Time Once More for Marilyn: Captivated & Rekindled Romance (7 page)

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              "I think that would be good. Let her know that you don't hold her personally responsible for how her mother acted."

              Sarah and Jane were hugging each other when I approached them. Jane looked haunted and held out an arm to take my hand. Tears poured down her cheeks. "Dal, I am so sorry, so very sorry. I didn't know what was going on, and mum told me that Sarah was making it all up as she was jealous of Roger taking my time." 

              What do you say? It wasn't the time for crowing, telling someone that you were right all along. Particularly when the one person who you would believe had your daughter's interests at heart, turns out to be an evil bitch. "Come back inside. We'll have a cup of tea, or perhaps you would want something stronger, and you can wash your face."

              Jane nodded and gave me a watery smile. "I'll pass on the something stronger, but I would like to repair my face."

              Sarah grabbed her hand. "Come on mum. I'll show you where the bathroom is."


              I went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Marilyn joined me setting a tray for the cups and saucers.

              "Sarah should see her mum from time to time." She told me.

              "Yes." I agreed. "But if there is any chance that he will be there, then the answer is over my dead body."

              "I don't think that Jane would consider that at all."

              "Do you think she will leave him?" I speculated.

              Marilyn shook her head. "No. She really loves him" 

I thought about is and came to the conclusion that Marilyn was right. Jane had been with him for quite a few years now. I couldn't know how long she had been sleeping with him before we divorced, but I suspected that it was a long-term affair. It had culminated in their getting married, so it would appear that they were committed to each other. It was entirely possible that Jane would soon forget what he tried to do. I tried to explain my thoughts to Marilyn. She understood my reasoning, but didn't agree with it. The kettle was just starting to boil when she came up behind me and circled me with her arms.

              Sarah returned alone, catching Marilyn hugging me. "Oh you two! Grow up will you?" We all laughed. "My mother has gone. She said she had embarrassed herself too much today already." She hesitated before asking a question. "Dad, I would like to see her from time to time, but I don't want to have any contact with him. Mother suggested that if she came down occasionally  we could spend time together. Would you be upset about that?" 

              I wasn't too surprised. I had already envisaged something like that. "I have no problem with that." I turned to Marilyn. "What do you think?" Marilyn's eyes thanked me for including her.

              "Sarah, she is your mother and you should see her, so phone her soon and tell her yes. We can make the arrangements when she can get down here." Then Marilyn's 'mum' role came to the fore. "You are still in your school uniform. Are you not going to change or are you starting to like the uniform?" Sarah pulled a face. She wore her uniform with an ill-grace preferring the ubiquitous fashion that all young girls affected now of Jeans and a T-shirt, so she went off to change.


              Marilyn took the opportunity to pass on something she had gleaned from Jane. "From what Jane said, it would appear the she has known Roger far longer than you thought."

              "Oh?" Marilyn nodded. "Well, do let on." I encouraged her.

              "I gather that they were friends from their early teens. Your ex mother in law always thought that they would marry."

              I poured tea whilst I thought about that.  "That could explain a lot."

              Marilyn seemed in agreement. "Are you thinking what I am thinking, or just thinking?" She asked.

              "We are probably going down the same road. They were friends from their teens, possibly in love. Yet Jane for whatever reason gets herself pregnant and marries the father, me."

              "Was Jane a virgin?" I nodded.  Marilyn thought and then took my hypothesis further. "They meet again and become lovers, but she is married with a child. He has been denied that which he thought he would always get. Her virginity. And that is very important to some men. The understanding that no man has trespassed on what they see as their territory."

              "Exactly." I hypothesized. "So when they do marry, he becomes fixated on the child who is almost a photocopy of the mother when she was young."

              Marilyn was nodding her head and then said what I thought. "You can understand that. He is living with the woman he loves, yet the reincarnation of the young Jane is there every day to torment him. A virgin reincarnation to remind him of what he missed. The poor Bugger!" She hesitated a little. "He's still a bastard even so."


              I was sipping my tea when Marilyn asked me a question that had me catch my breath. "Didn't it upset you that someone else took my virginity?"

              I hadn't actually thought about that. I had to be honest with her. "I haven't thought about it, with twenty odd years between our first meeting and getting together again, it would be unusual for you to still be a virgin. After all, you are too much a catch not to attract attention. I had no thoughts of doing that when we first met. Just touching your breasts was as far as my ambitions went then. When we met again, it was understood that as we had both been married, then it followed that neither of us were virgins. That was in our pasts. In retrospect any upset would have been that we didn't find each other again."

              She smiled. "That's my Dal. Turns an explanation into a positive. No wonder I love you so much." She came close and held me. "You have my little lady and my mouth. There is one virginity left." She whispered. "You can have that." I knew what she referred to and I have to say that the perversity did engage my loins pleasantly. She felt it and rubbed her belly sensuously against me. "I'll take that as a yes, shall I?"

              "I would be less of a man to turn that down."

              "Good. Perhaps we can schedule that for the future."

              "The future! Why?"

              Before she could answer, Sarah came into the kitchen now in her jeans and T-shirt. "Oh God! You two at it again?"

              Marilyn laughed. "You'll learn, Sarah." She held out her arm to Sarah. "Come here, I have something to tell your dad so you may as well hear it at the same time." I was agog with curiosity. Sarah joined us. "I'm actually quite surprised, but it seems I am pregnant."

              There was silence for a moment, and then Sarah cried. "Wheeeee! Fantastic." I was speechless, just standing there with a silly grin on my face.


              Yes. Nineteen fifty seven was a very good year, so was nineteen seventy six, and it looks as if nineteen eighty is going to be good too.



~~The End~~




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Where does life take us? Why is it that when you have settled on one course, fate comes knocking at your door and takes you off on a tangent? That’s what happened to me, it seems to keep happening to me. I get used to my life, and then fate throws a surprise my way. Sometimes it is a little tap-tap on the door, at others it's a loud knock. Sometimes it blows the door open, and when it is really serious fate just takes the thing off with its hinges.

I am Jack Hunter. My life to date had been particularly uneventful, although that would depend on your point of view. I had a wife, and a daughter. I also had an affair which while it didn't become the reason for my divorce, soured me sufficiently to seek to split with my wife. I will hold my hand up and acknowledge that I cheated on my wife. Not a good thing to do, but I will say in my defence that because my wife was in love with the bottle; Vodka and Tonic was her favourite so no one could be actually sure whether she was tippling or not; our love life was virtually zero. It’s no easy task to make love to someone who reeks of alcohol. Brenda, my wife didn’t appear to be bothered by our lack of intimacy, her next drink was far more important. I tried to get her to admit the problem, her Doctor tried, her mother tried, even our daughter, Libby, only three years old but she understood that something was wrong with mummy. Nothing worked. Despair and frustration were taking my self-esteem to new depths so when I had met a rather lovely lady called Deborah it quickly went from acquaintance to friendship to lovers. Our affair went on for three years. But when I called quits on my marriage, and as you would expect got taken to the cleaners in the resulting divorce, Deborah made it plain that we were not going to be an item. She came round for the sex but nothing else. Sounds like any man’s dream, doesn’t it? I had sex on tap and no emotional baggage to go with it. But I was one of those men who wanted emotion in a relationship, so eventually I told her it was over.




The legal process in the UK was slow but exacting. It had however problems in making its judgments effective. I had visiting rights with my daughter, which were denied or delayed for spurious reasons. My solicitor would petition the court again and again to enforce the judgment. The court would confirm the judgment but never took action to ensure it was complied with. So slowly I lost touch with my daughter. 




I met Jasmine in a supermarket; I actually helped her with the heavy bags. We had coffee, then dinner and eventually we started sleeping together on occasional nights. We went on like this for five years, until one day I got a fixed penalty speeding fine in the post. The location was not one I had driven through for months, so I queried the penalty. The bloody camera was right, it was my car, but at the time I had been away at a trade show, and I had travelled to the show by train. There was only one person who had access to my house, and the keys to the company car. Jasmine! After a lot of heated arguments she admitted she had ‘borrowed’ the car. Problem was that she was not insured to drive it, a criminal offence in the UK. If she admitted the offence to the police, chances were that she would certainly be banned from driving, and get a hefty fine. There was also an outside chance of a prison sentence. I paid the fine, took the points on my licence, and Jasmine became history.




A few months after that lesson, I was invited to a party at a friend's house, which was where I met Bridget. We were under no illusions that we had been invited by well-meaning friends who thought that being single was an offence against nature. Well we did hit it off. Remaining friends for nearly ten years, but the tingle was just not ther



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