The Virgin Sex Queen (26 page)

Read The Virgin Sex Queen Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Police, #Love, #Family, #explicit, #sex, #sensual, #Law, #BBW, #friends, #sweet, #laughter, #cop, #writer, #plus size heroine, #australian

BOOK: The Virgin Sex Queen
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“I’m a legend.”
Alan spread his hands out in mock humility. “What can I say?”

“Nothing,” Sam
replied. “Trust me, nothing. I don’t want to hear what you’re doing
to my little cousin.”

“Hey, man, what
can I teach Sophie?” Pushing upright, Alan wrapped one arm around
Sophie and leaned down to kiss her smackingly on her cheek. “She’s
the Sex Queen, remember?”

She blushed and
snuggled closer.

Sam looked at
him wryly. “Obviously you can make her scream. Oh God, I can’t
believe I just said that.”

Alan grinned


“You two
lovebirds can coo all you want, I need to get this garden
finished.” Sam started walking back towards the shed.

“Come on.” Alan
grabbed her hand.

“Where are we

“For a

“Really? But

“Is just fine,”
her cousin called out as he disappeared into the shed.

“Just a small
walk,” Alan said. “Stretch our legs, give the neighbours something
to stare at.”

Laughing, she
fell into step beside him. They walked down the block in
companionable silence, Alan slowing his longer strides so she could
keep up.

That’s what she
loved about Alan, he knew her so well, both in role play, love
making, and everyday life. He already knew what flowers she liked
without her having told him, cooked her favourite meal, sat with
her on the veranda at night and kept her company as she relaxed in
the quiet of the night, her favourite thing to do before

And her
fantasies, well, Sophie sighed dreamily. The man knew how to press
her buttons. He could have her laughing, moaning, or yes, screaming
his name. He knew just how far to take her, knew her limits, and
not once did he laugh at her. The truth was he got just as much
enjoyment from their encounters.

Nor did he make
a derisive remark when she took him outside before Sam left one
night to make a confession.

Even now she
remembered it.


“Soph.” He
studied her.

That was the
thing, when he looked at her, he
at her. He saw her.
He knew her in ways no one else did, and that didn’t just include
her naked body which he now knew inside out and back to front.

Every bit of
shyness and self consciousness had fled beneath his hands and
admiring gaze, his gentle loving and his rough passion, both of
which satisfied her lonely, aching, and yes, horny heart.

“You know my

“Very well.” He

“Hmmm. Well,
the thing is, I know we’ve done quite a few of them.”

“And I’ve
taught you some you didn’t know.”

“Sex god.” She
nudged him.

“Sex Queen.” He
nudged her back.

“Well, the
thing is, I have a limit.”

He was silent
for a long minute before he asked quietly, “You don’t want to play

“Oh no! No, I

He relaxed.

“I just wanted
to say, not every fantasy is one I actually want to do.”

Head canted to
one side, Alan studied her again, this time with that uncanny knack
he seemed to have of reading her. “

What could she
say to that? The man knew her books. “It is extreme, I admit

“You don’t want

“I’m not into

He smiled.

“If you’re
laughing at me,” she said with deceptive mildness, “I’ll see what
pain you can take. Right now.”

Reaching out,
he cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back, looking deep into
her eyes with sincerity in every line of his face. “Baby, I
wouldn’t laugh at you when we’re discussing things we share.”

“What if we
weren’t sharing it?”

His brows drew
down. “Are you thinking of sharing with anyone else?”

“No. I just
meant - never mind, I don’t even know what I meant.”


“Anyway.” She
rolled her eyes before continuing. “Anyway, I’m just saying,
was an extreme erotic romance that goes way past
what I’m comfortable with myself. Nipple clamps are painful, I

His eyes

“No, you nong.
I haven’t tried it and I’m not going to, let me give you the

He breathed a
sigh of relief. “Good. Because those nipples are mine.”

“I beg your

“Only I play
with them.”

“Can we keep to
the subject?”

“Hey, you
started it.”

I asked a few girls I knew who were into that kind of thing, the
heavy BDSM. They like pain. They told me things, and I wrote the
story around the BDSM scene. It doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with
the scene personally for myself.”


“Is that

“Actually, I’m

That surprised
her. “You are?”

“Yeah. Soph, I
can do a lot of things to you, with you, and hell, I like it. Love
it. Get off on it. But causing you pain or humiliation is something
I can’t do, whether you’re happy with it or not. I’m just not that
kind of bloke. In fact…”

“Yes?” she
asked curiously.

“I’m glad you
brought it up, because I was scared stiff you were going to spring
the nipple clamps and strap-on dildos and things on me one night
and I’d have a heart attack.”

She grinned.
“Oh baby. What about a sac ring?”

“Not on your
bloody life.”

“So you’re

baby. Naughty pleasure, hot pleasure, screamingly bad

He’d proved
that once again that night, after Sam had left. Probably one of
those screaming things Debbie had gone on about.

For sure, she’d
been getting openly envious and awed looks from nearby neighbours
ever since that first night Alan had taken her virginity in the
backyard. Alan just grinned lazily when she’d mentioned it to him
and walked with an extra swagger. Sam pretended to be outraged but
his laughter was shining in his eyes.

SJ wasn’t
impressed at all. He hid under Sam’s bed when things got a little
rowdy between herself and Alan. She knew because Sam told her he’d
found him under there looking really pissed off.

SJ liked a
quiet life.

Now they walked
along the street, turning into the park and sitting on the wooden
bench by the lake.

Alan slid his
arm behind her back and stretched out his long legs, crossing them
at the ankles. Sitting beside him, Sophie rested her head on his
shoulder and watched the ducks swimming past.

At that moment
she was so content, so comfortable that she didn’t want it to end.
In two short weeks she’d come to know herself as never before, and
it was all because of Alan.

Two short weeks
and she felt like she knew him better than own cousin. He not only
did totally hot things to her, she’d managed to do the same to him.
One day she caught him by surprise, pushing him back on the pillows
and kneeling over him. He’d grinned and thrown out his arms in
invitation. “I’m all yours, baby. Eat me up.”

Well, she’d
licked him like an ice cream and sucked him like a lollipop. By the
time she’d finished, he’d been screaming
name for a

She might not
have personally experienced giving head before then, but she knew
the mechanics of it. She was a bloody good researcher. The proof
was in the screaming. And the begging for more. Which she’d happily

Hmmm, that was
probably what Debbie had also heard.

But she knew
more than just his sexual prowess. And he knew more about her.

Alan hated
gardening. Sophie hated lawn mowing. So they compromised. He mowed
the lawn and she weeded Sam’s veggie patch.

They argued
about politics - who knew they were on opposing teams? - until
frustrated, she dumped the dregs of his coffee on him and fled to
her room, locking the door right before he could get in. Sam had
laughed until he almost cried. Alan had snuck around to her window
and unlatched the flywire with incredible stealth, while she
huddled by her door with her ear pressed to it, listening for him
in the hallway. By the time she realised he was in her room looking
for revenge, she was begging for mercy. It wasn’t long and she was
screaming his name, half in laughter and half in carnal heat.
Knowing exactly what was coming, Sam had left the house before it
got that far. The next day he had security screens put on all the
windows. Sophie and Alan had found it hilarious.

Sophie loved
horror movies. Alan loved corny comedies.

She loved
animals. He said he couldn’t stand them, this while Marty’s toy
poodle, Sugar, was licking his face while he watched TV, and SJ was
on the back of the sofa behind him kneading his head.

She found out
he donated regularly to the RSPCA. He said it was to atone for his

She said he
looked hot in uniform. He said she looked hot without clothes. She
said he did, too. He agreed.

Sophie was good
with budgeting. So was Alan. They were both saving to buy their own

She loved being
home. So did he.

She liked
walking. He liked weight lifting and running.

She liked his
friends. They liked her.

They liked
sharing a shower. Sophie never knew it could be so much fun. Alan
said it was conserving water. Truthfully, it was plain old down and
dirty lust and they ended up spending more time in there than they
would have if they’d been alone. Go figure.

She found out
that Alan had shamelessly stolen those missing books and she
punished him. By the time she was finished, he was begging for
relief. Then begging her to do it all over again. So she did, oh
boy, she surely did.

He was a lousy
poker player, losing most of his matchsticks to her every time.
Oddly enough, when playing strip poker (his idea) he kept winning.
She accused him of cheating. He demanded she lose the panties and
bra. When she refused he actually jumped the table and wrestled
them off her. They never did finish the poker game. And it was
surprising the table had actually stood up to what they’d put it
through next. Who knew poker could be such naughty fun?

Alan was a
great and fun teacher, true, but she was a quick and eager student.
After all, she wasn’t a novice at knowledge, just on the actual
reality of the act. Thank God Alan was the star of reality. Or
stud, as he liked to put it.

In two weeks
they’d laughed, lusted, talked and shared quiet times and

And she didn’t
want to leave him.

At the thought,
a heaviness crept over her. Two weeks. The day after tomorrow she
had to go home and Alan hadn’t mentioned it once. To be fair,
neither had she but still… “Alan?”

“Mmm?” Alan
played idly with a strand of her hair.

“My two weeks
are up.”

His finger
paused then resumed playing with her hair. “Yes.”

“It - it’s been
a great two weeks, hasn’t it?”

“Very.” He
hesitated. “You’ve got a very successful career.”

“Yes.” Odd
thing to say.

“But it’s one
you can do from anywhere, right?”

Her heart
leaped a little. “I guess so.”

“Mmm. I bet
you’re looking forward to going home.”

“Well, I…yes.
Yes, I guess I am.”

“Friends and
family. Your home.”

“Yes.” She
gazed out at the pond.
Ask me. Ask me something
Ask me
to stay.
Because surprise surprise, she couldn’t bear the
thought of leaving him.

He didn’t say
anything more, just continued to idly play with her hair, his gaze
on the pond.

Of course he
wouldn’t ask her to stay, why would he? Sophie looked sadly at the
ducks. Two weeks holiday, that’s what she’d told him, and he’d been
quite happy with that. There’d been no talk of more time, of
anything else really. He hadn’t asked her to stay longer. Hadn’t
even hinted. Wasn’t asking her.

Shit. She
couldn’t ask him if he wanted her to stay, he wasn’t giving her any
signals, he just continued to play contentedly with her hair.

Damn him.

“It’s been a
fun two weeks,” he said quietly.


“Best two weeks
of my life.”

“Mine, too.”
Here it comes, he’s going to ask me!

“I guess
reality hits us all.”

“I guess so.
Though it doesn’t have to be, right?”

He chuckled,
his chest moving against her. His yummy, scrumptious chest. “Not in
your world. You can live those fantasies all day and all night if
you want.”


“Yeah, they
won’t be as good, true, but at least now you know what having hot
sex really feels like.”

Wow, talk about
ego. Sophie scowled.

“Yeah, reality.
It hits us all. Life goes on.” Alan stopped talking.

Life goes on?
What the hell? If she didn’t want these last few hours with him be
ones to remember, she’d give him a verbal barb to sting his

No, she
wouldn’t. Yes, she would. Maybe she should. Ah hell. Her scowl
disappeared and she sighed. No, she wouldn’t. Regardless of the
fact that he apparently could accept her going away as just another
part of his life, she would always treasure it and maybe she could
come back, see him again. Though he’d probably have a girlfriend by

Some gym

God damn.



“I think we
better go back and help Sam. He’s doing that garden all by

“He likes

“No Alan,
really.” Sitting up, she smiled brightly at him.

He studied

“I want to do
something nice for him before I go.” Grabbing his hand, she dragged
him upwards, not hard to do because after an initial resistance he
let her.

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