Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (5 page)

BOOK: Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Leaning back so she could take his face in her hands, she smiled. “Well, Mr. Bartell, I seem to find myself with a free holiday, and I’d love to spend the day with you and get the scenic tour. Do you think you could show me some of the land my uncle left me also?” Trace cringed inside, feeling guilty for not telling Tori about his many offers to her uncle, but he quickly set the thoughts aside and returned her smile.

“Well, princess, you can use the shower in here or return to the guest suite, whichever appeals to you. I’m going to start a pot of coffee and then I’ll shower while you’re getting dressed. I think there is bacon in the fridge if you’d like to start it frying when you get finished up here, and then I can finish everything up when I get downstairs.”

Tori’s mind was frantic to find an excuse to not cook, she knew her IQ was well within the gifted range, but cooking skills had not just eluded her, they’d never even been in sight. Not a month after she’d moved in to the dorm at Harvard, she’d been told if she set off the fire alarms again she’d be sent packing, and that edict had lasted the entire time she’d lived on campus. The administration had taken her hot pot and microwave to emphasize their point, and after she’d moved to Houston, her luck in the kitchen had just been more of the same. It had been one of her attempts to make her own dinner that had led to the fire department being called to her building, of course the local police officers always showed up at fire calls and the officer that had answered the call that night had turned her entire world upside down.

Gradually she realized she was biting her bottom lip so hard tears had welled in her eyes and were making their way down her cheeks as if racing to her chin. Trace had pulled her shaking hands into his and was watching her so closely it was like he was trying to crawl right inside her thoughts. “What were you thinking about, Tori? And don’t you dare say ‘nothing’ or I swear I’ll paddle your sweet ass for lying to me. Now, tell me. I was going to wait until later to start this, but we’ll do it now because it’s important that I know who put those shadows in your beautiful brown eyes and where I can find the bastard.” Tori was shocked by the possessive growl in his voice, but she suspected he was every woman’s champion. The white knight always rushing to save the damsel in distress.

Pulling away from him and moving to the window, Tori stood looking out but not really seeing anything. She finally took a deep breath and closed her eyes against the flood of emotions bubbling up inside her. “I don’t even know where to start, and I promise to tell you everything, but I need to get myself settled a bit first.” Feeling as if she had just run a marathon, she realized that she was wringing her hands so hard they were turning white. She made a deliberate effort to relax her hands and lay them flat against her sides. Turning to face him, she said, “Let’s start with the fact that I can’t cook.” When he started to speak, she just forged on. “No, really. For some reason I can’t even begin to explain, everything goes wrong when I try, I’ll tell you all the stories some time…honestly some of them are pretty funny now, and that’s saying a lot because they sure weren’t funny when they happened. But when you mentioned me starting the bacon, well, that started me thinking about the problems I had in Houston and why you see so little in that piece-of-shit car I was driving. It’s such a horribly long story, and I really want that shower and to spend the day with you. Can we just stall this conversation for a little while, please?” She knew her pleading tone was bordering dangerously close to whining, but she was desperate to try to pull back a bit and get her thoughts together. There was just so much about the past several months that was knife-to-the-gut painful, she wasn’t even sure how to start the conversation, and she knew full well she’d never be able to get through it all in one sitting.

Nodding as he stepped toward her, Trace agreed, “Okay, that’s fair enough. No cooking for you until we sort this out.” Trace pulled her gently into his arms, hugging her close to his chest hoping she’d take a moment to soak up a bit of the comfort and relax.
I don’t know what’s happened to you, sweetheart, but I’m going to do everything I can to help you heal. You deserve a man who will cherish and adore you.
Trace reluctantly released Tori, pulling back to look directly into her sweet face. “Now, I’m making an executive decision. You’ll use this shower as it is better than the one in the guest suite. Make sure you use the massage settings, princess. I want those knots in your shoulders eased by the time you get down to the kitchen. I’ll get you something to wear and have them here on the bed by the time you are ready for them. Thank you in advance for your trust in me, I just want you to know I’m a very good listener, and I really do want to know what has happened in your past.”

Turning her around, he placed his hands on her slender shoulders and steered her to the bath and gave her a gentle push inside before giving her bare ass a gentle swat. “Inside with you. I’ll see you in a little while, and take your time, princess. I want you all sparkly clean and relaxed when you come downstairs.” Just as he was about to close the door he added, “Oh and don’t wear anything except what I put out for you. No more and no less, understand?”

Tori could only stare at him and nod. Ordinarily she would have bristled at such a blatantly controlling remark, but for some reason it seemed perfectly reasonable coming from the gorgeous man who was looking at her with such unrestrained lust she was getting goose bumps just from his visual appraisal of her naked body. As he closed the door the quiet snick of the latch brought her back to the moment, and she set about taking care of business, brushing her teeth with the new toothbrush he’d left on the counter for her, and then she opened the door of the shower and gasped at what she found.

The entire bathroom was a stunning contrast of old and new, but the shower was pure decadence. While it was definitely a shower, it was actually a small tropical paradise complete with hanging ferns and a natural rock bench that spanned the entire back wall at various heights. There were multiple showerheads at various levels as well as rainshower faucets suspended high above the open space so it would be easy to imagine you were actually showering outside in the rain surrounded by a beautiful rain forest and small waterfalls cresting over jagged rocks along one wall. The panel that controlled all the elements found inside was on the wall just outside the door, and even though it looked like something out of a sci-fi movie it turned out to be fairly user-friendly. Tori even found the music system and quickly discovered she and Trace shared a love for a wide variety of music. Tori loved the massaging jets and had let the pulsing water work all the tension out of her back and shoulder muscles. Trace had been right, this was exactly what she needed.

When she’d exited the shower, she found a large fluffy towel on the warming bar. As she patted her heated, flushed skin dry, she sighed at the luxury of being pampered.
Damn, a girl would be totally spoiled in no time around this man.
When she entered the bedroom wrapped in a robe he had left for her on the marble counter, she stopped abruptly at the sight of a man’s white button down shirt laid out on the bed. Assuming he’d left her bra and panties under the shirt, she lifted it, and a mixture of apprehension and excitement coursed through her. Tori saw a small note laying alongside the shirt with the words “No buttons, T” in neat printing.
Oh Lordy, what have I gotten myself in to?
Smiling to herself, she pulled the shirt on and noticed that it easily reached her knees, and the lingering scent of Trace’s soap and aftershave wrapped around her causing her pussy to immediately flood with moisture.
Get a grip, Tori. You are just setting yourself up again…

Walking down the stairs, Tori’s negative thoughts were scuttled as soon as she breathed in the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon frying. When she rounded the corner into the large kitchen she stopped dead in her tracks, the sight that greeted her stole her breath. She could practically feel her brain cells sizzle right along with the bacon as she watched the way Trace moved. His movements were economical with a natural athletic grace. He was clearly accustomed to working in the kitchen. She had noticed how tall he was yesterday when he’d worn his boots, and his height was not diminished by his bare feet now. His softly faded jeans were riding low on lean hips, their bottoms bunched over his feet. The chambray work shirt he wore gapped open with only the middle two buttons holding it together, and he looked so much more at ease than he had at any time since she’d met him that she caught herself standing and gazing him from the doorway. She was completely hypnotized by his fluid grace. When he looked up at her, she blushed at having been caught staring. She smiled shyly and was rewarded with a blinding grin that gave her a glimpse of the open and honest spirit she was sure was the foundation of the man himself.

“Come to me, princess.” His words sent a rush of moisture straight to her pussy, and her feet had responded before her mind caught up. “Look at you. You look beautiful in my shirt and nothing else.” The corners of his mouth turned up as she felt herself flush. She wasn’t used to being complimented, and the sincerity of his words warmed her soul. Pulling her close, he hugged her to his chest for long seconds before brushing kisses over her forehead and the tip of her nose before sealing his hungry mouth tight over hers.

Holy crap on a cannoli, this man’s kiss is lethal.
Tori felt her mind start to shut off as she sank further and further in to Trace’s kiss. She had never been kissed with the depth of feeling that she found herself lost in each time Trace kissed her. It was almost unnerving how quickly he could take her so completely off her train of thought.

“Have a seat, breakfast is almost ready. Coffee is over there, and juice is in the fridge. Princess, please make yourself at home.” He quickly filled their plates and placed them on the small table in front of a bank of windows that looked out over a backyard that was a virtual winter wonderland. At her quiet gasp he followed her line of sight and smiled. “Beautiful isn’t it? The snow fell so level that even the rails of the fences are covered this morning. We get a lot of snow each year, but the first one is always my favorite.” He laughed softly and added, “Of course by the time spring finally rolls around, we’re all very happy to see the last of it melt away.” Looking over at her soft features, he was struck by the look of wonder on her heart-shaped face and when he returned his gaze to the windows, he tried to view it through her eyes and somewhere in the back of his mind he noted how good it felt to care enough about a woman again to want to make that effort. Turning back to the table, he took her hand in his and guided her to a seat. “Come on, sweetness. Let’s eat while it’s still hot and then I’ll let you change into something warmer before we set out. But for now, let me show you how I’d like you to sit for me during our meal.”

After he’d shown her how to hook her feet on the outside of the legs of her chair so that she was open to his touch, he smiled as her face went crimson again.
God love a woman who is still innocent enough to blush.
“I love touching you, pet, and just knowing you are open for that touch pleases me more than I can tell you.”

Tori’s mind was reeling, she didn’t understand why everything that was happening was turning her on when a part of her mind kept reminding her that she should be protesting it. Why would an independent, intelligent woman become soaking wet from handing over so much power to a man? It was baffling, and she was sure the reptilian part of her brain must be the only section working.

Trace watched Tori closely, knowing she was struggling with all the issues that typically plagued submissives in the early stages of their introduction to the lifestyle. In this day and age it was always so difficult for women in particular to understand that even though they submitted sexually, they really did hold all the cards.

They enjoyed a companionable quiet as they ate, and Tori was struck by how easy Trace was to be with. Even though he was a large man, he seemed at ease with his size and didn’t use it to intimidate her. Tori finally spoke. “Thank you for breakfast. It was delicious.” She had picked up their plates and headed to the sink before she continued. “You cooked so I’ll clean up.” It didn’t take her any time at all to set the kitchen back to rights, and she noticed he just watched her, interest and something else she couldn’t quite identify sparkling in his intelligent eyes.


* * * *


They spent the entire day checking cattle, making sure water supplies were open and that each pasture they visited had plenty of hay set in the feeders. They’d laughed at the antics of the calves as they ran in groups that reminded her of ministampedes, but Trace has said it was more likely they should be compared to gangs of unruly teens getting in to mischief. Tori had been surprised at how loud the little hellions had been as they’d run from one end of the pasture to the other, and she’d giggled when they’d kicked up their heels, obviously relishing the crisp late-fall air. She had enjoyed seeing the land her uncle had left her and was relieved to know Trace was the rancher she’d been told was currently leasing the pastures. She didn’t have any intention of buying or managing cattle and hadn’t really given much thought to what she would do with the land. Sensing his tension, she asked, “What do you think I should do with the land? I don’t know anything about ranching, and since there isn’t a place to live out here…” She let her words trail off as she got lost in the thoughts racing through her mind. When she was finally able to continue, she simply said, “I’d thought I could stay here for a while, that I’d be safe here.” Suddenly she realized Trace had stopped the truck and was turned facing her, watching her intently, his concern clearly reflected in his soft expression. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until he reached over and wiped the tears from her cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

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