The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (62 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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              When they were over, I gave Jake and Hadley some sparklers to play with. “Ella, what’s in your hair?” Danni asked, looking at me funny. She reached up and pulled out a purple violet. I examined the flower in her hand.
How the?
I had no idea how that got there or where it came from.

              I took the flower from Danni twirling it between my fingers. Crazier things have happened I thought and shrugged it off. “Ella, come play with us,” Hadley squealed, running over to us. Her eyes went straight to the violet in my hand. “Pretty,” she said, touching the petals with her tiny fingertips. I tucked the flower behind her ear. “How do I look mommy?”

              Danni squeezed her cheeks and kissed her nose. “Beautiful baby.” Hadley giggled and took my hand pulling me off of the chair.

              “Xander!” Jake yelled. “Come play with us!”

              “You’re home early,” I said as he joined us on the lawn.

              “Jasa has an early flight tomorrow,” he replied.

              “Where’s she going?” I asked curiously.

              “New York. Her firm has a big case they’re working on and she has to be there,” he said a little saddened about not being able to spend the whole night with her.

              “Xander come on!” Hadley and Jake complained, tugging on his arms impatiently.

              “Okay, okay,” he laughed and allowed them to pull him along. We lit a few more sparklers and watched as they danced around in the grass with bright, smiling faces.

              “Fly me Xander fly me!” Hadley cried. He picked her up in the air and spun her around. She giggled happily and I could see the longing in his eyes, wishing that she was his. I wanted to burst forth and tell him she was. He no longer had to wish because it was true. But it was not my secret to tell. So instead I bit my tongue and stood back.

              “Alright Hadley, it’s time for bed,” Danni told her as she stood up and joined us.

              “I’m not tired,” Hadley complained.

              “I know but it’s late,” Danni said through a yawn.

              “Will you read me a story?” Hadley begged with her big green eyes.

              “Yes,” Danni caved. There wasn’t anything that little girl couldn’t get her mom to do.

              “And Xander too!” Danni looked slightly uncomfortable.

              “I don’t mind,” Xander said. If I didn’t know any better, I could swear Xander still had feelings for Danni.

              I watched them walk in to the house before I turned to Jake and told him it was time for bed too.


It only took a week for the school to get back to me with my schedule. My first class wasn’t until ten in the morning making this school a little more appealing. I looked over the schedule they had sent me.

Vampire history 101 10:00 – 11:00 room 232

Spells and casting 11:15 – 12:15 room 333

Lunch 12:30 – 2:00

Chemistry beginner 2:15 – 3:15 room 124

Power control beginner 3:30 – 4:30 room 208

Self-defense 5:00 – 6:00 gymnasium

              And that was just Monday. Tuesday was a whole different schedule.

Royal politics/economics 8:00 – 10:00 room 239

                 And the little appeal the school had was now gone.

Art 10:15 – 11:15 room 393

Dance 11:30 – 12:30 studio

Lunch 1:00 – 2:00

                 My schedule alternated like this every other day. At least the days I had to get up early I got done earlier so I tried to look at it on a positive note. I didn’t use to mind getting up early, but after experiencing the joys of sleeping in on a regular basis I was kind of spoiled.

              I slipped my schedule in my desk and walked over to my bed where I picked up my journal.

Jan. 7

I’m really starting to get nervous. I have no idea what to expect. Not only am I starting a new school, again, but I won’t know anyone and Dean doesn’t count. I have no idea what the people will be like. It’s not like when I started school in the fall. I had Josie with me then, it was easier, and I was more than willing to meet new people, but now, after everything that happened? I wasn’t willing to make new friends and risk putting them in danger. Plus this entire school will be filled with people like me. Vampires, half-breeds, witches…I wonder if there are any others out there? Like werewolves? Angels? Hey if there are vampires and I’m living proof there is, why not other folk lore creatures?

              I pondered that thought for a moment.

Maybe starting somewhere new again would be a good thing. I’m sure I won’t be the only new student? I hope. A new place where no one knows me…doesn’t know what happened. I could literally start fresh. Oh who am I kidding? I can’t do this___

              “Ella, what’s the matter?” my mom asked, coming into my room, uninvited.

              “Huh? Oh, nothing,” I said, putting my journal aside.

              “Ella, something’s bothering you,” she said, making her way over to me.

              “I’m fine,” I said a little annoyed.

              “Ella, your emotions are practically screaming at me. I felt you all the way downstairs.”

              “Oh, right. I forgot you’re an empath,” I sighed. That’s the name for people like my mom with her kind of powers. It was one of the many things I looked up after she told me.

              “Now, care to tell me what’s wrong?”

              “You can’t figure it out?” I said, snippier than I intended to.

              “No,” she said, ignoring my attitude. “Your emotions are all jumbled. Let me –”

              “No! Stay back. I can do this myself.” I knew she planned to calm me with her powers, but I didn’t want an easy fix.

              “I have no doubt you can, but Ella, please. Not just for your sake, but mine as well. You’re a jumbled mess right now and it’s killing me.”

              “Can’t you just block it?”

              “Not when they’re this strong,” she said, covering her ears as if the voices were too loud.

              “Sorry,” I said, feeling bad. I forgot she could feel everything I could when our emotions run high. She sat next to me on the bed, placing her hand over mine. I instantly felt warmth and a soothing, calm feeling. “Thank you,” I said, letting out a breath.

              “Wanna tell me what’s bothering you?”

              “I’m just really nervous about this new school. I thought maybe I could start over, but I’m scared.”

              “It’s normal to be scared Ella, but you can’t let it get the best of you. Besides, Dean will be there, and he’ll help you.” My head shot up. “I’ll make sure he helps you out. What else is bothering you?”

              “I’m afraid I’m never going to be able to trust anyone again. I’m also afraid I’m going to be so paranoid that I’ll think everyone is out to get me.”

              “Oh, honey,” she wrapped her arms around me. “It’s normal to feel that way.”

              I snapped, no longer feeling the calming effects of her powers. “Stop saying it’s normal!” I stood up. “Everything about me is far from normal!” My mom had a stunned look on her face, not sure what to do.

              “What is all this shouting about?” my dad asked, joining the party.

              “This is all your fault!” I yelled, pushing past him.

              “Let her go,” I heard my mom say as I stomped down the stairs. I didn’t know where I was going and I really didn’t have many options either. I couldn’t leave the house without any guardians and all I wanted was to be left alone. I was feeling trapped, like my head was going to explode. I walked out back and screamed at the top of my lungs.

              “Feel better?” Dean asked, shaking a finger in his ear.

              “Sorry, didn’t see you there…and no, I don’t.” I thought letting it out would help but all it did was make my throat sore.

              Dean stood up from his chair, drink in hand, “Alright, we’re going out. Go get dressed,” he said, making me do a double take.

              “What? And I am dressed,” I said, crossing my arms, annoyed.

              “You need to put something slutty on if we’re going to pass you for twenty-one, well, you could pass on your own considering you look like you’re thirty, but then you’d still stick out like a sore thumb,” he said, pushing me into the house. I opened my mouth to retort, but I was too stunned to form words. “Just trust me,” he winked. “Go,” he said, shoving me up the steps.

              I managed to close my mouth and walk up the stairs to my room. I didn’t completely trust Dean, but I thought I’d go along for at least entertainment value. I searched through my closet trying to find something
, which was hard because everything I owned now was hoodies and jeans. Not to mention even before most of my clothes, I guess you could say, were more conservative. Josie was always yelling at me.

              I reached in to the back of my closet and found my only mini skirt and a lace tube top. I pulled out the lace tube top. I’ve never seen it before and wondered how the hell it got in there? Regardless, it would have to do. I grabbed Josie’s favorite black boots from the bottom of the closet and got dressed. I then rimmed my eyes with black eyeliner for a more dramatic effect. I wasn’t too worried about looking older. Dean was right. I was always told I looked older for my age. My mom used to say it was because of the way I carried myself and what gave away my true age was my eyes – my dad said it was my lack of maturity,
. My Grandma Bea told me it was because I had a warrior’s spirit inside of me. The spirit masked my appearance to make me look older and wiser to fool my enemies. I liked Grandma’s reasoning the best.

              I didn’t mind looking older, it came in handy sometimes. For example, like tonight.

              When I was done, I met Dean downstairs where he was waiting with Xander and Gabe. “That’s your idea of slutty?” Dean mocked.

              “Sorry, I left my pasties and G-string at the dry cleaners.”

              “It’s fine,” Xander butted in before the bickering started.

              “Where are we going anyways?” I asked.

              “You’ll see,” Dean said, leading me to the car.

              “Does dad know about this because if not I do not want to get in trouble for this,” I stopped and paused, not wanting to pursue this any further without confirmation.

              “Yes dad knows,” Dean said rolling his eyes. “Why do you think Gabe is with us?” I didn’t ask any more questions. I was just glad to get out of the house.

              They ended up taking me to some dive bar in the not so nice part of town. “Seriously, this is where you guys bring me?” I was afraid to touch anything for fear of getting hepatitis.

              “It’s not about the place. It’s about the company you keep,” Xander smiled.

              “Yeah, well, that’s questionable too.”















Chapter six



We sat in the back near the billiards tables. Dean ordered us a round of drinks and shots. “Here,” he said, handing me a shot.

                  “I don’t know? What is it?” I asked apprehensive.

              “Just take it,” he said rolling his eyes.

              I reluctantly took the shot. “Oh god, what was that?” I cringed as my throat burned with a horrific after taste.

              Xander and Dean laughed. I think I even caught Gabe smile. I glared at them thinking how not funny that was. “Whiskey,” Dean replied to my question. “It will put some hair on your chest,” he said, patting my back.

              “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,” Xander said. That was not something I wanted to get used to. “Come on, let’s play some pool.”

              “I’m not very good,” I told him. I only played one other time and that was when Tristan
to teach me and failed miserably.

              “I’ll teach you,” Xander said. We walked over to the pool tables, but they were all taken. “We got next game,” Xander told one of the guys that were playing and put some quarters down on the table.

              “I don’t think so. Why don’t you and the little kiddies go play some video games?” The guy laughed, throwing the quarters back at Xander.

              “Come on Xander, you can teach me another time,” I said, trying to pull him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

              Instead he just walked right up to the guy and got in his face. Gabe instantly tensed up and stood by me ready to take me out in case this got ugly. “I said we got next game,” Xander repeated, more stern.  The guy laughed again and bent down to take his shot.

              Dean put his hand on the ball. The guy stood up ready to knock him out. “Better yet, you’re done. We’ll take it from here,” Dean said, making the guy’s eyes go wide. “And the next game is on you.” The guy just stood there, staring at Dean dazed. Two seconds later, the guy put quarters on the table and walked away. His friend’s stared at him like he was nuts. Gabe relaxed a little when he walked away.

              “Dean, how did you?” He turned to me and winked. It took a moment before it registered.
Son of a bitch, he compelled him.

              “Nifty little trick, isn’t it,” Xander whispered. I just shook my head as Xander racked the balls. “Dean, you break.”

              Xander tried to explain to me how to line up the cue ball with the one I wanted to hit. He told me that normally you’re supposed to call your shots but since I was a beginner and we were playing for fun he wouldn’t make me. I played very well. Dean said it was beginners luck and Xander said I was a natural. Even Gabe relaxed enough to play a few games. Xander suggested I play someone for money. “I hope you have money to lose because I’m not that good,” I said.

              “No worries, we’ll play teams,” he said. “Besides, I have faith in you,” he smiled.

              “I know the perfect person to,” Dean said before he walked away. He came back with another round of drinks and shots. “Here, you’re going to need this.” He handed me the shot. I didn’t hesitate this time. “Hey you!” Dean called over his shoulder. “Wanna play?” he asked the guy who we took the table from earlier.

              “Dean, what are you doing?” I said, grabbing his arm.

              “Further humiliation,” he smiled.

              “For who him or me?” He ignored me.

              “What’s the bet?” the guy asked.

              “A hundred a ball,” Dean said with a cocky smile.

              “Dean!” He was taking too much faith in me being able to win. I was definitely not willing to risk that.

              Sensing my hesitation he said, “Ella don’t worry. You got this.” He turned back to the guy “You against her.”

              “Wait, I thought we were playing teams?” I asked a little panicked now.

              “Next one. Trust me Ella. You can take him.” I wasn’t so sure. I swiped Dean’s shot from his hand and threw it back, letting the liquid burn my throat. “Relax,” he said.

              “You breaking sweetheart?” the guy asked with a smug smile.

              Dean whispered so low in my ear that only I could hear him. “Tell him to break. You’ll have a better advantage that way.” 

I looked the guy dead in the eye before I said, “No, you break.”

              He smiled, exposing the giant gap between his yellow teeth. I tried not to shudder. Xander pulled me aside to give me some quick pointers, but I was too nervous to listen. When my turn was up Xander told me to call my shots, which made me even more nervous.

              I didn’t know how I did it, but I won. I had a feeling somehow Xander and Dean were behind it. I had no know idea what their powers were, but something in my gut told me they played a part in me winning. The guy looked truly embarrassed to be beaten by a girl. I smirked at him as I walked over to collect my winnings. “Pay up,” I said, holding out my hand. He had to ask his buddies for some extra cash to cover what he lost.

Once I had all the money, I told the boys next round was on me. I made Xander come with me to order the drinks so he could help me carry everything. On our way back to the table some jerk felt the need to interject. 

              “Hey sweetheart, here’s a dollar. Why don’t you come over here and shake that ass for me,” the creep shouted. I ignored the lewd comment and kept walking as Xander shoved me along.

We spent most of the night playing pool and drinking. Dean ended up getting these shots called car bombs. “You do this and you’re officially in the boys club,” Dean said. I dropped my shot in the beer like he told me and downed the drink before they even started. “Damn Ella, welcome to the boys club,” Dean and Xander cheered, clanking their glasses together.

              After a few more car bombs, I could barely see straight. Xander and Dean seemed to be in the same predicament. We tried horribly to play pool but gave up after realizing none of us could even hold a stick straight. I pulled Xander over to an open area and made it a dance floor. Dean followed, pushing us aside, insisting he had the best moves. It was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. “That’s what you call dancing?” I laughed.

              “Like you could do better?” he challenged.

              I shoved him out of the way and did the best I could without falling over. ”Damn girl, shake it!” The creep from earlier called. “Oh, come on honey, don’t stop. I was enjoying the show.” I ignored him again and started to move closer to Xander but the creep jumped up and grabbed me. “Dance with me sugar.” Dean, Xander, and Gabe instantly rushed over to me. “Whoa! Relax guys I was just having some fun.” He let me go and put his hands up defensively.

              The boys backed down and I turned to walk away again when the creep smacked me on my backside. Gabe was about to strike when Xander stopped him. “Wait, she can handle this guy,” he told Gabe. Feeling confident, I turned around and fixed the creep with a scowl.  He smiled wide, exposing his summer teeth (some of them are there some of them aren’t). He also had the worst comb over I have ever seen. I smiled back my sweetest smile and swung.

              Unfortunately, I missed. My coordination was off just a bit.

I swung so hard I spun around and lost my balance. Gabe caught me before I did a face plant on the floor. “Miss Ella, I don’t think it’s wise for you to engage with this character.”

              “I got this,” I said, turning back around and facing the creep who was now laughing at me for my failed attempt.

              “Wanna try again,” he taunted. “I like it rough.” He bent down closer to me. “I’ll give you a free shot. Go ahead, hit me right here.” He pointed to his cheek, laughing. I did not like being antagonized and this guy was really pissing me off. He straightened himself out and turned his back, ready to walk away. I tapped him on the shoulder and he pivoted to face me. I could feel the boys getting ready. I signaled with my finger for the creep to come closer. He smiled that toothless smile as I put my hands on his shoulders, more or less for leverage.

              I looked him in the eye, smiled, and then slammed my knee into his groin. He fell to the ground crying out in pain. Xander and Dean were surprised and proud at the same time even though I know they cringed a little at my low blow. Gabe had a big smile on his face nodding his head in approval. I dusted off my hands and smiled, proud of myself.

              “Bitch!” the creep yelled, lunging for me. I yelped as Gabe yanked me out of the way and shoved the guy to the ground. The creep bounced back quickly and made a pathetic attempt to take on Gabe. He hit him in the jaw and it was like watching a rubber ball bounce off a brick wall. I think it would have to take a bulldozer to take down Gabe.

              The creep shook his hand out like he broke it. He looked stunned. Clearly he had thought he packed enough power in that punch to knock him out. The creep’s friends noticed the failed attempt and felt the need to join in. Xander and Dean came to stand beside Gabe and before I knew it chaos broke out. “Ella, get out of here!” they yelled.

              I couldn’t move though. People were getting thrown left and right. Some guy jumped in front of me and grabbed my arm. I shrieked and reached for a bottle on the bar, smashing it over his head. I’ve seen people do this in the movies a million times and thought it would work, but all it did was stun him for a second.

              He looked at me grinning as blood dripped from his forehead. “Ella!” Dean yelled throwing me a pool stick before he was socked in the face. I caught it and cracked the guy on the side of the neck with it. He barely flinched. I hit him again and again and again. “Why…Won’t…You…Just…Fall…Down!” I yelled.

              Frustrated and out of breath, I grabbed a beer mug off the bar – this was definitely heavier than a beer bottle. I nailed him right on the side of his head. He stumbled and fell down. “It’s about damn time!”

              “Nicely done,” Dean said, coming up next to me. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He started pulling me out as I yelled for Xander and Gabe. In the process of our escape, some big, brooding, bald man knocked Dean into me so hard I fell on my butt.

              “That’s it!” I stood up and brushed myself off. The guy that pushed Dean now had him in a headlock and Xander and Gabe were too busy fending  off the other goons to help intercept. Having enough of this debauchery, I picked up a chair and bashed it over the back of the guy who had Dean. The chair shattered into pieces upon impact. He dropped like a fly releasing Dean. Dean looked at me wide eyed before I started to push him out the door. Gabe and Xander fought their way out as we ran to the car. Gabe hoped in the driver seat and peeled out before I even had my door closed.

              Once we got enough distance from the bar and knew we were all safe, Xander started to laugh and then Dean joined him. “What is so funny?” I asked, not finding the humor in this.

              “Who would have thought our li’l sis was a scrapper?” Dean said, laughing harder.

              “Hey, I saved your butt!” I said, still not thinking this was funny.

              “You definitely are a McCallister,” Xander joked ruffling my hair.

              “Yeah have fun using that as an excuse to explain this to mom,” I told him. At the moment I wasn’t so crazy about going home.

              “I’m just glad you didn’t puke,” Dean said.

              “I thought you were going to when that guy hit you in the stomach,” I said, teasing Dean.

None of us wanted to go home and face mom and dad. I felt even worse for Gabe. I was pretty sure he would be in more trouble than the rest of us.

              After the adrenaline rush wore off, I was slapped in the face with the contents of everything I drank tonight. I knew if I wasn’t careful this could turn ugly. Xander and Dean had to help me out of the car so I wouldn’t fall. I could barely stand up straight and was wondering how Xander and Dean had an easier time holding themselves up when they drank more than I did.

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