The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4) (6 page)

Read The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4) Online

Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #friends with benefits, #workplace romance, #millionaire romance, #friends to lovers, #Fake engagement

BOOK: The Unintended Fiancé (Captured by Love Book 4)
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Brad hid a smirk. Was Kevin trying to emulate what he’d done earlier? Well, Brad happened to be excellent at applying certain memory techniques that allowed him to remember details with ease and accuracy, a skill Kevin obviously didn’t possess.

“Erin?” Kevin asked.

“I think I’ve had enough. Thanks, anyway,” Erin replied.

Kevin nodded in approval, staring at Erin intensely. “Good. I was thinking you’d already gone past your usual limit. I’ll get you some water,” he said. “Brad? Another beer?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Brad said politely, although he threw Kevin a warning glare for his overfamiliar concern for Erin.

Kevin clearly didn’t care if anyone noticed that he still had the hots for his ex. Idiot. Couldn’t he tell that Erin didn’t want to have anything to do with him and his failing marriage?

“Maybe when he comes back,” Erin whispered near Brad’s ear.

“When he comes back, what?” he asked.

“We should kiss,” Erin answered, her lips brushing his jaw as she leaned in closer.

He sucked in a breath as his dick jerked a little from that feathery contact.

“Did you hear what he said?” Erin said. “He implied he knows what’s best for me. As if I can’t take care of myself. And as if he still has any right to take care of me. Ugh.”

He replaced his arm around her shoulder and hugged her to him. “I think he’s getting the picture that he’s not having a second chance, though.”

“I hope so. But we should still kiss,” she said, grinning up at him.

He chuckled, his excitement at the thought tempered by feelings of guilt. Maybe he should pull back a little with his act? What if his body betrayed him and Erin found out he’d started getting hard for her? How would she take that? She’d be awkward around him, for sure.

Stop guilt-tripping yourself! Erin doesn’t want to be gossiped about as a homewrecker. She needs your help.

Yes. Yes. She did, indeed, need his help. In fact, he’d have to be very convincing with his kiss. What was the point of doing things half-heartedly when there was a goal to be achieved? Kevin and Dee, in particular, had to be left with no doubts about Erin’s “feelings” for him so they’d leave her alone.

His conscience lightened. Good. He could enjoy himself again.

Feeling relaxed once more, he grasped Erin’s hand that was on his thigh and caressed it as he and Erin chatted with her friends. Clearly, most of them were buying this act. He wasn’t sure about Dee, though. The woman seemed aloof, choosing to focus on her phone rather than join in the conversation with her colleagues.

Kevin returned to their group. “Your drinks will be here soon, guys. I’ll be over there, if anyone’s looking for me. I just spotted a potential client who’s close to signing with us. I want to say hello to him.” Kevin waved goodbye as he headed towards the other side of the room.

“He’s a bit like you,” Erin said dryly. “Couldn’t switch off from work.”

“Hey, I’m not working at all tonight,” he said, pretending to look affronted. “I’m sitting here being a very good boyfriend.”

“And you’re doing a great job of it too. Thank you,” Erin said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “We’ll have to kiss a bit later, when he’s back,” she added in a low voice.

Ah, he couldn’t wait for their passionate smooch. Erin wouldn’t mind a bit of tongue, would she?


rad gave Erin’s friend a kiss on the cheek. “See you again soon, Amy.”

“I hope so,” Amy said. “Maybe you and Erin can join me and my boyfriend for dinner. Bill prefers small groups and always comes up with excuses to get out of coming with me to these after-work drinks.”

“No worries,” he said with a chuckle, before turning to the others to say his goodbyes.

Where the hell was Kevin? He hadn’t come back, and she and Erin hadn’t had their agreed-to proper kiss. He was truly disappointed.

“Great night, wasn’t it?” Erin said as they walked hand-in-hand towards the exit.

“Yeah. Shall we go look for Kevin first before we go?”

“I was hoping you’d say that. I saw him walk over there.”

He smothered a grin as Erin led him to the area where they’d seen Kevin disappear to earlier. God, Brad was being juvenile with this roundabout way of making sure he got the kiss he wanted tonight, but he had to admit he was too scared of letting Erin know just how badly he was looking forward to it.

“There he is,” Erin said. “I’ll pretend I’m going to the ladies’ so he won’t guess we were looking for him. I’ll meet you by that corner. Make sure he sees you so when I come out, he’ll see us kiss. Okay?”

“Okay,” he said, scanning the crowd for Kevin as Erin made a beeline for the restrooms.

Brad’s jaw dropped when he spotted Kevin, who was standing a few metres from him. Erin’s ex was talking to a sandy-haired man who stood so straight that it was obvious he was showing Kevin who was the boss. And with his simpering smile and meek stance, Kevin was clearly intimidated.

So Warren Oliver was Kevin’s prospective client?

He’d heard it through the grapevine that Warren wanted more brand recognition for his firm to compete with the good publicity Brad had been getting lately. He already knew that Warren had signed on a new PR company to lift his firm’s public profile, so perhaps Warren was going through various avenues to ensure that Oliver Interior Designs would be more well known than Mead Commercial and Corporate Designs? He had to acknowledge it was a good move. A company like JMR could help Warren with market research regarding industry and public perceptions of his brand, and give suggestions based on the results.

Brad started walking towards the two men, then halted. What would it mean for Erin if Warren found out Brad was “going out” with her? Warren could very well decide not to work with JMR if he discovered that Brad’s girlfriend could be working on his account. And certain people at Erin’s work could blame her for the loss.

He inhaled deeply. Erin had to know about this new development first—

“Hi, honey,” said a happy, familiar voice.

Before he knew it, Erin’s arms had snaked around his neck and her lips were on his, kissing him sweetly,  eagerly.

The passion in her kiss took him by surprise. And in the next instant, he was caught up in it. His tongue poked out to seek hers as his arm tightened around her waist, the other threading through her hair to keep her head in place.

They had something to discuss... and he should warn her about Warren... But...

God, Erin was an excellent kisser. And he was more than happy to return everything she was giving.

Warren and Kevin probably weren’t looking their way anyway. Besides, who’d recognise them if their faces were plastered against each other?

Good thing he didn’t need to stop this smooch because, Lord, he couldn’t stop. He’d been wanting this all night. And Erin’s soft, ravenous lips and hot pliant body were wiping out all thoughts from his head.


Yes. Right now, Erin and bed were all he wanted think about. Fuck.

Erin pulled away, and his head involuntarily dipped towards her face, his mouth trying to recapture hers again.

Erin giggled. “Are they looking?” she asked as she gave him a quick peck, then drew back again.

He stared at her with wide eyes, his gaze focusing on her beautiful flushed face as his brain tardily processed her question.

He gave himself a mental shake. Geez. What the hell was that about? He wasn’t a teenager who’d just had his first French kiss, but he was sure as hell reacting like one.

He turned his head to the direction where he had last seen Warren and Kevin.

Oh, hell. They were walking towards them.

“Hello, Brad,” Warren said, bemused, as his gaze flickered to Erin.

“Warren,” he acknowledged, getting his bearings back. He felt Erin stiffen beside him.

“You know each other?” Kevin asked, then tapped his forehead. “Of course, you would know each other. What was I thinking?”

“Yes, Brad and I go back a long way,” Warren said dryly.

“Well,” Kevin said, clearing his throat. “Erin, this is Warren Oliver, head of Oliver Interior Designs. Warren, this is Erin Baker. She’s the senior qualitative analyst on my team.”

“I see. Good to meet you,” Warren said blandly as he shook hands with Erin, before nodding goodbye and walking off. Kevin followed him.

“I could be working with Warren Oliver?” Erin asked in a horrified tone once the two men were out of earshot.

Brad let out a heavy sigh. “Considering what he saw, he might very well look for another firm to fulfil his market research needs.”

“Why?” Erin asked, her expression turning indignant. “Because you’re his competitor and he thinks I’m your girlfriend? Just because I’m the default qualitative analyst on Kevin’s team doesn’t mean he’s not free to ask for someone else, if he has doubts about my professionalism.”

“That would be unfair to you, though.”

“Meh. Don’t care. Knowing how Warren’s tried to sabotage you more than once, I don’t want to be dealing with him, anyway. So if he does sign with us, I hope I won’t have to work with him.”

“Thank you,” he said with a sincere smile, touched by her words of loyalty.

Erin smiled shyly. “Shall we go home?”

“Yeah,” he said, leading her to the exit with his arm firmly around her waist.

Fresh, cool air hit them as they left the busy pub. While he’d enjoyed being in the establishment with Erin’s workmates, he found himself looking forward to going home with her, because...

He shook his head at himself. He mustn’t allow himself to seduce Erin to his bed. The effect on their friendship could be disastrous.

He dropped his arm from around her and started to look for a cab. They could walk to Erin’s place, which was only twenty minutes by foot. But she was wearing high heels and even a slow stroll might be hell for her. The taxi stand was empty, which was no surprise. It was always a matter of luck finding an available cab on a Friday night in Sydney.

“I’ll call my chauffeur service,” he said, pulling out his phone.

“I’m sure a taxi will turn up in a minute,” Erin said, looking up and down the road. “We could be home by the time your driver gets here.”

He laughed. He’d heard of Erin’s famous luck with taxis, but he didn’t believe it. “I could always cancel it if we chance upon a cab,” he said, already calling up a speed-dial number.

“There’s one!” Erin cried with glee, flagging the taxi that was turning from around the corner.

He stared at the vehicle in disbelief as it slowed to a stop in front of them. “Unbelievable,” he said, shaking his head.

“See? That’s one reason to stick around me,” Erin said, grabbing his face and kissing his lips before getting into the back seat of the cab.

His heart pounded. That was nice. But she surely wasn’t helping him rein in his horniness.

He was about to follow Erin into the cab when his attention was drawn to two figures across the road, spotlighted by the bright street lamp the two men were standing under. It was Warren and Kevin, shaking hands. Then Kevin was tapping something on his phone, all the while grinning at Warren like a Cheshire cat.

Brad frowned. From Kevin’s eager and thrilled demeanour, he surmised that Warren had decided to sign a contract with JMR. If that was the case, it was very strange—unless Warren and Kevin had agreed that Erin wouldn’t be part of the team for Warren’s company. If there was anything Brad knew about Warren, it was that he constantly went to great lengths to protect his competitive advantage. It would be a shock if Warren allowed Erin access to inside information about Oliver Interior Designs, especially after seeing Erin kiss Brad.

“What are you waiting for, honey?” Erin said from inside the car.

He looked down and found Erin looking up at him with a wide grin.

Damn. From his vantage point, he could see more of her cleavage. A lot more. Her perky boobs were held by a lacy black bra and... fuck... they were hot—both her boobs and her bra.

With a deep inhale, he got into the taxi. Whatever should he do with her?


rin scooted to give Brad room in the taxi while craning her neck to check out what had captured his attention. “Kevin looks happy,” she said with a frown, spotting her ex enthusiastically nodding at whatever Warren Oliver was saying.

“Yeah,” Brad said dryly. “You can probably expect to be pushed out of that project.”

“I don’t care,” she said, settling closer to Brad as he put on his seatbelt. “Actually, that saves me from having to deal with Kevin all the time.”

“So if someone else can step into your position, why haven’t you asked to be reassigned to a different team so you don’t have to work directly with Kevin?”

“Because I’ve already said I don’t have a problem with it. Everyone would think Kevin still affects me if I suddenly change my mind.”

“You and your pride, Miss Baker,” Brad said with chuckle.

“Kevin isn’t worth re-arranging my life for,” she said with conviction.

Brad put his arm around her shoulders. “Well, I’m so proud of you for that.”

She cuddled against Brad with a contended sigh. “It’s been a wonderful night, huh?”


“I don’t want it to end yet,” she murmured.

“You want to go to another pub?” Brad teased.

“No,” she said with a giggle, boldly rubbing his thigh. “I’ve had more than enough alcohol. I’m thinking of something else.”

“Wait,” Brad said, pulling away to look at her, his stare almost shocked. “You
already drunk, aren’t you?”

She laughed out loud. “You’ve only just noticed?”

“I thought you were just acting happy and flirtatious in front of the others,” he said with a frown. “I should have known. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this drunk before,” he added.

“I’m not drunk drunk,” she argued. “Just a little tipsy. If I were drunk drunk, you would have had to carry me out of the pub.”

Brad removed his arm from around her.

“Hey, I was liking that!”

One corner of Brad’s mouth tugged up. “We don’t have an audience anymore,” he said quietly.


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