Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his... (12 page)

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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“Fuck, sir. It’s incredible. Please, harder,” I panted. It was all I could to remember my name, let alone the command to use my voice.


He paused for a minute and I thought it was over. Then Cooper positioned the dildo at my entrance. He pushed it into my pussy slightly before turning it back on again. It was heavenly, pure pleasure the instant he started moving it inside me.


“Sir, I’m so close. It feels so good. I need to come. Please let me come, sir.”


He knew I wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer. I wouldn’t have cared if he did need to punish me. It would only lead to more fun times between us. Still, I wanted to please him and that meant holding out for my command.


My breathing was irregular, gasping into my lungs and making me dizzy. I was coming apart piece by piece. I ached with need, fire swirling deep in my belly as my master tortured me. More than anything else I’d ever wanted before, I knew I wanted the orgasm to burst through my body.


“Please, sir.”


He pushed the dildo deeper into my cunt, pressing it in and slowly drawing it out again. My panting was louder than the gentle buzzing of the device. Cooper was reveling in his control, keeping my knees pinned apart so I had no choice except to beg for completion.


I was going to break his rules. There was no way I could take any more of his wonderful torture without coming.


“Okay, babe. Come for me,” Cooper said clearly, breaking through everything else going on.


The dildo dived deeper once more before I let myself go. Now that I had permission, the sensations were even sweeter. The fire roared through me as my skin caught alight from the inside out. My slit pulsed like it contained all the blood in my body. It shot out lighting throughout all my nerves until I was a writhing mess of ecstasy.


I was vaguely aware of Cooper removing the dildo and kissing up my stomach. He crept up and up as the waves crashed over me and filled me with a need to make him just as happy as I was. He needed to be rewarded for this, needed to know how much I loved and appreciated everything he did for me.


My skin was extra sensitive as his hands glided over my belly and squeezed my boobs. The simple touch felt more erotic than ever before. Cooper didn’t just fuck me, he seduced me with every part of his being. There wasn’t one inch of me that didn’t feel a million little tingles.


I writhed underneath him, the ropes straining against my body. My boobs tried to break free from their restraints, my nipples peeking out from between the silky ropes.


“So fucking sexy,” Cooper growled next to my ear. His hard cock was pressed into my belly, its tip wet with his moisture.


I breathed through the rest of my climax until I could think clearly again. Instead of tiring me out, it had energized me. I was ready for anything, practically invincible. I knew there was only one man who could make me feel like this. I thought for sure I could have run a marathon, scaled the tallest building in the city, and eaten a display full of cakes.


Cooper’s lips held me hostage while he kissed me passionately. His tongue delved into my mouth before he sucked on my bottom lip. Everything caused me to grow hotter and hotter again.


He pulled me upwards and onto his lap. His strong and muscled arms wrapped around me where he held me tightly against him. His temperature was also skyrocketing, a sheen of sweat covering our skin.


In his lap was where I felt most at home. Nothing could hurt me, nothing could go wrong; it was the best place in the whole entire world. I never wanted to be anywhere else.


We didn’t need words to express our feelings. Just by the way Cooper’s hand was rubbing my back, and the way his other arm held my shoulders close to him, I could tell everything that he was thinking. Words and sentences were just superfluous. In our playroom it really was the actions that spoke louder than anything else.


Cooper let go and he helped me to stand. He slackened the ropes around my torso and let it fall away to the floor. My abdomen and boobs were laced with the imprint of the bindings. They looked beautiful. I was a walking piece of art, created by the man who had stolen my heart.


He got to his knees and his tongue traced the pattern over my skin. It tickled in parts but mostly it was just making me horny again. I wanted all of Cooper this time, not just the pleasure he could give me. I wanted to feel his body beside me, his cock inside, and I wanted to hear him moan with the ecstasy of the greatest orgasm of his life.


That was the plan.


Cooper, of course, was the one in charge. He would see to this play session and make sure we were both left satisfied. I had to remember that he enjoyed giving pleasure just as much as receiving it. He had shown me that already on several occasions.


He stood again, my head only reaching his broad chest. My hands were still tied behind my back. He could have done anything to me but I trusted him completely. Cooper would never harm me. If I hadn’t been certain of that, I never would have entered the playroom and allowed him to tie me up.


“I think I’m going to fuck you over here,” Cooper said as he pulled me across the room. A set of drawers were pressed up against the wall, a hook lying on the top of them.


Cooper picked up the hook and secured it in a hole on the second drawer down. Next, he hooked the bindings around my hands onto it. My back was arched slightly, my chest pushed outwards.


He stepped back and checked his handiwork, making sure I was exactly in the position he wanted me in. His lips slowly curled into a grin. “You look hot as hell like that.”


“Thank you, sir.” The position was quite comfortable but I would have been happier if his hands had been on me again. I couldn’t stand not being pressed up against him, even if only for a few moments.


He grabbed another piece of silk from a cabinet and held it up for me to see. It was black and about as long as an ordinary scarf. “I’m going to blindfold you for this one.”


“Yes, sir.” A jolt of happiness flashed through me. I knew that when he blindfolded me it meant he would make sure I
everything instead of seeing what he was doing.


He reached around me and secured the silk at the back of my head. Everything went dark and the only sound I could hear was our combined breathing. I didn’t have much time to think about anything else before Cooper was wrapped around me.


One of his hands was holding my wrist bindings on the hook, making sure I couldn’t escape from my tether. His other hand was gracing my skin with his caresses. My back was warmed by each of his touches, ensuring I couldn’t grow cold in the air-conditioned room.


Cooper was tired of holding back. He nudged my legs apart until he could get between them. Grabbing one of my legs, he pulled it upwards so I could wrap it around him. We were entwined together, our bodies merging into one.


“I’m going to fuck you, Emily. And I’m going to love it.” His deep growl beside my ear sent a series of goose bumps to shudder down my spine. I was so ready for him to fuck me, despite the intense climax I’d already experienced.


He rubbed his cock along my clit, our juices mingling together to make his movements glide easily. I was soaked, completely drenched after the whole dildo experience. He would have no trouble entering me, despite the generous girth of his hard cock.


His penis started to rock into me, entering my pussy and pushing in with ease. Cooper hitched my leg a little higher, making sure he could go in as deeply as possible. I wanted to take his entire length, be completely filled by the sexy man.


He let out a slow hiss through his teeth before he started to groan as his cock was surrounded by my tight pussy walls. His enjoyment was evident in his sharp breaths, the way his rhythm fastened as he chased the orgasm he so rightly deserved.


My walls were stretched, eager to accept his cock and take all the happiness it offered me. With the blindfold on, I could concentrate on the feelings only. His hands, one on my legs and the other in the small of my back, were strong and warm. The muscles on his chest pressed against me, hand and sinewy with their fine definition.


I’d never seen Cooper work out, but he had to on a daily basis to keep up his sculptured physique. I made a mental note to ask him about it. No doubt he would have a gym in the mansion, and I wanted to make good use of it. I needed to build my own muscle so I could keep up with him.


One of his hands moved to rub my clit. It was sensitive already from the earlier treatment. Just one extra flick with his thumb and he would send me into a whirlwind of bliss.


“Ah, fuck,” he gasped. Though I couldn’t see his face, I knew for sure it would be serious with concentration. He was working hard for both of us, ready to end the beautiful torture and reward our effort with the pure joy of a good fuck.


My body had never really recovered from my first orgasm of the day. With Cooper’s cock gliding in and out of me, plus his hand toying with my clit, there was little chance I was going to be able to wait for his command.


The orgasm hit me earlier than I would have liked – without permission. I cried out with the sudden joy as it burst through my body so quickly there was no way to contain it.


Cooper didn’t stop with his efforts. I was being pounded by his hard, huge cock. Our bodies made a noise as they slapped together, mixing with our breaths and creation a symphony of sounds.


Every muscle in my body went weak from the climax. I couldn’t think of anything while the waves ebbed and flowed around me. I was on cloud nine, completely lost in a world I never wanted to return from. Once again I felt invincible and able to conquer the world. Nothing outside of our two bodies existed in my consciousness.


Cooper swore loudly as he finally achieved the orgasm he deserved. Our bodies stilled while his cock twitched deep inside of me. I could feel the way he pushed even the last of his length inside me, feeling everything I could offer him in this most intimate of moments.


His seed showered my walls, filling me up until our juices started to run down the inside of my legs. Making a mess didn’t matter in here. This room was made for fucking, and we were doing it justice.


My clit was throbbing with happiness as the orgasm was still tearing me to shred. My heart beat so fast that I wondered if it was going to survive the agreement I had with Cooper. If he continued to pound me so hard and make my orgasms so intense, he was going to have to provide me with health insurance.


Somehow, I didn’t think that would be a problem. Cooper’s money had never factored into my acceptance of his arrangement, but it sure would come in handy to make sure I was in peak physical condition for our sessions in the playroom.


Cooper cradled my head against my chest as we rode out our mutual bliss. It seemed so natural and normal to be so intimate with each other. I could barely believe how little time we’d actually known each other. It felt like I had been in his arms forever.


If I didn’t believe in soul mates before, I did now. I wouldn’t admit it to anyone but I really did feel like I had already known him long before we’d had a chance encounter in the sex shop.


I could hear his heart racing as my ear rested on his chest. It beat loud and strong, reminding me how secure I was in his embrace. Giving him control of my body would always feel right.


As he pulled out of me and we disconnected, Cooper made sure to unbind the silk around my wrists before the one that covered my eyes. I blinked in the light of the room, taking in the beautiful nakedness of the man standing before me.


“You did good, babe,” he said. My stomach fluttered at the praise. “But you still came before I said you could. That will require a reprimand. Tomorrow, at the office, I’m going to give you a good spanking.”


“Yes, sir.”


I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Chapter 14



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Going back into the office was easy with Cooper’s reprimand on my mind. We traveled together in the same vehicle, but neither of us mentioned it. I hoped Cooper hadn’t forgotten about it. If he did, I would only be too happy to remind him.


If Melody had a problem with my day off, she didn’t mention it. She assigned me some tasks and left me to them while the minutes ticked by. I was on the edge of my seat all morning, waiting for the summons to Cooper’s office.


By lunchtime the call still hadn’t come. Melody and a few of the other women were going to the café across the road to get something to eat. She extended the invitation to me, so I tagged along. After all, Cooper wasn’t the entire center of my world.


The café was crowded, full of people in dark suits with their cell phones glued to their ears. We lined up and retreated to a table in the back with our food. I’d met all the women – five in total – but I still wasn’t entirely sure of their names or roles.


“I see you’re sporting more bling this morning, Rach,” one of them women said. All eyes turned to Rachel and the giant engagement ring on her finger.


She flashed her hand around so we could all get a good look. “He proposed during a commercial break while watching football. I should have made him propose properly, but I couldn’t resist the diamond.” She laughed happily while the others cooed.


Her story made me think of Cooper. Would he propose to me one day? I could definitely imagine us walking down the aisle, maybe in my hometown so all my family could make it. I liked the image of the chapel and white dress in my head.


They gushed some more over Rachel’s engagement before the conversation drifted to relationships in general. Nearly everyone was complaining about either their man or the lack of one.


A woman named Claire looked directly at me before she spoke. “So tell us, Emily, what is Cooper King really like?”


My eyes were as wide as a rabbit caught in headlights. “He’s a good man,” I replied, not sure how much I should talk about him. It wasn’t appropriate for me to gossip, not when my boyfriend just happened to be everyone’s boss.


“Come on, you can tell us the truth. I’ve always wondered what he’s like in bed.” The woman next to Claire playfully slapped her on the arm. “What? You’ve all heard the rumors about him too.”




The slapping woman nodded. I thought her name was Sammy. “They say he’s a tiger in the bedroom. And that he’s got a really kinky side. Are they right?”


The entire table was holding their breath with eager anticipation. There was a line I shouldn’t step over, but I wasn’t entirely sure where it was. More than anything I wanted to talk about my relationship with
, but Cooper wouldn’t have wanted his staff knowing about his private life.


I raised my hands in a surrendering gesture. “My lips are sealed. Sorry, ladies.”


They collectively sighed. Sammy made a face. “Oh, you’re no fun. What’s the point of sleeping with the boss if you can’t dish on the details?”


I shrugged an apology, hoping that would be enough to placate them. They eventually moved on to interrogating Rachel about the upcoming wedding, and before I knew it, our lunch break was up. We returned to the office and I resumed my duties.


Melody had given me a range of tasks to undertake, finally letting me experience different aspects of the office so I could see where my talents lay. I enjoyed it all, especially knowing I was contributing to Cooper’s business.


Just as I was suffering the midafternoon slump, I got the phone call from the boss which instantly woke me up. “Hello?”


“Miss Williamson,” Cooper started, “I would like to see you in my office immediately.”


He hung up before I could say anything further. A thrill ran through me as I got up and walked to his office. I made my gait normal, not rushing like I wanted to. I didn’t want anyone to notice and think we were up to no good.


Even if we were.


I knocked on the door before I opened it, stepping inside like there was nothing different about this meeting. It didn’t stop my belly fluttering like a lovesick idiot.


Cooper was standing beside his desk, staring out the window and lost deep in thought. He turned to face me, his sexy lips quirking into a smirk. “Nice to see you, Miss Williamson.”


“Good to see you too, boss. What can I do for you, sir?”


He pursed his lips together while his gaze raked over me from head to foot. I was certain his eyes lingered on my boobs just a little longer than anywhere else. He finally walked over to the white couch against the wall and sat down.


Cooper tapped his knees. “Over here. It’s time for your discipline.” I practically skipped over to him. “Over my knee.”


He helped position me as I bent over his knee. My own were perched on the couch, my hands on the other side of him. My ass was in the air, but still covered.


Cooper kneaded the cheeks of my bottom, massaging me and drawings out the wait. I wondered if that was part of the discipline. If so, they’d gotten it all wrong. It was nice, not any kind of punishment for breaking rules. It only encouraged me to misbehave again.


I wished I’d thought to lock the door after I had entered. A fleeting worry crossed my mind about getting caught. It wouldn’t have been the first time in his office.


He picked up my skirt and pushed it over my ass to pool around my waist. Next, Cooper pulled down my panties until my cheeks were completely bare to him. I could feel the difference in temperature immediately, the air conditioning making it cool in the office.


His hand once more skimmed over my ass before he retracted it. The sharp whack sounded loud in the otherwise quiet office. The biting sting only lasted a second, then Cooper rubbed the area. The feeling of pain barely registered before the soothing warmth spread out.


Cooper’s cock was springing to life underneath me. I could feel the hardness developing. He was enjoying the spanking just as much as I was. We needed to do more spanking in the playroom, that was for sure.


“What are you not allowed to do?” he asked with his hand poised and ready for another.


“Come without permission, sir.”


“And what did you do to deserve this discipline?”


“I came without permission, sir.”


“Are you going to do it again?”


“No, sir.” It was probably a lie. I still needed more training over that particular rule. There would be more discipline in my future, no doubt. Maybe one day I would get the hang of it.


Until then I could enjoy the spanking from my dom.


“Good, babe. You’re learning.”


I received three more spanks before Cooper was done. Every one sent a rush of warmth down to my pussy until I was so turned on I would have fucked him right then if it had been my choice. His enlarged cock told me it still might be a possibility.


Cooper pushed my legs apart a little more before he delivered the fifth tap. He aimed lower, managing to include my pussy in the spanking. The feeling was full of sensations, all of them working me into a horny frenzy. I ached for some more action in my pussy.


“Have you learned your lesson?” Cooper asked. His hand was rubbing my backside. I could have taken that kind of massage all day long.


“Yes, sir.” I was tempted to say no but I did want my dom to be proud of his sub. I wanted to please him more than anything else.


“Good.” His voice was deep and gravelly, just like it was in the playroom. Cooper was turned on and it was hopefully only a matter of time before he did something about it.


His hand rubbed lower every time he swiped it over my ass cheeks. Eventually it grew so low he was also rubbing my clit in the process. I writhed on his lap, trying to get him to put more pressure on my nub.


Nothing Cooper did was accidental. He was purposely touching me until I was all worked up and ready to take him.


I jumped from surprise when his finger entered my pussy. He fucked me with just the one before he slid in another finger. He held his fingers open, scissoring them inside me to stretch me further. With his other hand, Cooper started rubbing my clit. His lazy circles pressed harder the longer he did it.


My breaths were short and sharp while he treated me to all the pleasures he could offer. The spanking had already heightened my arousal to unsustainable levels, and now his hand job was easily taking me to the brink of a climax.


“Wait for permission to come,” Cooper warned, reminding me he was the one in charge here. I had to listen to him and make sure I followed his command. I couldn’t let him down again.


I clenched my teeth together, trying to think unsexy thoughts and hold on for permission. He was driving me wild, blazing my pussy on fire with his fingers and making me slick with juices.


His fingers were delicious torture. Not as good as his cock but still getting the job done efficiently. My nub was a tight coil, ready to unwind the second I received my permission. It took all of my self-control to keep my muscles in check and the fire in my belly on hold.


“Good, babe. You can come now.” Cooper’s voice was like silk, speaking the words I so desperately needed to hear.


I clamped down on my lips once more to make sure I didn’t scream out his name with the orgasm. The last thing I needed was everyone outside hearing what we were up to in his office during work hours.


The fire poked at my nerves until I was a bundle of beautifully pulsing ecstasy. I wasn’t a person anymore, just a blazing hot sensation that took my breath away and caused my heart to speed up. My ribs were all going to crack as my heartbeats made my heart swell.


Every part of me was in complete bliss, happy to the brink of insanity. I never wanted to leave the space Cooper had created for me, a wonderful moment where nothing but good and happiness existed.


He rubbed my back as I let the orgasm filter through every one of my limbs. It was relaxing, lulling me back to my body after being so torn to pieces.


I started to become aware of myself again. Of the fact my ass was still bare and facing the ceiling, of the fact Cooper’s cock was hard underneath me, and of the fact of how much I loved him.


“Good girl, babe. I’m very pleased with you.”


“Thank you, sir,” I managed to pant out. I could have easily fallen asleep in his arms. It was so safe, relaxing, and sure there.


He pulled my panties up and my skirt down until I was dressed again. With his help, I sat up on the couch next to him. His erection was causing a noticeable tent in his trousers.


Cooper caught me looking at his crotch. “You did this to me, babe. You need to fuck me with your hand.”


It was exactly what I wanted to do. I sat on his lap again, this time straddling him with one leg on either side of his. His zipper offered no resistance as I pulled his trousers open.


There was no underwear in sight as his cock sprung free from all the material. It was pink, engorged, and pointing straight up. To know that I could do that to the billionaire was an achievement. I felt sexier than I ever had before.


My hands grasped him, sliding up and down his length and spreading the juices from the tip. When he was slick and slippery, I moved one hand to cup his balls and left the other on his cock.


I massaged his balls, tugging them gently and rolling them between my fingers. With my other hand I slid up and down his shaft, applying just enough pressure to be effective rather than painful.


Cooper closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the couch. He was breathing fast as his arousal grew higher. His hips started undulating gently, making me speed up and grip him a little tighter.

BOOK: Tied Down: He'll see to her needs, if she can tend to his...
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