The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (159 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Ashby!” Mr. Miller yelled. “Cool the tough guy act. You’re in enough trouble as it is.”

Roman stared Lucas down before he backed off and walked over to me, throwing his arm around me possessively. I threw it off and glared at him. “Really?” I said, walking away. I was not going to tolerate that kind of behavior.

Roman spent the remainder of class pissed off and I spent it ignoring him.

He wasn’t at lunch and frankly I was kind of relieved. Lucas sat next to me in Roman’s spot and I froze. “Hey, sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean any disrespect,” he said.

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Roman’s just a little over protective and I should be the one apologizing.”

“Apology accepted,” he smiled.

Lucas spent the rest of lunch glued to the seat next to mine. Every now and then our skin would brush giving me goose bumps and not in a good way. I couldn’t get rid of this weird feeling I got when Lucas was around. I still didn’t know whether it was a good one or bad one, so I thought I’d tread lightly.

Roman was waiting for me at my room after training. He wasn’t at training either and once again, I was not disappointed. I stood in front of him with my arms crossed waiting for an apology. When it didn’t come, I shoved past him and slammed the door in his face. “Ella,” he said through the door. “Let me in please.”

I swung the door open and stood there. He must have taken that as invitation to come in, but he was wrong. When he stepped forward I put my hand up to stop him. He sighed and took a step back. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“I remember a conversation not too long ago about you trying not to be a dick,” I spat.

He squared his shoulders ready to say something, but then his posture changed, indicating he changed his mind. “I am trying.”

“Maybe you should try harder.”

“I wouldn’t have to try so hard if I –”

“Could trust me?” I offered, hurt.

“No that’s not…Ella look, I’m sorry. I over reacted. It’s just when I thought he hurt you…I got so…so…”


“Hardly,” he said, frowning.

“Why do guys never admit they’re jealous?” I asked, with my hands on my hips.

“Because that would mean we would have to admit that you are one of our weaknesses,” he smiled, placing his hands on my hips.

“And what’s so bad about that?”

“Nothing,” he breathed. I pulled him closer and placed a soft kiss on his lips. I let him off the hook and he promised he would verbally apologize to Lucas and give him a chance and even said the next time he was a dick I was allowed to hit him. Okay, so he really didn’t say that last part, I added it, and he reluctantly agreed. He knew all too well how vicious my right hook was.


September was creeping up on us quickly and all anyone could talk about was the Fall Ball. This year they decided to make it a masquerade ball where everyone had to wear masks. I actually was on board for that idea. Also, because it was such a big to do, we had to learn a special ballroom dance.

The two weeks prior to the dance, those of us who didn’t already know the dance had to learn it. Thankfully they chose to teach us during our regularly scheduled dance class and those who did not have that class as an elective had to give up one of their other electives for the time being.

I felt the dance was a little outdated and boring, but it was tradition. We had studied the tradition of Mabon (a.k.a the autumn equinox) all week in Ms. Kraft’s class. It divides the day and night equally and we take a moment to pay our respects to the impending dark. We also give thanks to the waning sunlight, as we store our harvest of this year’s crops. The witches celebrate the ageing goddess as she passes from mother to crone and her consort the god as he prepares for death and re-birth.

This was pretty much the same as Ostara, just a little fancier celebration.

I had learned that Roman was not light on his toes and I warned him if he did not stop stepping on mine I would find a new partner. He said it was my fault, because from his angle he could see down my shirt and it was distracting. I punched him playfully in the gut and he chuckled. I tried to glare at him, but the sexy smile on his face was making it hard.

I picked up the dance pretty quickly and Mrs. Whitney had volunteered me to be an example for the class along with Lucas as my partner. I could tell Roman wasn’t happy about it, but he was trying like he promised. He had apologized to Lucas as he said he would and even invited him to hang out. But no matter how much he had started to like him, there would always be that twinge of jealousy when it came to me.

Lucas strolled over to me like he was a prince and I was his princess. His charming smile widened as he placed his hand on my hip. I tried not to show the uncomfortable feeling I got when I was around him, but I was finding it kind of hard when we were this close. I took a deep breath and placed my arm on his shoulder and raised my other to clasp our hands together. Ms. Whitney counted off to the beat of the music and Lucas took the lead. He swept me across the floor as if I was light as a feather.

I was entranced by his eyes. As I stared into his deep violet eyes, I saw shapes take form like I had before. They swirled hypnotically and the more I watched, I slowly noticed my surroundings started to change. As we twirled around the room, one by one my classmates started to disappear. Suddenly Lucas and I were alone and no longer in the dance studio. We were now gliding across an elegant tiled floor inside a decorative ballroom.

I gasped as I took in the elegance of the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When I looked at Lucas he was wearing a black tuxedo, his hair slicked back. He spun me and I looked down to see I was wearing a floor length gown. It was blood red with a tight diamond encrusted corset and a flowing skirt.

My eyes widened in shock. I opened my mouth but no words came out. Lucas smiled handsomely at me and pulled me back into position to finish our dance. I felt like I was in another world and when it was over, I stood there, still staring deeply into his eyes.

“Thank you Ella, Lucas,” Ms. Whitney said, breaking me from my spell. I blinked and I was back in the dance studio with all my classmates staring at me. I jumped back from Lucas, stunned. I know I didn’t just imagine that. He bowed before me and winked, before he rejoined the rest of the class. I was still shell shocked so it took me a moment before I moved. I watched him with curiosity. A few of my classmates giggled at my stunned face bringing me back to reality. I walked back over to Roman and gripped his hand tight.

“Hey, you okay?” I nodded, afraid my voice would betray me. “Then can you loosen your grip on my hand?” I let go, leaving him to open and close his palm, allowing the circulation to flow back into it. “You were amazing out there,” he smiled, bringing my attention back to him.

I smiled back and pulled him in for a hug. He kissed my forehead just before Ms. Whitney dismissed the class. “Ella, Lucas, can I speak to you two for a minute?”

I pulled myself away from Roman and told him I would meet him later. “I can wait for you?”

“No. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you at training.” I gave him a quick peck before he left then I marched over to Ms. Whitney to see what she wanted.

“I would like you two to help me out after school. Some of the students are having a harder time with the dance and I believe you two to be some of my best students. Could I depend on you two to help me out?”

“I would, but I have training after classes so I’m sorry. I won’t be able to help you out,” I politely declined.

“Isn’t Gabe out of town this week?” Lucas interrupted.

“Yes, but I will still be training with Zane.”

“I think we can work something out. We’d love to help you Ms. Whitney,” he said, throwing her a charming smile.

I gawked, stunned, and pissed that he would answer for me. “Great, so I will see you two promptly at four today,” she said and flitted off before I could protest.

I turned on Lucas. “First off, don’t ever answer for me and second I can’t skip my training because some people don’t know how to dance.”

“Okay relax. You’re not going to skip your training. I’ll find a way for you to work around it and besides, dancing could actually be your training.”

“How would dancing help me kill a rogue vamp? What am I going to do, challenge them to a dance off?” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“No. Dancing will help improve your moves.”

“What’s wrong with my moves?” I asked a little too defensive.

“Nothing when it comes to dancing, but in combat…”

I crossed my arms in a huff. “I think I do perfectly fine.”

“Says the girl who got taken out by a newbie,” he winked, walking away to grab his bag.

“For your information I let you win.” I lied.

“See you at four, Ella,” he said without turning around.

“I have training,” I yelled, knowing he was ignoring me.

I angrily grabbed my things and headed to my room to change for lunch. “Hey, so how was class?” Josie asked as soon as I opened the door. Although by her tone, I knew she was hinting at something else.

“Fine,” I grunted.

“I heard you and Lucas put on a show today.”

Okay, that happened not even twenty minutes ago. How the hell this stuff floated around so fast I had no idea? “Ms. Whitney asked us to demonstrate for the class, no big deal,” I said nonchalantly.              

“No big deal,” she said aghast. “Arianna told me your eyes glazed over and it was like you two were in another world.”

“Something like that,” I said a little frustrated. I still didn’t know what happened today, but I was going to find out. “I got to go,” I said, abruptly running out the door.

I caught up to Lucas outside the cafeteria. “Hey, what was that all about?”

He scrunched his brow in confusion. “Helping Ms. Whitney?”

“No,” I shook my head. I pulled him away from prying ears. “The dance, when we danced, we…we went somewhere else.”

“I’m touched that you feel like I took you someplace special, but really Ella, it was just a dance.” I opened my mouth to retort, but at the thought of sounding crazy I kept it shut. I knew I didn’t imagine it and either I was the only one or Lucas was hiding something. “See you later,” he smiled and held the door for a few freshmen who giggled at his charming smile.

I wanted to run after him and demand he admit he saw it to. There was no way I had imagined all that on my own. Instead of questioning him, I decided to do some digging on my own. I had to be smart about it. So I decided at practice I would dig into that little head of his and find out the truth.

I decided to skip lunch and just grab something from the social room. Zane had called me and told me he thought Lucas’s idea of incorporating dance into training was a good idea and that he agreed to give up training us for the week in order for us to work on new techniques in dance to improve our moves. I tried to argue that Gabe wouldn’t like the idea, but he said he already talked to him and he agreed.

Damn it!

This sucks.

I fell back on my bed and let my phone drop. I laid there for about half an hour before I rolled over on my stomach and snacked on some chips and a KitKat I grabbed from the social room and then downed a Cherry Coke on my way to the studio. When I got there, I wasn’t surprised to see some of the people who needed some help with the lessons.

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