The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (57 page)

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              “Liam, don’t you think you’re being –”

              “No negotiations,” he said, cutting my mom off and turning to leave.

              I huffed, plopping down on the chair. “I’ll talk to him honey. I think he just needs some time to cool off,” my mom said, kissing my forehead before she took off. I sat there, pouting. I really got myself in deep now.

              “How’s it going?” Xander asked, taking mom’s seat. I pulled my sunglasses down and gave him an,
‘are you serious’
look. “Um, yeah, I heard.” I frowned at him. “Give him time. He’ll come around. He just needs to cool off.”

              “That’s what mom said, but I don’t think it will be that easy this time.”

              “How did you expect him to react?” he asked, looking at me like I should have known better.

              I just shrugged. “I’m still alive. I guess I could look at it as better than I expected,” I admitted, getting a chuckle from Xander.

              “You have to admit. The tattoo thing is a little out of sorts, even for you.”

              “I know, I just…” I didn’t know how to explain it to Xander. I knew I could tell him the truth and he wouldn’t judge me or think I was crazy, but I just didn’t think he’d understand.

              “Looking for a way to deal with the pain? To relieve some of the pressure?”  he guessed.

              I nodded slowly. “What are you a mind reader or something?”  I asked jokingly.

              “No, but I get it Ella. Trust me. I do.” He lifted up the back of his shirt to revel a tattoo he had on his shoulder – A Celtic cross. I never knew he had that, but what drew my attention wasn’t the tattoo. It was the scars beneath it that had me wondering.

              “When did you get that?”

              “A few years ago. After dad told me I was supposed to take his place on the royal court. I didn’t take the news so well.”

              “Yeah, well, you declined and now I have to take over, thanks.”

              “It wasn’t as easy as you think. It took a while for him to accept the fact that I didn’t want to take his place.”

              “Obviously you survived. Again, thanks.”

              “I see I’m going about this the wrong way. I wanna help you Ella –”

              “You wanna help me?” I interrupted. “Then tell dad you changed your mind and you will take over.”

              “It’s not that easy.”

              “Sure it is. Hey dad, I changed my mind. I want to take over your spot on the royal court. See. Simple.”

              “Ella, that’s not what I mean,” he groaned, frustrated. “The decision for me to not accept my seat on the court was mutual.”

              “What are you talking about?” I asked, thinking he was bullshitting me. No way would our dad let him off that easy.

              “I didn’t decline at first. I wanted to take the responsibility, but it became too much. Dad was on me every day and introducing me to all kinds of people. I had to be perfect all the time.”

              “Gee, thanks for the pep talk.”

              “Would you just let me finish before you make a smart ass comment,” he said, glaring at me like our father does. I nodded, allowing him to continue. “I’m not perfect,” I opened my mouth to retort, but he made me close it with just a look. “I couldn’t take the pressure. So I started to do bad things to relieve some of the stress I was feeling.”

              “The scars?” I asked. He gave a barely noticeable nod. “Not to sound like a moron, but, umm…how’d you reach back there?”


              “Wait, Dean did that?” He gave another slight nod. “He did it willingly?” I heard about brothers bonding but this was some kind of sick and twisted brotherly love I did not want to be a part of.

              “No, he refused. He said I was disturbed and he wouldn’t be pulled into my weird, twisted game.”

              “Then how…”

              “I compelled him. He didn’t know he was doing it.”

              “Oh,” was all I could manage at the moment. I had a million questions I wanted to ask but didn’t know how.

              Xander must have sensed it because he started to explain. “I thought having someone else do it wouldn’t be as bad as me doing it to myself. I had him mark up my shoulder so it wasn’t visible to me. I thought if I couldn’t see it, I wouldn’t have to admit how crazy I was.”

              “I don’t think you’re crazy,” I said, trying to make him feel better.

              “See, you’re not the only one who’s messed up,” he said, a smile starting to creep at the corner of his lips.

              “Shut up,” I said, pushing him and making him laugh.

              “Well, well, well. So it’s true. The precious Ella finally rebels. Good girl gone bad,” Dean said as he joined us by the pool.

              “Shut up Dean,” Xander said in unison.

              “I’d just like to thank you for taking the attention off of me for once.”

              “You’re welcome,” I said sarcastically.

              “Wow li’l sis, when you go for it you really go for it,” Dean said, coming up from behind the chair, catching full view of my tattoos. “I take back all the previous remarks I have ever said about you.”  I just rolled my eyes as he sat on the end of my chair. “So what’s with all the ink? You going to start hanging out at biker bars and start dating some guy named Bubba?”

              “Shut up,” I said, trying to hide my smile. “And that is such a horrible stereo type.”

              Dean looked at me, his face all serious now. “I get it Ella. Even if you don’t believe me. I get it,” he said with sincerity.

              “Yeah Ella, you’re never alone. We want you to know that. We’re here for you know matter what,” Xander said, squeezing next to me on my chair and putting an arm over my shoulder.

              “Xander‘s right. We’ll always be here for you. Even if you go all butch, buy a Harley, and start dating chicks,” Dean smiled. I kicked him and he just laughed. “Seriously though, whenever, whatever, we got your back.”

              “Thanks guys,” I smiled, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. I knew my brothers loved me, but it was still nice to hear it. “Alright, enough of this mushy stuff or I might actually start to believe you guys like me,” I teased.

              “You’re our baby sis, of course we like you. Besides, who else would we have to blame stuff on and torture?” Dean smirked.

              “Oh, I see how it is,” I said. Dean and Xander just laughed. “Like the time you broke mom’s favorite crystal vase and blamed it on me.” Xander looked away guilty. I turned to Dean. “Or how about the time you took dad’s vintage Mustang for a joyride, scratched the fender, and blamed it on me.” Dean didn’t seem to feel any remorse.

              “That was you?” Xander said and Dean nodded. “Man, I remember that. I thought for sure they were going to ship Ella away,” he chuckled.

              “Yeah, thanks for that,” I said, kicking Dean again. “For all the crap you guys blamed on me. You should be nicer considering the fact that I haven’t blown your cover…yet.”

              “Hey, what else are little sisters for?” Xander laughed. I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed him off the chair.

              He quickly recovered and lifted me from the chair. I squealed as he carried me over to the pool. “If you don’t put me down I’ll tell mom and dad about the party you had while they were out of town.”

              “Go ahead, I don’t care.” I had a feeling he wouldn’t since it was over seven years ago. They couldn’t really punish him anymore.

              “Whoa, wait a minute,” Dean interrupted, thinking Xander didn’t care because they would blame Dean and not him. “You should tell them about the time I caught him on their bed with Debbie Klinger.”

              “Hey, whose side are you on?” Xander complained.

              “Okay eew, I didn’t need to know that and Debbie Klinger, really?”

              Xander just shrugged. “She knows too much.” Xander and Dean exchanged looks.

              “Alexander James, if you don’t put me down right this second I’ll…I’ll…”

              “You’ll what?” he asked, knowing I had nothing. Crap. I yelped and struggled to get free, but Xander was stronger. He threw me into the pool like I weighed nothing. Dean tried to push Xander in, but when Xander lost his balance he grabbed onto Dean taking him with him and making a huge splash when they hit the water.






Jamila gazed out the window of her husband’s home office. She watched her children rough house in the pool. She smiled brightly as warmth of joy filled her chest. She loved when her children were together and getting along. Even though they were adults now, she still thought of them as her babies, her precious angels that she couldn’t live without.

              Liam came up behind her, calmer than he was a few moments ago. She had spoken to him about controlling his anger with their daughter, which resulted in a very heated discussion. “Liam, look at our children. I want you to see how happy they are. Despite what you may think you have not failed them. They are everything we expected them to be and more.”

              Liam slipped his arms around Jamila’s waist. “Yes, they can be quite wonderful at times.” She elbowed him playfully in the ribs. He chuckled. “I believe they are who they are because of you.”

              Jamila turned to his smiling face. “We both had a hand in raising our children. We try our best but we’re not perfect. Therefore we cannot blame our children for the same mistakes we have made. We can only hope to do better for them and try to guide them in the right direction, but they’re going to make mistakes.” Liam sighed not wanting to admit how right she was. “And we’re going to have to let them or they’ll never learn. Liam, you also need to stop being so hard on them.” He eyed her warily. “Yes, I’m not happy about Ella’s tattoos either, but maybe next time instead of blowing up, talk to her.”

              “I’ll try,” he said, letting out a slow breath.

              “Besides, she is her father’s daughter,” Jamila chuckled.

              “I do not have any tattoos,” he scoffed.

              “Yes but her rebellion and attitude she gets from you.” She poked a finger teasingly at his chest before her face turned serious again. “I do agree with you on her going to that school. I think it would be wise to have someone else help her.”

              “You actually agree with me?” He tried to act surprised.

              Jamila laughed lightly. “Yes, some things I do agree with you on…some.” Liam chuckled and hugged her tighter as they continued to watch their children.









Chapter three




After I took a beating from my brothers in the pool, I decided I had enough and went inside to change. I dried off the best I could, put on some warmer clothes, and then headed back downstairs to grab a snack in the kitchen where my mom and dad cornered me. “Ella, come sit. We need to talk,” my mom said with a kind voice. It didn’t matter how she sugar coated it. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be something I liked.

                 “Talk or yell,” I said, sitting down at the table, and narrowing my eyes at my dad.

              “That depends,” he said, scowling back.

              “Liam,” my mom warned.

              He took a deep breath before he continued. “I’ve made it clear I am not happy about the tattoos but I can,” he paused to take another breath. “Over look this…behavior, if you’re willing to come to a compromise.”

              “A compromise, yeah right. Your compromises usually consist of do what you say and that’s it.”

I could see the big vein in his head start to bulge as he clenched his fist by his side. A sign that he was about to blow a gasket. I sat and waited for the yelling to begin, but it never did. My mom reached across the table and cupped his hand. The tension in his face relaxed as he unclenched his fist, and wiggled his fingers allowing the circulation to flow again. “Alright, can we please manage to have a conversation without someone making smartass comments or losing their temper?” My mom asked, looking back and forth between the both of us. We nodded.

              “Okay, first off,” my dad begun. “I’m sorry. I may have overreacted a little.” I opened my mouth to comment but my mom gave me a warning look not to. “Your mother and I were talking and both of us agree you should attend that special school in January.”

              “What’s the compromise?” I asked impatiently.

              “You’re no longer grounded,” he said like this should make me jump for joy.

              “You’re kidding right? Clearly you need to look up the difference between being grounded and held prisoner.” This is what they were offering me? This had to be a joke.

              “There’s more,” my mom said, urging my dad to continue before this turned ugly.

              “If you agree to go to this school, you’ll be free.”

              “Free?” I said, looking at them confused.

              “Yes, no guardians, no hounding you twenty-four seven, and when you finish school it will be your choice if you want to take over for me on the royal court.”

              I looked at my mom and then back at dad knowing they haven’t gotten to the fine print yet. “What’s the catch?”

              “No catch. School for your freedom,” he said.

              “So you’re telling me if I go to this special school you’ll leave me alone? No guardians and no royal court?” They both nodded. “Okay, I’m sorry, I’m not buying it. You’ve kept me trapped in this house and I can’t leave without being flanked by guardians. What’s the sudden change? Did you catch Jack?” I sat up hopeful.

              “No honey, I’m sorry. We’re still looking for him,” my mom said with sympathy and worry in her voice.

              “You do not need to worry about him. He will be caught,” my dad said, his temper flaring at the mention of Jack.

              “Well then who’s going to take my place on the royal court if I say no?”

              “Xander is willing to reclaim his place as my heir.”

              “Wait, what?” I said, not believing what I just heard.

              “He approached me earlier and told me he was willing to try again so you didn’t have to.”

              I couldn’t believe he would do that for me. I sat back in my chair, shocked that Xander would make such a rash decision like that. Especially after what he had told me about how it took a real toll on him. My dad got right back to the discussion, not giving me much time to let it sink in what Xander had done. “The school is well protected with its own guardians and Gabe will be there as well.”

              “I thought you said no guardians?” I knew there was a catch.

              “Gabe will be working with the other guardians and helping out with the training process of new ones. He will not be a bother to you unless you need him. I thought maybe having someone familiar there would help make you feel more comfortable.”

              Having Gabe there might not be a bad thing, I thought.

              “And speaking of having someone familiar with you,” my mom paused, and I held my breath. “Dean will be there too.”

              “Dean, why does he have to be there?”

              “Because that is where he goes to school.”

              “What? The school is in Rhode island?”

              “Yes,” my dad said like it was no big deal.

              I slammed my head down on the table. A new school I could handle. I could even deal with Gabe being there, but Dean? This felt like torture. “What’s my other option?” I mumbled into my arms.

              “There is no other option,” my dad said slightly aggravated. I knew he was holding back.

              I met his aggravated stare with one of my own. “That’s not much of a compromise.”

              “It’s more than fair. You can choose to go on your own or we can force you and you’ll be back to being grounded, guardians and everything,” my dad said, not really giving me much of a choice, which is pretty much what I expected from the moment I sat down.

              None of my options seemed fair. It’s not like I didn’t love my brother, I did. I just loved him more from a distance. There was only so much time spent with Dean I could tolerate. I put my head in my hands and sighed not in the mood to argue anymore. “Fine, I’ll take the first option.”

              “Great,” my mom cheered giddily, standing up. “Now, help me get everything ready to start baking cookies. Danni and Hadley should be here soon.”


We spent the next four hours baking cookies. By the time we were done, I was cookied out. I went upstairs and got ready for bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

              The next thing I knew I was in a garden. I looked down and saw I was wearing a white, strapless sundress. My feet were bare. I wiggled my toes in the soft grass as I looked around at my surroundings. The garden was exquisite. It was filled with all types of flowers, everything from pansies, wild roses, violets, forget-me-nots and so on.

I walked a little ways toward a gate. I bent down to smell one of the flowers. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, letting the petals tickle my nose. A light breeze caressed my shoulder and I smiled. “Legend states that fairies can hear bluebells chiming. When they gather around the flower they become mischievous and enchant the area so that any human who wanders among them becomes trapped,” a familiar voice said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder making my body tingle.

              “Fairies?” I giggled. “Does their enchantment work on us, vampires?” I teased smoothing my arms over his. He just chuckled and turned me around to face him. He was wearing a white button down shirt and khakis. He was also barefoot and looking as handsome as ever. “Where are we?” I asked.

              “My grandmother’s garden, in Ireland,” he said, gently brushing my hair off my shoulder, sending shivers down my entire body. He started to kiss my shoulder, working his way up to my neck. I tilted my head to the side and when I looked down I didn’t see the tattoo on my foot. Strange, I thought. Then I remembered I didn’t have any of them in any of the other dreams either. I scratched my head confused and decided to not put too much thought into it, considering it was a dream.

              Tristan, sensing my distraction, lifted my chin to meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

              “Nothing,” I smiled, grazing my hand against his cheek.

              He closed his eyes and I could hear his heart racing. “I lo –”

              I put my finger to his lips stopping him. “Shh, don’t say it.”

              “Why not,” he pouted.

              “Because after every time you say it, I wake up, and I’m not ready to leave yet.” I put my arms around his neck and stared into his beautiful blue eyes. I pulled him closer and kissed those wonderful lips I loved and missed so much.

              He pulled back way too soon. “Come with me,” he said, holding his hand out.

              “Where are we going?” I asked, following him.

              “For a walk,” he smiled, making me melt. It didn’t matter where he led me. I would follow him to the end of the earth if he asked.

              We walked hand in hand along the stones steps that lined garden. I let my hand fan out allowing my fingertips to brush lightly against the soft petals of the flowers. The garden was in full bloom complete with the night blooming flowers, Jasmine, and several others that weren’t even in season. I wanted to ask how that was possible but I didn’t want to ruin the moment with silly questions. Instead, I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder, admiring the beauty of it all. I was so happy I danced my way down the lighted path. Tristan smiled at me and twirled me around. I’ve never seen him so content. I never wanted this feeling to fade.

Our Journey ended when we rested by a small pond. I walked over to where the grass met the water and stuck my toe in to test the temperature. I jumped back, when out of nowhere, a frog appeared, scaring me.

Tristan chuckled and caught me before I fell. “Rogue vampires you can handle, but you’re afraid of frogs?” he questioned, raising a brow.

              “No,” I said, slightly embarrassed. “I’m not afraid of frogs, it just…I wasn’t expecting it.”

              “Un-huh,” he said teasingly. I pinched him and he grabbed my arms holding them behind my back, and then he kissed me.

              When he pulled away I lay my head on his chest, sighing. “Did you ever notice how real this feels?”

              “What do you mean?” he asked, running his fingers through my hair, making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else. 

              “This. All of this,” I gestured around. I turned to him and placed my hand on his chest. “You.”

              “Ella, you’re not making any sense,” he said.

              “How are we here? I’ve never been here before?”

              “It’s just a dream Ella. It’s what our subconscious minds have created,” he said, gently caressing my cheek.

              “But you…” I shook my head. I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. I looked away from him. I could feel the pain start to bubble up in my chest again. He was wrong. He wouldn’t be able to dream this. He was no longer here.

              “Hey, don’t be sad,” he said, lifting my chin to meet his eyes. “I’m right here. I’ll always be here.” He put his hand over my heart and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I threw my arms around him, squeezing him so tight it hurt. Then I kissed him hard and fast, wanting to devour every part of him. “Hey, easy there love.” He pulled back. “What’s the rush?” he asked concerned.

              “I just…” I didn’t know what to say. I had a feeling this dream was about to end soon. I pressed my head to his chest, listening to his heart. I never thought the steady beat of his heart would sound so lovely to me, almost musical. “I don’t ever want to let you go,” I spoke into his chest as I tightly gripped his shirt, trying hard not to cry.

              “I’m not going anywhere,” he said, gently stroking my hair. I could no longer hold back the tears. I let them slip down my cheeks one by one. Tristan tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear forcing me to look at him. He wiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed away the ones that fell upon my lips. “I love you,” he whispered.

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