Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (35 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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“I think it’s because CiCi isn’t in the life, she doesn’t know the streets, like KiKi did,” Mook surmised.

“So he’s bored because the woman he loves doesn’t have drama,” Ramell asked giving Mook a look.

Chuckling Mook told him he didn’t get the logic either, it was just a guess on his end.

“Hmph, well I hope he hurries up and ends the shit,” Ramell again spoke.

He had the sinking feeling Cyiarra suspected something.

“Did he ever tell you how it got started,” Ramell asked Mook.

Sighing lightly he shook his head no.

“It hasn’t affected business, so I really don’t say much unless he brings it up, ya know,” Mook told him as Ramell answered he understood.

“He saw her today, I do know that much,” Ramell enlightened Mook.

Frowning slightly he asked Ramell how he knew that for certain.

“She called while he was with me, said she would be at their spot,” he replied, recalling the portion of the conversation he overheard.

“Damn,” Mook replied simply. “I’m thinking this move can’t happen soon enough,” he began again as Ramell nodded.

As much as he would miss Tariq, him going back to Atlanta could possibly be the thing that saved his relationship and his family. Ramell knew the affair would lead to nothing but trouble as sooner or later one of the parties involved would want more than what was being offered.

“When is everything set up,” he asked Mook.

“Another month,” he replied, thanking Sabrina for the shot of Jose and ignoring the sly wink she gave him as she looked him over.

Kim would whip her ass,
he thought and smiled slightly.

“The information come back on Ice,” Ramell asked.

Mook told him there was no sign that Ian was operating in Atlanta anymore or that he had any immediate plans too. Neither of the men wanted that drama rehashed. Kaitlyn was with him now, so they didn’t see any reason for the man to disturb their dealings any further.

“That’s good to hear,” Ramell returned. “Gonna be hard enough to get shit back on track without having to worrying about Ice and watching your ass.”

Mook chuckled and gave him a hearty amen to that.

“You and Kim good,” Ramell asked, giving Mook another look.

He smiled slightly assuring Ramell they were fine.

“You over that thing you had for Tae,” he asked again.

Mook swallowed hard still uncomfortable with the question and with the woman as well.

“I just can’t seem to shake the bullshit,” he answered honestly.

Ramell murmured and told him it was straight.

“You don’t have any real reason to spend time with just her, and I know you respect Kim when you’re with her,” Ramell replied. “So just chalk it up to curiosity that won’t leave and keep it moving.”

Mook sighed deeply telling him he would.

“You ever deal with shit like that,” he asked Ramell.

“Yep,” he answered calmly, telling him about the crush he had on Talin’s girl, Tyshonna.

“I mean, I knew she was with him, and he was my boy, but I wanted to fuck her in the worst way,” Ramell admitted openly for the first time since telling Jacoury.

Mook shook his head, understanding the man’s dilemma and glad to know he wasn’t alone in his own confused feelings.


Ian saw her when she came in. It was well after 2AM and he wanted to know where she’d been. Kaitlyn had been very different since their son’s death. Ian Cartier Bailey was perfectly healthy when he was born. 8lbs, 10oz’s of pure joy for them both. They never saw it coming, the sudden death that seized him at six months old when Kaitlyn entered the nursery to find his body still and cold. Ian would never forget the scream of pain that left her or the blank, empty look in her eyes as she rocked the dead child. It’d been almost seven months now since his death, but Kaitlyn was still grieving. She took excellent care of the girls, Ian couldn’t deny or find fault there. It was the relationship between them that was suffering. She tried; he gave her credit for that. Kaitlyn was attentive and loving, they still made love, but he sensed it. He knew her well enough to know when his wife wasn’t in the same room while they made love, kissing and caressing each other. She would disappear at odd hours, sometimes leaving for days and returning without explanation. Any other woman Ian would have beaten the hell out of and killed by now, but Kaitlyn wasn’t like any other woman.

“You could have called, texted,” Ian said calmly, turning on the light as she quietly came into the bedroom.

Kaitlyn stopped in her tracks the light blinding her momentarily as she blinked waiting on her eyes to adjust.

“I’m here now,” she said simply, no hint of anger or sarcasm.

She was simply choosing not to address the statement.

“Where have you been,” Ian asked again, rising and walking in front of her.

“Out,” Kaitlyn replied, her eyes meeting his.

Her expression begged him to leave her alone, but Ian wanted answers.

“Out where,” he returned, his irritation beginning to grow. “What the hell,” he mumbled, examining her closer and finally seeing the blood on her clothing, and spattered on her shoes.

“What have you done KiKi,” he asked softly, his eyes finding hers again.

“I warned the bitch,” she replied simply as Ian frowned deeply.

“Who baby,” he questioned carefully once again.

“Your whore, Ananda,” she replied the jealousy flaring.

“I haven’t been with Ananda, KiKi,” Ian told her honestly.

She chuckled slightly telling him she knew.

“She called earlier, left you a message,” Kaitlyn enlightened as she undressed and went to the shower.

Ian waited patiently, his mind whirling as she showered and finally returned to their bedroom.

“And the message made you go see her,” he tried, hoping Kaitlyn hadn’t killed the woman, but pretty sure she had.

“Yes,” Kaitlyn replied acidly. “She was spouting some bullshit or other about a baby and her losing it, and that you should know,” she growled.

Ian sighed softly. “Ananda wasn’t pregnant by me, KiKi,” he patiently answered.

She smiled again.

“I know that too,” Kaitlyn replied. “It was the fact that this trick thought I was joking with her ass,” she told Ian as he nodded.

“So you just beat her ass,” he questioned wanting to know one way or the other.

“At first,” Kaitlyn replied. “But then I realized the trick wasn’t going to stop, she would have called again, she was in love with you Ice,” she finished as he sighed deeply.

“I didn’t love her,” Ian reassured her as Kaitlyn stepped close to him and put her arms around his neck.

“I know,” she replied softly as they kissed.

Ian couldn’t lie and say he was all that upset about Ananda’s death. He was just worried about Kaitlyn and the hair trigger she seemed to have these days. The soft kisses to his neck took his mind off any further contemplation, as the kisses went lower and he finally felt the warmth of Kaitlyn’s mouth on his quickly growing erection.



Cyiarra and Layla were still laughing and joking as they walked into Baccheus. Everyone was already in place and the celebrating had already begun. They were celebrating the set up in Atlanta putting the final pieces in place for the move in the next few weeks.

“Hi, baby,” Tariq greeted Cyiarra sweetly, hugging Layla as well.

“Everyone this is my best friend Layla,” Cyiarra told them, introducing each of them by name.

Layla said hello as everyone invited them to sit down while more drinks and food were ordered. As she enjoyed the food and drink, Layla took in each of the people surrounding Tariq, concluding he had some very attractive associates.
I don’t think I’ve seen this many good looking, fine, sexy ass men in one place in a long time,
she thought behind the smiling façade as she took them each in. She took her time taking in Ramell and Jacoury, admiring each of their sexy well put together frames. Layla’s gaze lingered on Mook, loving the beautiful chocolate skin and sexy lips he possessed. There was one however that took her breath away when she looked at him.
Damn, I have got to see if he wants to come out and play,
she thought taking Shells in.

Layla loved the dreds, the creamy cocoa skin, beautiful smile and accent were making her panties wet as they all conversed. Glancing briefly at his girl, Layla didn’t think the woman was much competition. She was pretty yes, but those types were usually frigid or a pushover. Shells rose as if on cue and headed to the men’s room. Layla casually excused herself and headed to the ladies room located down the same hallway. She lingered around long enough for Shells to emerge, head down as he smoothed his shirt, bumping right into here.

"Scuse meh gyal meh nah se yuh dere",” he told her smiling amiably.

Layla smiled back telling him no harm done.

“Where are you from, Shells,” she asked sweetly, wanting to keep him alone with her for a moment.

“New York, but meh come from Yard. Jamaica,” he replied still being friendly.

“Mmm, okay, that explains the accent,” Layla continued to flirt.

Shells smiled and said nothing more, trying to step around her and return to the party. He knew if Tae caught him here the hallway with the woman there would be hell to pay.

"Come now, dey all gwine look fi yuh" he said referring to her sudden departure knowing it would spark curiosity amongst the bunch, as he walked away and Layla smiled at his back.

Oh I’m going to get some of that,
she thought wickedly, giving him a few moments before discreetly making her way back to the group and taking a seat once again.

Everyone was having a great time, some feeling a bit better than others as the liquor flowed freely. Tariq admittedly was a little tipsy when he felt his phone vibrate. Having enough presence of mind to leave the group, he headed to the men’s room. Arriving he checked the phone smiling as he read the text. Quickly sending one back, he deleted all traces and placed the instrument back in his pocket. Deciding he would answer his call of nature, he stepped up to the urinal as Mook walked in.

“Your ass is lit,” Mook teased.

Tariq chuckled and told him he was feeling pretty good.

“Hmph,” Mook replied chuckling as they washed their hands. “What’s up with this Layla chick,” he asked giving Tariq a look.

Shrugging lightly he told Mook the woman was Cyiarra’s best friend since back in the day.

“Hell maybe with her here for a little while, CiCi will stop being so damned clingy and needy,” Tariq threw out irritably.

Mook was slightly taken aback. This was a side of Tariq he’d never seen. The man seemed to honestly dislike the woman who had his child and kept his home.

“Maybe she just feels the distance Top,” Mook threw out carefully.

Tariq again sighed softly, shrugging, before he answered.

“I’m not out there like Mook,” he replied, looking his partner in the eye. “I know you and Mell don’t like what I’m doing, but I swear it’s only once a week and we aren’t out there like that,” he explained as Mook raised both hands in surrender and told him he wouldn’t bring it up again.

Thanking him the two men returned to the party, picking up where they left off.


Gabrielle was careful to put on the hat and scarf before she left home. It was habit now, not to come out in public without her aides. Taking a deep labored breath she was happy to simply be alive. She thought back to the past year and the day she walked into her and Ray’s bedroom finding Rahja waiting for her.
“Let’s not make this difficult,” he told her calmly, pointing the loaded .380 at her. “Come,” he spoke once more as Gabrielle obediently followed. She had a very bad feeling as they entered the den and Ray sat sipping his drink, regarding her calmly. “Gabrielle, have I not been good to you, to a fault I might add,” he addressed her calmly. Shaking her head yes quickly, she opened her mouth to try and speak, when Rahja told her to shut up. “You will not speak unless Mr. Lockhart requests it,” he barked angrily. Her eyes pleading with Ray, Gabrielle waited on him to address her once more. “You tried to play me for a fool Gabrielle,” he told her, the anger showing on his face. “I would have made your life a fairy tale,” Ray told her getting right in her face. “Now I’m going to make it a nightmare,” he said simply, giving Rahja the signal. Gabrielle remembered searing pain and then blackness.

As she rode in the car headed to town for shopping she continued to remember. She woke later tied to a chair in an abandoned warehouse, mouth gagged as Rahja watched her emotionless. Seeing that she was awake, he rose, turning his back as he arranged items on the small table he stood in front of. Finishing his task he returned his attention to her and she saw the malice in his eyes. Glancing at the table Gabrielle saw the things he placed there, her eyes growing huge with horror. Rahja chuckled seeing her fear as he came closer, speaking calmly as he addressed her.
“You should never have stolen from him,
Rahja told her.
“He left your torture up to me,” he went on gleefully. “I have studied you. You are the type of woman who beguiles men with her beauty, then takes their manhood from them,” he told her turning back to the table and donning the rubber gloves. “I’ve decided to rectify that problem,” Rahja told her coldly, holding the small cup like container in his hands.

Gabrielle flinched now, her hands instinctively going to her face as she recalled the memory. Rahja poured the caustic cleaner on her skin, watching as it began to burn and blister her exceptionally fair complexion. Making sure the angry welts and scars wouldn’t fade with time, he finally pulled a screaming Gabrielle from the chair and washed her face, stopping in its entirety the mixtures acidic qualities. The tears came again as they sat at the light and she looked out into the ocean in front of them. Her face was permanently scarred garnering gawking stares and whispers wherever she went. Gabrielle was thankful for her cousin Zeke. After Rahja finished with her face, he’d beaten her, raped and sodomized her, before pushing her from a moving vehicle with $100 pinned to her. Gabrielle remembered walking until she reached a major highway, collapsing just as a vacationing family passed her on the interstate. Thankfully they stopped and took her to the local hospital where she was able to contact Zeke. The police questioned her about the attack, but Gabrielle feigned the inability to identify her attacker.

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