The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (66 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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              I must have not realized I was staring until Dean told me to
‘stop staring’
. When I came to, I saw Roman had a weird, uncomfortable look on his face and Mackenzie was scowling at me. I quickly put my head back down, embarrassed that I was staring like that – adding more to my weirdness factor.  “Ugh! How can you eat that?” Mackenzie asked giving me a look of disgust.

              “You mean…tacos?” I asked, unsure if I heard her right.

              “It’s so fattening and piggish,” she cringed. Not caring what Dean had said to me earlier, I thought I’d make it a point to let her know she couldn’t get to me. I took a big bite out of my taco, causing juice to spill over the side. I wiped off the grease that slipped down my chin and then licked it off my fingers. Mackenzie and her two friends gave me revolted looks. I got a laugh from Dean and Roman which pissed Mackenzie off even more. “Come on girls, let’s go. I’m suddenly not hungry anymore,” Mackenzie said, standing up from the table. “Roman,” she turned her eyes on him.

              “I just sat down,” he said. Mackenzie glared at him with her hands on her hips. Roman sighed, swiped his sandwich and drink, and left with her. 

              Cameron moved over to sit in the seat next to me. “Don’t let her bother you,” she said.

              “Yeah, we’re just waiting for the doctors to invent a surgery to remove the stick from her ass,” Sienna smiled sweetly. I smiled back thinking I might actually start to like these girls.

              “So, you’re Dean’s sister, lucky you,” Cameron smirked.

              “What’s that supposed to mean?” Dean asked, pretending to be offended.

              Cameron laughed. “Oh come on Dean, you know I love you,” she said, blowing him a kiss.

              “Hey,” Austin complained.

              “I love you too baby,” Cameron told Austin.

              “This is your first day?” Sienna asked. I nodded. “What do you think so far?”

              “I haven’t really done much to gather an opinion yet,” I said honestly.

              “Dean, you didn’t show her around?”

              “Hey, she’s a big girl, she can handle her own,” Dean said defensively.

              “I’ll give you a tour Ella,” Blake offered and winked at me which made it look more creepy than coy.

              “You’re not going anywhere near my sister,” Dean declared.

              “What?” Blake said all innocent. Dean threw a roll at him causing Blake to chuck one back.

              “Ignore the Neanderthals,” Cameron said. “If you want Sienna and I will show you around.”

              “Thanks, but you don’t have to do that,” I politely declined.

              “We insist,” Sienna smiled.

“Go, you’ll like them and they’re nothing like Mackenzie,”
Dean said in my head.
“You can
trust them.”
  I turned to him and he nudged me, encouraging me to go. “Okay, yeah, thanks,” I said.

              “So what’s with the blue streak?” Cameron asked abruptly.

              “Cameron!” Sienna scolded.

              “What? Oh come on, like you weren’t thinking the same thing?” 

              Sienna just looked down, a little uncomfortable.

              “It’s okay,” I said. “Honestly, I don’t know. It just kind of showed up after I got my powers.”

              “I think it’s neat,” Sienna said, making me feel a little better about it. 

              We finished up our dinner and then Sienna and Cameron took me on a tour of the school. They said I’d do this again at orientation, but was better to have someone who had been here show you around. I learned the ins and outs of the school and the premise, including my tour guides.

              Sienna was a petite blond with very soft facial features and naturally rosy cheeks. Her hair was chin length with Shirley Temple curls. She had a crush on Reagan, but he was currently dating one of Mackenzie’s friends. According to Cameron he was only dating her because she put out, which made him a total dick and Sienna should look elsewhere.

              Cameron was the opposite of Sienna. She was tall with straight brown hair, steel gray eyes, and caramel colored skin. She seemed to be straight forward and laid back while Sienna tended to be more over-eager and always hyper. The girls had also told me not to believe everything I read in the brochures. They said a lot of stuff was glamorized to entice people to come here.

“Awesome,” I thought.

              They also told me students ages here ranged from thirteen to thirty, but the majority was sixteen to twenty-five. Surprised at the stretch in age, Cameron explained that some blossom late and the school didn’t want to discourage anyone from coming because of their age. I had remembered reading something similar to that in one of the pamphlets. This also explained why we had to wear uniforms. Because of the big age range, they said it was to help tell the difference between students and teachers.

              Cameron also said that they have a program for rogues who want to go straight and for those who were born into this and abandoned, leaving them helpless. Sometimes that’s how I felt.

              After the tour, the girls dropped me off at my room and told me about a party the dorm was having tonight and insisted that I come. They wouldn’t take no for an answer. I told them I would check it out. Cameron took my phone to punch in her number then she handed it back and told me to text her later. I waved goodbye to the girls and headed into my room, happy to have met some normal people. 











CHapter Eight



When I opened the door to my room I got a big surprise.

                 Roman was lying on the bed closest to the window. I stepped back out and checked the room number on the door to make sure I was in the right room. Yep, room 510, my room. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

              Before he could answer, Mackenzie stepped out of the bathroom. “What the hell are you doing in my room freak!” she screeched.

              “This is your room? You’re kidding, right?” This had to be some kind of joke. Yep, someone was playing a joke on me. The world couldn’t be that cruel.

              “Does it look like I’m kidding?” she said, glaring at me with her arms crossed.

Just my luck.

I pinched the bridge of my nose feeling a headache coming on. 
Seriously, why am I being punished? Haven’t I suffered enough
? “Lucky me, I’m your new roommate,” I said sarcastically.

              “Like hell you are. I’m not rooming with you,” she spat.

              She looked me up and down like I had some incurable disease that she could possibly catch. I rolled my eyes at her. “Look, I’m not any happier about this then you are –”

              “Please,” she cut me off. “Anyone would kill to room with me,” she said, like I should feel privileged just being in her presence. I never thought I would meet someone more conceited than Dean, but she definitely takes the cake. “I’m going to the head master right now to fix this,” she finished. The look on her face said she would plow down anyone who got in her way.

              “Kenzie, relax, deal with it later,” Roman whined. “Besides, headmaster Callahan won’t be back until tomorrow,” Roman said, reaching for her and making me want to cringe.

              She stopped glaring at me long enough to let Roman pull her down on top of him so he could kiss her. “Do you mind?” Mackenzie sneered.

              “You want me to leave?” I asked annoyed.

              “Yes,” she said, like it should have been the obvious answer.

              “This is my room too. You can’t kick me out just so you can make out with your boyfriend.” The last thing I wanted to see was these two get it on, but this was my room too.

              Roman sat up. “You’re more than welcome to stay and watch. I’m not really one for an audience, but I might make an exception this time,” he said, flashing me a cocky smile, once again reminding me of Tristan. Mackenzie glared at him, pushing him back down. I didn’t even respond. I just turned around and left. I hadn’t even been here twenty-four hours and already I hated it here. I thought about texting Cameron, but then changed my mind. I decided I needed to be alone for a little and clear my head. I zipped up my vest and flipped up my hood, bracing myself for the cold.

              I had no particular destination in mind, so I just walked. I found myself by the fountain. The one I saw earlier today when I decided to tour the grounds myself. It was a lot larger than I originally thought. I had to crane my neck to get the full view. The fountain itself you could tell was old with all it’s wear and tear. There were a few cracks in the foundation with some pieces missing. Dirt was busting through the holes with ivy creeping its way up and trying to take over. No one caring enough to keep up with its maintenance. I sighed at the crumpling fountain. Somehow I could sympathize with it.

              I dusted off a spot on one of the benches and took a seat. I pulled up my legs and turned on my IPod, tuning out the rest of the world. I tried to relax and forget about all the negative things about this place, which only lasted about a second. I knew someone was there before I even opened my eyes. I could also sense they were harmless. I let out a breath and looked up. I blinked back in surprise. Standing in front of me was a very handsome, tall man with short, dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He looked too old to be a student and too young to be a teacher, but then again there was a large age range so who knew.

              “I’m not disturbing you, am I?” he asked kindly. I took out my head phones and shook my head. “You mind?” he gestured to the bench, taking a seat next to me. “Any particular reason you’re out here by yourself?”

              “I wasn’t in the mood to watch my roommate make a porno with her boyfriend,” I replied.

              His eyes widened a bit at first, but then they smiled when he chuckled. “I see. Who’s your roommate?” he asked curiously.

              “Mackenzie Hilliard,” I said. Just saying her name left a bitter taste in my mouth.

              “I take it you two are getting along well then,” he smiled mockingly. I rolled my eyes. “You’re new here, aren’t you?”

              “Gee, what tipped you off?” I said, keeping with the sarcastic tone.

              He gave another subtle laugh. “Not one for small talk?”

              “Sorry, been a long day.”

              “Things not what you expected?” he pried.

              “I don’t know. I guess I don’t really know what to expect. Then again, it’s only the first day and I have the roommate from hell who kicked me out so she could make out with her boyfriend. I can’t say I was expecting that.”

              “Well, as you mentioned, it is only the first day. Give it time. It will get better,” he smiled, making his eyes reflect a light green color.

              I quickly turned away, feeling my cheeks get hot. “If it’s so great what are you doing out here?”

              “I like to come out here and clear my head,” he admitted.

              “It seems like a good place to do that,” I said, tugging down the sleeves of my shirt, trying to fight the chill.

              “It is, but I wouldn’t stay out here too long. It can get pretty chilly at night.”

              “What are you, my keeper?” I said with a little more attitude than I intended. I’m sure he was only trying to be nice, but I was tired of people deciding for me what would be in my best interest.

              “You going to the party tonight?” he asked, ignoring my comment.

              I sighed, picking at my nails. “I guess, what else is there to do?” He didn’t answer, confirming I didn’t have many other options. “I assume you’re going?”

              “Nah, not my thing,” he said nonchalantly.

              I raised a brow at him. “Not your thing?” He totally looked like the type to be guzzling beer at a party. He had that whole preppy frat boy look to him.

              When he didn’t clarify I thought maybe I insulted him. “Well, it was nice chatting with you. Enjoy your party, but not too much,” he smiled, getting up. I was about to tell him I was sorry if I upset him, but before I even got the chance he was gone. I looked around, but he was nowhere in sight.
Huh, weird?
I turned back around scratching my head. I looked over my shoulder wondering how he disappeared so quickly like that. I shrugged it off, putting my ear buds back in. I had to keep reminding myself this was a school for the supernatural, anything was possible.

I sat up.
I looked around swearing I heard someone call my name.
take out your head phones and turn around.”
It was Dean. He was talking in my head again. I tugged on my ear bud strings and turned around to see Dean, Cameron, and Austin coming up behind me. “Hey guys,” I said, standing up.

              “What are you doing out here? Cameron asked.

              “Avoiding my roommate,” I said, tucking away my IPod.

              “She can’t be that bad,” Dean said, thinking I was overreacting.

              “Who’s your roommate?” Cameron asked.


              “Ooh,” they all said with sympathetic looks. “Well cheer up, because we’re going to a party,” Cameron said, jumping over the bench and linking her arm in mine. “But you need to change first.”

              I looked at my outfit wondering what was wrong with it. Cameron tugged on my arm. “I can’t. Mackenzie kicked me out so her and her boyfriend could make bastard babies.”

              “Ah yes, Roman and Mackenzie, the most tragic love story of all,” Austin said.

              “Tragic?” I asked. 

              “Tragic in the way that the relationship coincides in the first place,” Cameron said, confusing me. “Roman and Mackenzie are complete opposites. While Roman is an all-around standup guy, Mackenzie is an evil hag from hell. I still insist she put a spell on him. That would explain the only reason he fell for her.”

              “She’s not that bad. Did you ever think he actually likes her and that maybe he sees something in her that nobody else does?” Austin said, making Cameron glare at him.

“If you like her so much maybe you should date her,” Cameron replied.

“Oh come on babe,” Austin said, pulling Cameron closer and whispering sweet nothings into her ear, making her giggle. She blushed and then pushed him away, pretending to be mad again.

“I think he’s with her because she puts out,” Dean said.

“You would,” I said, looking at him disgusted. “If you hate her so much than why are you friend’s with her?” I asked.

Austin laughed while Cameron rolled her eyes. “She’s my stepsister,” Cameron replied. “It’s clear my dad was in some tragic accident altering his perception and making him blind.”

I tried to hide my smile. I was happy to know I wasn’t the only one who had to suffer. Maybe I could ask Cameron for some tips on how she survived. “Oh, I thought being her roommate was bad. I can’t imagine being related to her.”

“Trust me, as far as I am concerned nothing is legally binding. I give it a year at the most,” she said. “Come on, we’ll go with you to make sure the wicked witch doesn’t give you any problems.” She took my hand and led the way across the snowy grass back to the dorms.

              I opened the door to my room to have Mackenzie snap at me again. “Hello, knock much?” Mackenzie said as she quickly adjusted her shirt.

              “Not on the door to my own room,” I countered.

              “It won’t be your room for long,” she sneered.

              “Chill out Mac,” Cameron said, barging in the room behind me with Dean and Austin on her tail.

              “I told you not to call me that,” Mackenzie said, scowling at Cameron.

              Cameron ignored her as she plopped down on my bed. Dean and Austin walked over to Roman, said what’s up, and made themselves comfortable on the bed causing Mackenzie to stomp off into the bathroom. Roman rolled his eyes and got up to knock on the bathroom door. “Kenzie…”

              “Let her go,” Cameron said. Roman knocked again. Mackenzie finally came out of the bathroom and turned to glare at me, again, then stomped out of the room. “Have fun,” Cameron sang as Roman took off after her.

              “He sure does go out of his way for her,” I said.

              “She puts out,” Austin said simply. I tried to ignore the bile that was rising in my throat as I looked through my clothes for something to wear.

              “Why can’t I just wear what I have on?” I whined.

              “Because this is a party Ella, not a hike through the woods,” Cameron said, eyeing me up and down. I ignored her jab about my outfit and continued to look for something to wear. Everything I brought was pretty much the same as what I had on. I didn’t even want to go to this party, but I knew they wouldn’t leave me alone unless I did.

              I decided on a long sleeve shirt with jeans and Josie’s boots. I didn’t care to deal with the stress of my blue streak so I pulled up my hair and tried to hide it. From what my parents had told me, no one had ever heard of someone’s appearance altering like this after receiving their powers. So I stuck out like a sore thumb. And why not, let’s just add another thing to the list of reasons why people think I’m weird.

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