Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)

BOOK: Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)
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Deep Space


Book Four: Total Betrayal



By: Ron Francis











I would like to thank Brian, Tom and JoAnn for all of the editing help and story suggestions. I would like to thank Mike for another awesome cover and I would like to thank my sister Laurie and my Dad for all of their support and suggestions. Mostly, I want to thank God for once again giving me the creativity to come up with these stories and the desire to write them down. I had a blast writing this series. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.



Colonel Jesse Marcos:
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Josiah Jackson:
’s First Mate

Doctor Susanne Baker:
’s Doctor

Lieutenant Collin Torrensede:
’s Pilot and Engineer

Kimiko Tamanorra:
’s Weapons Officer

Reece Gavin:
’s Intelligence specialist

Bessa Torrensede: Qualoosh female,
crew member

SAMMI: Secure Artificial Man-Made Intelligence

Sergeant Tanna Rivada: Ginderian assault team leader

Xanu: Hyperian Liaison Officer

Serge Romanov: Scientist, Jesse’s brother-in-law

Nina Romanov: Serge’s wife, Jesse’s sister

Captain Ariel Marcos: Jesse’s cousin, Commanding Officer of Vee Fleet

Crewman Lana Evans: Jesse's Daughter, Fighter Pilot

Captain Manny Hernandez: Commanding Officer of the

Lieutenant Jason Cheng: First Officer of the

Admiral Sonnadall: Commander of Hyperian Destroyer;

Admiral Bliney: Fleet Admiral of Coalition Naval Command

President Rhodes: President of the Coalition

Supreme Commander Lucien: Leader of the Enclave










The day had finally arrived; they were going home. The sendoff was to be subtle. With the light maroon planet hanging in the distance and the combined Kalephi exploratory fleet at his back, he listened as Governor Valinor gave them a brief sendoff speech. One ship with a handful of dignitaries and friends was to be all the fanfare they needed as they said goodbye to Kaldor and finally returned to the Milky Way Galaxy. Jesse commed the governor to say one last goodbye as the conduit, their ride home, opened up with barely a flicker.

"Energy reading's show the event to be active, Colonel." SAMMI's feathery voice alerted.

"Thank you, SAMMI, let's just take some readings before we enter, I need all the clean data I can get for the galaxy drive," he replied as he once again remembered the explosion that hampered them on the way to the Kalephi Galaxy fourteen months ago. He looked out the forward viewport and noticed the distortion in space that let him know the conduit was active. It was almost as if space in front of him had gone blurry. One couldn't help but rub their eyes to make sure they were really seeing it.

“The data has been collected, Colonel." Collin cried out triumphantly.

"Excellent, let's address the fleet and then go home." Collin's enthusiasm reminded him that he wasn't the only one that couldn't wait to get home. He gave the Kalephi fleet one last chance to back out of the mission and when none did, he ordered them to follow him through the event. Moments later, as space came back into focus around them, the first thing he noticed was a huge fleet on their way to Polisia. After a brief conversation with Ariel and some orders for his fleet, they were rushing headlong into battle.

Jesse was at war with his thoughts; he had been so excited about coming home. He longed to see Nina and Serge and Ariel, and share all of his Kalephi adventures with them. He knew there was so much work for Jason, Irina and Serge to do with him and Collin to make the galaxy drive a reality. He knew they would be unbelievably excited about the prospect of instantaneous travel between galaxies. He couldn't wait to hang out with Manny and Jason, and take Ariel to Carmine's. He was so excited to have the evidence that would prove once and for all that Doctor Hightower was right about everything all those years ago. This was supposed to be an exciting homecoming, filled with joy and stories and the introduction of new friends. Instead, he arrives to a desperate situation: a huge fleet trying to destroy Polisia. Five races, the Human Suppression Syndicate, three hundred ships attacking his family at Polisia.
And what did Ariel mean when she said, "So much has happened since you guys left and almost none of it good?"
He hated that his Kalephi friends' first impression of the Milky Way Galaxy was going to be one of battle. He hated that his crew would be forced into a new war upon arriving home from an expedition filled with battle. He especially wished Suzy didn't have to be a part of it, knowing it pained her so much to see the people she loves in danger. Three planets had been annihilated so far, and Polisia was next on the Syndicate's list.
Over sixteen million humans, missing or dead, for what? Where would it end with these aliens?

I may not know what's going on, how it started, or who was at fault, but the people I care about most are counting on me. Admiral Sonnadall wants to see some of the famous Jesse Marcos’ battle tactics in action and he's gonna have a front row seat; he will not be disappointed.
raced towards battle, Jesse kept flashing back to the haggard look in his cousin's eyes. He just wanted to comfort her and let her know that everything was going to be alright. But that was the problem right there, he didn't know. He didn't know if they were going to win this battle, and even if they did, he knew there was a lot more going on. Earth not sending reinforcements was a bad sign.
Three planets destroyed and their sitting on their hands? I need to find out what's going on. And who are these new allies? And why won't they help?
There's no way that President Sandoval and Admiral Bliney would let this happen. Unless, Bliney might be dead, he was at the border and this fleet had to have come through there. I wish I had more information; not knowing is killing me.
All of these questions and scenarios played out in his mind, and he had no time to figure any of it out.
Right about now, the Kalephi Galaxy is looking awfully inviting
. He suppressed that thought as SAMMI alerted the crew that they were five minutes out and the alien fleet had just spotted them. The Syndicate was almost in firing range of Polisia and it looked like they would both get there about the same time. He noticed the aliens hurrying to reposition their ships in light of his arrival. It was time to put everything else out of his mind and concentrate on surviving this battle. He anxiously gave the order and his fleet followed him in.

Chapter one









              What have we got, Jo? Talk to me." Jesse called as the battle began. His full attention was focused on the enemy fleet.

"Exactly what Ariel said, Colonel, five distinctly different alien fleets closing on Polisia."

"I see some Jarlevian ships. Open a channel, Lieutenant, I have an idea."

"Channel's ready, Colonel." Josiah smiled. He loved when Jesse was about to do something unconventional that would unnerve his opponent and give him an advantage. He had no idea what was about to come, but he knew it would be good.

"Councilor Thansar, this is Colonel Jesse Marcos calling Councilor Thansar." He waited a moment, hoping his gambit would pay off. Suddenly, Thansar's face filled the view screen, confusion evident in his alien features.

"Colonel Marcos, I was under the impression that you were unavailable. It would seem I will finally have the pleasure of killing you today."

"Unavailable, ha, I can't believe you fell for that ruse. You see, Thansar, this is why you'll never beat us, you're just not smart enough."

"Where have you been, then? Where was the great and mighty Colonel Jesse Marcos while we were destroying three of your pitiful planets? We are running roughshod over your military with no one to stop us and your leaders tremble on Earth like the cowards they are. There will be no one to stop us this time, including you."

"Where have I been? I'm glad you asked. I've been in the Kalephi Galaxy recruiting Hyperia's help to once and for all put an end to the likes of you. I know you thought you escaped it all thousands of years ago, but there is no escape. Hyperia still hates you for what you did." Jesse had taken a chance based on what he knew of the Jarlevian’s history in the Kalephi Galaxy. He didn't actually know if any of that was true, but he was rewarded when he saw the look on Thansar's face.

"What is he doing, Serge?" Nina's question had the attention of everyone in the command center.

"I do not know, Nina. He is your brother, why don't you tell me?" He replied.

"He's trying to distract Thansar, so be ready with those guns, Serge." Manny cut in from the bridge of
. He smiled as he thought,
it's good to have you back, buddy.

"Do you see that distortion deep in the system, Thansar? That's called a matter conduit; I built it. I can now travel at will between here and the galaxy of our ancestors and these fifty ships are just the beginning, a scouting party. King Dominus, a direct descendant of King Sansabar, is marshalling another two thousand ships to follow shortly. He owes me because I saved his wife. I also saved his daughter, twice. When I told him of this opportunity to finally rid himself of Hyperia's ancient enemy, he jumped at the chance to repay me and destroy you. I sure hope you're still alive when they arrive. I can't wait to see the fear in your eyes when two thousand Royal Hyperian warships descend on Jarlevia and obliterate it."

"You're bluffing, Marcos, instantaneous travel between galaxies is not possible, and if it were, it would not have been invented by a human." Jesse could see the sweat forming on the aliens brow as a look of uncertainty crossed his face,
what Marcos was saying could very well be true. How else would he know of Hyperia and King Sansabar? The fleet he is leading does not match the descriptions of any known ships in this galaxy.
What if he is telling the truth? All will be lost.
That look was all Jesse would need to win this conflict.

"Colonel," Admiral Sonnadall chimed in with an amused look on his face. "King Dominus is not a direct descendant of King Sansabar."

"I know, Admiral, but they don't. I figured I'd drop a name they might remember to lend credibility to my claim."

"But they left well before Sansabar, and, I thought that conduit was a natural phenomenon?"

"I know, but I also know they have sent scouts back occasionally over the last six or seven thousand years. And the conduit is natural, Admiral, but I'm so close to recreating it." He smiled, then returned his attention to the aliens as Thansar's face came back on screen. They were now only a minute and a half from firing range.

"This is your one and only chance for mercy, Thansar; stand down or be destroyed. Your choice." He could see the indecision in his enemy's eyes as they reached firing range.

"Serge, Manny, now!" He yelled into his comms. Suddenly, fifty plasma cannons fired simultaneously, quickly overwhelming alien shields and taking out almost forty ships. At the same time, twenty-eight SSE warships opened fire to a similar result. The rest of Polisia's defenders joined in as Jesse's fleet began to collapse their flank with a frightening barrage from the
Battle Hammers
and Hyperia's big guns.

Thansar wanted to kick himself, it had all been a distraction and now he had lost over a quarter of his fleet. Still, how could Marcos know all of that unless he had been to the galaxy of their ancestors? That was a question for another day, for now he had to figure out a way to disarm those plasma cannons. He had never seen a planet with so many in their defense before. He didn't know if he could take them all out. Suddenly, he realized that most of them were behind Polisia's planetary defense shield. It was likely they could take out a huge portion of his fleet before he could get to any of them. He couldn't retreat now; Dobar would never understand how he could retreat while he still had so many ships. At this point, however, he knew they would be able to go no further even if he took Polisia.

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