Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor) (32 page)

BOOK: Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)
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"Will do, Serge." He had just finished sending out the message when Vantilas was back on
view screen.

"It would appear that the King is quite anxious to help defeat the people that would betray his friend. We stand ready to leave as soon as you are. The King would also like to remind Admiral Marcos that his city on Donara will be finished within the week. It will hold almost five hundred thousand people, and it is majestic."

"Wow, that's great news indeed. I think now that it looks like we might win, after the dust clears, Admiral Marcos will be bringing quite a few people with him to Donara. My engineer tells me we will be ready to leave within the hour."

"King Dominus has already sent ninety six more ships to replace our presence here. Garrinoras’ brother Tovanoras is stirring up all kinds of trouble in this sector and it appears as if Kaldor and Ginderbar are at the top of his hit list. Intel suggests he has amassed a fleet of almost seven hundred fifty ships. Maybe not enough to take the Alliance down, but certainly enough to cause a lot of trouble. King Dominus wants to make sure that doesn't happen. He hates the pirates, new leader or not."

"Garrinoras has a brother? That can't be good."

"Admiral Marcos can take him just like he took his brother.” Vantilas replied with a laugh.

"Unfortunately, the injuries he suffered during his betrayal make that proposition unlikely." Josiah sadly mused. He was still reeling from seeing Jesse so helpless, so hopeless, after Bliney's betrayal. After everything that man had done, he was going to die one way or another, even if Jesse ultimately showed him mercy.

"I am most sorry to hear that." Vantilas added with a sigh. He didn't even want to imagine what the last four months had been like for Hyperia's hero.

"Looks like we're ready to go, we haven't tested for this many, so let's pray this works." Serge announced.

Josiah let Admiral Vantilas know they were preparing to leave, and as the galaxy drive came to life, the conduit opened up once again. Sanjay took the
through with the seven freighters that were slaved to it, and Vantilas followed with twelve Hyperian Fleet groups. Josiah smiled as
went last. As they arrived in the Polisian system, they immediately received a hail. "Incoming transmission from Admiral Marcos," SAMMI alerted.

"Admiral, it worked." Josiah triumphantly concluded.

"Even better than I'd hoped I see. I was hoping Hyperia still had some ships in the area, but I had no idea the entire twelve groups would be there, or that they would all come."

"Wait, you knew we would get more ships?"

"No, Jo, I hoped we might get more ships, well done bringing them all. Let's get them behind the shield before one of Bliney's spies gets a head count." He terminated the transmission and sent one to the
Hyperian Valor
. "Admiral Vantilas, thank you for coming to help us."

"It is no trouble at all, Admiral Marcos. I look forward to seeing one of your famous plans in action, and I look forward to you coming back with us as soon as your enemy is dead."

"Did Josiah tell you...?"

"He told me enough, didn't go into specifics."

"I'll tell you everything when this is over. Please take a shuttle to the surface. I would like to introduce you to the rest of the military council. Admiral Sonnadall is quite happy to hear that you are here."

"I will arrive shortly." Vantilas ended the transmission and followed
in. He couldn't believe that Marcos had created a way to travel from the Kalephi Galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy so quickly. He had been under the impression it would take up to a year.

Polisia's planetary defense command center was abuzz with the reports of the Hyperian reinforcements. Morale was at its highest since the alien attacks. Jesse was finally going to get a good night sleep. He was sure they would survive now. He knew he was going to owe King Dominus big for this.

As if reading his mind, Vantilas added, "King Dominus would like to remind you that he still feels like he owes you more than he could repay. He has finished building your city on Donara and I am told it is magnificent. I believe it has a current capacity for five hundred thousand people. Many Hyperians would like to live there if your people do not fill it." Vantilas reported.

"That is most kind of the King, Admiral, but let's get out of her alive first. He took the Admiral in to meet with the council and plans were made, revised and implemented. They were as ready as they could be.




              Suzy caught up to Kimi as she was returning home after having lunch with Jesse. In another day, Polisia would be the location of the largest battle in galactic history. Kimi knew the likelihood of seeing Jesse again before then was hovering near zero percent, so she had made him take a fifteen minute break to eat with her. She smiled as Suzy walked up alongside her.

"How are things going with you and Jesse?" Suzy asked.

"Very well, actually. I just wish we had more time together. He is rarely free these days, and for the few minutes he is, he splits time between Lana and me. He has let me back in completely and we are as strong as ever."

"I know it's been a tough couple months for you, Kimi. With your mom, and Jesse, I know you had high hopes coming back here and it seems like nothing has gone to plan."

"We all had high hopes coming back, and we have all struggled with Bliney's betrayal. It seems as though Jesse has gotten past everything except that. This is the first time since I've known him that I know he seeks revenge. Not just revenge, retribution. He doesn't just want to kill Bliney, he wants to hurt him, humiliate him and then kill him."

"That doesn't worry you, Kimi?" Suzy asked as she thought about what she just said. "If he does get his revenge, won't he lose a big part of himself?"

"He has already lost a big part of himself, and I do not mean just physically. He is already not the same man, and if he thinks killing that monster will help him get closer to who he used to be, I won't stand in his way. Bliney has it coming anyway."

"But what about after, when it doesn't help him, when it only hurts him more?"

"I'll be there for him, regardless. Suzy, this is much harder for you than it is for me because when you think of Jesse, you think of the little boy you grew up with. No one wants to see the little boy they grew up with cross a line while obsessed with revenge. I grew up much differently, and I never knew the little boy. I have only known the man, and as a man, he must do this, whether it will help him or not."

"Why, Kimi? Why does he have to do it?" Suzy asked angrily.

"Because he will never forgive himself if he does not at least try. This is not even about his leg anymore; he could easily have forgone revenge on that. This is about the betrayal, Rebecca, Nina, Ariel, my mother, Lana and Raina. This is about all of the people Bliney has killed or tried to kill to get to him. He already feels like he is less than what he was because of his leg. Imagine how he would feel if he did not even attempt to put an end to the man who has caused everyone he loves such pain. He would never be able to look himself in the mirror again."

"He may never be able to if he goes through with it," Suzy reasoned.

"Maybe, but at least he'll still be able to look at us. Bliney had my mother killed, Suzy, he had Rebecca killed, he tried to kill Ariel and he tried to kill Lana. What part of Jesse do you think could let any of that slide?"

"You're right, but this is going to change him. I just hate that he has to go through this."

"That is why you are such a good friend to all of us, Suzy."

"Thanks, Kimi, I'm just glad he has you and Lana right now." Sadness hung in Suzy's eyes as she walked with her, wishing for a simpler time, but thankful that Jesse has so many people in his life that cared. When this all ended, he would need them more than ever.




              The leadership of Chawanas sat apprehensively, awaiting the transmission they knew was coming. Tovanoras had arrived in orbit with over two hundred ships. He had left the rest of his fleet at Zinnebulous. He had been sitting up there for hours, without making any demands, without answering any transmission. What could he possibly want? Chawanas didn't have a huge fleet, most of its wealth was tied up and its people were split almost right down the middle on the subject of humanity. Chawanas did have new shipyards, but no way to protect them against the amount of firepower Tovanoras was bringing to the table. Maybe he wanted revenge. Chawanas was the planet his brother had died on. Still, that could hardly be considered their fault. Garrinoras had brought in hundreds of Zinnebailans to run his games and help him cheat. If anyone was to blame, it was them.

Finally, a shuttle surrounded by four squadrons of fighters flew towards the high council hall. When the shuttle landed, four muscular Pandarans carrying heavy blasters emerged, followed by three beautiful Zinnebailan women. The Prime Councilor thought they might be dancers. After the women, two Zinnebailan males armed with ceremonial pikes, and finally, Tovanoras. Two more Zinnebailan males carrying the same pikes and three more women followed. Last off the shuttle were four Jar-Kargen warriors. It was quite the imposing procession and it immediately had the high council's attention. Tovanoras was an imposing being. Standing six-foot eight, he was a few inches shorter than his brother, but no less fierce. His head fin was dyed a yellowish gold color and he had three rings in one ear. He carried a powerful blaster, but that was it. He confidently strode up to the council and in a demanding voice asked, "Who is in charge here?"

The Prime Councilor stepped forward in a formal bow and replied, "I am Prime Councilor Derrax, how may I be of service, Tovanoras?"

"You can start by answering one question. Why are half of your people still not on board with my plan to wipe humanity out of the Lawless Sector, Derrax?"

"I cannot answer that, Tovanoras. One cannot possibly understand why some of our people would side with humanity against their own kind. I would banish them all if I could, but that would prove, problematic."

"Allow me to address your people, Derrax. I will make them understand that they are either with us or against us. Soon after, they will learn that to be against us is to be dead. We shall see how many of your people love humans more than their own lives at that point." He leaned back to speak to one of the women in his entourage and was handed a data pad. He looked it over and turned back to the Prime Councilor. "I bet you are wondering why I have chosen your world to visit, Derrax."

"I am intrigued, yes."

"Your world sits in a very advantageous position for strategic purposes. From Chawanas, I can launch attacks on Julan, Sollonia, Kaldor, Qualoosh and Zelanott. Five of the most powerful Alliance planets will be at my fingertips from here. That is why I must have full compliance from your people. I would hate for carefully crafted plans to be interrupted by civil unrest. If that should happen, I might have to bomb your cities from orbit. Do you think you can keep your people under control, Derrax?"

He looked at the ground, knowing he had no choice. He was aware of his planet's strategic value and knew Tovanoras would be leaving a huge fleet here. They could not hope to fight him if he chose to attack, so they would have to comply. They would also have to begin encouraging their people not to show any pro-human bias for their own safety. "I will be able to keep my people in line, Tovanoras, you have my word."

"Good, because I only need your planet's position, I do not need its people." He turned with his entourage as one and made his way back to his shuttle. When the shuttle was gone, Councilor Derrax knew the hard part was about to begin.

Tovanoras, meanwhile, was alone with his thoughts on the crowded shuttle. He was about to ignite a conflict that could engulf the entire sector simply because it was what his brother had wanted. His brother had gotten himself killed on some sort of foolish vendetta against an insignificant human. Why should he take up the torch his brother so carelessly dropped? None of that mattered now, the plan was already in place and he would accomplish that which his brother could not.

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