Three Rivers (43 page)

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Authors: Chloe T Barlow

BOOK: Three Rivers
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"I'm yours."

"Thanks gorgeous. And now I'm glad to say I have a bullet scar to prove it."

She winced as she came closer to him. "Don't remind me, I was so terrified. I thought I'd done it again — that I'd been so blind I let someone I love get hurt. I can't believe David fooled me all those years."

"He fooled Jack, too. But now you know you couldn't have protected Jack from what happened."

A tear started to slide down her cheek.

"Althea, what is it?"

"It's just all hitting me. What happened. I was robbed of the chance of a long life together with Jack. Christ,
life. Robbed of memories. What we would've had together. But I know now that was out of my control. Someone else committed that crime. Violated our trust. I know now that Jack's death," she choked on the words. "I know Jack's death wasn't my fault. But the crime I
prevent is abandoning this second chance with you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Althea, but you have to know, I need this to be for real. It's time for me to lay down some of my own rules. I love you too much to always be hiding who we are, what we feel for each other. I need to know that you don't feel like loving me is like spitting on Jack's grave. I need to know that you're all in, too."

"But what if something happens to you?"

"That's a risk that will never go away. Something may always happen that's out of your control, but we can't run from life because of that. I have to know you're with me on this."

"So, no more baby steps?" she asked softly.

"No. Fuck baby steps.” He reached out and stroked her lovely cheek. "I want the whole big leap. With you."

"Yes. I want that, too.” He hugged her fiercely, ignoring the shot of pain that ran through his shoulder. Althea grimaced and then smiled at him, "You'll keep the place in New York, though, right?"

Griffen laughed as he lay back in his hospital bed, urging her to join him in the small space by his side. "Of course, gorgeous. I'll give you whatever you want. Forever. I promise."

"How about we stick with this lifetime for now, stud?"

"Hmm, I'm pretty stuck on forever, honey."

"All right, it's a deal. You strike a tough bargain, Griffen.” Althea kissed him softly, touching his stubbly cheek.

"Sounds like a good deal, gorgeous.” He put out his uninjured arm and they shook on it.

"You know, right now, I feel hope."

"Me too. Now come and rest with me.” He kissed her softly and sweetly, his good hand slipping around her neck. "I am so excited about this," he whispered so softly he couldn't even be sure she heard it. He reached down and began to stroke her breast. "You know what would make me feel even better right now?" Griffen asked wickedly.

"Here?" she shrieked.


"We could get arrested!"

"I know a great lawyer."

"You're seriously injured."

"You can be on top."

"You're unbelievable."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, stud."

you calling me unbelievable is a compliment, I
it.” She leaned over and as he arched toward her, pain shot through him. "Maybe you're right. How about we just keep kissing instead?"

"Okay," she laughed. She cuddled up to him again after a light kiss. "Griffen?"

"Yes, gorgeous?"

"I'm so excited about this, too," she whispered against his lips.







Two and a Half Months Later


Althea loosened the wool scarf around her overheated neck before grabbing at Griffen's hand again.

It was mid-November in Pittsburgh and the remnants of leaves were still making a last vibrant gasp against the hills. In the typical unpredictable nature of Pittsburgh weather, the night was unseasonably warm. A fierce cold snap was only a day away, promising a steep temperature drop, but for that night, the air was comfortable as Johnny pulled ahead, gripping Griffen's other hand.

She and her crew were taking Johnny to
Light Up Night
for the very first time in his life and it sent a nervous thrill up her spine. This annual event was one of the biggest of the year in the city. Marking the beginning of the holiday season, downtown was overrun with Christmas decorations, parade floats, lights, and crowds of revelers on every street.

It was a huge step for her to be here. She'd avoided it every year, using the crowds or workload as an excuse, knowing it had really been her fear of all things Christmas and its painful reminder of the night that Jack had died that had kept her away.

However, tonight she was with Griffen and as with so many things, he made her feel strong enough to make a change. Usually this would be a recipe for Althea to curl up under the covers and hide, but not this year. Now she was intent on being a part of the life around her, refusing to silently mourn as it passed her by.

It was also a good opportunity to celebrate that life had finally started to settle down after David's attack. Once Griffen was released from the hospital he'd moved in with Althea and Johnny. At first it was so she could look after him as he healed but the media interest in all facets of the scandal surrounding David's crimes was oppressive and Griffen refused to leave them alone.

The government and military investigation was painful but fortunately their involvement was short lived. David and his secret allegiances were the real focus at least as far as that part was concerned. The government and the university had indeed suspected security had been compromised years before, but David had hidden the breach well after failing to execute the information sale, so nothing had come of it then. By thwarting David from following through with his plan, Jack had prevented a potential international calamity, confirming him a hero in death, just as in life.

David's trial hadn't begun, but there was talk of both the state and the feds taking a bite at the apple — the state for Jack's murder and the feds for a laundry list of crimes.

As for the press, that was a different story. Everyone seemed to want a piece of them and Griffen's fame made it only that much more salacious. For someone like Althea who'd lived an incredibly quiet and private life so far, the whole experience had been at best amusing, at worst, surreal and invasive to the point of disturbing.

Of course, Griffen wouldn't hear of her and Johnny facing it alone. Honestly, she hadn't put up much of a fight, because Althea found she loved having him close. With each day their knowledge of each other grew to match the intense connection that had hit them so hard from the beginning.

Even with all the madness around them, Griffen and Althea were enjoying their time together without secrets and finally free of the guilt over Jack's death that had plagued them both for so long.

They learned more about each other every day, and they liked what they discovered. Even their occasional quarrels — and the accompanying make-up sex — helped them to settle more easily into the hope of a future together, because they always came out the other end more intimate and connected than before.

Carol was doing better. The news about David was a shock to her but she also found relief that Jack's death was finally explained. It had also meant that
was packed with new customers hoping for a piece of the story or just to gawk. She'd even had to take on a new chef to handle all the new traffic. The new chef also acted as manager and
was running so well under her hand that Carol had been able to take a step back for once.

As Griffen wrapped an arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head, Althea curled into his side. Johnny was marveling at the elaborate
store windows, each one honoring a different famous Pittsburgh sites during the holidays. It was all part of the historic opening of the Christmas season that Althea had avoided with panic and shame until now.

It thrilled her to hear Johnny rave over each window as they strolled by. He was particularly entranced by the display presenting the ice skating rink at downtown Market Square — so much so, that Althea overheard him demanding Aunt Brey or Aunt Jenna take him there as soon as possible.

Griffen looked down at her, "Are you ready?"

"So ready."

"Good," he kissed her deeply until she heard wolf whistles behind her.

"Hi Brey. Hi Jenna. Guess this means Johnny's ready to see the tree lighting now?"

"A great
idea if you ask me," Jenna said with a laugh.

Althea hesitated for a moment and Griffen gripped her waist tightly, whispering in her ear, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I love that you know to ask that. But, yes, I'm sure. Just nervous and excited."

"Good," he gulped. It struck her that Griffen was acting equally skittish as they trekked deeper into downtown toward Point State Park.

Is Griffen sweating? He's definitely distracted. Is he not okay with this after all

Althea caught his smile back to her and forced down her worried thoughts. She'd gotten much better at not wrapping herself in worst-case scenarios and Griffen was a large part of that.

okay, Griffen?"

"Yeah, of course.” He looked deeply in her eyes, still making her weak in the knees. "I just want you to only have happy memories of Christmas from now on."

"Oh Griffen.” She kissed him hard as they approached the masses of people waiting to see the lighting of the tree.

"Wow! This is so cool," Johnny cried at the sight of all the fanfare before them, only to become bored by it right away. "Mommy, can Aunt Bwey and Aunt Jenna take me to see Santa?"

"I can take you honey," Althea offered, her hand outstretched.

"No! I want my Aunts to take me, Mommy."

"What can we say? He's individuating," Jenna said with a laugh.

"Yeah. I guess you're old news Mom,” Aubrey teased. "Let us take him. You know you love the fountain. Take a closer look. It
the site of the closest thing you two had to a first date,” Aubrey offered with a wink.

"Yeah, you guys just relax. Aubrey's photographing the event for
Pittsburgh Magazine
so there’s no wait to see Santa. We'll take him,” Jenna said.

"What a great idea," Griffen whispered.

He took her hand and walked her to the confluence of the three rivers, where America first found a gateway to the western frontier and began a history of new beginnings for so many people. The fountain was turned off for the winter, but the memory of their picnic lunch there together still thrilled her as she leaned close to Griffen's warm body.

"Some view," she said, still overwhelmed by the symmetry of the three rivers framed by the mountains in front of them. Althea finally felt truly one with the current of the world around her and so deeply connected to this man next to her.


"Yes, Griffen.” She entwined her fingers in his. "So happy."

"Hopefully this will make you happy, too."

Griffen suddenly started to go down on one knee and the realization hit Althea so hard she thought her heart would burst. They were already getting attention, but she couldn't be bothered to notice. All she could feel was shock to see Griffen kneeling before her.

"Althea since the moment I met you I knew nothing would ever be the same for me. I knew that you and I were meant to ride along this life together. I want to be with you every day. To raise Johnny with you. To laugh with you. To support you. To love you."

"Griffen! What are you doing?"

"Well, I thought I was asking you to marry me. But I may not be doing a good job of it. I probably need to be more straightforward. Althea, will you marry me? I know it may seem fast, but whenever I wanted something in my life I went for it. And I want you. I love you and I want to be with you forever. And before you answer, know that I don't want to replace Jack in your heart, because he's inside mine too, just like he's in yours. So what do you think?"

Althea couldn't speak as her emotions were choking her throat like a fist.

"Please hurry up and answer, because you're starting to freak me out. If I wait much longer I think I'll have a heart attack."

"Can you never be serious Griffen?" she asked, but she was laughing now.

"I'm as serious as they come, gorgeous, what do you say?"

"Of course I'll marry you. I love you.”

He stood and kissed her firmly. Cheers and hooting from their audience sounded from behind them but all she heard was their own hearts pounding. When he pulled back he opened a ring box before her.

"It's so beautiful.” She looked down at a huge green stone surrounded by white diamonds. "Is that an emerald?"

"No, gorgeous. It’s a green diamond. Took forever to find one but I wanted something to match the green flecks in your eyes and an emerald is too weak of a stone for you. Diamonds are forged out of great strain, pressure, and stress to emerge as something so strong, bright, and beautiful — precious — just like you. It
to be a diamond."

"Griffen, how long were you looking…exactly?"

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