Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his... (5 page)

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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I spent the next few hours with Miss Cassidy. I tried on outfits one after the other before we reached the end. I approved about three quarters of the rack. They didn’t have price tags attached but I imagined the bill was considerably more than six months’ rent at my old apartment.


Cooper was still waiting patiently for me when I put on my regular clothes and joined him once again in the draped room. He switched off his cell phone screen and slid it into his pocket as he stood. “All finished?”


“Yes, thank you,” I said, suddenly a bit shy. I’d never let any man buy things for me like this before. The last thing I wanted Cooper thinking was that I was a gold digger. I would have easily been with him even if he didn’t have two cents to rub together.


He linked his arm through mine. “Thank you, Miss Cassidy.”


She blushed under his gaze. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. King.” She nodded toward me. “I hope you enjoy your new clothes, Miss Williamson.”


“I will, thank you.” Cooper led the way and we returned to the elevator – empty-handed. “What about our bags?”


“They will be delivered to the house. They’ll probably make it there before we do.”


I guessed things happened differently for the rich. Where I came from, they wouldn’t even hold your bags while you ran other errands. It was buy it and then take it, no other options.


We returned to the car, and Cooper drove us away from the beautiful building and back onto the highway. At first I thought we were heading for his estate, but he didn’t take the right turnoff.


Knowing there would be no chance of getting any clues out of him, I remained quiet and just enjoyed the drive. The car was lovely and cool, as opposed to the oppressive heat lingering in the summer air outside. There was still the faint aroma of new-car smell clinging to the car’s interior.


I noticed the sign declaring ‘King Endeavors’ before I saw the massive building that was next to it. Like the man himself, it was sleek-lined and standing strong.


“What are we doing here?”


Cooper gave me a sly glance. “I have a few things to sign but I also want you to see where I work. My world is all yours now too. I want you as involved as you want to be.”


“You want me to work for you?” I asked, slightly confused – if not excited – about this new development. The whole thing still seemed too good to be true.


He pulled into his designated parking space in the lot, the one directly beside the door. “I want you to be happy. I want to give you anything you need to make that happen. Clothes, cars, travel, a career, further education, anything at all, babe. It’s all yours.”


“Why are you doing all this for me? You don’t even know me.” I pinched myself and I was definitely still awake.


Cooper reached over and took my hands in his warm palms. His thumb absentmindedly rubbed over my knuckles. “I knew everything I needed to when I first looked into your eyes and saw my entire future staring back at me.”


Nobody had ever said anything half as nice as that to me before. He brought my hands up to kiss before letting me go. He pushed open the door. “Come on, I want to show you the office.”


He practically skipped inside like a child going to the zoo. I liked seeing this side of Cooper, the excited and carefree part of him. He was a puzzle, and I was slowly putting the pieces together. Although, I got the feeling I could know him for a lifetime and there would still be parts I couldn’t quite figure out.


The elevator was empty when we stepped inside. After a few floors, Cooper hit the
button and we came to a standstill.


“What’s going—” My words were left to linger unsaid as Cooper covered my mouth with his. He pulled me against him, hard and strong.

Chapter 7



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He was leaving me breathless with every deep and passionate kiss he left on my lips. I was guided backwards until my back was against the wall of the elevator. Cooper’s muscled body kept me there. My hands laced around his neck, pulling him closer to me and not letting him get away.


His lips pulled away just long enough to delve lower as he showered my neck with his tickling kisses. I laughed at the feeling, my breath panting out in short giggles.


“I’ve wanted to do this ever since I saw you in that corset, Emily.”


I remembered how sexy my curves had looked in the underwear. It had made me feel incredible, like I was some kind of a superhero. Cooper made me feel the same way. I didn’t need lingerie to feel sexy when I had him.


“God, you’re incredible,” he groaned against my neck. The vibrations tickled too, sending me into a happy laughing fit.


He leaned down and grabbed for the hem of my dress, looking at me purposefully until I raised my arms above my head. “Won’t someone catch us doing this?”


“I own everything here. Nobody is going to find us.”


“Are you sure?”


He gave me the look, one I’d already learned meant ‘are you seriously doubting me?’ I zipped my lips as he did away with my dress and then started on my bra. In two seconds I was completely naked in the elevator.


My libido was going crazy. I wanted Cooper this way just as much as he wanted me. Every touch he gave me felt like a sharp zap straight to my clit, making the longing even stronger.


I reached for Cooper’s pants and undid the button and zipper. His hands were all around me, setting my skin on fire and sending me into a wanton frenzy. The fact we were in the elevator only seemed to make it even more fun.


Cooper leaned back for a moment to take his shirt off, discarding it onto the floor with mine. His pants dropped down so his cock could spring free. It was already hard and ready for some satisfaction.


Our actions were passionate and messy, grabbing at one another like we were desperate to be close and thrown a lifeline. Every part of me was alive, living in the moment and taking what I really needed at that time.


Cooper’s arms snaked around me until they settled on my ass cheeks. He gripped them before pulling me up to his body. My legs instinctively wrapped around him while the walls helped me to keep balance.


“I want to be inside you so badly,” Cooper moaned between kisses. His tongue plunged into my mouth, meeting mine in the middle and dancing together. He sucked on my bottom lip, giving me more pleasure than I knew existed in the world.


His cock was about to burst as it pressed against my belly. Cooper lifted me higher until I was positioned over his shaft. There was no tenderness now, no need to go gently or hold back. Cooper delved inside me, burying himself deep in my cunt and giving us both what we needed.


“Cooper,” I whimpered, needing him to put out the ache in my belly. He held me in place as his hips started to rock back and forth, his cock thrusting into me like a piston.


Our skin slapped together as we writhed with need. The thought of being somewhere so public only made everything that much hotter. I had never thought I would be that kind of a woman, but maybe there was a bit of an exhibitionist inside me yet.


“Emily, God, you’re fucking tight. You feel so incredible, babe.”


His words only made me want him more. We were both caught up in the frenzy, our bodies bouncing in the elevator like they were our last moments on earth. Sweat was starting to bead on our skin from the effort but neither of us were willing to stop until the deed was done. We needed a climax; otherwise, it felt like we wouldn’t be able to exist anymore.


My clit rubbed on Cooper’s abdomen, being roughly pushed around and finding just enough friction to be perfectly torturous. It was only a matter of seconds before I couldn’t hold on to the orgasm anymore.


I remembered Cooper’s earlier warning, that I would only be able to come with his permission. I bit on my lower lip, trying desperately to hold myself together while he was trying so hard to tear me apart.


“Cooper, I need…” I panted the words, barely recognizing my own voice.


He was gritting his teeth together as his body was so focused on thrusting deep into my pussy. He was trying so hard to draw out our pleasure and ensure we would not be left unsatisfied. I could see the determination of the successful billionaire in that expression.


“Come, babe. You need to come now. I’m about to explode.”


Just one more thrust was all that I needed. The orgasm pooled deep inside me and spread out as fast as the speed of light. I chewed on my lip, trying not to let out the scream of pleasure I didn’t want anyone to overhear.


“Fuck!” Cooper cursed, obviously not having the same fear as I did. His body tensed as his own orgasm tore through his body. His cock thrust in one last time before he held himself there, buried up to the balls within me.


Our bodies were sweaty and still, finally lost in the ecstasy that we had tried so desperately to reach for. My whole body buzzed, my pussy convulsing around Cooper’s cock and squeezing him tighter than ever before. I could feel his dick as it twitched out its load, coating my insides with his seed.


He took all my weight as I clung to him, pinned in place by his member and not wanting to be anywhere else. We were both gasping for breath, the exertion draining us of energy.


Cooper kissed down my neck as his manhood slid out of me. He gently placed me on my feet as I fought to recover from the wonderful ordeal. It didn’t feel like we’d just made love. It felt like we had fucked in the most primal of ways. I finally understood why everyone went on about how great sex was. Being with Billy had never felt this good, but I hadn’t had any point of comparison, so I hadn’t known any better.


Now, I knew. And I wouldn’t go back for anything. Cooper was a master of my body, and it was only just the beginning of our journey together.


Cooper picked up my clothes and handed them to me. “Get dressed before I want to do that again.” I accepted the dress and my underwear and quickly put them on while Cooper pulled himself into his own clothes.


By the time we reached the floor of his office, our cheeks were still flushed pink but we weren’t as messy as only a few minutes earlier. Cooper stepped confidently out of the elevator and tugged me along with him. I wasn’t exactly in a good state to be making a good impression on his colleagues, but it didn’t seem like I was going to have a choice.


He nodded to everyone we passed while making quick introductions. I got a little thrill every time he referred to me as his girlfriend. Some of the women threw shots of unbridled jealousy at me, but I let them bounce right off the smile on my face.


Cooper was mine.


All mine.


I was shown around the floor before Cooper took me into his private office. It was far bigger than I had expected – probably taking up about a quarter of the floor. The furniture was all sleek white and stainless steel, contrasted with rich red fabrics on the couch. The whole thing had an industrial brightness to it, making it feel happy and vibrant.


“So this is where all the magic happens, huh?” I asked, running my finger along the edge of his desk. I was acutely aware of him watching my every move, searching for a reaction.


“I would argue all the magic happened in the elevator.” He smirked, his cheeks dimpling. “But this is where I largely do my work, yes.”


My cheeks were starting to flush from embarrassment, but I pushed it away. There was no need to feel that way around Cooper. After all, he was one half of what had happened in the elevator.


I turned around to look out the floor-to-ceiling windows. The city looked like it was contained in a snow globe, like we weren’t a part of it and only existed in a happy bubble all of our own. I could see everything from that window, even right out to the ocean.


Cooper sidled up beside me, standing so close our shoulders touched. “Sometimes I stand here and just stare at the city.”


“Does it ever help with your decisions?”


“Sometimes.” He nodded. “It reminds me that there is a whole world out there, and in comparison, my problems are completely insignificant.”


“Like we’re little ants, scurrying around?”


“Exactly.” Our eyes locked together in a smile that seemed to last a lifetime. Cooper would never be an ant in my life. He was now front and center.


The phone trilled to life on his desk, breaking the spell lingering between us. Cooper turned around and picked up the receiver. “Yes.” He nodded a few times before his brow worked its way into a crease. “Okay, tell him I’ll be there.”


That didn’t bode well for our afternoon of blissful togetherness. “Is everything alright?” I asked carefully, with a sense of dread lurching in my stomach.


“I have to attend a conference call with Japan. I’ll get Gabriel to take you home. I’m sorry our day will be cut short.”


The hug he pulled me into helped with some of the disappointment. Cooper kissed my forehead before letting me go. “I’ll be a while but will try to make it home in time for dinner.”


“I’d like that.”


Someone knocked on the door before opening it. The driver who had taken me to the mansion yesterday peered around. “Sir.”


“Please take Emily back to the estate.”


“Yes, sir.”


I went with him, reluctant to leave Cooper’s warm arms. During our trip home, I discovered Gabriel had been with Cooper for over ten years. He lived close to the King building, and Cooper trusted him with all his transport needs. Chatting with Gabriel made me forget about how lonely the mansion would seem all afternoon without Cooper.

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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