Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor) (31 page)

BOOK: Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)
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Jesse looked around, slightly embarrassed. He took the amplification device apprehensively. "General, this is most kind and unexpected, but I cannot accept this."

"Of course you can," he boomed. “Until you take this promotion, I still outrank you, and I can make it an order if you need it to be. Besides, it just won't do to have admirals and generals taking orders from a colonel." As the soldiers laughed at the General's joke, General Kelly smiled real big and Jesse knew he couldn't turn down the offer. He was essentially in charge anyway and it seemed to be good for morale to see him as the recognized leader, He really had no choice; for the people, he had to do it.

"Very well then, I accept this promotion with both humility and honor. Thank you, General; thank you, Admiral." As General Kelly and Admiral Collingsworth took their seat on the dais, Councilor Dana approached the podium once again.
What now?
Jesse wondered.

"In light of the fact that our planet is going to be attacked by three fleets in what will likely amount to an overwhelming force, I am ceding military control of the planet to you until this crisis has passed. This way, if something needs to be done you can do it without meeting and red tape; it just might be the key to saving us all. Admiral Marcos, you now have control of Polisia until the problem is resolved, either through battle or diplomacy." Two thousand people stood and cheered wildly for a full two minutes before Councilor Dana was able to motion them silent again. He handed the device to Jesse, effectively putting him on the spot with the large crowd that needed him to address them.

"Thank you, Councilor, this is a most unusual circumstance I find myself in."

"This is a most unusual circumstance we all find ourselves in," Councilor Dana replied. “In fact, it is unprecedented, and I felt unprecedented measures were necessary."

"Such as the civilian government giving control to the military without even being asked? Jesse replied, eyebrows raised. Councilor Dana nodded and returned to his seat as Jesse addressed the crowd. "I hope you all know, I would never ask for this type of power or authority," he tentatively began. "I have always preferred to be out on the front lines. My heartbeat is with the soldier who is ready to lay his life down to protect his brothers and sisters. I know that I will not be able to be that soldier again, at least not for a while." He subconsciously rubbed his thigh above his prosthetic. "Even so, my talents will be better used in the command center for this battle. I applaud every last one of you for staying with us and doing what is right, even in the face of hopeless opposition. I ask only one thing of you, don't lose hope. Stay the course. We have plans in place and technologies to reveal that the Enclave and the Syndicate cannot even fathom. As a great leader once said; 'We will not go quietly into the night'. We will fight to the last if need be. We have exceptional people and this is their chance to shine. When Polisia emerges victorious in six days, the rest of the galaxy will stand up and take notice, and WE will be the planet that leads what's left of the Coalition into the future. He put down the device and began to slowly walk off the stage. The crowd began to applaud and Jesse smiled confidently at Lana's embrace. He thought she might actually crack a rib she hugged him so hard.

"I'm so proud of you, Dad," she looked up at him with a single tear streaming down her left cheek. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were bright.

"I hope those are tears of joy, kiddo," he joked as Kimi embraced him next and gently kissed him. He walked with his family and close friends, shaking hands with all of the officers and enlisted personnel he came across. They wound up in the conference room with the ruling and military councils and a small celebration ensued. Jesse once again found himself wishing
crew could be here with them. He also wondered how the mission was going.
Were they in the Kalephi Galaxy yet? Did the drive work?
This was the third test, but the first text where actual ships were entering the event. He smiled as he remembered Jason's comment that he was trying to hack a natural phenomenon. Jason looked at everything through a hacker's prospective. After an hour or two in the conference room, he decided he needed to get some sleep. This next week was going to be tough and he should take his rest where he could get it. He said his goodbyes and gracefully took his leave as he and Lana walked to their speeder. He tossed her the keys and her eyes lit up. Even though she was the far superior pilot, and they both knew it, she still got excited when he let her drive.

Chapter eight









              Josiah let out a whoop of joy as
, the
and seven ragtag freighters emerged from the conduit.

"We have arrived in the Kaldorian System, Captain Jackson." SAMMI's feathery voice informed. "It would appear Colonel Marcos’ device is successful. I am running a full diagnostic on ship systems, specifically the galaxy drive."

"Thank you, SAMMI, and if I'm correct, Jesse has been promoted to Fleet Admiral by now. He is no longer Colonel Marcos."

"I will make a note of it, so as to properly address him next time he comes aboard." SAMMI added in a naive way that made the crew chuckle.

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that, SAMMI," Collin added. "Captain, should we inform Kaldor that we are in their system?"

"No, Lieutenant, I don't want to get their hopes up that Jesse's back."

"Captain Jackson," Serge's Russian accent was more pronounced through the ship's comms. "Everything worked as planned. All systems are well within acceptable parameters. The only glitch, and it is a slight one, is that we used up far more of the mineral than we thought we would. Apparently, the more ships that come through, the more mineral we will need. Jesse mentioned that might be the case, and his hunch was right, so we need to mine some more mineral before we go home. According to Jesse's notes, the mineral is rich in this system. I can find a location if you give me a minute."

"That's alright, Serge, we've mined in this system before, I remember the way. We'll get Xanu and Tanna out there to mine some more mineral and we should be ready to leave within a few hours. Looks like we should let Kaldor know we're here." Josiah sent the transmission, and the inevitable request to meet with Colonel Marcos arrived moments later. After explaining what was happening and that Jesse wasn't with them right now, Chairman Valinor wished them luck and sent Jesse his best, hopeful he would be seeing his friend soon. Josiah congratulated Valinor on being his planet's new ruler and then went about getting into position to mine some of the mineral that would open the conduit back up for them. Shortly after Xanu and Tanna along with two of the Marines from the
began mining, they received another transmission.

"Incoming transmission," SAMMI informed.

"Who is it, SAMMI?" Josiah replied while keeping an eye on the mining.

"Unknown, Captain Jackson."

Josiah signed, he really didn't want to be in the Kaldorian system any longer than necessary, and he certainly didn't want any trouble. He gathered himself as he replied, "Onscreen, SAMMI."

When the transmission flared to life, a familiar face smiled into the screen. "Colonel Marcos, your machine worked, the King will be thrilled to hear you are back already."

"Admiral Vantilas," Josiah responded with a hint of surprise in his voice. "Unfortunately, Colonel Marcos did not make the trip; we are simply testing out the technology. By the way, he has now been promoted to Fleet Admiral. It's a long story. I have also been promoted to Captain."

"Fleet Admiral, that's great news. I'm sorry he didn't make the trip. Congratulations on your promotion as well, Captain. Am I to assume that Admiral Marcos will be coming out this way anytime soon?"

"He will if we survive, Admiral. The reason for this test is to give us a way out if things go badly. Although, I don't suspect Admiral Marcos will be leaving at all until he has his revenge." Josiah knew he had just made a statement that would induce several questions from Admiral Vantilas. He only hoped he might be able to pry a few more ships away from Hyperia to help defend Polisia.

"What might go badly? What revenge?" He replied.

"It's a long story, so for time sake, I'll have to summarize it for you. While we were here, our leader and Jesse's close friend, President Sandoval was assassinated. Several of our other friends and high-ranking employees of Jesse's company were assassinated as well. There were several attempts made on Jesse's sister and cousin and all of our families that were unsuccessful. After we arrived home, there's been even more. Kimi's mother was killed and Jesse was irrevocably injured. It was all perpetrated by an enemy that took over our government in a coup. They are called the Enclave. The Enclave was also at war with five races of aliens known as the Human Suppression Syndicate, and their association with us brought the Aliens to our door. They had annihilated three of our worlds, killing almost sixteen million people. We arrived back in the Polisian system as the same aliens were attacking. We defeated them only to be labeled outlaws by the leaders of the Enclave. Jesse went to Earth on a diplomatic mission alone and under the Banner of Peace, which has never been broken. He was escorted in by his close friend Admiral Bliney to negotiate with the new president the Enclave had put in power. His friend betrayed him, and along with Lucien, the Enclave's leader, nearly killed him."

Admiral Vantilas could not believe what he was hearing. How could the Coalition that owed Marcos so much treat him and his family that way? "Has this travesty been avenged?" Vantilas asked.

"Not yet, apparently our one planet still poses enough of a threat that the Enclave and the Syndicate have temporarily ceased hostilities in order to come together and destroy us. In six days, Polisia will be attacked by a fleet of two thousand ships representing the Coalition, the Enclave and the Syndicate. Our own people voted eighty-nine percent to imprison Marcos if it meant the Enclave would protect them. Win or lose, Admiral Marcos is done in the Milky Way as soon as Bliney is dead."

"Two thousand ships?" Vantilas asked in awe. "How can you hope to stand against so many? How many vessels defend Polisia?"

"We have two hundred forty. We will also have a large number of assault shuttles ready to go and an additional hundred fifty or so modified cargo ships. Admiral Marcos also has a few tricks up his sleeve that could easily take out a few hundred ships, but it's gonna be a close call."

"How many ships can you fit through your conduit, Captain?"

Josiah smiled as he hoped he knew where Vantilas was going with this. "As many as we need to, provided we have enough mineral."

"You find out how much mineral you would need to bring one hundred ninety-two Hyperian vessels to your galaxy while I send a transmission to King Dominus asking if he can send some more ships to Kaldor while we go with you. Our war has ended with us victorious so we certainly have the ships to spare."

"You would bring your fleet to our galaxy? The odds are still long." Josiah added sadly.

"Yes, but instead of ten to one, it will be five to one and that might make Admiral Marcos’ hidden strategies even more effective. Not to mention that the enemy will have no way of knowing where we came from or how many of us there are. Just find out if your man can take us all. I shall get back with you shortly."

As the transmission died, Josiah thought his heart would burst. This might be just the thing they needed to push them over the top and win the battle. "Serge, how much mineral would it take to bring our group back, plus an additional one hundred ninety-two warships?”

"My initial guess would be close to thirty-five hundred kilos; have you found us an ally so quickly?" He joked.

To his amazement, Josiah replied, "Actually, yeah. King Dominus has ships in the area protecting the two worlds Jesse has befriended. Their Admiral is speaking to the King now to see if they would be able to help us."

"You cannot be serious, Captain. Tell your people to mine faster then, maybe have Sanjay send out a few more Marines."

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