This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad (14 page)

BOOK: This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad
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I knew their mother and their father when he was alive. I danced at that wedding. Your aunt Sue was in love with Axel Mpobo but sassy Eleanor got him first.”

Unbelievable! When was that?” I reach my exit Eastern Avenue.

The Riddell big wedding…? 1973. Eleanor was five months’ pregnant. With Axelle…by Axel.”

Wicked!” I park my car and turn off the engine. “Wait a minute. Are talking about the same Riddell?”

The really rich ones? Yes.” So Lucia is well off. Why is she working? She loves music this much? “Big grey eyes, fantastic looking and natural-born dancers?” Mum adds.

Spot on! That’s Noor and Lucia. I haven’t met Axelle or their mother. Is she still in London?”

No.” She doesn’t say anything.


She…she abandoned them about fifteen years ago. In the South of France, four years after her husband, their father, died, never to be seen or heard of again.”

What? Lucia was just a child! Who raised her?”

Her sisters. Who else?”

I must have been silent for quite some times before I hear my mum again.
“Are you alright, Cushion? My consultation is here.”

I’m fine. I just can’t imagine not having you in my life all these years. Or even losing Dad…ever.”

I love you too, Marcus. Next time ring me back.”

I will. Bye, Mum.” I disconnect the line. I stay in my car for a few more minutes. Lucia and her sisters; it does explain a lot. It explains her, her bond with Noor and even Axelle, who I haven’t met yet. The British accent, that blasted hung-over accent. So this is how the Lucita legend came to be. No parents, just sisters to take care of her; no wonder she could go on tour with the G Band when she was only a teenager. This is why all stories start with Noor or Axelle and why there are none about her mum; why Greg matters to her this much, a man who treats her the way she deserves to be treated. I’ve been a real dickhead, no better than Matt. We’re that dense in England after all. It took me six weeks to understand that.

I head to the building, knowing exactly where to find her. The dance studio with McMullan; she mentioned this a few times yesterday. I arrive and stay at the door. Beesly is here too, sitting in the corner cheering on. Lucia and Greg are dan
cing to “Kiss from a Rose”. She is a natural-born dancer, but also a classically trained one it seems. I don’t even think they’re aware of my presence. Beesly sees me and waves. He’s lifting her as if she weights nothing. I just can’t take my eyes off her. She’s glowing in a skin-color leotard with matching tight, short and dark leg warmers. Her hair is completely untied and moving along with her. Simply breathtaking…

I’m so rusty,” Lucia lets out, a bit out of breath, at the end of her dance.

Is she joking? I knew she was good. But this was just

Luce, you were amazing!” Beesly says.

Greg is still holding her.
“Lulu, I still can’t believe you stopped performing. You’re just so good.”

Thanks, but I’m no Noor and I certainly can’t dance like Axelle.”

Greg spins her and lifts her again. Now he
’s just showing off.

This routine is nine years old. And you’re still nailing it Lulu,” he tells her.

She sees me.
“Hi, Marcus. What brings you here?”

“You two were terrific!”

Thank you, Tickle Toes,” she jokes.

You remember. Can I talk to you in private?”

She nods and follows me outside.
“Sorry I’m a bit parched.”

You look lovely,” I tell her once we’re alone.

Thanks.” She’s blushing.

You always do.”

She crosses her arms. She really needs to stop doing that. Her leotard didn
’t cover a lot to begin with. “This is going to be good,” she says.

I’m sorry.”

It’s okay; we were just messing around in there.”

I started this, now I have to finish it.
“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you before and after your birthday. I should have told you who I was.”

A very shocked Lucia is staring back at me.

“It has come to my attention that I’ve never apologized for my actions, or explained them.”

’s still very shocked.

I was an idiot. I went there to meet you, then I
you and –”

you,” she says slowly.

Yes you did,” I reply and can’t help smiling. I come closer. “Hey, Luce.”

She comes closer.
“Hollaback, Just Marcus.”

When you dance, you just come alive. You’re on a whole new level.” I move her hair from her face.

What the fuck took you so long, Just Marcus?” she asks me almost as whisper. She starts to move away from me. “I thought I’d never see that sight of you again.”

I –”

Don’t answer that…yet. I’ve got to get back inside.” She’s now close to the door. “Back to Greg,” she adds before closing the door behind her.

I smile. So maybe I
’m more than a little jealous. Big deal! I need to speak to Mary as soon as possible.

Lucia – A Guitar Solo


“Take a deep breath and raise your arms slowly,” our yoga instructor says.

Flexibility has never been an issue with the women in our family. We
’ve been professional dancers for the past hundred years. But yoga sessions with Jubilee have always proven to be trickier. She’s challenging her pupils all the time. I’m doing fine though, unlike Noor next to me, still struggling with her static squad. Static squad; easy one, sister! What’s up with her today anyway?  I quickly stick my tongue out at her.

Now, slowly raise your right leg. Very slowly…” Jubilee executes the new pose at the same time. Here comes the challenging part. I’m raising my leg very slowly, breathing in, tightening my stomach; blasted Jubilee, every single time there’s a twist. No time to check on Noor now. Okay, now let’s try to keep the pose for a few more seconds.

Good, ladies. Very good. Now slowly rise up on your right leg, keeping the pose,” she says again. Real torturer she is. She rises, executing the move perfectly.

Are you freaking kidding me!” Noor screams, half out of breath. “I’m not doing it!”

Jubilee winks. She fucking winks while we suffer! Why do we keep going back there? Each session we say it
’s our last time. Thank God we only have a few minutes left.

For those who make it up, please change to the Tree position. Breathe in and out, in…out. Go to the Warrior pose. Raise your leg slowly and…cool down routine.”

Time for more stretching, Noor is finally relaxing. We roll out our mats and head to the showers. I did
good. No, I did great! All my poses, no falling and a lot of sweating.

What’s with you today? You’re the one who wanted to come. I’m usually the grumpy one,” I ask Noor. I look at us in the mirror. We’re both wearing the same dark-grey bodysuits down to our knees, our hair in a tight chignon. Noor, Lucia. Lucia, Noor – we look like twins today.

What’s with
? You’re so jolly. I even think you lost weight.” She turns away and hits the showers.

Please Noor, just send all that
my way.

I take a quick shower and get dressed. Noor meets me at my car, still very silent. Should I let her in? She
’s family; she deserves to at least plea her case. I let her in.

So, I’m not that sorry,” she tells me as I’m driving us through Bayview Village. “But I’m sorry. I’m stressed and you haven’t been here lately. ”

Okay. I take that for now. I
’ve been working a lot on the album this past eight weeks and with Beesly as my roommate, I have been neglecting my sisterly duties a little. Still, a bit of silent treatment would do no harm. I turn the music on, concentrating on the road.

Where’s your new best friend today anyway?” she asks.

’m parking the car, still not answering her. I’m supposed to be the baby of the family not the other way around. I get out of my dark-red Lexus and walk toward the mall, still silent.

Stop it right there, Luce!” she commands behind me. And here we go. “You suck at yoga. You couldn’t even fit in this outfit when I bought the same size for both of us by accident last year. Speak!” She crosses her arms. “Now.”

What’s our spending limit today?” Yes, I’m avoiding this. She will only get angrier. We’re searching for shoes and outfits for her press release party next week. She will be on the cover of a very famous dance magazine. “A grand? Two? It’s your party.”

Alright then. Let’s go. Even sharing is off the table now.” She walks past me and into the mall. “Two. Each.”

In a spending mood today?” I enter our favorite designer store in there. “Let’s see what they have for us.” I find a few dresses to try for Noor, all less than a thousand dollars. I don’t care what she said; Lelly would have my head.

What do you think?” She’s wearing a very short, light-blue, empire-cut dress with spaghetti straps. “It showcases my legs and they are fantastic, and will be even better by Friday.”

In six days? They’re pretty perfect-looking now.” They really are. I wish I had those legs. Oh wait; I bloody do now. “How much?” I check the price. “Nine hundreds! And before tax!”

It’s haute couture!” She goes back to the changing room. “I’m buying it. You?”

I’ll look around some more.” I walk around and stop in front of the sexiest piece of clothing I have ever seen. A black, three-piece tuxedo jacket, blazer and black, sleek capri pants. I’ve got to try this. In the dressing room, I take a deep breath. “
Noor, t’es la

Yeah? Show me.”

It fits perfectly and shows all my curves but covered all at the same time. I may have to put a dress shirt or tank top under or not, but my partially covered legs look so lean with a nice pair of high stilettos, maybe dark red.

“Luce…this is…” Noor starts crying. “You’re so beautiful.”

Honey, so are you. We’re pretty identical-looking you know.” I hug her. My poor sweetie; she is stressed. “You like it? Picture me wearing it while walking you down in the aisle.”

Yes, yes, yes! A thousand time yes!” she walks around me. “You’re hot and will be so hot. On
day!” She sticks her tongue out. “I’m sorry, I’ve been an idiot. You look happy and I love it. Mostly, I love you, Luce.

I love you too, Nooradine. And it’s my day a little too; I have to give you away to some

Hey, Andrew is more than just some bloke. He’s

I walk back in the changing room. I still haven
’t found an outfit for next week.

How much?” Noor asks

About that… Twenty-five hundred,” I tell her through the doors.

I can hear her laughing.
“Axelle is so going to chew your head off, Luce.”

I’m really aware of that and thanks for the support, big sis!”

Try this one,” Noor says, gently throwing a dress over the door. It’s a dark-turquoise, silky, taffeta tube dress with no straps. What, don’t I get straps? I’m going to spend the night adjusting it. But when I put it on it fits. I don’t even need a bra and for a D cup; it’s almost unheard of. The princess-cut neckline covers them more than enough. Nice choice, Noor!

So?” Noor asks.

It’s a bit short; a good five to seven inches off my knees.”

Does it fit?”

Yes and I don’t even need another bra. I need to take it in a little. What about the budget?”

It’s seven hundred with taxes; you’re safe – this time. Now get out of there; we need to accessorize.”

I meet her at the cashier, where she has already paid for both our purchases with the wedding debit card account. Axelle is going to flip! She stops me in front of the store.
“That dress is a couture size four. Talk! Now!”

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