The Wedding Runaway (48 page)

Read The Wedding Runaway Online

Authors: Katy Madison

Tags: #duel, #Boston, #rake, #runaway bride, #Regency, #girl disguised as a boy, #cursed pistols

BOOK: The Wedding Runaway
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Her shoulder ached and it was a mass of purple and black. The physician Sophie and Keene had fetched had pronounced her injury not serious. Lydia knew that James
s punch had reopened half-healed wounds. Since she could move her shoulder
the damage was no worse
but telling James that she had been shot there and that was why she had been in so much pain was a mistake.

First thing in the morning, James had shown up and insisted that Jenny pack her trunks. When Lydia resisted
he threatened again to carry her over his shoulder if he must. Her brother was angry enough to do just that. So now she was here.

James paced angrily back and forth.
Where is Trevor? I told him to meet us here.

Lydia stared at the ship they would sail on for the first leg of their journey home. Nothing of the optimism and anticipation of the voyage she had taken to England months ago entered her. Instead, a sick dark dread filled her. Boston would be cold with the harsh winds coming in off the bay. She was born and raised there
but she did not want to return. Yet
she had vowed never to run away again. Running away solved nothing.

As she was shown to her tiny cabin and her trunks shoved in with her
her heart ached at the idea of leaving England. She had not even said goodbye to Victor.

The worst thing was he had not been concerned enough about her collapse to inquire after her health. She stared at the tiny berth where she would spend the next few nights sleeping

She had tried to give Victor what he needed and demanded nothing in return. She was a naïve fool. All she got for her troubles was a broken heart.

There was nothing for her in Boston but an existence that might as well be death. She would not be so foolish as to hope Victor would come after her. She knew he would not.


s not here
said Keene.
Her brother came for her this morning. He
s taking her back to America. I sent messages for you
where have you been?

Victor stared at his half-brother.
At the Archbishop of Canterbury
s. Why did you not stop them?

I could not stop them without knowing that you would do the right thing.
Keene shook his head sadly.
You took too long to come to your senses.

He had taken too long to realize that he had already done all that was needed to destroy her, whether he kept her with him or not.

Her reputation among the ton was shot. Rumors were likely to make their way across the pond to her home. But a girl who would masquerade as a boy did not give a fig about reputation.

She at least deserved to be given all the options and told his concerns. He had done what she hated; he had made the choice of her future for her
and he hated himself for it.

Did she ask about me?

No. She went without a fuss. I asked if she wanted me to send for you
but she said no. She doubted that you would have changed your mind.

Lydia knew what love was and she gave it freely without expecting his love and affection or even his safekeeping of her well-being in return. He had never deserved her
and he had deserted her when she asked nothing of him.

Surely they have not sailed yet. I have to find her.

But by the time Victor had searched the manifests of all the ships sailing to America
the one leaving for Turkey had already left.





Chapter Twenty-One

Victor sat on the low stone wall enclosing the park of his estate. Across the rolling green lawn stood the house his father-in-law had erected in Victor
s absence. The keep that had once lowered over the land with menacing power had a new slate roof overhanging and covering the teeth of the crenulated battlement. The arrow slit windows had been broadened to contain wide mullioned windows.

The once gray and mighty keep now had a new façade of coral limestone. The salmon-colored wings of the house jutted out on either side and were nothing like the harsh forbidding gray fortified structure that had stood on the spot for centuries.

The house looked warm and inviting. No reminder of the defensive monolithic structure that had been his home for thirty years remained. Black-faced sheep dotted the rolling park, keeping the grass trim and neat. His estate was now bucolic and peaceful.

When he first saw the new house, he had been ready for the usual sense of heaviness and oppression that greeted him every time he came home
but he
d been shocked. It was if Mary Frances in her dementia had wiped away all the stains of the past and cleared the way for a new beginning.

The construction was ongoing. Scaffolding still stood against the exterior walls and a steady stream of carts and wagon drove up and down the drive. Plasterers
carpenters and craftsmen busily worked at completing the interior. Tiles floors were being laid and wood planks sanded and planed to be flooring. His house would soon be a home.

Perhaps if he sailed to America, by the time he returned
it would be ready for a family. If Lydia did not hate him too badly.

d been a complete idiot.

His carriage wound its way up the drive and one of the groomsmen hopped down and opened the gate. Barely high enough to keep the sheep inside
the low wall would not deter invaders. The carriage only contained Millars with Victor
s trunks. Victor had ridden ahead on Waterloo
not wanting to inflict his bad company even on his servants.

Millars would probably not be happy to learn that they were leaving for the coast directly.

The carriage traveled a short distance up the drive and then came to a halt.

Victor watched as the door opened and a tall blond-haired youth descended the steps.

He shook his head to clear it. He was seeing things.

But the youth in tan jacket and chocolate brown breeches
with boots to the knees, walked steadily toward him.

Bloody hell
it was Leonard.

Victor pushed off the wall. He took one step
then two and then he sprinted toward her. When he reached her, he grabbed her and swung her around, then kissed her thoroughly as a tradesman
s cart passed the occupants staring so much that one boy tumbled out onto the ground.

does that mean you are glad to see me?
Lenny asked, her blue eyes bright in her face.

Emotions crashed one on top of each other. But his voice had never deserted him in times of desperation before, so he managed to say
I daresay I am vastly relieved you have saved me a trip across the ocean to bring you home.

He pulled her against him
his heart pounding in his throat. Her long legs tangled with his and she slowly threaded her arms around his shoulders. She was what he needed to make his new estate a real home.

He touched her cheek
relishing her silken skin. Perhaps if he held her an hour or two he might believe she was real.
I have been a fool.

she said.
Should we explain to yonder men that I am in disguise?

Victor glanced over at the gawking workers and grinned.
your reputation is destroyed
might as well destroy mine too. But you have brought a dress or two
have you not?

She nodded
her look distant.

He had so much to say to her
he did not know where to begin.
I hope you shall want to wear one tomorrow morning.

If she agreed
they could be wed in the village church. The special license burned in his pocket. Yet
he had to explain his fears and make sure she understood the risks before he would let her decide. If she decided marriage was too dangerous
he would let her go. He wanted to carry her off and make love to her before he risked her refusal. Yet
she had come to him. He had not totally destroyed her love for him.

She seemed distracted.
Is that your house?

The new one. The old was burned to the ground. Only the shell of the keep remained standing
but it was built to withstand any assault. Would you like to see it?

She nodded.

It is not ready to be lived in yet
but within a twelve-month
it should be habitable.

He kept his arm around her shoulders as he guided her across the lawn. If he could just show her how magnificent everything would be
perhaps that would counterbalance the real peril she faced in marriage to him. Too many Wedmont brides died young.

Lydia stared at the huge structure and wondered if there were any buildings so big in America. State houses or the capitol, perhaps. Everything that Trevor had said about Victor
s station in life being superior to anything she knew was glaringly clear. She had needed to see his country estate to understand.

He was glad to see her
but he had said nothing of their future. Nothing of his feelings. She wondered if she had made the biggest mistake of her life.

When she left the ship
a pile of clothes stuffed in her bunk to look as if she was sleeping
she had been sure. Sure that she was doing the right thing
that the only future for her lay right here.

As they strolled toward the steps leading to the front door, her throat tightened. Would just being here with him be enough? What if he never loved her? Did he think she had decided being his mistress was all she had come back for? If she told him of the weak stomach she had experienced the last few mornings
would that change his mind?

Doubts crowded her thoughts as he explained the history of his estate
and that he owned little of the original land
but had decided to invest in businesses instead of concentrating on land stewardship. They had reached the portico leading to the open front door.

We have much to talk about
pet. But I would do this.
He bent, scooping her up in his arms and carried her over the threshold.

Her heart thudded in her chest and he kissed her gently before setting her down on the bare plank floor. She stared at him. Did his gesture mean what she thought it did?

He met her gaze with his own intensity
then he dropped to one knee
gathered her hands in his and said
would you do me the honor of becoming my wife
of sharing this home with me? I have done much to hurt you and I fear I may yet cause you more pain
but I love you and I cannot live without you. I was a fool to ever believe I could.

You love me?
Just when she thought that she had made the biggest mistake of her life
he astounded her.

You tie me in knots and I am half a man when you are not around
I presume that is love. I had thought I was not capable of such. Would you like to see the rest of the house before you give me an answer?

She plunked down on his thigh and put her arms around him.

you do not want to see the rest of the house
or no, you will not marry me?

I thought you would never ask.

He twisted, digging at his pocket.

Or at least I thought I would have to tell you about the baby. Of course I will marry you.

Victor jerked around, his expression startled, and they both tumbled to the unfinished floor.

She kissed him
pulling him down on her
relishing the weight and pressure of his long lean body
remembering the night in her bed
her blood thickening and she hooked her leg around his
drawing his hips closer. He stroked her hair and feathered kisses all across her face.
Oh, Lyddie
are you sure?

Two workmen entered the room and drew up short. One man dropped his tools with a loud clatter.

not yet
but pretty sure.
Lydia smiled and glanced at the workmen whom Victor seemed intent on ignoring.
I suppose if I am to be mistress of all this
I should not be romping on the floor with you.

He groaned.
The floor is all we have. I do not have any beds.
He nonetheless moved to his feet and oh-so-gently pulled her up.
My future countess
he said to the workers and pointed at the open door.
Now leave.

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