Full Share

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Authors: Nathan Lowell

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If ever there was a time to “Trust Lois” this would be it.


When the home office adds an unexpected crew member to the environmental section of the Lois McKendrick, Ishmael Wang faces being put ashore at the next port. Not even his multiple division ratings can save him because he refuses to bump someone else in his place. In just a few days, Ishmael will lose both his friends and the home he has made for himself while traveling through the Deep Dark.



Just when he thought matters could not get any worse, an EMP damages the ship and threatens the lives of everyone on board. Gone are the days when Ish’s biggest challenge was making a good cup of coffee. Now he must use his wits and rely on the ingenuity of his shipmates just to survive. Return with the crew of the SC Lois McKendrick, in what may prove to be their final voyage. All your favorites will be aboard including: Ish, Pip, Cookie, Brill, Diane, and Big Bad Bev.



“Nathan Lowell does what few authors can…make each successive book better than the previous one. While Full Share remains true to Nathan’s goal of exploring the lives of ordinary people, what we find is something truly extraordinary—the coming of age of a character that we just love spending time with. Nathan’s Solar Clipper has been compared to the addictiveness of crack cocaine and a return to classic Heinlein; I think both descriptions are well deserved.”


— Michael Sullivan, bestselling author of the Riyria Revelations



Praise for the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Series


“My overall recommendation is to give this story a try, no matter what your preconceived notions of the sci-fi genre are. Leave your normal sci-fi genre expectations at the airlock and travel a bit with Ish, Pip, and the rest of the Lois McKendrick crew as they travel the known trading routes in search of profit. This one is well worth the time! You won’t be sorry.”
“One of those books you can be lost in. You have ownership with each person Mr. Lowell brings to the story. A great read, about someone you wish could be a close friend. Sail away with this set of books.”
“My favorite thing about these books is the gentle but fantastic and believable world-building. Mr. Lowell just sucks you in and mkes you feel at home with these characters both on the ship and off.”
“Nathan Lowell is a brilliant storyteller. The Trader Tales do not need battles, murder plots or evil villains to keep the story moving. What it has is the most amazing characters who will become your friends and family! Thanks, Nathan, for hours and hours of pure pleasure!”
“This is a good old-fashioned SF coming-of-age story and Nathan Lowell presents it with a masterly hand.”
“This whole series is phenomenal—I loved everything from Quarter Share to Owner’s Share. The later books are available in PodioBook format (podcasts), and are wonderfully read by the author.”
This book and parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by the United States of America copyright law.
Ridan and its logo are copyrighted and trademarked by Ridan Publishing. All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual persons, organizations, and/or events is purely coincidental.
A Ridan Publication
Copyright © 2011 by Nathan Lowell
Cover Art by Michael J. Sullivan
Formatting by Robin Sullivan

Release Date: May 2011

Books in the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Series


Trader Tales
Quarter Share
Half Share
Full Share
Double Share*
Captain's Share*
Owner's Share*
Shaman Tales
South Coast
Cape Grace**
Fantasy Books by Nathan Lowell
* Available in audio (itunes and podiobooks.com), print and ebooks coming soon



In memory of Patricia Wallace Whitney Lane.
When I was a kid, Aunt Pat would bring over large grocery bags filled with paperbacks. Many of them were odd little books called ‘Ace Doubles’, which I devoured.
Without her, I might never have become the fan—or writer—that I am today.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Dunsany Roads System


All children, except one, grow up. While I had never considered that
the one
might be me, recent events had punctuated that reality. The thing to keep in mind about
is that it isn’t a destination like
grandmother’s house
or a condition you arrive at like
growing bored
becoming hungry
is a process that ends—as the Bard has said—gravely. I was reflecting on this idea while on the afternoon watch and, to be truthful, more than a little remorsefully. The
Lois McKendrick
was three days out of port, clawing her way out of Dunsany’s gravity well bound for Betrus. Our stay at the orbital had been so surreal and bizarre that I wondered idly if someone had laced the air supply with an aerosol hallucinogen.

The console jarred me out of my reverie by initiating an Automated System Integrity Check. The status message blinked
for less than a tick before changing to
Air Systems Nominal
and under that
Water Systems Nominal
. I acknowledged the message and went back to my funk.

The rollercoaster of the last week had been emotionally exhausting. It started with my self-absorbed exhibitionism at Chez Henri, continued with a rendezvous with the Second Mate of the
, and ended with my pathetic debacles with three of my shipmates. The fact that they were, as Henri Roubaille had said, “three of the most delightful and strikingly beautiful women on this end of the galaxy,” made me feel even more like a mooncalf. I was left with the singular and distinct impression that whatever else might have happened I had been an idiot. Given my gender—male—and my age—eighteen—that should have come as no surprise, but I had hoped for better from myself.

Even with all this berating, I had to admit that it hadn’t been all bad. I think I helped the new mess deck attendant, Sarah Krugg, come to grips with years of abuse she had suffered on St. Cloud. She was shaping up to be a crackerjack cook and might very well be the best natural born salesperson in the galaxy. As for her practicing a little South Coast shamanism on the side, well, we all have our individual faiths.

Pip—that’s Phillip Carstairs, cargo genius—and I had made a tidy profit on our last leg and we had some interesting cargoes for Betrus. The McKendrick Mercantile Cooperative, a trading club for the crew that I helped to setup, was going great guns. The group who was becoming known as the co-ed crochet team was seeing fantastic success. They bought yarns in one port, crocheted their goods in the Deep Dark, and sold the completed products at our next destination. They’d just been getting started going into Dunsany Roads and I was glad to see my little idea was working out so well for them.

The chrono clicked over to 16:00 and I realized I hadn’t done my Visual Site Inspections yet. I slaved my tablet to the watch stander station and pulled up the sensor overlay.

“Hey, B,” I called to Specialist One (Environmental) Brilliantine “Brill” Smith, “I’m going on VSI now.”

Brill was in her office with the door open. “Stay on the path. Write if you get work,” she answered back. This was one of those silly ritual responses we all used. She’d just told me to check the sensors in the specified order so that if something unexpected happened they’d be able to find me quickly. The last part was an instruction to notify her if I found something that needed attention.

“Aye, Chief,” I replied. I couldn’t help but smile. Brill had that effect on me, among others, and I sighed.

I headed out to check each environmental sensor package by working my way down the five hundred and twenty-eight meter spine of the ship. It was a good hike and helped to break up the monotony of a watch. The other benefit of the trip was that it’s hard to carry a good funk the whole distance. It gets too heavy and begins to fall along the wayside in pieces.

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