The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (33 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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              “The door was open,” he said, throwing a thumb over his shoulder. Josie, I groaned rolling my eyes. “And I'd thought I'd escort you ladies to the memorial,” he finished. I noticed now he was wearing a dark gray suit with a black tie and looking incredibly handsome.

              “That would be nice.” I shot him a smile and he took a seat on the bed while I touched up my hair. “You know, you really did a number on my mom. I wouldn't be surprised if when she gets back she'll get together with your step-mom and start planning our wedding.”

              “Of course, that was my scheme all along,” he said, smiling coolly. I couldn't help but laugh. I got up and grabbed my parka. “You're not wearing that are you?”

              “What's wrong with my outfit?” I asked, checking myself out in the mirror. I was wearing a long sleeved gray and black dress that fell just above the knee and Josie's knee-high black boots.

              “Not the outfit, your coat. You don't have a dress coat?” he asked.

              “No, this is the only one I have,” I said annoyed.

              “Well lucky you, I thought ahead,” he said, getting up off the bed and leaving the room. He returned with a garment bag. “Open it,” he smiled. I drew down the zipper and peeled back the sides. Inside was a white, button down pea coat. The coat was knee length with a matching belt and hood.

              I wondered when he had time to do this or even thought to do this. “I knew you wouldn't have a nice dress coat so I came prepared,” he said, answering my question.

              “Thank you, it's beautiful, but you really didn't have to,” I said as he helped me put it on.

              “Of course I did. Can't have my future wife looking shabby,” he said, adjusting the collar of the jacket.  I shook my head and pushed him away. “What?”

              “Why do you always have to ruin it?” I sighed.

              “Ella, you can pretend all you want, but I know you feel something for me. Maybe not as much as I feel for you, but in the end you'll realize we're meant for each other,” he said as brushed his hand across my cheek.

              I closed my eyes. I could feel his warm breath close to my lips. “Hey Ella?” Josie said, coming back into the room, and causing me to jump back away from Tristan. She bounced back between our startled faces and smiled coyly, knowing clearly what she almost walked in on. Her attention was quickly attuned to a new subject when she noticed my coat. “Nice coat, when did you get that?” She frowned, imagining that I did the unthinkable and went shopping without her.

              “I didn't, Tristan got it for me.”

              She raised a brow and smiled again. “I think you should have a talk with Billy. I definitely would appreciate him more if he bought me things.”

              Tristan chuckled. “Duly noted.”

              “You almost ready?” I asked Josie.

              “You guys go ahead. I have to wait for Billy.”

              Tristan gestured with his hand for us to leave. I reluctantly followed him out the door. I was worried showing up at the memorial with Tristan would turn some heads considering the last time both Tristan and I saw Skylar alive was when we had a not so private fight. It was no secret, her dislike for me, but the last thing I needed was to spark rumors. I felt if Josie was with us it wouldn't look like Tristan and I were together, but now I wasn't sure.

              Tristan tried to take my hand as we walked out of the dorms but I pulled away afraid of what people would say. I felt bad when I sensed his hurt at my rejection and wanted to explain it to him, but I didn't know how. Instead I kept my eyes forward and my head up as we approached the quad.

              The whole school was in attendance for Skylar's memorial, including the professors, the Dean, and even Jack. He tried not to look too disappointed at the fact that I showed up with Tristan, but I knew it bothered him. I excused myself from Tristan and walked over to Jack to try and smooth things over. “Hi.”

              “You came with Tristan.” It was more of a statement than a question.

              “No, he just walked with me.” I could tell he thought I was lying. “How are you?”

              “I'm fine,” he said, not even bothering to look at me. Clearly he was upset that I was here with Tristan and not him.

              “The sisters and I are going to some club downtown afterward. I'd really like it if you'd join us,” I asked, hoping he'd say yes.

              “I don't know.” I forced him to look at me and pleaded with my eyes. “I'll think about it,” he said.

              “I'll you see you around?” He gave a slight nod and I left it at that, not wanting to push it. I slid my hands inside my pockets and walked back over to Tristan who was now joined by Billy and Josie. Once the memorial started I reached for Tristan's hand. He squeezed it gently, appreciative for any simple touch I would allow.

              The memorial lasted about an hour long; when it was over, we all parted ways and Tristan offered to drive to the club. I texted Jack on the way hoping he had changed his mind, but I got no response. I felt it best not to dwell on the matter. We met all the sisters and brothers along with a few friends downtown. When I got out of the car Cadence handed me an ID. “A fake ID?” I asked skeptical.

              “Relax. You look like you're thirty. He probably won't even card you anyways, but just in case,” she said, shoving the ID in my hand. Thanks, I thought not so sure that was a compliment.

              I examined the so called ID. The woman I was claiming to be was a heavy set woman in her forties with blond hair and brown eyes. “This is not going to work,” I said to Tristan, checking out the ID again.

              “You'll be fine,” he assured me and pulled me up to the door. I automatically handed my ID to the doorman out of nerves. He flashed a small pen light over the ID and then at me. He scrunched his eyes looking over the ID again as I fidgeted with my fingernails. He handed back the ID and waved us in. I knew he had to know it was a fake, but I guessed he didn't care and was thankful he didn't call me out on it.

              Once inside the music was so loud you could barely hear anything anyone was saying. “What do you want to drink?” Tristan asked.

              “Huh?” I said, cupping my ear and trying to understand him.

              “Drink?” he pointed to the bar.


              “A Long Island?” he suggested smiling, remembering the other night.

              “No!” I said and he just laughed.

              “How about just a rum and coke?”

              “That's fine,” I agreed, having no idea what he just offered, but tired of struggling to hear him. He kissed my cheek before he walked away to get us drinks. I blushed and looked around hoping no one caught the small display of affection. I spotted Josie and made my way over to where she was standing with some of the other sisters. I took off my coat and had a seat while I waited for Tristan to return with our drinks.

              When I saw him looking around for me, I waved my hand catching his attention. He weaved his way in and out of the crowd finally reaching us and handed me my drink. When everyone else was in attendance, Cadence called over one of the waitresses and ordered a round of shots for everyone. Once the shots were dispersed and in hand, Cadence stood to make a speech. “This is for our fallen sister, may she rest in peace.”

              “Or hell,” Cassidy said under her breath and Cadence shot her a dirty look. Cassidy seemed to have cared less and downed her shot walking away.

              Cadence ignored her and continued. “For Skylar,” she said, raising her glass while the rest of us followed suit.


Another three shots and a few drinks later, I was feeling pretty good. I had no intention of drinking this much, but every time I turned around a shot or drink was shoved into my hand. I could have said no, but they all went down so smooth and tasted so good. The girls pulled me out on to the dance floor and we all let loose. I danced around with Josie until I caught sight of a girl that was in one of my classes. She was dancing atop one of the bars. I thought it looked like fun so I decided to join her. All the girls cheered me on while I wiggled my behind like Beyoncé. Tristan stood just beneath me with a worried expression his face. I ignored him, determined not to let him spoil my fun.

              Unfortunately, my foot slipped and I lost my balance, falling off the bar. Tristan caught me before I hit the floor. “My hero,” I cheered, wrapping my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

              The look on his face told me he wasn't feeling very heroic when he put me down. “I think you had enough, Ella.”

              “What are you, my father? Relax, I'm just having fun,” I said as Cassidy handed me another drink and pulled me back out onto the dance floor. Tristan didn't follow. He stayed right where he was and watched from a distance. An older man - with the worst taste in clothes - came up behind me and started to dance with me. Too drunk to care, I let him. His hands started to wander so I pulled back some hoping he would keep his hands to himself.

              I wasn't so lucky. His hands slid down my back and grabbed my butt. “Okay that's enough,” I said, walking away when he wouldn't get the hint. 

              “I'm not finished yet,” he said, pulling me back. He held me so close the sweat on his nasty chest hair was wiping off on me. His tacky gold chains hit me in the chest every time he swung me back and forth. His arms spit out like snakes, slithering up and down my body.

              “Okay really, I'm done,” I said, having enough. I pushed him away with a little more force but he wasn't taking no for an answer. I found Josie and gave her a pleading look to help me. She wrapped her arm around my waist and tried to pull me away, but he grabbed her too. Josie managed to slip out of his grasp allowing him to have two hands to grope me with again. He held me tighter, grinding his knee in between my legs. I fought back, but he just gripped harder. He tried to kiss my neck; slobbering all over me and making me gag from his cheap cologne. That was the last straw. I stomped my heel on his toe and he released me instantly, cursing under his breath. I gave him a smug look of satisfaction letting him know that's what you get when he suddenly lunged for me.

              I jumped back in time making room for Tristan. He stepped in front of me and shoved the guy so hard he flew back into a crowd of people. I touched Tristan's shoulder; he flinched, and then turned on me. His eyes were dark and his face was hard. I've seen this look before and I knew the outcome would not be good. “Tristan,” I said, carefully reaching for him again. “Let it go. I'm fine.” I pulled him closer to me and made him look at me. I placed a hand on his reddened cheek. He closed his eyes and I felt him relax.

              “What's your problem, man?” The sleaze growled.

              Tristan's eyes whipped open and I felt him tense up again. “Don't,” I pleaded. “Tristan please, I'm begging you to let this go.” I tugged at his shirt trying to pull him away, but he refused to budge. I tried one last plea. I held his hands and slowly tugged him in the opposite direction.

              “Whatever, take the slut,” yelled the sleaze.

              And that was it.

              Tristan dropped my hands and leapt at the guy with fists flying. I tried to stop it but the girls pulled me out of the way. A stranger signaled for one of the bouncers to come over and help. I was shoved back by big, burly men in bright green shirts trying to break up the fight. They ripped Tristan off of the guy and shoved him in the direction of the exit. Then they helped the other guy up and began to escort him out.

              That's when I caught a glimpse of his bloody shirt. My eyes shifted up and I saw blood dripping from his nose. He held his hand up to stop the bleeding but I could tell it pained him to touch his nose. Tristan had hit him so hard I think he broke it. I stood there, not able to take my eyes away from all the blood. There was a puddle on the floor and a stain on his shirt that pooled into a circle around his heart. I watched as it dripped down his lip and into his mouth, down his hand slipping between his fingers and staining the sleeve of his shirt. I watched it all in slow motion not able to tear my eyes away for some reason.

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