Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his... (13 page)

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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He let out a breath, hissing between his teeth as he enjoyed the hand job. I was growing horny again just watching him.


“Fuck, babe,” he groaned. “Fuck, I’m not going to last much longer.”


I squeezed his balls tighter, pulling on them and tugging in all directions. His cock was incredibly hard in my other hand, ready to explode at any moment. Cooper wriggled underneath me, involuntarily moving to chase the orgasm.


His head left the couch as our eyes locked together. They sparkled with fire as we shared the moment. There was so much love and admiration in his eyes that I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be.


“Fuck, I’m going to explode.”


I jerked his cock faster until his climax tore through him. His sperm poured out of the head of his member, just as I grabbed a tissue from the table beside the couch. I captured it all, making sure not to get either of our clothes dirty.


Watching Cooper as he succumbed to the orgasm was hot. He wasn’t the big businessman when we were like this. He was a sexy man who could be brought to his knees just with my hands. I loved every moment of it.


I continued to hold on to his cock until he could breathe again. His hands were finally able to work again as he took the tissues from me and did up his pants. I climbed off his lap and sat on the couch.


“Thank you for the discipline, sir,” I said, trying to keep the smile from gracing my lips. “I really needed that.”


“I’m happy you’re learning.” He smirked as his eyes smoldered. “I’m never going to get any work done around here with you in this building.”


“Maybe you need to work on your self-control.” I couldn’t resist making the comment. Cooper was such a control freak that self-control should never have been an issue for him.


“Maybe you need to work from home.”


“Whatever makes you happy, boss.”


He shook his head slowly from side to side. “You are a handful.” His hand brushed a stray strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear. “And I am crazy about you. I love having you in my life, Emily. I don’t know how I would live without you now.”


I didn’t either. Just having that thought after such a short period of time scared me to death. But it was true. When you found the person you were supposed to be with, I guessed time was irrelevant.


When you knew you’d found your soul mate, you just knew. And nothing would ever be the same again.

Chapter 15



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Once again, Cooper was working late. Everyone else was already long gone for the day when I checked the clock one more time.


Seven p.m.


It was no wonder he had amassed a fortune with his work ethic. If he hadn’t spent some time disciplining me earlier, he wouldn’t have had any break at all. I needed to somehow convince him to work less and relax more. He’d already paid his dues.


I stood up and charged for his office to tell him what was on my mind. Midway, I froze. Someone had entered the elevator and pushed our floor. The light was lit up and it seemed to take forever for the elevator to arrive.


My heart was beating loudly in the empty foyer as I waited. Cooper had a bunch of security guards who looked after the building around the clock, so it couldn’t have been somebody not permitted onto the property.


About a second before the doors opened, my gut knew who it was.


The ex-Mrs. Cooper King.


She stepped out in red high heels, her skirt modestly hanging just below the knee. The way her breasts threatened to push out through her black silk blouse was anything but modest.


Her lips twisted into a sardonic grin when she saw me. “Well, if it isn’t Cooper’s little office whore. I almost didn’t recognize you with your clothes on and his cock not being shoved up your cunt.”


I was in no mood to play her mind games. “What are you doing here?”


“I need to speak with Cooper.”


“He’s busy.”


“What, does he have another slut in his office? Is that why you’re waiting out here like a good faithful puppy?” Her eyes grazed over my body, a thousand judgments written in her expression.


My arms crossed over my chest involuntarily. “He’s
. Not that he’d want to see you anyway. Why don’t you just get a hint and go away? He’s not responsible for your sad, miserable life.”


Her lips pouted as she carefully considered her next move. As far as I was concerned, she wasn’t going anywhere near Cooper’s office. She would have to go through me first.


And that definitely wasn’t going to happen.


Helen took a step toward his door when I stepped in her way. She wavered for just a moment before pushing me aside and making a run for it. She just managed to grab the doorknob and twist it before I pulled her away.


Cooper’s shocked expression was only a passing glimpse as the woman grabbed at my hair. She clawed at me, playing dirty to push me away.


When her fingers went for my eyes, I closed them. I grabbed for her blindly, managing to tug on some fabric before Helen was pulled away.


I risked one eye as I squinted to see what was going on. Cooper had her in his arms as she struggled against him to get away and continue her onslaught. As it turned out, she wasn’t exactly the lightweight I thought she was.


“Let go of me or I will have you charged with assault!” she screamed. Her hair was flying in all directions as she squirmed, all the sophistication and aplomb having left her.


“Calm down and we will talk about it,” Cooper said through clenched teeth. He seethed with anger but wasn’t going to let her get to him.


Unlike me.


I tidied my hair and moved my clothes back into place from where she had grabbed at me. It took a few deep breaths to get my puffing breathing into a normal pattern.


Helen continued to struggle and throw out threats until she finally gave up. She went limp in Cooper’s arms and he let her go. The moment he did she stepped out of reach and glowered at us both.


“My lawyer is going to hear about this despicable treatment,” she spat. “I came here for an adult conversation and received the treatment of a common criminal. This is not how to make friends with me, Cooper. You need to control your slut.”


It took all my self-control to remain standing where I was. But I wouldn’t let her win again. She was baiting me so I looked bad in front of Cooper, and I wouldn’t let that happen.


Not again.


“If you came here to talk, then talk, Helen,” Cooper started. His jaw was clenched, all the muscles rippling as he too fought to control himself. “You’ve got two minutes of my time before I call security. They should never have let you in here in the first place.”


She knew better than to push him too far. Despite all her threats, Helen was still wary of him coming through with his threats. We all knew he wasn’t all talk like she was.


“I want ten million,” she blurted out quickly. It was difficult to take her seriously when half her hair was neatly slicked back and the other half all roughed up and pointing in different directions.


Cooper laughed at her demand. “You’ve already received much more than that. We’ve settled our divorce, Helen. I am under no legal obligation to give you anything more.”


“What about morally, huh?” she shot back. “You know I deserve so much more than anything the lawyers could squeeze out of you.”


He surveyed her for a few moments, indeterminable thoughts running through his mind. If I’d had my way, I would have called security right away. Demanding ten million dollars? She should have been committed for that kind of ridiculous thought.


Cooper suddenly walked into his office. Helen and I exchanged a confused glance, both of us unsure what we were supposed to do.


Before we could act, Cooper returned and handed over a check. She took it, glancing at the amount. “Good to see you’ve come to your senses, Cooper.”


“Get out and don’t come back.”


She turned on her heels and left, stepping straight into the elevator and smirking as the doors closed. She may have been happy but I certainly wasn’t.


“You just gave her ten million dollars?” I asked incredulously.


“Yes,” Cooper replied, completely without any emotion. He was stating a fact, admitting it like it was nothing.


I couldn’t comprehend how easily he could give away such a fortune. It was a massive amount of money, even for a billionaire, surely. “Why?” was the only question that I could form through my shock.


“Because it will keep her out of my life.”


“But she’ll only want more.”


“Emily, I make ten million dollars in a day. I don’t need the money, but I do need her out of my life. This isn’t up for discussion. Grab your things. We’re going home.”


I followed his order and bit my tongue. There were so many things I wanted to say but it was better that I didn’t. Cooper’s money had nothing to do with me. He was the one who had built his empire. It wasn’t any of my business, really.


Still, I would have been much happier if he hadn’t just given his ex-wife
ten million dollars
. I seethed all the way home. The moment we arrived, I went straight to my suite.


And locked the door.

Chapter 16



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I awoke to the sound of determined knocking on my door. The sun was streaming in through the open curtains, flooding my suite with light. I hadn’t slept well but had managed to get a few hours in. Just enough to make sure I was still tired when I climbed out of bed.


“I’m coming,” I muttered grumpily before I reached the door. Anyone would have thought from the incessant pounding that the house was burning down.


The door swung open and Cooper stood there. He was wearing a navy business suit, perfectly styled and pristine. Even if I was angry with him, he still never failed to take my breath away.


“You locked the door,” he said.


“Yes, I did.”




“Because I wanted to be alone,” I replied.


“You’re angry with me.” He’d only just gotten the message?


“Yes, I am.” And I wasn’t in the mood to explain it all to him if he didn’t understand. Surely he couldn’t have been that blind?


“Because of the money?”


I sighed, crossed my arms, and leaned against the doorjamb. “No, not really. It’s your money, I understand that. You can do whatever you like with it. You know that’s not why I’m with you. It’s because you just gave in to her. She demanded it and you just handed it over. She’s your ex. You shouldn’t have anything to do with her anymore. She won.”


He took it all in before he nodded. “Are you coming to work?”


I glanced quickly at the clock on the wall. It was almost nine a.m. “No. You should go.”


Cooper waited a few moments, staring at me but not moving. It was a relief when he finally said something. “I’m not going to apologize for paying her. My lawyer has been instructed to draw up an agreement that will permanently keep her out of my life. If that is what it takes to keep her away, then it was money well spent. My future is with you and I would pay anything for that.”


He didn’t wait for an answer before leaving.


I felt horrible about being so angry with him. He was only trying to keep her away so we could continue on without her shadow always lingering. I resolved to make it up to him, make sure he didn’t regret his decision.


I had all day to plan what I was going to do to treat Cooper when he arrived home from work. The playroom seemed like an obvious place to start, but I didn’t want us to spend time there on our special night.


My idea might have been cheeky, and it might make Cooper angry, but I went with it anyway. I sent him a text, making sure he arrived home on time and didn’t get lost in the office well into the night.


At six, I was ready and in place.


His car purred into the driveway, signaling his arrival. I had left Gabriel with a note to give him; I could imagine the exchange happening at that moment. Cooper would open it, recognizing my handwriting, and follow the instructions carefully.


My belly quivered with anticipation. I had found the patent-leather bra and panties in a drawer in my closet. They made my boobs look magnificent and my butt curvy as all hell. I paired the ensemble with a pair of matching stilettos until I looked like a bad-ass dominatrix. But, of course, Cooper would be the one in charge.


His bedroom was masculine, dark blue on the walls and black furniture dotted around the place. It was everything Cooper was, strong and bold. We’d never had sex in his bedroom before, and I wanted tonight to be meaningful. I wanted him to know that I wasn’t just a slut for his playroom. I was his sub and partner in life.


Footsteps on the hardwood outside the room made all the skin on my neck prickle with excitement. It would only be seconds now before he found me.


I positioned myself on his bed, leaned back on my hands, and pushed my chest out. My feet were crossed, showing off my long legs and killer heels.


The doorknob twitched and all the breath was knocked out of my lungs. Every part of me was alive and eager.


Cooper pushed open the door and stood there, taking in the scene in front of him. He pulled at his tie until it loosened, hanging from his neck haphazardly. He was outrageously sexy when he was a little mussed up.


“I didn’t expect this,” he said, his voice low and husky. He could have seduced me with that voice alone.


“I wanted to surprise you.”


“You’ve certainly done that.”


I chewed on my bottom lip while I worried about his reaction. Was he going to be angry with me? He was the one who demanded control. Was this overstepping the line? The wait to find out was driving me insane.


Cooper entered and closed the door behind him. He disappeared into his closet, removing and hanging his jacket while keeping his eyes on me. I didn’t dare say anything further.


He slipped out of his shoes and lined them up neatly on the rack. The suspense was killing me. All I could think about was taking off his clothes and having mind-blowing sex until all hours of the morning.


Cooper stood at the end of the bed, his gaze searing my nearly naked skin. I couldn’t take the silence and longer. “Do you want me to go?”


“Don’t you fucking dare move a muscle,” he growled. I barely had time to process his words before his body was crushed up against mine.


Cooper’s lips were like candy. I couldn’t get enough of them upon mine. His tongue slipped between my teeth and plunged into my mouth, owning me the way I had yearned for him to all day.


His hands were around me, rubbing along my back and causing fire to ignite in his wake. He slowly leaned me back until my head rested on the softest pillows in the world. They enveloped me, leaving me feeling like I was lying on a cloud.


Cooper’s hands moved lower, one around my shoulders while the other went exploring. He skimmed over the bare skin of my belly, tickling until I shuddered with the feeling.


At the waistband of my panties, he teased me. His fingers skimmed around the edge until I was yearning for him to slip underneath. He finally did, his fingers snaking over my mound until they slipped between my folds. My clit was burning and throbbing by the time he reached it. He massaged the sensitive bundle of nerves there, driving me wild with the promise of what was yet to come.


My whole body relaxed in his embrace, all the prior stress draining away from me. This was where I wanted to be, where I
to be. Ten million dollars wouldn’t have made me leave.


“Babe, you get me all hard,” he moaned into my skin. His hips pressed against my side so I could feel the bulge in his pants to back up his words. He
hard, very hard. I would be riding his cock in no time.


I gripped onto his tie, pulling him closer so he returned to kissing me. His lips on my neck were like heaven, making me shiver from his tickling breath.


Cooper took my hand in his, removing it from his tie. He pulled back enough so I could see his sparkling green eyes, which blazed with his arousal. “I have better ideas for this.”


He straddled me, taking both my hands and raising them above my head. He used the tie to bind them together, leaving them lying on the soft pillows. He held the binding in one of his hands while his body covered mine again.


His kisses burned when his lips reached mine again. They were no longer gentle but determined and eager. Passionate.


My body arched against his, wanting no space whatsoever between us. Being in his bedroom, making love on his bed, was the completion of our relationship. This was the cement that bound us together. Tonight would be just the start.


Cooper brushed the hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear while he gazed into my eyes. I saw only love there, the complete opposite of the look he had given his ex-wife.


She wouldn’t come between us again.




“I love you, Emily,” he whispered.


“I love you, too. Sir,” I quickly added, making him smile.


“You look fucking sexy on my bed, babe.”


He kissed me again. One hand cupped my cheek while the other went roaming. He caressed my skin, stroking everywhere so gently it caused goose bumps to pimple on my skin.


The electricity crackled between us, igniting the air and sparking everywhere our skin touched skin. His free hand worked its way back to my pussy. He felt my wetness, understanding how drenched and ready for him I truly was.


Pushing back onto his heels, Cooper looked down at me with the cheekiness of his thoughts making his eyes sparkle.


“Those panties are hot, babe. They need to come off.” His worked the patent leather down my legs, making me yearn with each inch that he passed by. His fingertips just grazed my skin.


They disappeared over the edge of the bed. “This was my favorite outfit. I chose it especially because I could imagine you in it. But, I can tell you now, my imagination did not do you justice.”


He spread my legs and his mouth covered my pussy. His tongue stroked long lengths along my clit. It instantly made my hips undulate, greedily trying to get more and more of him against me.


He moaned gently with his approval, sucking on my clit before his tongue plunged into my pussy. The orgasm built slowly as I tried to extend the moment longer. Cooper always seemed to know what I needed, giving it to me without needing to hear me ask for it.


“Hmmm, you taste so good, babe. Come for me.”


I let the orgasm peak just a little bit more as Cooper pulled my clit into his mouth and nibbled gently. It was more than enough for me. The climax rolled through my body like a wave.


I writhed underneath him, accepting the blissful tidal waves that ebbed and flowed around me. They swept me away while Cooper’s brilliant green eyes gazed on lovingly. He was enjoying my orgasm almost as much as me.


My skin was a vibrant glow of joy, encasing me in a happy bubble that would never pop – not when the billionaire was in my life. I could have taken that treatment every second of every day for the rest of my life.


Cooper made the bed dip as he moved to the side. I vaguely watched him while my heart send blood racing through my veins. He went to a panel on the wall and pressed a few buttons. The strains of classical music started filtering through speakers that were built into the walls.


“Now it’s time for some serious fucking, babe,” he said as he stood by the bed. He was gloriously naked, his gaze still burning its way over my skin. “I hope you’re up to it.”


“I am, sir.”


“Is that right?” He leaned onto the bed, approaching me like a wild animal did to its prey. A round of goose bumps prickled over my skin. “Because I plan on fucking you hard. You’re not going to be able to remember your own name.”


“I’m ready, sir. I really am.”


He crawled closer until he lingered over my body. Somehow he was able to refrain from touching me, leaving me in a desperate suspense as I waited for him to make his next move.


“You’d better be. Because I’m ready to take what I want from you, and you’re going to love it.”


“Yes, sir.”


He always made sure there was a buildup to the main event, and I loved him for it. Cooper didn’t make empty promises. If he said he was going to fuck me hard, he was going to fuck me hard. I knew what to expect and I always loved what he gave me.


My brain was frazzled as he lowered himself down over me. His kisses were deep and frantic, a passionate promise of what was to come. I felt his ownership, wanting nothing more than to be physically claimed by the sexy man.

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