The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You (14 page)

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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You didn’t choose to be the person you now are
to be put through the mill. You came here to discover, play, and romance; to have best friends, hold hands, and whisper secrets into warm ears; to scale summits, ride waves, and gaze into a starry night. You wanted to rock
corner of the world. You did
come here for “some,” “a smidge,” or “a drop.” You knew ahead of time that there would be circumstances that would make you cry, times you’d want to quit, people you’d like to throttle. Yet you also knew that these moments would be incredibly small prices to pay for the journey you’d have, the power you’d discover, and the love you’d share.

You also didn’t choose to be surrounded
by adoring friends; you wanted guides, helpers, and teachers, too. You didn’t want to learn slowly; you wanted the accelerated program. You’re a love-being, and love-beings attract other love-beings. Yet given that these are the formative years on the planet, most do not yet know who they really are or how to handle all the power they have. To overcome this, you’re helping each other, which sometimes means poking each other, biting each other, running with scissors, and the like.

There may be more lions, and tigers, and bears, although fewer and fewer as you become wiser and wiser. Some who go by the name of John, Pedro, or Lucas, or Sue, Aiza, or Olga—but not because there
to be. Not because suffering is the price of greatness or because good must bring bad, but because sometimes mis-creating is the price of learning how to co-create. Not because you’re broken or you failed, but because you’re great and getting greater. And not because you’ll have
enemies, but because you’ll have
friends: spiritual giants who love you so deeply that they’d go undercover for an entire lifetime as clods and ignoramuses to help you find out who you really are.

From a Dearly Departed
Dearest Lauren:
I don’t know how to begin … “I’m sorry” is too much about me. It doesn’t begin to consider what you endured.
“Thank you” seems grotesquely inappropriate. As if I received instead of took.
You loved me and you only hoped to be loved in return. Yet I used your love not only to gain access to your heart and life, but to exploit your doubts and fears. I used you against you.
Lauren, however pathetic this may sound, I had no idea of the depth of my ignorance or the chaos of its consequences until now. And worse, I see that even after I stopped taking from you, the harm I had done led you to blame and hate yourself and to wrongly believe that the world was cruel and unfair—keeping you from seeing the love, possibilities, and beauty that were always everywhere.
I thought everyone gets hurt by life, right? Everyone has to suffer. If I didn’t hurt you, someone else would. If I didn’t claim the upper hand, you would. And as long as I was doing the hurting, I thought that I wouldn’t be hurt.
Every lying child is found out and so is every truth.
Ignorance is the plague of the times we lived in. It’s the root of every evil act. Yet in this Garden of Eden where hope springs eternal, all are of God and nothing is wasted. Ignorance is like a flimsy spiderweb that temporarily holds us down and sometimes binds us together. In this web the violator and violated are drawn together with lessons to trade until, through compassion and understanding, they develop muscles that are strong enough to free themselves. Then love emerges and wings spread wide, lifting us into the light.
It’s beautiful here, Lauren. Everywhere there’s love. Peace. Acceptance. And above all, understanding. God is so great. I’m reluctant to tell you because surely it will seem unjust, but I’m learning to be happy. Truly happy. I get to try again. To live again. To love and be loved again. Everyone does. That’s what it’s all about. Mistakes are just steps on a pathway leading to more truth and therefore more happiness.
As real as is my grief over what I thought, how I behaved, and the effects on you, even greater is my love for you, more than you ever knew it to be. Greater than when we first met. Greater than its highest earthly highs. Greater because I am greater for having been humbled by the greatness in you. If not for you, I would still be lost.
Please, Lauren, you still have time. You’re stronger than you know. See the love, possibilities, and beauty again. They surround you. You still have all you need within you to create all you want in the world. It’s why you’re still there.
I’m sorry. Thank you. I will love you forever.


Those who show up in your life do so through an invisible attraction and your tacit approval. They have the same focus, the same beliefs, and the same vibration, or ones that are complementary to yours. They need you to fulfill their “prophecies” as much as you need them for yours. They’ll become your teachers, not because they’re wise but because
seek to become so. Forgive others as you would forgive yourself. Or better, understand others and move into the freedom of creating the best of your life. It only needs your nod, as you will soon read in the next “thing” the dead want to tell you.


As good as you now are at deducing truth, consider: if life was just about surviving, then how would you explain imagination? If it was just about sacrifice, then how would you explain desire? If it was just about thinking, reflection, and the ethereal, then how would you explain the physical world? Quite the case, eh?

Finally, if you
the eyes and ears of God, couldn’t you, wouldn’t you, dream up a place to rival Pandora in the movie
? A place of adventure and intrigue, bursting with harmony and love, where you could communicate with the animals and be one with the planet as you learn to master the art of mind over matter?
You would! You so would!

Welcome home! Planet Earth! Jolly good! Without question, it’s the most exciting place in your corner of the Universe. With 100 million different species inhabiting air, land, and sea, each with its own mind-numbing traits and characteristics. And then there’s you at the top of your self-defined “food chain” with dominion over all things, the freedom to think and therefore create as you choose, and dreams to remind you of what’s possible, how far you can reach, and how much you can be, do, and have.

Don’t you see that in this bastion of perfection, this oasis among the stars that
imagined, designed, and built, you
are by nature inclined to succeed?
With default settings of health, friends, abundance, and all things good? Haven’t you noticed that what you go for, nine out of ten times, you get? And that the one time you don’t, it’s just part of your learning curve? Dearest darling, those who have passed see better than ever that dreams really can come true—
and knowing this
might make all the difference.

Go ahead, want it all. That’s what it’s there for.


Even at the height of your planetary spiritual ignorance, which still pervades the world—worshipping idols, praying in question marks, talking to God as if “He” were deciding things, thinking that rocks can be depended upon but your imagination can’t—
you’ve blown the lid clear off surviving!

Two hundred short years ago, a modern home in New York meant one story, two rooms, planked walls of wood, a dependable roof, and a nearby outhouse. Today it might mean a virtual palace on the 100th floor of a skyscraper, encased by marble, glass, and bamboo, with amenities inconceivable just a decade ago.

One hundred short years ago, most of the world still thought that flying was for the birds, yet you now have a space station.

Ten years ago, people were using MySpace.

No wonder “dreams come true” is pop vernacular the world over—not only in the stories you tell but in the lives you lead and the people you idolize. You’re in time and space to thrive, destined to do so, and it becomes inevitable
once you know, really know, that it’s true!

Wishful thinking?

In your own life, have you not smiled way more than you’ve frowned? Laughed way more than you’ve cried? Had clarity way more than you’ve been confused? Had friends way more than you’ve been alone? Had health way more than you’ve been sick? Money, even, way more than you’ve been in the red? One of the recurring themes in this book is that you are
inclined to succeed,
and in this chapter you’ll begin to see both how and why; that it’s more than a way of looking at life, it’s your reality.

Go ahead, want it all. That’s what it’s there for.


Even with the lights out and people still believing in fate, luck, and karma as deciding factors in their journeys through life, success, health, and joy are the rule, and fabulous progress is now underway. But why not see the obvious? Because until they’re ready to see the truth, they won’t see it. No matter what the evidence. Presently, global majorities choose to believe that “life is hard and people are mean,” so this is what they see, even though this perception comes from focusing on exceptions rather than the norm. Yet so great is the inclination for consciousness to grow, prosper, and become more that they succeed in spite of themselves.

The “dead” want to tell you that you were born to soar, to achieve, and to grow. That this is not a sometimes thing, it’s your very nature, as much a part of you as the urges to eat, drink, and multiply. It’s a huge part of what you came here to do. To rock your life! Dreams spark adventures that spark challenges that make growth possible. Challenges, again, are not a sign of weakness but a confirmation that your dream is worthy of you. Your challenges are temporary, while their lessons are eternal.

, R
, L

Can you even imagine what’s possible once you understand your inclination to succeed and the mechanics to make it so? Can you begin to see where things are headed? Aren’t you ready? Aren’t you motivated? Haven’t you suffered enough, gone without enough, bled enough, sweated enough, cried enough? Can you also see how the bumbling of the past, in spite of its pain, has paved the way and made possible this awakening you’re on the brink of?

Once blinders are raised and beliefs unchained, all will see what’s been there since the beginning: that on your abundant planet there’s enough of everything for everyone, opportunity springs eternal, and the reason the early bird and the late bird both get worms is that just showing up is the ticket! That life is easy, people are awesome, and whenever you don’t like what you have, where you are, or who you’ve become, you can change it. That you’re already in the winner’s circle by your mere presence in these hallowed jungles. That whatever dues once existed were paid long ago. Here, now, today, you are pushed on to greatness in every moment. The system is rigged on your behalf—it’s time to wake up and live.

Your thoughts are more than fuzzy little wispy-wisps. They perpetuate life as you know it; they are the shape-shifters of time and space, God particles that eagerly assemble with an intelligence of their own. Just as water evaporates under the proper conditions, just as fires ignite and continents slide, your thoughts strive to become the objects, events, and players of your life, filling the mold created by your imagination with people, places, and things. When you do your job, they do their job! You can have whatever you want.

Happily, everyone gets to think as they please; doubly happy, your “positive” thoughts are at least 10,000 times more likely to manifest than your “negative” ones.
Get this!
Your life is proof—we just went through this. How else can you explain the fact that you worry a lot, often focus on what’s not right, and still have more dreams come true than nightmares? You are like a tidal wave of love and joy rolling through eternity, supernatural and boundless, who’s arrived in time and space just briefly to check things out. Nothing can change who you really are, not a bad day, week, or year; no setback, heartbreak, or violation. You will roll on, rise above, and lift off—it’s your very nature. There is no “maybe,” “not sure,” or “hope so.” You are unstoppable, fun-loving, born to succeed, pure, eternal God energy. This is what the “dead” want you to know so you can do what you came to do: live your life to the absolute fullest.

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