The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You

BOOK: The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell You
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Praise for

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU

“A book about living that will help readers see more
beauty, feel more power, and know more love.”

don Miguel Ruiz
, international best-selling
author of
The Four Agreements

“Fabulous! Mike Dooley shows you how to stay alive for
the whole of your life … and beyond!”

Robert Holden
, Ph.D., author of
Holy Shift!

“Three times, from three completely independent
sources, I was told, ‘You need to meet Mike Dooley.’
After the fourth time, when the person doing the
suggesting even went to the trouble to forward his
e-mail, I took it as an omen. To all four of you who
thought I should meet this incredible writer, this
awesome spokesman for the Universe, for joy, and now
for all our dead ancestors, I owe you. For everybody
else, don’t wait. Get
The Top Ten Things Dead People
Want to Tell YOU
and everything else Mike Dooley has
ever written and read it now.”

Pam Grout,
New York Times
author of

“Mike Dooley has penned a brilliant, deep, and at times
hilarious account of life—and life after life. Read it cover
to cover and don’t miss a page. If you’ve ever wondered
about the nature of reality, how consciousness creates
the world we live in, and the truth about time and space,
this book will ring bells in your DNA and wake you
up to live with joyful awareness. Read it with an open
mind and be prepared to have all your preconceptions
challenged with a smile and a wink. Bottom line—you
won’t be the same person who began it when you’ve
savored the last page. I loved it!”

Colette Baron-Reid
, author of
The Map, Messages
from Spirit
, and best-selling oracle cards
Wisdom of the
Hidden Realms
Wisdom of Avalon

The Top Ten Things Dead People Want to Tell YOU
Mike Dooley lifts the veil between our perceptual world
and the world beyond our physical sight. Mike reminds
us that we’re always being guided. His assurance is the
greatest gift we can receive, as it helps us accept that we
are not alone. Read this book and reconnect with the
love that is all around you.”

Gabrielle Bernstein
New York Times
author of
Miracles Now

“I love this book! Page after page, I found myself going,
‘Well, that explains things!’ and feeling inspired, full of
joy, and wanting more. Who knew ‘Dead People’ could
be so smart? A must read!”

Nick Ortner
New York Times
author of
The Tapping Solution

“Mike Dooley has written a refreshing, powerful, and
paradigm-shifting book!
The Top Ten Things Dead People
Want to Tell YOU
will give you a new understanding of
the important people in your life who have passed on,
and also will inspire you to live your life to the fullest
while you’re still here in body on earth.”

Mike Robbins
, author of
Nothing Changes Until You Do

“There are those we will meet lifetime after lifetime,
and not birth nor death will truly separate us. This
book is your friend in the discovery of all that lies
beneath and beyond.”

Katherine Fugate
, screenwriter


Dreams Come True

Leveraging the Universe

Manifesting Change

Infinite Possibilities

Choose Them Wisely

Even More Notes from the Universe

More Notes from the Universe

Notes from the Universe

An Adventurer’s Guide to the Jungles of Time and Space

Totally Unique Thoughts

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Copyright © 2014 by Mike Dooley

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Cover design:
Charles McStravick •
Interior design:
Riann Bender

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.

The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dooley, Mike

The top ten things dead people want to tell you / Mike Dooley. -- 1st Edition.

     pages cm

ISBN 978-1-4019-4556-5 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Life--Miscellanea. 2. Dead--Miscellanea. 3. Future life--Miscellanea. I. Title.

BD431.D685 2014


Hardcover ISBN:

10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1
1st edition, October 2014

Printed in the United States of America

To the living—it’s still your turn



Chapter 1: We’re not dead!

Chapter 2: There’s no such thing as a devil or hell

Chapter 3: We were ready

Chapter 4: You’re not ready

Chapter 5: We’re sorry for any pain we caused

Chapter 6: Your dreams really can come true

Chapter 7: “Heaven” is going to blow your mind!

Chapter 8: Life is more than fair

Chapter 9: Your “old” pets are as crazy as ever

Chapter 10: Love is the way; truth is the path


Recommended Reading


About the Author


No one knows how it all began, not even the dead, but everyone knows that it did.

Fortunately, no one needs to know to nevertheless begin living deliberately, drawing more fun and happiness into their lives. Unfortunately, however, this isn’t nearly as apparent to the living as it is to the dead,
these days.
There are far more advanced civilizations spread throughout the cosmos, including our world in times to come (the future), in which the living know just as much as the dead—about all things. Right now, however, for reasons that will soon become clear as you make your way through these pages, the dead have a hugely improved perspective. They see more. They remember choosing their lives. They remember the love—inescapable, caressing, and sublime. Thus, they have something to say to the living, who presently know none of this.

These are very primitive times, which makes the top ten things the dead have to tell you all the more pressing.

How do I know?

I just do. In the same way you know you’re loved without even hearing it.

we know what we know is not quite as important as
we know it, right? As long as it’s the truth. Just like you don’t have to know who turned on a light in a darkened room to make use of that light.

This is the case, of course, with the truth concerning life and death. It doesn’t matter how many opinions there are of it; the truth is what it is. And it doesn’t matter how you find it, just that you do, and the sooner you do, the greater your peace. The way you’ll know it’s the truth is that it’ll make sense—logically, intellectually, and emotionally—which isn’t too often the case given the versions of it that’ve been tossed about in recent millennia. Finding it, you’ll feel liberated, empowered, clear, joyful, loving, your confusion banished. And then suddenly you’ll see its evidence everywhere, even right under your very nose,
your nose itself. Plus, you’ll probably happy dance—a lot.


Happy feet on? Because this book is about dancing in the truth of love that you’ve silently felt your whole life.

Fear not, I won’t ask you to make any huge leaps of blind faith to keep up with my explanations. Instead I’ll share all that I’ve come to know with a bit of logic and common sense, now and in the chapters that follow. For starters:

+ If you thought, as all mainstream quantum physicists do, that time and space are illusionary, and
+ If you believe, as do 92 percent
of the living, that we survive our own physical death, then
= Wouldn’t you expect the dead to be
extremely anxious
to reach out to comfort and inspire those they love and humanity at large?

You answered yes, right? You’d obviously expect that after having just traversed their own mortality from cradle to grave, with the absolutely stunning realization of their continued existence—with personality and sense of humor intact—they’d want to shout it from the mountaintops. Finding that in spite of their own sins and embarrassing faux pas, they’re bathed in love and have a vastly improved view of what life is all about, they’d naturally want to “shake their tail feathers” for us.

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