There's Snow Escape: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 7) (3 page)

BOOK: There's Snow Escape: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 7)
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Charlotte tried to keep her composure, but it was damn hard. The place was filled with giants. If a fight broke out, she’d be shit out of luck. Nowhere to go but to the ground and crawl her way out. Not a single person in that place was ugly. Male or female. It was weird as hell.

Then there were the two guys off to the side. They both wore the same brown outfits that looked like a suit but cut differently. The necklines were straight and they fit the men like they’d been made for them. What the hell did she know? They probably were.

She gulped and glanced at Bella who stood at the end of the hall. Music drifted softly and everyone stood. Bella smiled at Alyx, who took his place to Charlotte’s left. Alyx’s parents stood next to him. Not the usual earthly tradition, but she guessed it was something new here to have a wedding.

The two men continued to stare at her. She was fascinated by how good looking they were but in such a different way. Their skin was pale with blue eyes that sizzled the longer they stared at her. Each boasted white hair, one longer than the other.

She didn’t know what animal they were, but she was so curious. The one with the longer hair looked angry, like he didn’t like something about her. He played a staring match with her for what felt like forever and when she couldn’t take it anymore, she winked and blew him a kiss.

Take that! The look on his face: priceless. There was shock and confusion in his eyes. She could swear she heard a growl sound from across the room. She couldn’t tell what the other guy was saying to him, but she wished he would stop frowning at her.

The wedding passed in a blur. The entire thing went off without a hitch. She felt like she’d been in a trance for most of it, her attention focused on the two men. Gerri played the minister role, knowing exactly how to perform an earthly wedding.

Though things were mixed to fit Bella and Alyx, and include Aurora traditions, some of the things added made the vows that much more special. Like the fact he promised he’d say at least one beautiful thing to her every day. That had made even Charlotte smile.

Bella promised that she’d always smile when he kissed her good morning, even if she was in a grumpy mood. That got a laugh from Bella and Charlotte since neither of them were a morning person.

After the wedding ceremony, the doors opened to the gardens for everyone to take part in a celebratory feast set up under the dual moons. She lost track of the two guys. Gerri tapped her on the shoulder and walked with her to dinner.

“How do you like Aurora so far?” Gerri asked.

“It’s beautiful here. Reminds me of that feeling you get when you have the best dream and wake up smiling.” She sighed, inhaling the scent of the sweet-smelling pale blue flowers that looked exactly like giant peonies adorning the castle.

Bella had fallen in love with the flowers and the staff had made it their business to decorate everything with them. “I’m still in shock we’re on another world.” She glanced at Bella sitting with Alyx and his parents smiling and talking. “I’m so happy she’s found someone who loves her for the amazing person she is.”

Gerri met her gaze and frowned. “Are you still interested in my services? I ask because you are the first client I see to hesitate, and I want to reassure you.”

She’d been more than hesitating. Matchmaking was hard enough on earth. They were on another fucking planet. She had no idea what these big men would do with her. Another glance at Bella made the decision for her. The happiness radiating off her best friend gave her hope like she’d never had for her own love life. “Yes. I’m interested.”

“Very good. How do you like snow?”

She blinked, the question catching her off guard and she hadn’t even had wine yet. Lord, how she needed a drink. “I love the winter. Snow is my favorite. I like to ski and hike and just watch it fall. It’s peaceful and beautiful.”

Gerri smiled. “I’m happy to hear you say that. I have friends who live in the Ice Mountains and I think you might be interested in visiting the area. I won’t have anyone for you to meet just yet. If you are interested, this is a great opportunity. Things will be quiet here and Bella will be gone with Alyx for a few days.”

It sounded like a great chance to see some other areas of the planet. “How are the Ice Mountains?”

“Cold, but beautiful. When you look down from the highest peak, it looks like the other peaks are covered in diamond dust. They glitter and sparkle with the light of the two suns. It’s very cold there. You’d need to take winter clothes with you.”

The view tempted her like nothing had. She’d visited enough mountain tops to know this one was probably the best she’d ever see. “Yes. Sign me up. Tell your friends I’ll be happy to go for a few days.”

Gerri’s eyes sparkled with humor and something else, something she couldn’t define. “Don’t let them worry you. They’re big, but they’re nice.”

Right. Something she’d have to see to believe. People here were freaking huge. It was like earth folk were the little people next to the Aurora shifters. She’d never felt as tiny as she did at that moment, surrounded by all of them at once. That said a lot, considering she was the one who always felt like she was stared at because she was such a big woman.




Eros waited by the tree as instructed by the castle staff. He’d been trying to keep his animal calm and stop Brecc from grabbing their little mate and taking off with her. Apparently, earth people didn’t take kindly to being abducted. They didn’t need to get into any more trouble with Alyx.

The sounds of laughter and soft music filled the air. It did nothing to reduce his stress level. He wanted so badly to get out of there. To find out his mate’s name and to take her home. With him and Brecc. Where she belonged.

“There you are,” Gerri said, appearing from between the trees.

“Who is she?” he asked, desperate for information on the woman who would make him and Brecc whole.

Gerri patted him on the arm. “Calm down. She’s unaware of your desires to mate her. You will have to convince her of your feelings.”

He could see her through the branches, talking and laughing with Bella. Her smile lit up her face.

“What’s her name?”

“Charlotte. There are some things you should know. It would help you with getting to know her.” He watched Charlotte lift the wine to her lips and let her gaze roam over the crowd. “She’s been married before and comes from a very cold family.”

He frowned, turning to meet Gerri’s gaze. “She’s already mated?”

“No. She was married to some dickhead who thought he’d get her for her money and treat her like crap. She needs honesty. She needs love.”

He could do that. They both could. The love part would require for Brecc to open up his feelings and connect with Charlotte on a deeper level. That could be a problem.

“Do you think she’d be okay living in the mountains? She looks so frail,” he said, worried over Charlotte’s silky-looking skin and bountiful curves. Hunger for a taste of her thundered in his veins.

“Oh, for crying out loud,” she growled. “Not all women are weak just because they’re smaller than you. She’s a lot more resilient than you realize. Don’t treat her like a baby. She’s able to make decisions and knows what she will and won’t allow.”

“When do we take her?” Brecc asked, joining them by the secluded tree.

“Don’t say it like that!” Gerri hissed. “You make it sound like I’m giving you permission to abduct a guest and you know that’s a no-no, Brecc.”

Eros glanced at his partner. He knew what Brecc was thinking. It was part of their bond. He would take Charlotte home. Nobody would get in his way.

“Fine, when should we escort her to our mountains?” Brecc drawled. The look on his face said he had no patience for proper etiquette.

“Tomorrow morning. She’s going to be expecting you to take her for a
.” Gerri poked Brecc in the chest. “This is a visit. It is up to you to do whatever you need to convince her to stay.” She poked him again. “Do you understand?”

Eros nodded along with Brecc. They’d wanted a mate for so long. Had waited with fading hope and now that she was there, they wouldn’t do anything to push her away. Eros cleared his throat. “We understand.”

“One more thing, she has reservations about being matched with anyone, as is. Two men hitting on her at the same time would probably turn overwhelming.” She sipped on her wine and leaned closer. “I suggest you both spend time with her together and alone. Get her comfortable with you.” She met their gazes with her unwavering stare. “This is your chance to get the woman you’ve been waiting for. The rest is up to you.”

A staff member approached Gerri and she quickly left. Eros still had many questions about Charlotte. He wanted to ensure they didn’t fuck up and make her uncomfortable around them.

The urge to speak to Charlotte became too overwhelming to ignore. He glanced at Brecc. The Alpha should be first making the first contact with their mate.

Brecc shook his head. “Let’s move closer, but I won’t speak to her without you.” He stared firmly into Eros’s eyes. “We’re a team. I’ll have my time with her. Right now we need to work together to get her to come to us. To be ours.”

It was part of their bond to want to include the other in everything they did. It was why they shared women and would need a female who understood and wanted to be with both of them.

Eros’s heart thumped harder as they closed the distance between them and Charlotte. They bypassed bodies and laughter, their animals focused on their prey. She glanced around, as if noticing their intent. She stood to go somewhere and was joined by Bella. They laughed and talked until Bella noticed them.

“Hey!” Bella smiled. “If it isn’t the white wolves of the mountains.” She turned to Charlotte and laughed. “These gentlemen are Brecc and Eros. Alpha and Omega of the Ice Mountains. Be careful with these two. They like Earth girls.”

Charlotte smiled and offered her right hand. Brecc picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. “You have no idea what a pleasure it is to meet you.”

Eros followed behind, lifting her right hand to his heart. “I have no words to explain the joy it is to meet you.”





Charlotte was tongue-tied for the first time in her life. The two hot guys, who now had the names of Brecc and Eros, were hitting on her. In front of Bella. To make matters worse, Bella found their flirting amusing. She kept elbowing Charlotte. Her side was going to be bruised if she kept it up.

“It’s…it’s nice to meet you both. I’m Charlotte.” Holy hot guys with white hair Batman! She’d never been into the pale vampire look, but these guys weren’t skinny like vampires. They were big and buff and had the most beautiful blue eyes that were eating her up like she was a freaking cupcake.

“Charlotte you should see where these guys live. You’d probably fall in love and never want to leave.”

“If I may interrupt,” said a voice behind Charlotte. She whipped around to find another tall man, watching her, Bella, Brecc, and Eros. A low growl made her glance at the two wolves.

Brecc’s eyes changed from their ice blue to glow a bright gold. The guy turned her on and made her nervous. She couldn’t decide if he was someone she could feel comfortable around. Unlike Eros, who had such kind and warm eyes, Brecc had such a cold seeming disposition that she got chills staring at him.

“Vikter,” Brecc growled.

Charlotte glanced at the new guy. Vikter. She liked his name. He gave a sinful smile and leaned into her, bowing close enough for her to get a whiff of him, before picking up her left hand and bringing it to his lips.

“Hi,” Charlotte said automatically. “Pleased to meet you.”

“The pleasure…is all mine,” Vikter said.

There was no cologne or lotion. Just the pure scent of clean male. Her breath hitched. Vikter was fucking hot. Not as hot as Brecc and Eros, but she wasn’t dead. Not that she was looking to hook up with him. The wolves either. The past few hours had shown her how ill-prepared she was for dating.

The wolves staring at her like she was Little Red and about to devour her made her realize she needed to work herself into the dating scene again. Good thing Gerri had agreed to help her.

“Vikter,” Bella laughed. “You’re going to make Charlotte blush. She’s not used to men kissing her hands so many times.”

Damn straight. Usually they acted like she should be the one grateful they even spoke to her. Vikter prowled around Charlotte, his gaze moving from Charlotte to the wolves. “I’m sorry, Bella. I had no idea you had such a beautiful friend joining us.”

Bella hugged Charlotte to her side. “She’s here for a few weeks. In fact, she’s going to be wanting to see as much of Aurora as she can.”

“Then by all means, allow me to offer you a visit to the Dragos land, lovely Charlotte.”

“No,” Brecc growled.

Charlotte blinked and frowned at him. Did he really say no? Like she had to ask someone permission? Was he drunk? The fact he was bigger than her did nothing to stop the urge of wanting to slap the possessive look off his face.

She realized Brecc and Vikter had some sort of dispute going, but she wasn’t going to be dragged into it. “Excuse me,” she snapped at the giant wolf, “but I can speak for myself.”

Brecc glowered at her. His gaze dared her to say differently. He must’ve had a death wish or something.

She turned to Vikter with a smile, her anger simmering over Brecc’s words. “I’d love to see the Dragos land. Thank you very much for inviting me.”

Bella squeezed Charlotte’s arm. “Before you leave, we’ll have you visiting as many places as possible.”

Charlotte moved farther from Brecc and Eros, allowing Vikter to stand across from Brecc. The men sized each other up, but Vikter didn’t appear to have a care in the world. Had it not been for the way his eyes shifted into slits, she would have believed he wasn’t bothered being near Brecc.

“I wanted to congratulate you,” Vikter said to Bella. “It was nice getting out and coming to the warmer weather.” Gloom clouded his eyes.

She didn’t know why, but she felt bad for the dragon. Though handsome, he appeared to be a lonely man. Something she could relate to in more ways than one.

“Do you want to visit while Bella’s away with Alyx?” she heard herself ask Vikter. There was a sharp inhale from her left side. She assumed Brecc or Eros had something against that, but Charlotte had good instincts. She didn’t get any negative vibes from Vikter.

He eyed her for a moment. A wide smile spread over his lips, showing his perfect white teeth. “I’d love to.”

“All right, gentlemen. I need Charlotte for some girl time before we go,” Bella said. “Thank you all for coming. It was truly a fantastic day.”

Bella dragged Charlotte away from the men. Charlotte glanced over her shoulder and caught all three staring after them. She made eye contact with Eros who offered a smile. She smiled back at him and then at Vikter. Brecc’s features were stony and tight. She knew he was pissed but didn’t understand why.

They got to Bella’s room in silence. Once Bella shut the door, she turned to face Charlotte with wide eyes. “Holy shit!”

“Tell me about it.”

“Did you see what was going on there?” Bella laughed. “You were going to have those two going into a fist fight over you.”

“Me? Hardly. They look like they’ve had issues for a while. I bet you one of them peed on the other’s tree.” She snickered.

Bella went to change from her wedding dress into something more casual. “I’m telling you. You’re going to be shoving them off with sticks soon.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Bella stuck her head out of the changing room. “You’re going to see the Ice Mountains tomorrow so be ready to see snow. Gerri and I arranged for you to stay with Alessandra for a few days.” Her head disappeared back into the changing room. “She’s part of the Ice Mountain pack and a total sweetheart. She couldn’t be here today because her daughter is still really young and she is very particular about taking her anywhere.”

Sounded like every other mother out there. “Thanks. I’m sure it will be great.”

She was so excited to see snow in Aurora. The entire planet was like a fairytale. Now if only she could figure out why Brecc acted so possessively and what was going on between him and Vikter. She knew there was something serious, but what?

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