The Virgin Sex Queen (23 page)

Read The Virgin Sex Queen Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #Love, #Family, #explicit, #sex, #sensual, #Law, #BBW, #friends, #sweet, #laughter, #cop, #writer, #plus size heroine, #australian

BOOK: The Virgin Sex Queen
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So why did her
hands still tremble when she opened the door between the kitchen
and garage? Pouring a glass of water, she gazed into the depths.
The truth was that she wasn’t sure of Alan right then, the quiet,
dangerous side of him was an unknown quantity.

She wasn’t scared he’d beat her, but she wasn’t so sure he
wouldn’t…she gulped, going hot inside, the spanking scene
Punishing Laura
dancing tauntingly in her head. Okay, she wasn’t so sure that
he wouldn’t do
. Cripes, she couldn’t even bring herself to say the

Okay, she
should write this feeling down, capture the emotions while she
could, but then it would make it all so real and if she wasn’t
careful she would run.

jangling, she sat at the kitchen table, hands clamped around the
glass, listening to the seconds tick past. She tried to read a
magazine, assuring herself for the thousandth time that she was
letting her imagination run away with her - her dirty, perverted
imagination - but she couldn’t help the knot of dread that curled
in the pit of her stomach as the time of his arrival drew nearer.
And nearer.

The clock was
ticking off her doom.

SJ sauntered in
for a bite to eat then perched himself on the end of the kitchen
bench, tucking his paws under him and half closing his eyes. Lucky
cat to be dozing. His only worry was whether he had tinned cat food
or mince for dinner.

She was still
sitting there when she heard the car approach outside, the garage
door open then slide shut, the engine turning off. Her hold on the
glass tightened when the slam of the car door was followed by the
deliberate tread of boots. Her gaze flew to the door as it

expressionless, Alan entered, closing the door behind him quietly.
Sophie watched as he crossed the room to place his wallet and car
keys on the kitchen counter. Slowly, every movement deliberate, he
took off the heavy utility belt and placed it on the bench.

SJ gave it a
sniff before resuming his Sphinx act.

Sophie took a mouthful of the water that still filled half the
glass in front of her. Shame it was too late to take up drinking,
she could do with a shot of dutch courage.

Turning, Alan
leaned back against the kitchen bench, folding his arms across his
chest and crossing his ankles, his gaze unwaveringly on her. Not
one fleeting expression crossed his face.

Not having a
clue to as what he was thinking, Sophie swallowed hard.

His dark eyes
were the only thing that moved, sweeping over her slowly,
thoroughly, from head to toe and back up again until his gaze was
once more locked with hers.

“You’re not an
obedient girl, are you, Sophie?” His voice was like dark silk.

“I…look, I’m
sorry, Alan. It was stupid to speed, I know-”

“You know?” Not
by one note did his tone change, yet somehow a thread of danger was
twining through it. “How many times have you known, Sophie? You’ve
known the dangers since the day you first sat behind a steering
wheel, since the first day a driving instructor told you, since the
first time you heard of people dying because of speed. You know but
you don’t listen.”

She couldn’t
stop the blush of shame. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry doesn’t
cut it when Sam has to bury to you, Soph.”


“No, it’s not

“I didn’t mean
‘okay’ as in all is fine, I meant it as in I understand.”

“Yet still you

She bit her
bottom lip. “I won’t be speeding from now on.”

“And why is
that?” he asked silkily.

“Because you
scared the crap out of me.”

“Really? And
how did that happen?”

“Are you
kidding me? I’ve been a bundle of nerves waiting here to be reamed
a new one and you’ve done it in a very controlled way.”


“Yeah. And I’m
not likely to forget it.”

“I see.” He
contemplated her in silence.

“So that’s it.”
She sighed in relief.

“Is it?”

“Isn’t it?”

When he just
continued to gaze at her, she stood up and nervously twisted her
hands together. “Alan…”


She stared at

Pushing away
from the bench, Alan strode to the table and took her hand in a
firm grip. The look on his face was anything but comforting, his
expression still forbidding. “I don’t think this is over, Sophie.
In fact, this lesson is far from over.”

Her eyes widened. Oh shit, surely he wasn’t

“Going by your
history, a telling off is not going to work. A speeding fine isn’t
going to work. Maybe being heavy handed will work.”

“Oh no. Oh no,
Alan.” She started to tug at her hand.

Turning, he
strode towards the kitchen doorway.

She hauled
back, certain her weight would slow him down if not stop him, but
damn his weight lifting and fit body, he just gave her a sharp tug
that sent her stumbling after him.

“Alan, I swear, if you do -
- to me, I’ll scream the house down!” She made a
wild grab for the doorframe.

In a swift
manoeuvre he jerked her right past it and continued walking, saying
calmly as he did so, “The whole neighbourhood will hear and won’t
the gossips have a field day? Soph, they’ll just think we’re
getting our jollies on. They all know you’re into spanking.”

“What? No!” Oh, God, he was going to do
! “No, Alan, please! I’m not into
it! I’m not!”

“Hmmm, I’m
thinking I might as well be comfortable.” He walked into the
lounge. “You won’t be, but then again that’s your problem, isn’t

“Alan! Oh God,
I swear I’ll never forgive you!”

Sophie nearly
had a heart attack when he sat on the sofa and looked up at her,
his eyes gleaming as he tugged her relentlessly forward. She
wavered right in front of his lap, his strong thighs looming up to
her mortified gaze.

Okay, far in the reaches of her wicked mind she was secretly
thrilled but honestly terrified as well. Oh God oh God oh

Alan patted his
thighs. “Okay, Soph, brace yourself.” And tugged.


Chapter 7


She fell
forward with a shriek, only to find herself twirled midair so that
she landed on his lap all right - in a sitting position. For
several seconds she just stared up at him, registering that his arm
was at her back, his other across her thighs. She wasn’t face down
over his lap getting her arse smacked, she was sitting on his

And he was
laughing. His dark eyes danced with mirth and he was bloody

“You arsehole!”
She slapped his chest and struggled. “You - you deviant!”

Tightening his
hold on her, he laughed harder. “Oh God, Soph, if you could have
seen your face!”

“I can’t
believe you made me so freakin’ scared!”

“Oh, come on.
What’s a little spanking between kinky friends?”

“You jerk!”

Capturing her
arms by the simple act of wrapping his own around her, Alan tugged
her against his chest, falling back against the sofa so he could
snuggle her close. His body still shook with mirth.

drained, all Sophie could do was slump against him. Serve the idiot
right if the circulation to his legs was cut off. Relief poured
through her, relief that he’d only been playing with her, leading
her on with no intention of punishingly putting hand to

“Remind me to
kill you when I get the strength.” Her heart was still

He kissed her
temple. “Poor baby, did I scare you that much?”

“I was

“I’m sure I saw
a little thrill, though,” he teased. “A little light of
anticipation in your eyes.”

“I don’t think

“Sure it was.
Right behind the terror.” He guffawed.

“I’m so pleased
I amuse you.”

“You gave me
the best laugh of the day.”

Shaking her
head, she couldn’t help but smile at his infectious laughter. “You

“Yeah. But tell
me you didn’t love it.”

“Now that the
fear is over?” She thought about it and could only blush. “Okay,
maybe a little.”

“Great. Next
time we’ll see how much further I can go.”

“Further? Alan,
there is no further.”

“Sure there

She looked
questioningly at him.

He waved a hand
at her. “We never got this far.”

“Not on your
freakin’ life!”

He laughed

Cripes, she was
going to kill him one day and he’d only have himself to blame.

Dipping his
head down, he kissed her lightly, teasingly, before settling back
against the sofa.

Relaxing, she
rested her cheek against his shoulder, feeling him shift to lay his
own cheek on the top of her head. Every breath he took moved her
against his chest.

Closing her eyes, she smiled slightly. Okay, that was one
fantasy that almost played out and while she was glad it hadn’t
gone further, she couldn’t help but be glad he’d
taken her all the
way. Somehow, he’d known just when to stop.

Minutes passed
and she almost dozed off, safe in his arms, when he said softly,


“Promise me you
won’t speed anymore.”

“Of course,”
she said.


“I won’t


At the
insistent tone of his voice, she tilted her head back so she could
meet his gaze. “What, you’re really going to spank me if I get
caught again?”

There was no
amusement in his eyes, his tone deadly serious. “I’ve scraped too
many people off these roads, Soph. Seen too many lives lost.
Knocked on too many loved ones’ doors and seen them cry. Please,
don’t be someone I have to see dead in a car one day. Don’t be the
one that makes my mates knock at my door to tell me you’ve been
killed due to speeding. Please Soph.” Keeping her gaze locked with
his, Alan dropped his forehead so it rested against hers. “Don’t be
the statistic that breaks me.” He said it so softly, so sincerely,
the fear in his eyes plain to see.

It was this
more than anything- the speeding fines, the disapproval of peers,
the laughter of friends - that struck home like an arrow. It
pierced her, the sudden understanding of how he truly feared for
her. As a cop he’d seen his share of fatalities, and now due to her
disregard for the speed limit, her careless attitude, it brought
home with brutal honesty the fact that it wouldn’t be just her life
she lost, but she’d destroy others.

She’d destroy
Alan’s life. The thought of him answering the door, maybe the
constant fear of a knock at the door when he knew she was out
somewhere, or approaching a car smash and knowing, recognising, her
car…Oh God, she understood. She really understood.

All Sophie
could do was look at him, tears gathering in her eyes. “I’m so
sorry, Alan.”

“Just promise
me, Soph.” He gazed deeply into her eyes. “Please. Really promise

“I do.”
Reaching up, she slid her hand around his nape, kissing him gently,
lightly, on the lips before pulling back to look him in the eyes,
needing him to see her sincerity. “I promise, Alan. I really

He smiled, just
a small quirk of his lips to acknowledge it. A light kiss in
return, gentle and sweet, sweeter than she’d ever known him to
kiss, right before he tucked her head back beneath his chin. His
lips brushed her hair. “Thanks, Soph.”

Cuddled close
against him, safe in the shelter of his arms, she felt utterly,
completely content.


It was early
evening and Alan was impatient. He loved his mother but he wished
she’d get off the phone. Sophie was getting ready for bed.

luscious Sophie.

“Alan?” his
mother barked out. “Are you listening to me?”

“Yeah, Mum, I’m

“So when are
you coming down to see us?”

“I’m not due
for holidays for a few more months.”

“Oh.” She

“Aw, Mum, do
you miss your baby boy?”

“Don’t start.
You’re a grown man.”

“And yet you
want me home.”

“There’s a
gutter to fix.”

“Why won’t Dad
do it?”

“Because you
know what happens when he touches things.”

“So you stopped

“Yes. I guess I
can get the gutter man in. I don’t want you getting up there and
falling off, scrambling the remainder of your brains.”

If Alan didn’t
know his mother better, that’d hurt. Luckily he knew her humour. He
shared it. “Aw, thanks, Mum.”

“Don’t forget
to bring your new work pants down so I can hem them.”


hemmed your pants?”

“Don’t sound so
disbelieving. I’m handy with a needle and thread, you know. I’m a
grown-up. I do things for myself.” At her continued silence, he
sighed. “Okay, Belle did them for me.”

“I thought

“You know, Mum,
I love you and all that shit-”

“Watch your
mouth, boy. You’re not too big that I can’t come down there and
wash it out with soap.”

aggravated assault. I could arrest you for it.”

“And I could
clip your ears. Make it worth the arrest.”

Listen, I’ve got a chick in my bed-”

“Alan! Dear
God, that’s not what I want to hear from my baby!”

“You always
said you wanted the truth.”

“There’s truth,
and then there’s truth.”

There it was
again, tomato, to-may-toe. That particular vegetable - fruit? - was
becoming a theme.

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