Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Trace & Tori [The ShadowDance Club 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Cort Douglas had been working behind the bar at ShadowDance and training The Club’s subs for three years, and he’d never even considered walking away from his duties until tonight. Watching Sally being flogged by an older Dom he knew to be a sadist was just about to be his undoing. He had been attracted to Sally the entire time he’d known her, but had found excuse after excuse to not act on his feelings, and now he was watching as the man using a single-tail whip on her left marks all over her back and thighs. She was tied to a St. Andrew’s cross, and he could see her face thanks to the mirror mounted behind the small raised stage. He’d only met her gaze once, and she’d looked down as if ashamed to find herself in such a situation, which he found odd, but when she finally looked up again, he saw her pleading expression and immediately launched himself over the bar moving quickly to the scene area. “Stop! I am uncertain about this sub’s well-being.” His sharp words caused the Dom to look up, and Cort knew immediately the man was so lost in Dom space he wasn’t even tracking the condition of the woman he was whipping.

“Get out of my scene. If you weren’t so overindulgent in your treatment of the subs you are training, Doms like me wouldn’t have to pick up the slack and whip them into shape.” The man’s words and crazed expression caused a crowd to gather and quickly caught the attention of Club owners, Alex and Zach Lamont.

Alex moved quickly to stand at Cort’s side “What’s going on here?” Looking at his longtime friend and employee, he said, “Cort, I assume you have a good reason for interrupting this scene?” Alex and Zach both knew about Cort and Sally’s mutual interest and had been wondering how to provide them with a gentle push toward each other. It looked like they might have just been handed the perfect opportunity.

“Of course, I know this submissive well. I trained her, and I know her tolerance levels. I believe this scene has exceeded those, and I’d like to check with her to make sure she is in the right frame of mind to call a halt if it’s too much for her.” He turned to the Dom who was still flipping the whip nervously with small movements. “What is her safe-word signal?”

“Fuck that, she doesn’t need a damned signal. She needs this punishment after she turned me down last weekend.”

Zach had moved to Sally and was removing the gag from her mouth by the time Cort had turned to face her. Zach leaned forward and used a small towel to wipe her face and spoke in a firm but compassionate voice. “Sally, talk to me. Did you enter in to this scene of your own free will without a safe-word signal?” Zach couldn’t imagine the woman putting herself in any position of danger because she had a young child to care for, and he knew that Sally’s little girl was the center of her world. She had worked for The Club for over a year and she had never shown any tendency toward reckless behavior before.

Sally’s eyes flicked to Cort and then refocused on Zach before she answered. “No, Sir, I did not. I would never do anything so dangerous. I didn’t even want a scene with…” Cort watched the tears start falling and immediately began removing the unlined leather cuffs the prick had placed on her delicate wrists and ankles. Pressing his fingers to her lips he stopped her from finishing what she was saying, knowing she needed care more than they needed answers right at this moment.

Zach’s voice calmed her as he spoke softly. “Shhh, that is enough for now. We’ll get you settled and taken care of while Master Alex and I have a chat with Master Jacobs in our office.” Alex was already escorting the man from the room for what would be the last time. His membership was about to be revoked for life, no one tricked a sub at ShadowDance or hurt one purposely because he or she had refused a scene.
What part of consensual had escaped this asshole’s attention?
The bastard would be banned from not only this establishment but every other one in their network as well. They would send out his picture and a summary of what had happened to nearly three hundred fetish clubs across the United States and Canada, essentially black-balling him from every major club in both countries. There wasn’t any guarantee that the old man wouldn’t ever hurt another sub, but they could make sure he didn’t have easy access to them.

Cort stepped up, placing his hands on both sides of her face as Zach and the dungeon monitor finished releasing the cuffs that were cutting into her abraded wrists and ankles, and wrapped her in one of the warm subbie blankets that were used for aftercare. Cort scooped her up in his arms and headed for a small alcove that was shielded from view by large plants, the area was fairly private and was used by Doms when their subs needed a bit of privacy when coming back down after a particularly intense scene. Zach put his hand on Cort’s shoulder as he’d walked away and told him they would cover the bar for the rest of the evening. Zach knew it was more important for Cort to take care of his woman. And he hoped Cort came to his senses and realized what a perfect match he and Sally were before she gave up and moved on.

Chapter 7


Trace watched as Tori fought the internal battle all subs fight in the beginning, that tug-of-war of emotions that see-sawed between the desire to submit and explore versus the ingrained need to be independent. Slowly her fingers found the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head sending her hair cascading over her shoulders in beautiful waves of shiny silk. After carefully folding the shirt and setting it aside, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her yoga pants and peeled them slowly down her thighs. “Very nice, princess, you have pleased me with your obedience. Now move your feet shoulder width apart and leave your arms at your sides, no matter what I do, don’t move.” He knew there was no possible way she would be able to stay still. It was a given that she should move, the only question being how long she’d be able to hold on. Standing behind her, he moved his hands slowly over her shoulders and down her arms all the way to her fingertips, leaning over her shoulder so she would be able to feel his breath on her ear. “You are so beautiful, like a gift straight from God and He delivered you right in to my very grateful hands.”

Tori was sure Trace could feel the small tremors racing through her body. His hands felt as if they were sparking small electric shocks through her body, and all of them were ending up in her now soaking wet sex.
Oh my heavenly God, what he does to me, it’s like being plugged into electricity. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to stand still when I can already feel my knees wobbling. It’ll be so embarrassing when I collapse in to a heap on the floor.

“Shhh. And I won’t let you fall, I promise.” Trace’s words shocked her, and she knew then she’d actually spoken the words rather than just letting them wander through her thoughts. “You are safe with me in all ways, princess. When you submit to a Dom, it should be with everything in you, if you can do that for me, I’ll take you to a sexual plane you have never even imagined exists.” He had moved his hands to her back and was rubbing from her shoulders to the dip at the top of her ass. Trace knew the power of touch and the lowest part of the back was a hot spot for most women, and he was very pleased to find it appeared Tori was no different. It only took a few strokes before she was arching her lower back toward him as his hands lowered. Trace was thrilled because he loved having his hand resting just a breath above a sub’s ass as they moved through a crowded room or restaurant, the intimacy of that touch had never been lost on him.

Moving his hand so that they were drawing lazy circles over her softly rounded belly, he felt her pull her stomach in and saw how tense her shoulder muscles had become at that touch. Moving a hand back, he gave her a quick swat on her bare ass causing her to gasp. “Don’t you dare feel the need to hide your curves from me. I felt you pull your muscles tight, and I won’t have you thinking you aren’t gorgeous just as you are. Relax those muscles before you get another swat, sweetheart.” It took a couple of seconds, but he finally felt her relax into his touch. “Such a good girl, thank you for that show of trust. Your body is incredible. I don’t like women who are stick thin, I want a woman whose body is rounded and soft. I want to be able to squeeze you, to be able to cuddle you against me. I want you to know how amazing you are in all ways.”

Trace’s words warmed her soul, and she sighed and leaned closer to him until there wasn’t any space between his chest and her back.
Oh, yeah, that’s it, sweetheart, just relax into my touch and let me lead you right over the edge. God but you are so lovely, and your submission is such a turn-on.
Trace continued to circle his hands over her belly and lower abdomen but didn’t touch her mound or her beautiful full breasts. He was purposely avoiding the areas she was most craving his touch in order to build up her pleasure. Hell, the slow sweeps of his work-roughened hands over her silky softness were about to push him over the edge of desire, God it was hard to stay in his role as Dom when all he wanted was to feel his cock slide into her soaking pussy. He longed to feel her wet velvet walls clutching his sex and trying to pull him deeper. Tori’s groan of pleasure brought him back to the moment. “Tell me, my little snow angel, does that feel good?” When she didn’t immediately respond with anything but a low groan he stopped moving until he felt her body tense in awareness that he’d asked her a question.

“Oh my God, it feels so good I don’t know how I’ll stand anything more. My body feels like it’s on fire but I need…oh… God…” Tori was starting to quiver in his arms, and he tightened his grip on her because he knew the first touch to her engorged and aching clit was going to be enough to give her the release her body was craving. With pinpoint accuracy, Trace moved his hands down to her mound, found her swollen clit, and gently pinched it. Tori screamed her release, and her knees buckled, but Trace had been ready and easily kept her upright. He kept his hand between her legs and felt her juices flood his fingers. Using her body’s natural lubrication, he plunged his middle finger into her pussy and felt her vaginal walls pulse and contract as she tumbled headlong into another orgasm. He moved his finger in and out in short thrusts until he felt her coming back down from her release.

Pulling his fingers free, he brought them to his mouth and licked them clean. “Oh, princess, you taste wonderful. I can hardly wait to bury my face in your sweet pussy and lick you until you think you are going to lose your mind with need. Now that we have proven yet again that you are capable of having an orgasm, two in rapid succession as a matter of fact, let’s get you into another position so I can get a little relief myself.”

Trace moved her to the bedroom and smiled at her surprised expression when she took in the preparations he’d made in the enormous room. His bed was larger than king size and had been raised so when he’d bent Nan over the bed she had been at the perfect level to accommodate his height. Thanking God for the years he’d had with Nan, he quickly shifted his focus to the tiny woman standing in front of him. He had carried her quickly down the hall and set her on her feet just inside the room and let her take a moment to observe the mood he’d tried to create in the spacious suite.

He’d spent time earlier in the evening setting up the soft lighting and mirrors, and he was rewarded by Tori’s expression the minute they’d entered the suite. It had been dark last night when he’d moved her to his bed and she would have been in a hurry to get downstairs this morning so he was sure she hadn’t really taken the time to visually take in the room until this moment. Trace had never liked surprising subs by moving them into unfamiliar areas and then just fucking them. He’d always found their responses to be much more open and genuine if they were aware and comfortable with their surroundings.

“Take a couple of minutes to look around, Tori. I’m going to take a quick shower, and when I return, I expect you to be bent over the edge of the bed with your legs spread wide and your back arched so that the first thing I see when I exit the bath is your gorgeous ass and your sweet pussy all red and swollen from your release. Don’t clean it up, I want to see your juices making your cunt all shiny and ready for me.” He saw her eyes flash with something that looked much too close to embarrassment, so he continued. “I saw that look, and don’t you dare be ashamed of the juices I was so pleased to feel, smell, and taste. Your release was a gift you gave to me, and if I ask that you leave the evidence of that gift and present it to me again, I’ll accept no less.” With those words, he moved to the bath and left her standing, stunned by his words, at the door.

When she finally realized he had gone, she remembered his instructions to look around, and she enjoyed the opportunity to explore his bedroom. The room was enormous with floor-to-ceiling windows all along one side, and she could see through the windows that there must be a deck outside the French doors at the center of the wall of windows. Peering out the doors she would see the deck was large and had tiny lights highlighting the edges and steps that led down. There was a hot tub that she was sure would easily accommodate ten people and nice set of loungers with a small table between them. She could imagine him entertaining a special guest and then unwinding out here where he would have a gorgeous view of his backyard and the spectacular mountains beyond. The tiny lights looked like fairies dancing on the snow, and she didn’t even realize she was still standing mesmerized by the sight until she felt Trace’s hands on her waist.

“Princess, this is not where you were supposed to be, but I’m willing to give you a pass on this if you’ll share your thoughts with me.” Trace had come out of the shower faster than he would have normally because he just couldn’t wait any longer to get inside Tori, so he hadn’t been surprised that she wasn’t in position yet. But he had been surprised to find her gazing out at the back deck as if lost in the view.

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