Time Once More for Marilyn: Captivated & Rekindled Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Time Once More for Marilyn: Captivated & Rekindled Romance
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              My report went to the M.D. who was happy with the outcome. We could lay off part of the compensation to the Mill that had woven the fabric, so the cost to us was not too horrendous. Marilyn even wrote to thank the company for our prompt attention to the problem and for settling it so easily. She indicated that as she would be re-furnishing the rest of the house, she would look first at our products to see if there was a suitable design and colour. After that letter the M.D. called me in to give me some brownie points.

              "You must have really laid on the charm, Dal." I wasn't going to tell him anything. That it also gave him ammunition with the board was none of my business. I went down to Torquay to see Marilyn within a month of our meeting and on two other weekends staying at the Travel Inn as before. To say we got on well was an understatement. I suppose it was partly our history together all those years before and discovering that we had so much in common, ideas and values. We were getting closer all the time and without talking about it, getting closer to the moment we would share our bodies. I would not be able to see her for six weeks as I was once again asked to go to Australia. It would appear that the owner of the printing works out there had refused point blank to see the Marketing Director again. Gerry the M.D., would not tell me why, although the guys down under were vociferous in their comments. It doesn't pay to act the high and mighty Pom in Oz, and that was exactly what Martin Clarke did.  It was a week after I got back that I took off on the Friday straight from work and drove to Torquay.


              I had booked into the Travel Inn again for three nights. I wondered why I did that, but my conscience dictated my action. Afterwards, I reasoned that anything else would seem that I was taking too much for granted. Maybe I wasn't as Marilyn pulled a face when I told her where I was staying. "You keep doing that, Dalzeil. I'm beginning to think you don't like me."

              "Marilyn, that is far from the truth. If I stayed here I may not resist temptation too well."

              She had an impish expression as she said. "My bedroom door does have a lock." She hung the statement in the air for a moment. "But I seem to have lost the key." She smiled seductively over her shoulder as she led the way to the breakfast room..


              We had arranged to go out for a meal so she invited me to have a look around the grounds whilst she got changed. I knew the house was big, but the grounds! Immediately outside the house was an extensive Patio with built up rose beds and a small swimming pool. From then on the ground sloped away for something like four hundred yards to the boundary, which was a river. In the next field I could see some half dozen horses, but in the main the pastures were for sheep and cattle. The nearest building had to have been a mile away and that looked like a Barn. As I stood and took in the view, all I could see was the patchwork of fields so typical of the West Country, scattered haphazardly over small hills and little valleys, absolutely beautiful! Marilyn came out to join me and she was absolutely beautiful as well. She wore the little black dress that suits all women, yet she gave the dress a quality that it would not display on any other woman. Her hair was that lustrous honey. She twirled. The skirt was cut to be full and she spun displaying her shapely slim legs, it brought hot blood to my head and to other parts of my body. "Will I do?" She asked inviting, a compliment.

              "Marilyn, you are so lovely." Her smile thanked me.


              The restaurant we went to was a few miles away, but worth the visit. The area gets lots of holidaymakers in the summer, but this was one of those places that they never get to visit. You have to know the area well to know about the restaurant, but it's worth knowing. The food was superb! So much so that we both concentrated on eating, conversation was restricted to the moments between courses. At last replete but not over-indulged we made ourselves comfortable in the lounge and with a pot of coffee to top up our cups, we talked. Marilyn asked the killer question. "Did you like Lisa?"

              I had to think. Did Marilyn know about the incident with Lisa? I assumed not, I was certain that Lisa wouldn't have said anything. So I answered casually. "She appeared a nice enough girl, but I didn't really get to know her. If you remember I was with you pretty well all of the time."

              "Oh! I thought she got to know you quite well."

              Deliberately, I looked perplexed. "Well, not so well." I emphasised the 'so'. 

              Marilyn wore a sinister smile. "Dalzeil. Lisa told me what she did for you." My face got very hot. Busted!  Marilyn was giggling. "Oh Dal. If you could just see your face." She laughed. Then she continued. "Lisa told me off for leaving you in a terrible state. She said I was being completely unfair, getting you all worked up and not allowing you to...to, well you know."

              "Yes, I know."

              "Was it painful?"

              "More of an ache than a pain."

              "I am sorry." She looked at me shyly. "Was it good with Lisa?"

              "Yes. But it would have been even better if you had been the one doing it."

              She caught her breath and had to take a sip of coffee to clear her throat.  Without looking at me she murmured. "I didn't know that girls did that for their boyfriend's. But I think I would like to have done that for you." Now it was my turn to catch my breath.  The smile came back to her face. "She said you looked good without your clothes. I had lots of regrets that I didn't see you like that."

              "I could say the same thing."

              She nodded. "I think I would have liked to have you seen me naked." She reached out and took my hand. "Wouldn't life have been different if we had?"

              "Yes. But I would probably not know how to take advantage."

              "Oh God! Yes, isn't it silly that when we were that age, we were so unconfident about sex." She laughed and the laugh became serious. "I didn't allow any other young man to be as intimate as that, you know."

              I nodded. "I think I knew that."

              "Did you?"

              "Yes. It wasn't a logical thought, just an emotional feeling. It was special."

              She smiled and nodded. "Yes, it was."  The waiter came at that point to inquire if we needed more coffee. I told him yes.


              The conversation was very interesting. But the interruption had changed the mood and Marilyn started talking about what we could do tomorrow. Funny enough, it involved going into Torquay and looking around the shops.


              I drove slowly back to Hatcham's Glebe. The headlights picked out the bends, as always the car seemed to run better at night, the radio was playing romantic music and Marilyn relaxed quietly, occasionally giving me directions. At her front door she asked if I would like to come in. I did, but had determined that tonight I would not stay. She made tea for me as I had mentioned that I had drunk enough coffee for one evening. She had offered a glass of wine, but I would be driving again shortly so I declined. She did have a glass of Red. We sat comfortably in the lounge and chatted. There was no innuendo in our conversation. We both knew we were going to be lovers, but not tonight. The acceptance of that cleared the air of tremulous speculation. As I left we shared a deep kiss. Our lips pressed together and our tongues slipped and chased each other around the other's mouth. Our lips stuck together as if unwilling to part and I was the same, unwilling to leave, but instinctively knowing that very soon we would join together. "Will you stay tomorrow night?" Marilyn asked.

              "Yes, I would like to."

              She nodded.  "I want you to stay, I want to be naked for you, and you for me. I want to sleep naked in your arms."

              "We will." I agreed. "Tomorrow. Shall we go out for Dinner? We could go to the 'Elder' if you want."

              "Oh God no. They would know within minutes what we will be doing later. My face would give me away. No. I shall cook something for us."

              "Sounds good." I replied.

              She grinned. "You haven't tasted my cooking yet."

              I laughed. "It can't be any worse than mine. Anyway the dessert will be a dish of unparalleled delight."

              "Confident are we?"

              "I am looking at the unparalleled delight as we stand here."

              Contrived compliments are always a disaster. Even so Marilyn smiled. "You do know how to make a girl feel good, but wait until you see me without any clothes. Then make up your mind."

              "I am certain that the actuality will be better than my imagination." She laughed.

              "Dalzeil. I am not the eighteen year old girl you knew. Thirty has long gone and I will be looking at the big four oh soon."

              "And not looking a day over twenty five. Marilyn, I am standing in front of a real woman, slim, elegant and very attractive. I am getting to know this woman who is quite different to the young girl I knew when I was just eighteen. She was pretty, but unformed as I was. But then I had different criteria. The woman you are now is so much more than the girl, and I am drawn to this woman as a man not as a boy." I think those words pleased Marilyn and she blushed prettily.

              She covered her blushes saying. "Well, let's see if you still like me when I have dragged you round the shops tomorrow."







              Men are supposed to hate shopping. I am ambivalent about the pastime. I went shopping for a purpose, to buy food or clothes usually. I know what I want and go straight to the shops that will have the goods I need. For me the pleasure in shopping was the success of getting exactly what I wanted. Women, it seems, shop for the pleasure of looking; perhaps this gives them a better understanding of the economics, and who has the best value for money. I did enjoy the day at the Torquay shopping centre. Marilyn was good company at any time. There seemed no plan for this outing; she appeared to pick at random the shops she would visit.


              I had made the mistake of asking her what she planned to buy and she looked askance at me. "Nothing really, but if something catches my eye, then I may buy." Something did catch her eye. It was a dress. Men, as a rule cannot visualize a dress hanging on a rail with the vision it will be when worn by the woman, yet Marilyn had that happy knack of seeing a dress and knowing how it would look. There was one. It was creamy white, quite short with tight waist and a low cut neck. My initial reaction was that it would be quite daring, but Marilyn thought otherwise. She decided to try it on. I have to confess that she was right. She filled the bodice well, the swell of her breasts just peeking over the fabric with some cleavage to delight and entice. She looked gorgeous in it. She twirled for me."What do you think?"

              "It's fantastic. You look fabulous, and your bum does not look big at all."

              "I didn't ask that and you're not supposed to be looking at my bum, well not yet anyway. What about these?" She struck a pose with her hands on her hips emphasizing her bust. I happily looked long and hard, looked away, and then with an exaggerated movement looked again.

              "That was the second look, and it was definitely worth it."

              "You like it then?" I moved closer and whispered.

              "Very much, my mind has some very naughty thoughts."

              "You have? So have I. I will wear the dress and you can take it off me."

              "If that is the case then I shall buy you the dress." I thought for a moment."Now what about some lingerie to go with it?"

              Her eyes sparkled. "Oh yes, what colour would you like?"

              "That needs no thought." I replied. "They have to be white or cream." She nodded.

              "Ok. I'll go and make a selection. But you mustn't come with me. I want them to be a surprise."


              Marilyn cooked a meal of Chicken breasts in Lemon sauce, with asparagus and broccoli. I didn't compliment her out of manners, I thoroughly enjoyed the fare. "You forget, my dad owned a hotel and I had to pull my weight. I helped the Chef and learned a little from him."

              "If you can cook like that, I shall have to marry you."

              "Yes please." Marilyn answered. And then started laughing at the expression on my face. I was flustered as I had said that flippantly. Her laugh alerted me to the fact that she had answered as flippantly as I had made the comment. So I laughed as well. Later I understood that it had introduced a topic that was probably on both our minds, a topic that needed some serious consideration.

              We took the bottle of Chardonnay and the coffee into the lounge, where the fire cradle was heaped with logs that crackled and spat as they burned. We settled in the huge settee and Marilyn leaned into me, taking my arm and looping around her shoulders. She guided my hand to her breast and looked up. "That's better. I have missed your hand on my breast."

              "It's re-acquainting with a lovely memory, yet somehow better now than the memory."

              She nodded. "Yes, it is. Because this time we don't have to stop. This time you won't be going to bed with an ache. This time you will be inside me, lying on top of me and the thought of that is making me very wet." Our lips came together, opened and allowed our tongues to duel. My hand tightened on her breast and I felt her nipple harden. Without taking her lips away, Marilyn caught my hand and guided it inside the neckline of her dress and back to where she wanted it. Her bra was no obstacle and almost immediately my hand had possessed her breast and my thumb was rubbing languorously over her nipple. Her lips left mine as she gasped. She twisted in my arms.

              "Dal, I'm sorry I can't wait. Please, let's go to bed?"  I nodded and I held her hand to help her up. She turned to lead the way, as she did I held her shoulders, pulled her back into me and cupped both her breasts. She turned her head and her lips begged for a kiss. A kiss and then another, she became impatient, so with my hand in hers pulled me towards the door. My free hand went to the zip on her dress. Slowly, as we walked, I brought it down. We were in the lobby when the zip completed its journey, revealing the lace trimmed lingerie she had bought. With her free hand, she slipped the dress off; first one shoulder, then the other letting it fall. It was held in place by the tight waist. She asked me a question with her eyes, and I wordlessly answered by easing the dress over her hips. The quiet smile told me that was what she wanted of me. The dress fell to the floor, leaving her clad just in her pretty lingerie, hold-up stockings and high heels. She stepped out of the dress and led the way up the stairs. As she reached the landing, she undid the clasp of her bra, turned and smiled as it dropped to the carpet. She reached out and opened a door, and stepped through leading me by the hand into her bedroom. It was a very feminine bedroom, in Ivory and lemon tones. The lighting was subdued, provided by large candles in tall cut glass vases. The comforter on the bed was already turned back revealing the lace trimmed pillows. Marilyn walked to the bed and turned. She was beautiful; her breasts quivered gently, the nipples already hard that I wanted to kiss it.  She smiled serenely and sat back onto the bed, the comforter dipping slightly.

              "Marilyn, you are so beautiful."

              She smiled with pleasure. "Come and join me. Make love with me please, Dal."


              I woke the next morning knowing without doubt that another phase of my life had begun. The warm body that clasped me tenderly was proof of that. The candles had guttered out at sometime in the night, unnoticed by either of us. We were immersed in the paradise that a man and a woman physically joined could create.  "Are you awake?" A soft voice asked tentatively.

              "I'm awake, but I think I am in heaven."

              "Think? I know I'm in heaven." Marilyn replied. "I am lying here naked with my lover, I'm warm, still a little sleepy, happy, and my little lady is pleasantly sore, even though you kissed her better, which was mind-blowing. She has never been used as much in one night before. Nor have I had as many orgasms before. If this isn't heaven, whatever heaven is, it cannot be any better. Are you always that demanding?"

              "No, but I have never made love to you before." She squirmed getting a closer body contact if that were possible. Her leg crossed mine, bringing her warm, moist vulva into contact with my thigh. My reaction was automatic and she felt the movement. Her hand wandered south and captured that eager part of me.

              She lifted the duvet and looked. "He is very handsome, your little bloke."

              I objected to that description. "Little? Be careful what you say, you could give me a complex."

              Marilyn giggled. "You shouldn't. He fits me perfectly. What is it men say about breasts? More than a handful is a waste. The same thought should refer to a penis. If it fills me, it's big enough." Her handling had the normal result. "Dal! Do you want me again?"

              "I shall always want you." She moved her left leg over to straddle me spreading her legs and settling on my thighs.

              "I have always wanted to do it this way, can I? Do you mind?"

              "I'm quite happy about it for this reason." My hands came up and took possession of her breasts.

              She smiled, lifted and holding me at the right angle, let herself down on my tumescence. Her arms moved up and she lifted her hair from her shoulders, angling her head back as she did. Slipping slowly down on me she gasped. "Bloody Hell. You get deeper in me this way. I feel as if it's coming up into my chest."

              "And a very nice chest it is too."

              She giggled. "Not as firm as they were when I was eighteen."

              "But even more beautiful."

              "I am going to keep you around; all these compliments are good for me."

              "Funny you should say that." There was no answer for a while. Marilyn seemed to be intrigued with the sensations this new position revealed. Her hips rotated as she sought to excite her vagina in myriad ways.

              "Why?" She gasped eventually as she rose and fell.

              I did not reply as all of my willpower was directed to preventing a climax. Marilyn's wriggling made it difficult for me to concentrate. With the sensations under a semblance of control I said. "I find it difficult to have a serious conversation when you are bouncing up and down on my cock."

              Marilyn was breathing raggedly as the pleasure she was experiencing built. It took a minute or so before she could reply. "I love bouncing up and down on your cock. If you don't like it you should stop letting me see it when it is all lovely and hard. Anyway, your cock is doing wonderful things inside me."

              I couldn't say anything as once again I struggled to control myself, determined that she would have her orgasm first. At last I managed to blurt out. "That may be difficult, unless you stop being you." The banter stopped there as Marilyn was starting to make strangulated noises. This I had discovered was how she vocalized her orgasm. She shook and trembled, screamed and eventually collapsed over me, gasping for breath. I followed her very shortly, pushing up with my hips as if forcing my sperm deep into her womb. 


              When she had regulated her breathing, she raised her head. "Is that five or six? It doesn't matter in any case as that is more than I ever had during my marriage. You lovely man, you do it for me. How do you do that?"

              I was still panting and without thought answered. "It's probably because I love you." 

              Marilyn watched my face for a moment, and then a very happy smile came to her lips. "I was hoping you would fall in love with me, oh that makes me so happy. The moment you came through the front door, I knew that this was important, our meeting again. It is important, isn't it Dalzeil?"

              "Yes, it is important, perhaps the fates wanted this all along and now I feel that I wanted this all along as well. I know it's an odd place to propose, but I will. I have fallen so much in love with you, Marilyn. Will you marry me?"

              "It's the perfect place to propose. You're still inside me, I'm all wet and I feel fulfilled. Yes, darling Dal. I will marry you."


              There are many who would say that proposing in the euphoria of the aftermath of making love is a silly thing to do, perhaps it is. All I could say is that the good feelings I had with Marilyn in the visits before we made love were a sure enough guide. Making love only confirmed those feelings.



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