Tony: Alvarez Security Series (21 page)

Read Tony: Alvarez Security Series Online

Authors: Maryann Jordan

Tags: #romance, #Fiction

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Nodding, he smiled and said, “Yes. Sherrie and I are together. And she decided to throw a party next weekend for our friends to celebrate with us. Y’all are all invited. Spouses too, of course.”

Lily stood, turning to walk toward the door. Stopping, she glanced back over her shoulder with a huge smile on her beautiful face. “I’m excited for you Tony. I can’t think of anyone who deserves to be happy more.” With that, she and BJ left his office, leaving him with his three brothers-in-arms.

“Captain, it goes without saying but I’m gonna say it anyway. Lily’s right—you deserve all the happiness in the world and we all think Sherrie is awesome for you,” Jobe said, as Gabe and Vinny agreed.

Taking a deep breath, Tony nodded at his former squad, knowing they had all been with him in his darkest hour. Now it was time for them to celebrate a new beginning.

“Okay, time for business,” he drawled, motioning for the others to sit down. “I’ve been looking over the requests that are coming in and business is so good that we are at a point of picking and choosing what jobs we take.” Glancing up at Gabe, he continued, “I know we are in agreement about no long-term security service contracts, but we have several for just one-time events or escorts.”

“Got any actresses or hot female musicians?” Vinny asked, only partially joking.

Tony smiled, acknowledging, “I might have something that I think will be just down your alley, but I’m still negotiating.”

“Hot damn, just what I’ve been waiting for,” he quipped.

Tony knew Vinny’s reputation with women involved consensual sex only…no strings, no complications, and rarely repeat performances.
Yeah Vinny, I may have just the job for you.
Moving on, the men discussed the upcoming security details, outlining what resources were needed.

“Jobe, anything new on those missing girls?”

Jobe shook his head in frustration. “Like they just disappeared. No one at the bus or train stations remembers them. We’ve checked with local schools to see if they recognized them, in case they tried to register. We looked into homeless shelters and checked with DSS.”

Tony nodded. “I knew it would be a long shot, but write up what you have and I’ll report to the grandparents.”

Jobe looked up sharply. “Sir, I’m not giving up yet.”

With the next few weeks planned out, the meeting ended. As the men filed out, they each shared a look with Tony, words unspoken. Looks of understanding. Looks of support. Tony sat for a few more minutes in his office, his surroundings the same but his feelings completely different. Instead of working until late to keep from going home to a bland, lonely apartment he could not wait to get to Sherrie.

Pulling out his cell, he called her number.

“Hi, sweetie,” she greeted. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to hear your voice,” he admitted honestly.

A giggle was heard from the other end of the line, shooting straight to his heart. “I think I like that,” she said. “A big, strong man calling just to hear me.”

“Well, it’s the truth. How’s your day going? You gonna be home on time?”

“It’s been really weird, to be honest. Can we talk about it tonight? I’ve got a little more to do here in the office and then I want to take a quick drive to check out something, but I’ll be home about the same time you are.”

“You want me to pick up some take-out on the way to your house?”

“No, I threw some chili in the crockpot before leaving this morning. It’s been slow cooking for hours and will be the perfect way to end a cold, winter day.”

“I’ve got a better way to end a cold, winter day,” he said.

His warm promise slid over her, immediately causing her nipples to pucker as well as her inner core to clench. “Oooh, promise?”

“You got it, baby,” he vowed. Hanging up, he found that just talking on the phone with her and the promise of a perfect evening had his cock twitching.
Down boy, we’ve still got some work to do.


Sherrie had been
sitting at her desk, going over the report that she had typed on Betina’s situation. She could face the possibility that the young teen had run away because of rebellion, but it did not fit the girl she had come to know.

When she had discussed it with Simon earlier, he warned her that as a CASA she would need to be non-biased in her dealings. Question everything, he had said.
Something is just not right, but I’ll be dammed if I know what it is.

She tried a quick internet search on Hernando Valesquez, but all that came up was information about his store and the few other businesses that he managed.
Other businesses?
Deciding to drive by to just check them out, she said her goodbyes to the others in the law office and headed to her car.

Driving back to Betina’s neighborhood, she went passed the grocery store. It was only five p.m. but already getting dark. She could see activity inside the store, and knew it would be open for several more hours. Using her GPS, she drove a few blocks away to the next address, that of a laundry facility that Mr. Valesquez’s managed. It appeared to be closing, but she could see lights on in the back and someone was just locking the doors. Parking in a well-lit area, she jogged over to the door and knocked loudly.

A tall, lanky teenager stood on the other side of the glass door, calling out, “We’re closed. Come back tomorrow.”

She hated yelling through the door, but wanted to make sure she had the right place. “Is this laundry owned by Mr. Hernando Valesquez?” The eyes of the teen grew large and he backed away from the door. “Do I have the right place?” she shouted once again.

“No speak good English. Come back tomorrow,” he called before turning and running to a door behind the counter. With a quick slam of the door, the light that had come through was shut out and she knew that continuing to stand there would be pointless.

Giving a quick glance around she noted the deserted street, but was glad for the bright lights of the parking lot. Moving quickly to her car, she got in and drove down the street. A couple of blocks away, she came across the next business belonging to Hernando, but is also appeared to be closed, as were all the businesses on this street.

Coming to a dead end, she was about to turn around when a young man ran down the street, waving his arms.

“Can you help me?” he shouted.

Jumping from her car, she heard running steps from behind and before she could turn around, she was slammed forward into the car.

A large, strong body pressed up against hers, trapping her against the cold metal with her face pressed into the glass. She tried to scream but a large hand clapped over her mouth.

“Whatever you’re doing here, bitch, you need to stay the fuck away,” the gravelly voice commanded.

This was no teen; this was a man’s voice.
The teen was just a diversion.
She tried to gasp for air but his thick fingers pressed against her mouth and nose. Her legs grew weak as fear and lack of oxygen made her faint. Realizing what was happening, he moved his hand from her nose while keeping her mouth covered. Inhaling deeply through her nose, her mind began to clear enough for her to feel the cold, metal blade of a knife pressing into the side of her neck.

“Keep your goddamn mouth shut or I’ll slice your throat,” he growled. He moved his hand from her mouth and grabbed her left arm twisting it cruelly behind her.

Agonizing pain sliced through her shoulder as she was sure it dislocated. Feeling faint again, she thought of Tony.
I’m going to die and he’ll be alone again;
the thought cut through her fear.

“Don’t know what the fuck you’re looking for, but stay away and keep quiet. You don’t, next time I’ll be happy to slice you up. After I have some fun,” he laughed. Pressing tighter against her, she felt his erection against her ass.

“No,” she whimpered. Pain and fear had her sliding down the door, but his hand moved from her front to the middle of her back.

“Count to twenty bitch before you leave. And remember to keep your goddamn mouth shut. Or maybe someone you care about will get hurt.” With that, she suddenly felt the cold on her back, telling her that he had moved away.

After a few seconds, she managed to get her car door open and fell inside. She knew it was only a matter of seconds before the pain in her shoulder had her passing out again, so she grabbed her cell phone. Slumping over, the last thing she managed to do was dial 911.

Chapter 14

urning into Sherrie’s
driveway, Tony was disappointed to see that her car was not there yet. Amazed at how quickly she had acclimated into his life, he could not wait to see her.
And if our after-dinner plans turn out the way I think they will, then—

His cell rang and he grabbed it out of his pocket on his way toward the front door hoping it would be her. Seeing
, he connected, although disappointed.

“Tony, you gotta get to the hospital. Richland General. Sherrie’s here. She was attacked.”

He felt his legs go weak, stumbling as he turned and ran back down the front steps.
Oh, Jesus. Not again.
Twenty heart-wrenching minutes later, he pounded through the doors to the ER and was met by Matt. Vinny, Gabe and Jennifer came in right after him.

“Where is she?” he bit out.

“She’s back here. I’ll fill you in as we go.”

Matt told him about the call to 911 and what he knew so far.

“What the fuck was she doing there anyway?” Tony asked.

“She said she was trying to check out some of the businesses that her CASA child’s stepfather owns.”

As they arrived at the ER room, the doctor was just coming out. Assuming Tony was another policeman, the doctor reported the extent of her injuries. “She has a pulled shoulder that we’ve given her a sling to keep immobile, as well as some bruising around the face where her assailant held his hand over her mouth.”

His knees weak again, Tony barely noticed when Gabe and Vinny moved to either side of him. “Can I see her?”

“I don’t think she’s up for any questioning now that she is on pain meds. She’ll be ready to check out soon, once someone comes to take her home.” With that the doctor moved back down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, Tony strode into the ER bay, then halted as soon as his gaze landed on his woman in the bed. Faint bruises were around her mouth and nose and her arm was in a sling. Her eyes were shut but the purple shadows were evident. A strangled sound came from his mouth, causing her eyes to jerk open.

A sloppy grin split her face as she greeted him. “Tony? Dish you come fer me? Ooooh, you brought some friensh?” she said, looking past him at Jennifer and the other men.

Crossing the room, Tony leaned over to place a kiss on her forehead, saying, “Yeah, I came for you, baby. What the fuck happened?”

Her large blue eyes teared as she tried to focus on his face. “You’re mad at me,” she wailed.

“Tony,” Jennifer admonished, moving close to her friend. Grabbing Sherrie’s hand, she leaned down and said, “Oh, honey, he’s not mad. He’s just scared for you.”

Sherrie’s tears dried up as quickly as they had come, replaced by the sloppy smile once more. Looking up at Tony, she pulled his head closer and tried to whisper, “You gonna spring me from thish joint?”

He rolled his eyes as the others behind him tried to hide their smiles.

“She like this when she’s drunk?” Vinny asked, as Jennifer shooed the men out of the room so that she could help Sherrie dress.

While outside, Matt showed Tony the report as he had it. “She was in a lot of pain when she came in and we didn’t get a lot. Shane and I’ll come by tomorrow to get the rest of her statement, if that’s okay.”

Tony nodded and gave them Sherrie’s address. Saying goodbye to his friends, he went back in to take her home. With some difficulty, he managed to get her to lay in the back seat while he drove them to her house. Picking her up carefully, he carried her inside and up the stairs to the bedroom without her waking. Laying her down on the bed, he quickly stripped her skirt and shoes off, sliding soft flannel pajama bottoms on. Pulling the covers up, he made sure she looked comfortable before going back downstairs to secure the house.

Coming back out of the bathroom, he stood over the bed and watched her sleep in a blissful, drug-induced slumber. Rubbing his hand over his face, he tried to still the pounding of his heart.
Jesus, fuck, what did she stumble into? She wasn’t robbed. Was she about to come across a crime scene and was warned off? That part of town isn’t great, but it’s not too bad either.

His hand squeezed the back of his neck as a tension headache built. Forcing himself to breathe deeply, he slid under the covers on the side away from her injured shoulder. Grateful that she was not hurt worse than she was, he vowed to find whoever threatened his woman.
No one does this and gets away with it.

She moaned in her sleep and he repositioned himself to try to make her as comfortable as possible. Knowing sleep would be impossible, he nonetheless wrapped himself around her, protecting her as much as he could, even if for tonight it was just in her dreams.

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