The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity (13 page)

Read The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity Online

Authors: Carl Ashmore

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #General

BOOK: The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity
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s the

Enchantment beneath
the sea dance?

Becky asked.


s the fancy dress
theme for this year

s GITT Christmas party. Traditionally, it

s quite the shindig.
Just imagine two-hundred travellers dressed as various sea creatures, getting
squiffy on Reg

s Olde Noggin


So it

s the ultimate

Becky said.

It may well be,

Uncle Percy nodded.

I just have no idea
what that means.

And we can go?

Joe asked eagerly.

I don

t see why not.

Uncle Percy smiled

shall we return to the matter at hand? Would you like to meet Beryl?

Yes, please,

Becky said.

Very well.

Uncle Percy arched
forwards to the computer

s microphone.

Activate Beryl…

A groaning sound came from below. Becky and Joe raced to the
banister as the floor below gradually vanished into the wall, to be replaced by
a revolving platform, on top of which stood a coal-black car. Gleaming beneath
the Time Room

s lights, the car

s curved bodywork and orange sign,
, made it one of the
most recognisable vehicles in the world.


s a London Black cab!

Becky said.

A 1958 Austin FX4
Hackney carriage, to be precise,

Uncle Percy said.

And I do believe that
she is the perfect time machine for our particular requirements...

Shall we go then?

Joe asked eagerly.

Uncle Percy nodded.


Becky and Joe hurried down the steps, each trying to beat the other
to see Beryl up close for the first time. At the bottom, they met up with Will.
Uncle Percy followed them down, before inserting the Gerathnium cube into a
slot above the boot; with a
, it snapped into place.

Hop in, then …

he said, opening the
rear doors.

Becky and Joe leapt inside, the sweet, soothing smell of scots pine
filling their nostrils. Then Uncle Percy climbed in, Will joining him up front.

Typing a destination code on to Beryl

s keypad, Uncle Percy turned to Will.

Are you ready,

Will gave a knowing smile.

For whatever arises…

he replied, patting
his jacket pocket mysteriously.


Uncle Percy said,
sitting back.

Then let

s get going. After all, in the words of Mr Frank Sinatra,

Chicago is my kind of


s Frank Sinatra?

Becky asked.

Shaking his head, Uncle Percy

s disappointed tut was masked by a soft
sputtering sound as streams of blue and white light encircled them. A moment
later, Beryl had vanished.


Chapter 13


To Rebecca, with love ….


Becky looked ahead to see a wall of dull white light. Fearfully, she
glanced around. It was everywhere. This couldn

t be Chicago: had something gone wrong? Her
concerns soon faded when she heard Uncle Percy say,

Now, it won

t look much at the
moment, but you just wait…

It was then she realised she was staring at a muddy grey sky.

Uncle Percy climbed out, straightened his tuxedo and levelled his bowtie.
Then he opened the rear door. Instantly, Becky felt an icy wind pummel her


She clamped her hat
securely to her head as she got out.

That is some wind.

They don

t call it the Windy
City for nothing.

Joe looked around, confused.

Where exactly in Chicago are we?

The Palmer House

Uncle Percy replied.

Joe looked disappointed.

Really? Then it

s either very small or -


s gaze tilted downwards.

I think we

re standing on it, Joe,

she said, suddenly noticing the muffled hum of traffic
drifting up from below. Hesitantly, she and Joe walked across the roof to a
wide ledge.

Cars were everywhere, clattering along, horns tooting. Hundreds of
people scurried along the broad, tree-lined streets like soldier ants, dashing
in and out of gigantic, flat-roofed buildings. In the distance, she saw a vast
stretch of water coated in a low-hanging mist, through which boats dipped up
and down like ducks on a pond.

Time Travel is so

said, dumbstruck.

Uncle Percy walked over to them, Will at his side.


s Lake Michigan,

he said, pointing.


s impressive, isn

t she?

Becky could barely find the words.

Now let

s go and purchase a

Uncle Percy pressed the Invisiblator button on his key fob and Beryl instantly
vanished. Then he turned to Becky and Joe.

Follow me...

As they approached what looked like a trap door set into the roof,
Becky caught sight of a rectangular piece of cherry-red card; flapping wildly,
it appeared to be nailed to the door. Confused, she glanced over at Uncle
Percy, and her blood turned to ice. He had stopped dead in his tracks, his
entire body rigid.


s is it?

Joe asked.


m not sure,

Uncle Percy replied
flatly. He marched over and ripped the card from its nail. Becky saw it was an
envelope. Then her stomach reeled. Written on its face in elaborate handwriting
were four words:


To Rebecca, with love …



s my name,

Becky panted.

U-Uncle Percy, that

s my name!

Enraged, Uncle Percy tore it open pulled out a red card. The words

s Day to a Special Girl
glinted silver
in his eyes.

How dare you,

he growled.


s head was spinning.

Uncle Percy, why has it got my name on it?

Uncle Percy didn

t reply.

Should we depart?

Will asked Uncle

Not yet, William,

Uncle Percy replied.


s going on?

Becky asked, her
voice rising.

Pass it to me!

Uncle Percy gave a heavy sigh. Then he handed it over.

Her fingers trembling, Becky took it. And when she turned the page,
it felt like time itself had stopped.


Dearest Rebecca,


Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Daddy is bleeding

And it

s all down to you


Oh, and Percy, you continue to astound me. You are either supremely
stupid or supremely brave. My money, as always, is on the former. Infact, I
always thought you were a something of a Moran. Anyway, I know you

re going to have fun.
I have, after all, read tomorrow

s newspaper




Becky shivered with rage, every muscle in her body tightening. She
stared at the card again and again until anger blurred the words beyond

This is just one of

cruel little games,

Uncle Percy said softly to Becky.

You mustn

t take his words to heart.

Why not?

Becky replied


s right. Dad is
suffering because of me.


s not right.


s lip quivered as she held back the tears that once started would
never stop.

But if I had persuaded dad to give Drake the information he needs

Then neither of you
would be alive now,

Uncle Percy said plainly.

Drake wouldn

t let you go, and he would certainly know
better than to release John. No, whatever it is your father knows, it

s important enough to
Drake to keep him alive. And as long as he is, there

s hope. Never forget

Joe looked baffled.


s have a gander, Becks,

he said, reaching out for the card.

Before he could grab it, however, Becky had torn it into tiny shreds
and pitched them in the air.

Joe watched as the pieces soared like confetti towards Lake

What did it say?

It doesn

t matter,

Becky replied. She
looked at Uncle Percy.

What did Drake mean:


ve read tomorrow

s newspaper?

Oh, and I know you say he

s clever but he must be something of a moron
himself if he can

t spell


Uncle Percy opened his mouth as if to reply but closed it
immediately. He sank into deep contemplation. Then his face drained of colour and
he scooped up the suitcase.


re going, come on…

Swiftly, he marched over to Beryl.

Chop chop, everyone…


Becky said.


This was a big
mistake. In the time machine, please.

Becky didn

t budge.


re not going anywhere. I

m not letting Emerson Drake

s stupid card put me off.

Me neither,

Joe added.


s not the card,

Uncle Percy said.

Well, it is, but that

s not it. I mean, it

s shocking, of course.

He appeared furious
with himself.

I just can

t believe I didn

t make the connection. I

m such an idiot!


re you harping on

Joe said.


s just something
happens today - February 14
1929 - right here, in Chicago.
Something monumental. And I forgot about it.

Uncle Percy shook his head, furious with

a bloody fool you are, Halifax!

What troubles you, old

Will asked, clearly as puzzled as Becky and Joe.

Uncle Percy exhaled heavily.

Today is perhaps the most infamous day in the
history of this great city, and I

m not saying we

re involved, we

re probably not. It

s most likely just Emerson

s idea of a joke. But I don

t want to take that

So what happens today?

Becky asked.

Uncle Percy hesitated.

The Saint Valentine

s Day Massacre!

Okay, I

ve heard of it,

Becky said.

But I don

t know anything about
it. What happened?

Uncle Percy sighed.


s not a pleasant story.

Becky looked defiant.

Nothing with the word


in is gonna be all cuddly wuddly. But I think we

ve got a right to know
what happened before we make the decision whether to leave or not?


re not making the
decision. I am,

Uncle Percy replied firmly.

But we need that

Joe said.

We need to stay alive,

Uncle Percy replied, looking to Will for support.


t you agree, Will?

Will thought for a moment.

I agree with Miss Becky.

Becky gave a look of satisfaction as she turned to Uncle Percy.

So what happened at
this massacre?

Uncle Percy fell silent.

From what I remember, it is alleged that some of Al Capone

s men

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