The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (78 page)

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Before Cameron could dispute it Sienna jumped in. “Well, you know what they say, boys always tease the ones they like,” Sienna said, leaning over the seat. I rolled my eyes and went back to daydreaming about Aidan. Closing my eyes, I envisioned our last encounter together. The way his lips felt on mine, his hands moving all over my body, caressing every inch of my skin.


“I think she’s drooling,” Sienna giggled.

“Look at that smile on her face. I think she’s having a sex dream,” Cameron whispered.

“What?” I asked groggily.

“We’re here,” Riley said blushing.

“You’ve got a little something right there,” Cameron said, pointing to my chin and laughing. I felt my face get hot as I wiped my mouth on my sleeve. I hadn’t realized I had fallen asleep.

We all got out of the car and crossed the street to the mini strip mall. We hit store after store and in each one the girls threw clothes at Riley to try on. Cameron had her try tons of outfits that were kind of slutty and Sienna had her try on stuff that was cutesy and childlike, which worked for Sienna, but not Riley. I could tell Riley was getting frustrated so I stepped in to help her out. I found her a nice pair of jeans and a cute top that suited her. She cringed at the price, but I reminded her she didn’t need to worry about it.

While the girls went and got their hair done, I went across the street to grab a coffee. I opted not to have my hair done. I didn’t feel like answering questions about my weird blue streak. I also needed a break from Aidan. The more time I spent around him the more I wanted to jump on him and kiss him.

I went with a small coffee since my nerves were already on edge. “I got that,” Aidan said from behind me, handing the cashier money. I stiffened, feeling my stomach flutter.

              I took a calming breath before I turned around to face him. “Thank you,” I said as he collected his change.

“No problem.” He stuffed his wallet in his back pocket. “I wanted to talk to you, if that’s okay?” He gestured to one of the tables by the window. I nodded and followed him over to one of the high top tables. I took a seat across from him, rubbing my hands nervously under the table as I waited for him to start the conversation. He didn’t say anything right away and I was wondering if he wanted me to say something first.

“About last night,” he started.

“I was out of line. I’m sorry. You don’t have to worry. I promise it will never happen again,” I spit out quickly, hoping to avoid the embarrassment of him trying to come up with an easy let down.

“Oh,” he said.

I sat up. I wasn’t expecting that. “Oh?” I echoed.

“Well, I was going to tell you I was out of line and I’m sorry, but…” he looked up into my eyes. “I don’t regret it. I’m happy it happened,” he smiled, making my heart beat double time.

I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless.

“I know what you’re thinking. You’re a student and I’m a teacher and this shouldn’t have happened. But it did and I’m not sorry about it. I like you Ella and I feel a certain way when I’m around you.”

“Me too,” I confessed.

Aidan grinned and reached under the table to hold my hand. The small sentiment made me blush and feel warm inside. “I know we couldn’t have a normal relationship, but we could try?”

“How, no one could know about it? You’d get in trouble for dating a student.”  

“That’s why it would be our little secret,” he winked, squeezing my hand. “Let’s just take it one step at a time.”

“We should probably get back,” I said. He squeezed my hand one more time before he let go. I couldn’t believe he felt the same way I did. I still didn’t understand why I had such a strong pull to him. I was just happy he felt the same way about me as I did him. I was also hoping that we could have a repeat of last night.

I quickly pulled Aidan aside before we stepped into the salon to meet the others. “So, when will we be able to be together?”

“Hmm, how about you stop by my office tonight and I think we can come up with something,” he winked and gave me a quick kiss when no one was looking. I smiled sheepishly as he opened the door for me.

I sat with Aidan and Gabe in the lounge area while we waited for the girls to be finished. Five magazines later and several stolen glances from Aidan, the girls were done. They had straightened Riley’s unruly hair and got rid of that headband she wears to try and control it. They replaced the headband with a small sparkly clip and the only makeup she wore was a light pink eye shadow with clear mascara and a soft pink lip-gloss which I thought was the perfect choice.

“Riley, you look amazing!”

“Really Ella, you like it?” she asked unsure.

“I love it!”

“Me too,” she admitted. “But don’t get used to it. There’s no way I could do this myself.”

“I can help you with that. Trust me. I know what it’s like to have unruly hair,” I smiled. “And I love that lip-gloss.”

“Thanks, Gabe picked it out,” she said.

I turned to Gabe eyes wide. He coughed uncomfortably. “I just simply suggested less is more,” he said. I laughed which made Gabe turn red in the face.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me,” I told him.

He leaned down smiling wickedly and whispered, “Don’t forget we start training on Monday.”


I turned back to Riley and asked her, “Did you ask what lip-gloss they used so you can get some to take with you?”

“Sienna already got it for me,” she said.

“And what about hair care products?”

“Oh I,” she stammered.

“Well, you’ll need stuff to keep up with the do. Excuse me?” I said to one of the stylist. “Can you please help her pick out some products and one of your best flat irons?”

“Oh, no Ella. You’ve done enough I can’t,” Riley protested.

“We’ll make this one on me or should I say daddy,” Cameron smiled, handing the cashier a credit card.

“You guys, thank you so much. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”

“I have a history report coming up,” Cameron said. Aidan cleared his throat reminding her that he was there. “Just kidding,” she smiled and leaned in closer to Riley. “We’ll talk later.”

“What Cameron means is you don’t owe us anything,” I said, frowning at her. Cameron rolled her eyes and went back to charging things on her dad’s account. “We are happy to help you out,” I reassured Riley.

“Yeah, I love shopping for other people as much as I love shopping for myself,” Sienna said.


Once we got back to the school I was in a much better mood. “Ella, would you please meet me in my office so we can go over your schedule?” Aidan said winking at me.

“Are you changing your schedule?” Cameron asked.

I drew a blank on how to answer. Aidan jumped in and answered for me. “No, we just want to see if we can fit in some extra classes she might be interested in taking,” he said and I nodded. I said my goodbyes and quickly dropped off the few items I bought and then headed right over to Aidan’s office. Since it was Saturday, the offices were empty. I knocked on the door lightly just before letting myself in, just in case. Aidan looked up from his desk at my entrance and smiled brightly as he told me to lock the door behind me.

“So, what exactly do you have planned?” I asked as I clicked the lock.  Before I could even turn around he was behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed, feeling content and leaned back into him putting my arms over his.

“I’ve wanted to do this all day,” he said, turning me around and kissing me. I slipped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, savoring the kiss. He pulled back, took my hand in his, and led me over to the couch. I sat down on his lap and started to kiss him again.

It wasn’t long before he pushed me down on the couch and climbed on top of me. My skin began to tingle as he slid his hand under my shirt. When he was kissing me, it was hard for me to keep my hands off of him. I didn’t understand it. It was a different feeling, like nothing I felt with anyone else. I knew it wasn’t love. I felt more of a need to just have him touch me and that need grew stronger every time I was with him. I started to unbutton his shirt while he kissed my neck. Once his shirt was off, it didn’t take long for the rest of our clothes to follow. His hand slid down to my hips and he started to tug at my underwear. “Aidan…wait,” I said breathless.

“You want to stop?” he asked.

“No,” I said. And I didn’t, which was the weird part. “I’m just…I’m…I’m a virgin,” I confessed, a little embarrassed.

He flashed his dimples and gently tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, exposing the faded bite mark he left from last night. “It’s okay, we can stop,” he said, tracing the bite mark with his finger. “There are other things we can do.”

“Except that,” I said, pushing him away from me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

“It’s just,” I couldn’t believe I was about to say this. “The last time someone bit me, it was to steal information from me.”

“Oh, Ella, I had no idea.”

“I’m surprised it wasn’t in my file,” I said sarcastically.

He chuckled softly and pulled me into him. “Ella, just having you here in my arms is good enough for me.”

“Yeah, you say that now, but just wait.”

He laughed again. “I will wait as long as you need.”

“Now when you say a thing like that it makes it hard for me to resist you,” I said, turning my head so I could nibble on his neck. I could see his pulse pounding and I could hear the flow of blood pumping in his veins. I started to lick my lips at the thought of sinking my teeth into his skin.

“Go ahead. It’s okay. I know you want to,” he said, his voice weak.

I pulled back. “I…I never. I wouldn’t even know how?”

“It will just come to you naturally. Trust me,” he said, tilting his head to the side.

“I don’t know? What if I can’t stop?”

“I trust you,” he said, kissing my lips gently.

I wanted to, but I was nervous. I could feel it inside me, the ache for it, the thirst. I bent down and the sound of his blood flowing caused my fangs to appear. I could feel the draw of the blood calling to me. I was about to sink my teeth into his neck when there was a knock on the door. The tapping scared me. I flinched, accidently nicking his neck with my teeth. “Sorry,” I said.

“Mr. Callahan?” The person on the other side of the door called.

“Who is that?”

“I don’t know, but you have to hide,” he said.


“Do you have any other suggestions?”

“Yeah, don’t answer it,” I said, struggling to get my clothes back on.

“Who is it?” Aidan asked.

“Mr. Callahan, it’s Roman. I’m here to drop off those papers you asked for.”

“Right, just give me a second,” he said, pushing me into the closet and throwing my clothes at me. I couldn’t believe I was actually hiding out in the closet like some harlot. I prayed this didn’t take too long. It suddenly got really hot. I started to fan myself. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I couldn’t breathe. Crap, this was not good.

I heard Aidan open the office door and let Roman in.

“What can I do for you?” Aidan asked.

“I just wanted to drop off these papers that you asked me to have Gabe sign about our extra training sessions.”

“Right, I’ll take those,” he said, reaching for the papers.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I felt like I was suffocating. I thought maybe if I could just get the door open a crack, let some air in, but when I did the door creaked. Roman turned his head toward the closet and I froze, holding my breath.

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