he released her, he smiled down and said, "Yum, you taste delicious."

Abigail laughed softly and said, "That's the chocolate."

He leaned down to her again and said, "No, sweetheart, that's pure woman." He kissed her again and she melted into him. Dean kissed her gently, gradually increasing the pressure of his mouth against hers. She moaned deep in her throat as he took her mouth, delving deep to play with her tongue. He loved the fact that she trusted him enough to relax into the kiss. He finally released her and sat back a bit. "Yup, definitely pure woman."

Abby smiled, feeling complimented and loving it. She picked up the discarded plate, scooped a generous bite onto the fork and then offered it to him. Dean took the bite and they finished the cake in comfortable silence. After it was gone, Abby picked up her coffee mug and took a deep sip. "God, this is divine. I think coffee is the nectar of the Gods, thank you so much for such a thoughtful gift."

Dean drank his own and said, "You are certainly welcome. Now, when can I see you again?"

Abby looked at him and took a moment to answer. "I don't know. I mean, are you sure you want to?"

Dean took her hand without a moment of hesitation. "Absolutely. Are you free tomorrow?"

"You don't feel you still need to apologize, do you?" Abby quipped, not quite ready to admit she wanted to see him again.

Shaking his head, Dean reached out and took the coffee mug from her, setting it on the small table. He took both of her hands in his, feeling her trembling slightly. "Let's get all apologies out of the way, shall we? I must confess that I was quite jealous of your Sam." Seeing her look of confusion, he chuckled and explained. "I thought Sam was a man. A man who had sent you to my lecture to learn about a lifestyle he was interested in developing with you."

"Oh God, you did?" she whispered, her face hot at what he must have thought.

"Yes, I admit it. I also admit that I was extremely pleased to discover your Sam is a Samantha. Now that's cleared up, I want you to know that I have the intention of getting to know you much, much better if—you feel you'd like to do the same."

His words, as well as the look in his eyes, made Abby's heart flutter and her stomach tingle. She hadn't felt so desired ever before in her life. "I… I work from home so I'm free most of the time," she managed, her blood racing as his hands continued to hold hers.

"Good, that's settled. I'll pick you up at noon and we'll have a picnic." Dean said, standing up and pulling her to stand as well.

"What should I bring?" she asked, as she walked him back into the house.

"Not a thing. I'll take care of everything. Wear something casual, it will be a little hike before we get to the spot where I want to take you."

She nodded and then laughed, seeing that Cicero had made himself comfortable on the arm of the sofa, right on top of Dean's blazer. "Sorry," she giggled, pushing the cat away and attempting to swipe the fur off the black cloth.

Dean chuckled and looked at the cat, who once again seemed to be laughing. "Hmm, he may plant evidence of his ownership of you by sitting on my coat, but, I assure you, he doesn't do this," he said, and pulled her into his arms, bending to kiss her goodnight. When he released her, she leaned into him and lifted her face. He smiled and bent to kiss her again, gently this time, before pulling away. Any more kissing and he would definitely need the blazer to hide the effect she was having on him. Avoiding looking at the cat, not wanting to see the amused look in Cicero's eyes, he shrugged into his blazer. After one more quick kiss, he said, "Sleep well, Abby, I had a wonderful evening. Thank you."

She beamed up at him and replied softly, "Thank you. It was wonderful, more than I expected."

He chuckled, and couldn't resist teasing her. "Didn't frighten you, having dinner with the big mean spanking man?"

"Well, I was a bit scared at first, but you made me feel very comfortable... and um, safe," Abby admitted.

Dean's cock twitched in his pants as he watched her face flush a soft, delicate pink with her confession. God, she was stunningly beautiful and seemed absolutely unaware of that fact. Unable to resist, he kissed her once more before moving his lips to her ear.

His breath caused her to shudder, and her nipples to instantly harden within her bra. Her stomach flipped when he whispered, "You felt comfortable and safe because you were a very, very good girl." He didn't wait for a response, he simply gave her neck a soft kiss, waved goodbye and went to his car.

Abby stood in the doorway and watched as he drove away. Thoughts of what the consequences might be if she hadn't been such a good girl ran through her mind. Instead of feeling scared, she realized she was feeling more than a bit curious. After locking the door, she moved through the house to the kitchen. Locking the back door, she made sure Cicero's water bowl was full and paused to sniff the flowers one more time. It had been a perfect evening, and her fears of Dean just grabbing her and spanking her had been unfounded. Blushing at the silliness of them, she walked into her bedroom to find Cicero sitting on her pillow. Remembering how Dean had teased her about the cat, she shook her head, nudging him over after she got ready for bed. "You'd better be nice," she instructed, as he curled up beside her. "I think I really like this one." Acting as if the news was of no concern to him, Cicero stood, arched his back and then climbed up to sit on her chest. Abby giggled, pushed him off and turned onto her side, her arms folded around her pillow as Cicero purred beside her.

Her dreams were full of thoughts of Dean, then moved to expand on the story she was writing. She smiled in her sleep as Anna submitted to Richard and received a bare bottom spanking, draped over his lap as he scolded her for her naughtiness.


Chapter 11


"You weren't kidding about the hiking, were you?" Abby laughed the next day, as she followed Dean through a heavily wooded area. He was pushing aside low hanging branches for her to duck beneath, but even as short as she was, her ponytail had gotten snagged on a slender limb. Setting down the large wicker basket containing their lunch, he untangled her hair, sacrificing only a strand or two to the branch.

"Sorry about your hair," he said, as he took the picnic blanket from her to allow her use of both hands as she quickly released her ponytail to gather her hair more neatly, before quickly pulling it up again.

"Thanks. Perhaps some birds needed some additional building materials for their nest." She smiled, looking at the strands blowing in the breeze. "It's a small price to pay for passage into their home." Abby took the blanket back from him as he bent to retrieve the basket.

"Not too much further, are you okay?" he asked a few minutes later, as he helped her climb over a fallen log.

She grinned as she hopped down off the log and landed beside him. "I'm great! This is fun. I feel like I'm exploring a deserted tropical island."

Dean smiled as he visualized her in nothing more than a sarong, and felt a sudden urge to explore what delights would be hidden beneath the thin, gossamer cloth. From her sudden flush he realized that his thoughts might not be as hidden as he believed. Reaching out, he stroked his fingers down her cheek, feeling her shudder just the slightest, and feeling his cock stiffen at the silkiness of her skin. A look of desire flashed across her face and he bent forward to lightly kiss the cheek he had just caressed.

"Hmmm, I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be stranded with," he said softly. "Should I be the debonair captain and lead you to shelter, or would you rather I play the part of a ruthless pirate and demand a ransom from my beautiful maiden?"

Abby felt a tingling flow into her at his words, the artist in her instantly picturing the scene they provoked. Her cheek seemed to heat from his touch and his kiss. She blushed hotly, not able to voice her choice as she clutched the picnic blanket to her chest.

Seeing her expression change from one of desire to one bordering on panic, Dean smiled, reaching out to stroke her arm. "Don't worry, Abby. I'm not going to drag you off to my cave and have my way with you."

Abby's naughty inner voice urged her to throw caution to the wind and beg to be his willing captive. One small hand reached up to touch her cheek, giving him a quick smile before asking, "Have you been talking to Sam again?"

He looked confused. "No, but judging from your reaction, maybe I should have. Why?"

She laughed, remembering her conversation with Sam. "It's nothing really. Just a joke between Sam and me."

Dean cupped her cheek again, gently stroking it. "Maybe someday you'll feel you can share that with me."

She smiled and nodded, grateful for his not pushing her for a detailed explanation. "Maybe. Now, I'm hungry and you, Sir, did promise me sustenance."

Dean bent down, enjoying the return of desire to her eyes as he kissed her lips, gently at first, and then more passionately. When he heard her soft moan, his cock twitched again but he released her. "Onward, fair damsel."

Abby looked confused for a moment, until he took her hand and turned back towards the almost invisible path. They walked for a few more minutes and when they stepped out of the woods, she gasped. "Oh my God, this is gorgeous."

They were standing in a small clearing in front of a river. The water rushed over the rocks, the sun's rays causing the water to sparkle as though diamonds had been scattered across the rippling surface. There wasn't another soul in sight, the only noise the sounds of birds and the wind blowing through the trees.

Dean smiled, delighted at her response. "I love this place. I come here quite often just to enjoy the peace and quiet. It never fails to quiet my soul and I always leave feeling rejuvenated."

Abby looked around and nodded in agreement. "It is just perfect. It's just as I imagine what Anna and Richard might discover as they travel across the country. Would you mind if I describe it in my book?"

Dean instantly pictured what lovers could share in such an idyllic setting. "I'd be honored to share it with your characters."

Abby smiled. "Thank you for sharing it with me."

Dean set the basket down and drew her into his arms. He bent down and kissed her again, no longer satisfied with the small, tender kisses he had given her earlier. He put a hand behind her head, holding her close as his mouth claimed hers, his tongue demanding entrance to explore the depths of her own. He didn't release her until he felt her trembling.

Abby clung to him as she felt her legs weaken. His closeness, as well as his kiss, sent sparks throughout her. She leaned into him, her arms going around his neck as he bent to kiss her again. She finally pulled away and said shakily, "I think we'd better eat. I feel like I might pass out."

"From hunger or from my kisses?" he teased, as he helped her spread out the blanket on the grass of the riverbank.

"Both!" she quipped, as she settled on the blanket.

Dean grinned as he unpacked their lunch. They ate and talked about the publishing world, their former marriages and their dreams.

As the afternoon began to wane, Dean had Abby's head in his lap as he fed her grapes. She was completely comfortable and content.

He knew this spot had become even more special in sharing it with Abby, and knew he had to share more of his favorite places with her. "How about we come back this weekend and I show you my favorite fishing hole?"

She grinned and quickly agreed. "If it is anything like this day, then I'm all for it. I've had such a great time. Just promise me that you won't spank me if I don't want to hook my own worms."

He looked surprised at her words, then grinned. "That's twice you've asked me not to spank you, Abby," he said, and was thrilled to see the color of her face deepen and a light of curiosity appear in her eyes. "I don't think we've reached the spanking point." He paused, watching the delicate column of her throat as she swallowed hard. Bending forward, he pressed his lips to the pulsing vein he could discern beneath her skin. "Not yet," he whispered. Loving her quick intake of a breath, he smiled and moved back. "I promise I'll bait your hook for you, and, Abby, I always keep my promises."

She blushed and wondered what on earth had caused her to speak of spankings again, and why her panties seemed to be becoming uncomfortably moist. God, he'd think she was basically begging to be spanked, and nothing could be further from the truth—could it?

He loved her blush and said, "You've been a very, very good girl after all. I don't want you to confuse a spanking given to a naughty girl with one that a very good girl might receive."

Abby looked up, then laughed, the tenseness she'd felt at her words disappearing with his response. That naughty inner voice of hers shocked her by demanding she ask what exactly the difference between the two might be. He was being very mysterious. What would happen if she wasn't always that good girl?

She was blissfully unaware that Dean could easily read the unasked question by the look in her eyes.

They arranged a date for early Saturday morning. As they packed up, he drew her into his arms and said, "I know this is happening fast, Abby, but I'm really attracted to you. I hope you feel the same way."

Abby felt a surge of pleasure. He was looking down at her, his eyes full of light, his lips curved into a gentle smile. "I do. I'm shocked at how quickly I've come to care for you. It's a bit scary to me though, I mean, I've never dated anyone quite like you," she admitted.

"You don't need to be scared, Abby. I will take care of you. You can trust me never to ask for anything you are incapable of giving. I hope you come to learn to feel safe with me. Sam and Ian told me it was hard for you to trust anyone." He felt her stiffen in his arms. "Don't be upset with them. They both love you very much and just want you to be happy."

Abby relaxed a bit and sighed. "I know they do. It's just that, well, I've told you about my failed marriage. I have had to do everything and take care of everything by myself for a very long time. I guess I'm just used to being in control and find it hard to consider giving up any sort of control to anyone."

Dean nodded, and was pleased that she had been able to admit her fear to him. He held her closely, her cheek pressed to his chest. Stroking her back, he felt her relax. He felt desire building and wished nothing more than to hold her close, as if to draw her into himself.

He kissed the top of her head, and would not have recognized that the smile she gave against his chest was because the sweet gesture reminded her of seeing Ian kiss Sam in the same manner.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this, Abby. I know it's hard for you. Just relax and we'll work it out together. We have plenty of time."

She smiled up at him. "Thank you, but remember, I'm almost thirty-five, not twenty. I don't have that much time left."

Dean laughed loudly. "Honey, if thirty-five is close to the grave, then I guess at forty-seven I've already got one foot in it."

Abby looked at him in surprise. He didn't look like a man close to fifty. She never would have guessed that he was more than a decade older than she. "Okay, if forty seven looks that good, I guess we have more time than I imagined."

They laughed together and finished gathering up the picnic items. The walk back was just as beautiful, and by the time he deposited her on her front porch, she was even more intrigued with him. It had been a wonderful experience, a day in which she hadn't had to lift a finger. Dean had taken care of every detail, including the thermos of coffee he had served her at lunch. She missed him from the moment he left, the touch of his lips still tingling on hers. Surprise at the depths of her feelings didn't stop her from admitting that she definitely wanted to know more about him, and was anxious to spend more time with this man.

She spent the evening writing, allowing her characters to take her to new, unexplored places. By the time she got ready for bed, Anna and Richard had discovered an oasis under the stars, out on the prairie next to a secluded river, exactly like the spot where Dean had taken her. Smiling, Abby hoped her readers found the book as refreshing, sexy and desirable as she felt writing it. Listening to her characters in her mind, she had added an intense lovemaking scene as well. Richard showed his bride that his hands weren't just for spanking a naughty bottom; they were capable of bringing her exquisite pleasure as well.

Sex with Nick had been just that, sex. Nothing amazing, no stars bursting, no music playing in her head. Her thoughts turned to Dean as she remembered his kisses, and the way he simply took her mouth. She remembered his hand stroking down her back as he held her. Abby believed that when they made love, it would be a totally different experience.

Hugging a spare pillow, she felt more relaxed than she could remember and slipped into sleep, a smile once more on her lips as she realized she had thought of 'when' and not 'if'.

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