The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4) (4 page)

Read The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #friends with benefits, #workplace romance, #millionaire romance, #friends to lovers, #Fake engagement

BOOK: The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4)
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“You think? Why? Because you’re after a big contract with James’s company? Do you think it’s one of your competitors?”

“Maybe it was just a misunderstanding,” he said, not wanting Valerie to butt her nose in this messy business. “Or perhaps the person didn’t say ‘Brad’, and James’s PA just made a mistake.”

“Maybe. If so, who could it be, then?”

“Maybe he’ll call again.”

“I hope so. If it’s true that it’s about a private event of an international fashion designer, then I don’t want to miss out on it.”

Brad rolled his eyes.

“I’m still keen to catch up with you, though,” Valerie continued, her tone reverting to flirty.

“I don’t want to be on your husband’s bad side, Valerie,” he said lightly. “I’m staying away from you from now on.”

“You can’t see me right now, but I’m pouting,” Valerie said, whining.

He forced a laugh. “You wouldn’t want James to be mad at you, would you? He might put restrictions on your spending or something,” he added dryly.

“He’s such a jealous man,” Valerie said with a loud sigh. “If he weren’t so nice to me, I’d ditch him.”

“I really need to go, Valerie,” he said, injecting some urgency in his tone. He was getting bored with this conversation.

“Okay, handsome. I’ll see you around.”


He sat back on his chair and stared out the window of his modern office. His company was one of the top corporate and commercial interior design firms in the country, and that was the product of his blood, sweat and tears. Now, he was reaping the rewards. He had even been profiled as the rising star of the industry a few months ago in
International Designs Magazine
, a highly respected publication, which had sung his praises for being the youngest among an elite group of world-class commercial interior designers in Australia.

He snickered. According to a mutual acquaintance, Warren had been incensed at the exposure Brad had gotten from that article. With Brad being only three months younger, Warren had resented the fact that only Mead Commercial and Corporate Designs had been given the extra publicity.

Unlike the other successful men and women in their field, Warren seemed to be the only one whose competitive streak bordered on a personal vendetta towards him. He was used to it, though, having been Warren’s main competitor for so long. But for Warren to engage once again in deliberate sabotage, that was just going too far.

What could he do to bring Warren’s actions out into the open? To accuse Warren of wrongdoing without concrete proof could backfire spectacularly, so he wouldn’t even utter his suspicions without hard evidence. But he couldn’t let Warren keep doing this.

A loud knock on his door startled him.

“Yes?” he called out.

Harry, the second most senior designer in the company after Brad, poked his blond head inside. “Ready for our meeting?”

“Yes. Come on in, Harry,” he said, tapping his keyboard to call up the email that Harry had sent him yesterday.

They spent the next few minutes discussing the project Harry had been leading, and Brad was again reminded how lucky he was to have this guy as his employee. Apart from his technical design skills, Harry had logistical talents that complemented Brad’s creative vision.

Harry could have been one of his competitors right now if Harry hadn’t closed up his business. But he had run into financial difficulties and was forced to go into employment. Thankfully, Harry had chosen to work for him.

“I heard some magazine is interested in doing an article on you,” Harry said in that soft-spoken tone of his as they wrapped up their meeting.

His brows rose. “Who?
International Designs

“No. One of those women’s magazines.”

“What?” he asked with a snort. “Where did you hear that from?”

“From the girls,” Harry said, motioning towards the door. “Apparently, someone walked in a few minutes ago and said she wants to interview you. Isabel told her you’re in a very important meeting and couldn’t be disturbed for at least another four hours.”

“Really? I wonder why a women’s magazine would want to interview me,” he said, making a mental note to thank his efficient and reliable PA for not bothering him with it.

“Well, I imagine they’d want you on the cover, posing without your shirt on,” Harry teased.

“If that exposure could get me the James Coyte contract, I’d do it,” he joked.

“Really?” Harry asked.

“No,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t see how that would enhance the company’s credibility in the industry. But how about I nominate you to be my spokesperson if they do want to write an article about us?”

“No way,” Harry said with exaggerated horror.

They were interrupted by his ringing phone.

“Bradley Mead,” he answered.

“Bradley, this is James Coyte.”

“James,” he said, putting a smile on his voice. “How are you?”

“I didn’t call for a chit-chat,” James said, his tone icy. “I called to tell you to stay away from my wife.”

He sucked in a breath. “James, I can assure you—”

“Assure me what?” James interrupted. “That you’re not chasing after her? Of course you’d say that.”

“James,” he said calmly, “The only time I’ve seen Valerie since you guys met was at that function the two of you attended. As I’ve said before, I didn’t even know she was already married to you—”

“Spare me the explanations, Bradley. I know you want to win the contract, so I’m not surprised by your denial. But you sneaking around trying to get my wife to meet with you is reprehensible. What kind of person are you?”

He rubbed his face. How was he going to explain himself out of a situation he wasn’t responsible for? “James, I’m denying that I’m after your wife because that’s the truth! I didn’t call Valerie. I didn’t ask to meet her. I don’t even want to. Someone out there is trying to make me look bad in your eyes. I don’t have proof of it, but why else would someone pretend to be me and leave a message for your wife?”

James laughed bitterly, obviously not believing him.

“It’s true, James. Besides, I’m in a committed relationship now,” he said, hoping that this lie wouldn’t bite him in the butt later on. “Her name’s Erin. I can even introduce her to you, if you like.”

“Last time I heard, you change girlfriends like you change your shirts. Introducing me to a woman you’re likely to discard in a week doesn’t mean a thing.”

“Even if that woman has an engagement ring on her finger?” Heck, even he surprised himself with those words. But... it was a great idea.

“You’re engaged?” James asked incredulously.

Even Harry was shocked.

“Yes. I proposed to her last weekend. We’re only announcing it to our family in person this Sunday. That’s why we haven’t told anyone else yet.”

“So if you are, why the hell are you still calling my wife?” James asked, almost shouting.

“For the last time, James. I. Am. Not. After. Your. Wife. Why would I do that to a very important business partner such as you, especially when I’m desperate to win your latest contract? That doesn’t make sense, does it?”

James exhaled loudly. “You say someone else is doing this?”

“It looks like it, James. But I don’t have any proof.”

“That’s a crazy assumption.”

“So is the fact that I’m chasing after your wife,” he said gently.

“That’s not an assumption. You left a message for her. My PA even took it.”

I didn’t.
Besides, if I’m after your wife—which, again, I’m not—why would I call her through
office and leave a message with

“But why would anyone pretend to be you?”

“Perhaps to ensure you don’t offer me the contract.”

There was a long pause and Brad waited patiently.

“Are you saying one of your competitors is behind this?” James finally said.

“Without any solid proof, I’d rather not say who I suspect at this point.”

There was silence.

“And when do I meet this fiancée of yours?”

Brad exhaled in relief. “Anytime you want.”

“Okay. Why don’t we have a lunch meeting to further discuss your bid, and you can bring her with you? I’ll ask my assistant to organise a meeting time with your PA.”

“Sounds great. Thanks, James. I’m looking forward to it.”

He was much more relaxed as he hung up, and laughed when he noticed Harry still looking at him with the most shocked look he’d ever seen on this quiet man.

“You can close your mouth now, Harry,” he quipped.

Harry shook his head as if to clear it. “You’re engaged? I didn’t even know you had a girlfriend!”

“She’s a girl I’ve known for years. One of my sister’s best friends, actually. We hooked up one night a few months ago and didn’t expect it to go anywhere. To our surprise, we fell in love and, well, I proposed.”

“It’s so... sudden,” Harry said.

“When you know, you know. Look at James. He got married within five weeks of meeting Valerie. At least I’ve known Erin for years.”

Another phone call saved him from explaining any more to Harry. And luckily, it was his mother. He needed to borrow an engagement ring.


rin eyed Kevin surreptitiously as he went back to his desk.

Instead of retreating after her rejection during lunch yesterday, he seemed to have redoubled his efforts into getting her to soften up to him. But even though a small part of her was flattered by Kevin’s attention, she truly didn’t want to have anything to do with him again. Gosh, he’d only just separated from his wife and he was already hitting on her!

She grabbed her phone and tapped Brad’s number. It was time to drive home to Kevin that she wasn’t open to his advances—because she already had a boyfriend.

“Hi, honey. Are you almost here?” she said, loud enough for Kevin to hear. Unfortunately, their other officemates were within hearing distance too, but that couldn’t be helped. They’d be meeting Brad today for after-work drinks anyway.

Brad chuckled. “I’m assuming Kevin’s around. Yes, I’m already walking towards your building. Do you want me to come up to reception?”

“Yes. I’ll meet you out there.”

“By the way, I hope you don’t mind, but our relationship status has just changed,” Brad said.

“What do you mean?”

“We’re now engaged.”

Her jaw dropped. “Why?”

Brad told her about his conversation with James. “Sorry about this, Erin. But it shouldn’t change anything, except that you’ll need to wear an engagement ring when we see James. Mum’s happy for us to borrow hers. She doesn’t mind. She recently had it reset into a nice platinum band so it looks new and modern.”

Erin gulped, her heart pounding from nervous excitement with this new development.

“There’s probably no reason to tell your officemates that we’re engaged, though,” Brad said. “That’s just for James’s benefit. To everyone else, we’re just dating.”

“Okay, that makes sense.”

“Great. And my mother’s clear that this is a fake engagement. She won’t be hassling us about it. At least, I hope she won’t.”

She chuckled dryly. “Knowing your mum...”

“I know. Anyway, I’m here now. Be up there in a minute.”

“Okay, hon. I’ll be right out.”

“See you, sweetheart,” Brad said with a laugh.

“One of your best friends?” Kevin asked with a smile as she hung up.

“That’s Brad, my boyfriend. Remember Lexie’s brother whom you’ve met a couple of times? He’s joining us for drinks.”

The shock in Kevin’s face was priceless. “Boyfriend? Since when?”

“We’ve been going out in secret for a while,” she said, turning her computer off and getting ready to leave. “We didn’t want our family and friends getting involved in the development stage of our relationship because being good buddies for so long is a big complication. But it’s serious now, so it’s time to let everyone know.”

“But... Brad?” Kevin asked in disbelief. “Isn’t he the one who’s not interested in a relationship? He even told me that once, during your birthday party.”

“Turns out he was just waiting for me,” she said with a sweet smile.

“You have a boyfriend?” Amy, her closest work friend, asked. “And you didn’t tell me?”

“If it makes you feel any better, we only just told Lexie recently,” she said with a nervous laugh. It was one thing lying to Kevin. It was another to keep up the act in front of everyone else.

“And he’s joining us tonight?” Amy asked.

“Yes. But only for a drink or two. He has to leave early to finish a report for a client.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s an interior designer for corporate and commercial projects.”

“Hey, Erin has a boyfriend? I can’t wait to meet him,” Gerald, the office chatterbox, said. He slung his satchel bag around his shoulder and grinned at her expectantly, ready to follow her out the door.

“Let’s go, then,” she said. Geez. Imagine their reaction if she’d told them she was engaged.

“I’ll be right behind you,” Kevin said, a deep frown on his face. “I’m just quickly going to the gents’ first.” He hurried out, looking unhappy with this turn of events.

“Why have you kept it from us, girl?” Amy asked when Kevin was out the door. “We’ve been so worried about Kevin working with you. This is great!”

“Yeah,” Gerald said in a low voice. “I take it this means you’re really over Kevin? He wants you back, you know. He even told his wife about it.”

Erin’s eyes rounded. “Told his wife? What do you mean?”

“I heard him talking on the phone to Paula in the basement car park yesterday. They were having an argument. At one point he told Paula that her looks alone won’t find her a guy who’d stick with her for a lifetime because she’s such a bitch. He also said that it’s
he wants because you’re not a bitch.”

“How could he say that to his wife?” she asked, horrified. “I hope Paula doesn’t think I’m being a homewrecker when I have no intentions of reconciling with Kevin!”

Gerald shrugged. “That’s what I heard.”

“Don’t worry about Kevin,” Amy said, linking arms with her and leading her away from her desk. “He should leave you alone now that you’re with Brad.”

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