The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (104 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Hi!” Josie said, plopping down on the other bed.

“You’re avoiding my question. What happened to your eye? Did Dean do this?”

“Why you think I’m sleeping in here?”

“He kicked you out?” 

“Not exactly…I’m hiding from him.”

“Awe, you poor baby,” I laughed.

“It’s not funny,” he said.

“It kind of is?” Josie said.

“You stay out of it.” I glared at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. “You want me to go talk to him?”

“No. Let him cool off. I’ll try again in the morning,” he said, getting up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m going to stay with Reagan in his room.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to intrude. You guys need to catch up.”

“Let me at least heal your eye,” I said, reaching up but he pulled away.

“It’s okay. I deserve it.”

“No you don’t. You did not do anything wrong. Now stop trying to act all proud and just let me heal it.”

He gave in and let me heal his eye. I walked him out and gave him a kiss before he left. There was no point in hiding our relationship now. By tomorrow the whole school would be talking about it with all different types of spins on it. I sighed and went back into my room to change and get ready for bed. If I couldn’t have Roman with me tonight I was still glad to have Josie.

The exhaustion of the day took its toll and I was out before Josie even came out of the bathroom. Sometime in the middle of the night I felt someone creep into my bed next to me. I rolled over to find Roman curled up against my side. “What are you doing here?” I whispered, not wanting to wake Josie.

“Funny thing,” he said. “This cute, little, perky blond popped into my dream and told me you shouldn’t be alone tonight.” I looked at him funny. “Josie,” he clarified. I spied to find she wasn’t sleeping in the other bed. “She said she had someone else she needed to see and make up for lost time,” he shrugged.

I knew right away Josie was with Billy. I didn’t mind and was thankful to have Roman here with me, in my arms. I snuggled closer to him and fell back asleep almost instantly.


In the morning when I woke up, Josie was sleeping in the other bed, and Roman was gone. I quietly hopped in the shower and got ready for class.

“Hey,” Josie said groggily, sitting up, and stretching. “Whacha doin’?”

“Getting ready for class. This is a school, remember?”

“Can’t you skip your classes?” she whined.

“No, I cannot.”

“What the hell am I supposed to do all day?” I looked at her. “No, I am not going to class with you.”

“Then what else are you going to do?”

“I’ll just hang out with Billy,” she winked.

“Nice try, but Billy is going to be busy all day helping Gabe.”

“Fine, but I’m not wearing that god awful uniform.”

“Suit yourself,” I shrugged. “I’m going to get breakfast. If you want to join me you have five minutes to get ready.”

“Ugh!” she groaned, laying back down on the bed. I rolled my eyes and finished combing my hair. Josie eventually got dressed and grumpily followed me to the dining hall. After she got some food in her she perked up a bit. “Did you get my delivery last night?” she asked with hopeful eyes.

“If you’re referring to the hot Irishman you sent to my room, then yes I did, and thank you,” I winked.

“So I guess that means things are okay? I didn’t mess things up with you and that guy?”

“His name is Roman and no. We were keeping our relationship a secret and eventually we were going to tell people, but not blurt it out like you did,” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

“I said I was sorry.”

“I know I know. We’ll talk about it later. We have to go before we’re late for class.”

When we got to my first class I told Mr. Grant that Josie would be joining us while she was there. He said that while she attended his class he expected her to do all the work all the other students did. She wasn’t happy about it, but I told him she would be the perfect student.

We took a seat in the back just as Roman showed up and took a seat next to me. He smiled at me and leaned over to give me a kiss on the cheek. I flinched and he looked at me funny. “Sorry. I guess I’m still getting used to everyone knowing,” I said.

       A few students whispered and looked our way. “Just ignore them,” Roman said.

              “Don’t worry I’m used to it. You are dating the school freak, remember?”

“Yes, but you are a hot freak,” he smiled. I just rolled my eyes. “And we’re not the ones they’re talking about,” he said, looking over at Josie.

“That’s because they’re all jealous of my beauty,” Josie said. We heard a few more students gossiping until Mr. Grant brought the class to attention. Anyone that dared to look at Josie got her icy stare in return. Josie was not one to put up with gossipy little bitches, as she called them.

              Ms. Kraft was more than happy to have Josie join class and in powers class I introduced her to Riley. In self-defense Josie spent most of her time hanging all over Billy. She made him show her the moves over and over again saying she was just not getting it. We both knew it was just an excuse for some kind of weird foreplay.

I partnered up with Dean in hopes of talking to him about mine and Roman’s relationship. “I don’t want to talk about it Ella,” he said.

“Well, I do, so you’re shit out of luck. What’s the big deal anyways? It’s not like I’ve never had a boyfriend before. You liked Kyle and Tristan. Why did you get so mad when you found out I was seeing Roman?”

“Because you are my sister and with the others I didn’t have to hear about the things you did.”

“That was an accident and I always have to hear about your tryst with all the girls you’re with. How is this any different?”

“One, Kyle doesn’t count. We grew up together so I knew he wasn’t a douche and wouldn’t hurt you. And two, I liked Tristan before I knew you started dating him. Then he was just another dick trying to get in your pants.”

I tried not to roll my eyes. “And what’s wrong with Roman?”

“He’s…he’s…I don’t know. You’re my baby sister and he’s my roommate.”

If this was his argument he was losing miserably. “Look Dean, as much as you and dad still like to think of me as a little girl, I’m not. I’m an adult now and you need to realize that. What I do on my own time is my business and who I spend it with is also my business. Not to mention having Roman as a roommate you should know he’s not a bad guy.”

“I know but…”

“But nothing. I really like him and he really likes me so get over yourself and go make nice,” I said, putting my foot down. Dean knew I was right, but hated to admit it. He knew he overreacted, but he was just being an older, caring brother – I think?

“Fine, but I don’t have to like it,” he complained.

“What do you have against Roman?”

“I guess I just know how guys think and I…”

“Dean, not all guys are perverted, egotistical, assholes.”

“That’s what we want you to think, but trust me, we’re all thinking the same thing,” he said, tapping his head. Clearly I wasn’t going to get through to him anytime soon, but he did say he would apologize, which was better than nothing.

Before lunch, Dean apologized to Roman, but told him he was keeping an eye on him and if he ever hurt me he’d kill him. I didn’t expect anything less.

Being with Roman openly was still weird to me, but still nice we didn’t have to hide it anymore. And of course as soon as Mackenzie caught wind of us being together she pretended to be the victim. She started one of the many rumors that were making the rounds. She claimed I stole Roman from her because I was jealous and put some spell on him so he would like me. I ignored them like I did all the rest. I knew she would get hers soon.

The rest of the day went as followed – students were whispering and gossiping about mine and Roman’s so called torrid affair and wondering who the new student was and why she was hanging with me. Josie took in the excitement of being the center of attention, me, not so much. But I did my best to ignore the whispers.


After lunch I was happy to go back to my room and just relax and spend some time with Josie. I caught her up on everything that had happened so far. I told her all about Roman and all my new friends I made here. I also told her about the nightmares and she explained to me that while the last dream I had with Kyle was still a dream, it was also real. It was the only way they could get to me and warn me without them knowing. I still didn’t know who they were. Josie said it was better that I didn’t. She also said she didn’t know how Jack was able to manipulate the dream and when that happened, that’s when she made the decision to come and personally warn me. Damn the consequences. I also told her all about Aidan and the evil one, Mackenzie.

“I don’t see why you just don’t have that Sienna girl or Dixon put a spell on her to give her warts or make her hair fall out,” she said.

“Tempting, but no. And after what Ms. Kraft told us, definitely not.”

“What, about black magic?”

“Yes. Remember she said that when you create a spell under anger and use it for revenge you can conjure bad magic and darkness. That darkness can consume you and I don’t even want to think about the other stuff she said.” I shivered at the thought.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Sheesh, enough with bad mental pictures,” Josie grumbled. “I still can’t believe you almost did it with one of your teachers. I see I must be rubbing off on you,” she laughed.

“Josie, I was under a spell,” I said rolling my eyes. “And why does everyone seem to keep forgetting the fact the end result of that was him attacking me?”

“A minor detail,” she said. “Regardless he’s hot. I would actually thank Mackenzie for that one.” I threw my pillow at her and she squealed. I continued to catch her up on everything that had happened. It went without saying that she loved the blue streaks and as far as the tattoos went she said she was taking claim for the angel on my hip. She apologized for knowing what I went through after I lost her and Tristan and not being able to be there for me to help me get through it. To let me know she was okay. And she even admitted she was there in the cemetery that day when I visited her grave.

“Josie, you did help me. I knew you were there. I felt you,” I smiled, squeezing her hand. Our little bonding moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in,” I called.

“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Riley asked, sticking her head inside.

“No. Of course not. Come in.”

She closed the door behind her and stood by the end of the bed clutching a box. I could tell she felt uncomfortable, like she was invading mine and Josie’s time together. “What’s in the box?” Josie asked.

“Oh, yeah. That’s why I stopped by. It was delivered this morning. I think it’s the dress.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” I asked, pulling her down to sit.

“Well, you were kind of busy and I didn’t want to bug you.” She looked down at the box and I could tell what she meant was – my best friend is back and I didn’t have time for her.

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