The Whore (5 page)

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Authors: Lilli Feisty

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Whore
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“Come on, baby,” Xander whispered in her ear. “Come for us. Come for us right now.”

“Fuck!” She screamed the word as the climax ripped through her, ripping her apart. She couldn’t move. She surely would have fallen if Xander hadn’t been holding her steady, if his solid weight hadn’t been like a wall behind her.

Hawke thrust himself deep onto the glass piece, and she heard him groan as if it were being ripped from his mouth. She knew he was coming. Coming because she’d fucked him. Even in her hazed state of mind, the thought affected her. And as she felt Xander plunge one final time inside her, his hands squeezing her breasts as he pulsed his hot jets of come into her, another climax ruptured through her.

Time? The very idea of time passing was like an illusion. Everything seemed surreal, and her head was swimming. Was she actually conscious as Xander withdrew himself from her body? As he took her hand and released Hawke? Was she dreaming as Xander placed her naked body on the bed? She was on her side, with Hawke embracing her from behind, and the back of Xander’s body pressed firmly against hers. So content. She thought she’d never felt so content in her life. And protected. Safe.

As if reading her thoughts, she felt Hawke’s soft voice as he spoke against her ear. “Yes, sweet. You’re safe.”

She sighed. But as her eyes drifted shut she remembered Ayla, and how worried her friend would be. “My friend… I need to get her a message before we set sail.”

“Sweetheart,” Hawke said, and despite the short time she’d known him she knew he was grinning. “It’s too late. We set sail about an hour ago.”

Chapter Five

Leaning against the hull of the ship, Xander took a drag from his hemp arre’te and wondered where the fuck they were going.

The ship rolled on the gentle waters. The sky was its usual orangey hue, and he couldn’t smell a storm coming. That was good. But they were on the run, and as such had to be careful where they landed. So, as usual, he was headed north, to the Lost Sea. It was rumored there were islands there in which native plants and animals had survived the Burning Time. And that’s what Viven had sent him to find. Xander hadn’t. But he had no plans on ceasing his search.

Their small crew was busy. Adiv was checking the supplies, and the rest of the men had their hands full since they’d taken on extra duties. At some point they’d have to go back to the ruins for more supplies, but Xander was in no hurry to do so. Instead, he continued to sail, his crew working as hard as ever to keep them going.

They’d been at sea five days. On the run from Viven, and with a refugee on the ship. A woman, a prostitute. How did he get himself into these messes?

But the girl, Bryn, didn’t feel like a mess. She felt right. Her presence on the ship made everything lighter, better. After only five days, he couldn’t imagine not having her onboard. Of course, the crew had been let on to the fact that Brian was actually a woman. The “crew” consisted of himself, Hawke and Adiv and a few deckhands who had remained. Adiv could be trusted. As his purser, he’d proven himself as honorable. He’d been in charge of the ship’s supplies and trade for over five years.

Still, harboring a prostitute was a capital offense, and if they were caught by the Priestesses, the punishment would be a lot worse than a stab in the hand with a burning stick.

They wouldn’t get caught.

He drew his gaze away from the endless turquoise sea. Hawke and Bryn lay side by side on the deck, laughing. She ran a finger down his arm, and he smiled at her. They seemed content.

The time spent in the sun had brought out the red in her hair, and her skin was turning a tawny shade of gold. She looked healthy and happy.

Watching them touched something in Xander. He’d made his own family at sea, and, deep inside, he realized he’d just added to his clan. It surprised him. He and Hawke had shared women and men previously. It was uncommon to meet a woman, but they’d sailed to places where women were free, carefully protected on secret islands. He’d been searching for the lost island so long, his travels had given him unique experiences. He’d never been jealous when Hawke had lain with another person. In fact, Xander enjoyed watching his lover’s interactions because those encounters were fleeting, and no threat to their bond. What was strange…it seemed normal and natural. Xander enjoyed watching their pleasure in each other. The situation seemed complete, and anything but fleeting.

Which meant they were under his protection, and Xander would do anything to protect what was his. Even if it meant risking his life which was a real possibility if they were caught.

I own you. And everything that’s yours.

After one last deep drag from the arrat’e, he flicked it into a barrel. Fuck. Now they were on the run from that fuckwad, and if he caught up with them, Xander didn’t even want to think about the repercussion of having Viven discover Bryn.

“Captain. Look west.”

Xander followed Adiv’s gaze westward. He was staring at the sky.

In all the years they’d been sailing, Xander had seen every environmental phenomenon. The Roar, when particles from the sun swirled in a brilliant light toward earth, was the most common. They’d seen every color imaginable, and Xander often followed The Roar when it was blue, believing that would lead him to the northern edges of the earth.

But he’d never seen this.

In the distance were puffs in the sky that looked like storm clouds, but this was different. These were white, pure. Bryn joined him, as did Hawke.

“What is it?” Hawke asked, placing his hand on Xander’s shoulder.

“I don’t know.” He walked to the main mast and twisted the lever, pointing the hull of the ship toward the fluffy white mass in the sky. “But we’re going to find out.”


The closer they got to the white clouds, the more Bryn could feel a shift. In everything. The air became less salty, cleaner. The sky gradated from its orange hue to something Xander, Hawke, Bryn and Adiv stood at the hull, mesmerized. She could feel the energy radiating off Xander’s body—he was wound up like a coil.

And then...

“Holy fucking shit.” He ran a hand through his hair.

She saw it too. Green. So much green all she could do was stare at the image before them. But it wasn’t an image, or a mirage. It was real. And it rose out of the sea in lush abundance. Bryn put her hand over her mouth. “What is it?”

Hawke’s hands were fisted on the edge of the hull. “We’ve found it. We’ve fucking found it.”

Adiv barked a laugh. “Or did it find us?”

Turning away, Xander glanced over his shoulder. “Doesn’t matter. Prepare for docking.”


A month had passed since their arrival on the shore. During their time on the island the men had taught her how to swim in the gentle waves of the ocean. She’d learned how to carve a fish for dinner with nothing but a sharpened shell. She’d spent hours just staring at the lush plants that grew here. She’d stood under drops of warm, warm rain. Rain that came every evening and passed, leaving no havoc in its wake.

Bryn never wanted to leave. She had no clue how she’d gotten this lucky. It was barely imaginable that only a few weeks ago she’d been a captive in a brothel. That was the only life she’d known, and despite her fantasies of escape and freedom, never in a million years did she think that would actually happen. Her only concern was Ayla, and how worried she must be. That thought continued to nag at her, but she had no idea how to fix it.

And she was so wrapped up in the pleasure of it all... Now, as she lay on a hemp blanket in the sand, with Hawke’s face buried between her legs and Xander’s cock shoved deep in her throat, she moaned with total pleasure. She had everything she wanted, right here. Freedom. Power. Control.

And Hawke and Xander. How had she lived without them? They treated her like a princess. And she’d been exploring her sexuality in ways she’d never thought possible. Now, her eyes watered from Xander’s cock as he shoved it deep in her throat. She bucked against Hawke’s face. Looking up, she saw Xander’s eyes were dark with desire as he withdrew and rubbed his cock around her mouth, her lips, her face. “Yes…” she said. “Please.” She loved this. Loved feeling his erection on her face.

Because she loved him. She loved both of them.

“Someone fuck me,” she said. “I want you both to fuck me.” Her sex hurt from want. She needed to be filled. Filled with these two men.

“Fucking beautiful.” Adiv was on his knees next to them, his brown skin even more tan since they’d been docked on the shore of this uninhabited paradise. Clothing was an unnecessary item, and they’d all reverted to spending most of their time in the nude. He never participated in their threesomes, but he would often watch, all the while stroking his long ebony cock. The other crew members were exploring the lush vegetation of the island, but the four of them remained on the sand, because it was simply too hard not to touch these men. And Adiv? He loved to watch, and Xander had once said he had no problem accommodating his trusted purser’s voyeuristic tendencies.

Bryn’s skin had also darkened under the effects of the sun. The sun. How different it was here. It shone brilliantly, brightly. Clearly. Unlike home, the air was pure and the sun’s rays were like a warm blanket on her skin. She smiled. The Madam would be shocked if she saw the tanned hue of Bryn’s skin.

The rush of freedom still affected her as it had that first night she’d held the phallic piece of glass in her hand. It was exhilarating, and made her heart pound. She looked up at Xander. “Get on your back so I can fuck you.”

He grinned. “If you insist.”

“I do. And I want Hawke from behind.”

“Whatever you want, sweetheart.”

She glanced at Adiv, who was pumping his cock in long, slow strokes. His gaze on her sent a jolt of arousal straight to her sex. She loved to be watched. If she could, she’d let the whole world see her having sex because she wanted to. Because she chose to. Because she had that power.

With her palm on Xander’s chest, she pushed him backward. Then she climbed on top of him, and lowered her mouth to his. When he went to kiss her, she jerked away, smiling. Teasing. But then she touched her lips to his as she, finally, sank her wet pussy onto his erection, sliding up and down, using his cock to pleasure herself.

“Mmm, Xander. You’re so hard. So hot.”

“I do what I can.”

She glanced over her shoulder, to where Hawke was kneeling, stroking his cock. The tip was just inches from her ass. “Fuck me,” she said.

“All you had to do was ask.”

She turned back to Xander,. Using the strength of her thighs, she rose up and plunged back down. He filled her. “Uhhh,” she cried. Her legs began to tremble as she rode him. Then she felt Hawke’s erection behind her, rubbing around her damp sex. She knew she was wet. They always made her wet...

He used that liquid to coat his dick. Then she felt him pushing at her other hole. She was tight and he was big, but somehow the sensation was lovely, and as he pushed in deeper her entire body froze as the bliss of having both men overwhelmed her.

“That’s it, baby,” Xander said. “Fuck us.”

She managed to open her eyes. “No. You fuck me.”

And they did. They moved in rhythm, plunging in, out. Every nerve in her body felt them. Pure desire that electrified her fingertips and made her toes curl. She braced herself on top of Xander, letting them fuck her. She felt Hawk’s hair on her back, felt Xander’s slick skin on her breasts. “Yes...”

And she knew Adiv was watching. Watching her be utterly filled by these two men. It fueled her, and she could feel her orgasm building deep inside of her. In her core.

“Oh God! Yes. Fuck, yes. Don’t you fucking stop. Either of you, don’t you fucking stop.”

“No one’s stopping, sweetheart. We got you,” Xander said. He gripped her shoulders. Hawke held her hips. They pounded into her.

The climax shattered her, the intensity of it throwing her into utter bliss. She couldn’t think, only feel. And several moments passed before the wonderful fog in her brain began to clear.

She felt Xander and Hawke ram into her and still. Then the sensation of both men filling her with their hot seed.

She collapsed on top of Xander, and felt Hawke’s weight on top of her. A sigh of contentment escaped her mouth. She could stay like this forever.

Time passed. She wasn’t sure how long they lay like that. Eventually, gently, Hawke removed himself from her. He then picked her up and carried her toward the sea. Xander followed.

They walked into the smooth, warm water. When the water reached his shoulders, Hawke released her, holding his hands under her back as the gentle waves lapped at her skin. They kissed her breasts, her neck, her wet stomach. The sun she had come to love so much caressed her with its rays. Unlike the hellish heat in the Wasteland, here soft clouds meandered through the sky and diffused the rays.

She never wanted to go back to Kroy Wren. Ever.

“We must return,” Xander said.

Her eyes popped open. “W-what?”

Hawke nodded. “He’s right. We’re running low on supplies. We need to restock.”

“But we have everything we need here,” Bryn said, swimming away. “Fresh water, plenty of fish and vegetation to eat. Why do we need to return?”

Xander shook his head. “Trust me, I wish we didn’t. But this place… We don’t know the storm patterns. We don’t know if there are seasons, if it will be cold. We need to be prepared, and I don’t know if we are.”

“I’m sure we are.” Bryn waved to the shore, where a large tree was dotted with small orange globes. Fruit. There were many such trees, each one producing a different type of food. Things she’d never tasted before. “What else could we possibly need?”

Xander dove into the water and reemerged a few feet away. He tossed his wet hair away from his eyes. “That’s the problem. I don’t know.”


She could see the concern in his eyes when he spoke. “Trust me, going back to the ruins for supplies is the last thing I want to do. However, I’m still the Captain of this crew, and I need to make sure my people are taken care of.”

“But we are.”

“We don’t know that,” Hawke said. “This place…it seems like paradise, but the fact is, we don’t know. We don’t know anything. We’ve discovered something so unique, so rare…how do we know what the seasons will hold?”

The fear of the Burning Time was implanted deep inside anyone that was left on the planet. Bryn did know, deep down, that preparation was the key to survival.

“And there’s something else.”

Bryn turned to see Adiv had swum out to join them. “Who’s to say no one else will discover this place? What if we are attacked? We don’t have an infinite amount of weapons.” He smirked. “In fact, we barely have any. If we do decide to stay here, we need to be ready. For anything.”

Silence stretched between them. Finally Bryn nodded, knowing they were right. The only way to ensure they could stay here was to do as the men said. To be ready for everything and anything.

“When do we leave?” she asked.

Xander glanced back to the expanse of sea. “The sooner the better. Who’s to say when and if the weather will change? If we can sail back to the ruins, restock and be back on the ship before anyone knows we’re there, we could be back here within a fortnight.”

She tensed. Because by now she knew Xander, knew what he was thinking. “When do we set sail?”

She wasn’t at all surprised when he said, “Now.”

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