The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness (42 page)

BOOK: The Third Throne: Angel of Darkness
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“Sadly, there have been complications.  They were sent to the Mortal Realm before you were created, so that they could understand the goodness and darkness that resides in the mortals.  They were supposed to tempt the mortals, but over time without guidance, they have succumbed to their own temptations.  They now suffer from the darkness inside them, and roam the world pushing mortals past their breaking point, forcing them to choose sin.  Some of them personally kill their victims.  This was not their intended purpose.  Each of them suffers differently, but they all suffer from madness.  They are powerful beings and they are lost without their Master,” Gabriel hated speaking about the Predznak.  His decision to hide Anjali and keep her ignorant of her intended path had greatly impacted her angels.

Anjali stared at Gabriel in horror.  Angels that were supposed to help her had suffered in her absence.  While she was sitting in school learning Algebra, these angels had lost their minds.  She felt guilty for playing video games and shopping at the mall instead of embracing her destiny and helping these poor creatures.  Even if she knew nothing about commanding them, she knew she had to help them.

“I have to find them,” she suddenly felt compelled to search for them.

“Anjali, while it’s true you must find them, I implore you to be cautious.  Much has happened to them over the years.  After I made my agreement with Lucifer, the Council ordered the Predznak to descend into Hell.  There they waited for your arrival.  Unfortunately, Lucifer warred with them constantly.  They were already mired in darkness when they arrived, but Hell made them worse.  The delays in your arrival only compounded the problem.  The Predznak lost hope and revolted against Lucifer.  They left Hell and returned to the Mortal Realm.  We find them from time to time, but they mostly remain hidden from us.  I’m sorry to say that none of them wants a Master after all this time.  They have become spoiled and rebellious.  It will not be easy to subdue them,” Gabriel saw Anjali’s worried face and understood the problems inherent in trying to reign in the Angels of Temptation.  They were lost to the darkness that they were supposed to wield and could try to kill her.

“Please tell me this is the last of the bad news you have to give me.  I don’t think I can handle much more,” she sighed and walked closer to the ledge.

The wind was strong as it came over the cliff.  She closed her eyes and held out her arms.  She wished she could fly away and leave it all behind.  Instead, she sat down on the edge and dangled her legs over the side.  She had a feeling that even a fall from this height wouldn’t kill her, much.

“I told you that you are my reward for doing an impossible task, though I didn’t tell you what the task was,” Gabriel sat down on the edge beside her.  She deserved the truth.  “I was the one who delivered the message to the mortals in Paradise.  I alone had to tell them that God had lost faith in them.  I had to send them out into the cold and desolate world, away from the perfection and happiness that they had taken for granted.  Yes, the mortals had become corrupt and allowed evil to turn their hearts against God, but it didn’t make delivering the message any easier.  The mortals were terrified and begged for another chance.  It was the worst thing, to that point, I ever had to do.”

Anjali put her hand on Gabriel’s arm and patted it.  “That sounds terrible.”

Gabriel shuddered and shook his head in shame.  “How do you tell someone their Father, their creator, is angry and disappointed with them?  How do you tell them that the only life they had ever known was going to change forever?  I wept for them.  I felt their fear, but I couldn’t change my message.  I told the mortals that they would know pain, suffering, hunger, and death.  I looked into their eyes, knowing that, if they couldn’t find their way back to God’s heart, I would have to deliver the message that the world was ending.

“I went home and told Father that I couldn’t do it.  I couldn’t deliver a message like that again.  He took pity on me.  He promised that I would never have to deliver the message that would end the world.  Instead, Father created the Bringer of the Apocalypse.  So, you see, because I wasn’t strong enough to do what Father intended, He created you.  You must do what I could not.  It’s my fault that you are destined to end the world.  I am so sorry,” Gabriel broke down and cried.

Anjali hugged her father and chuckled.  “Gabriel, if you think that I’m going to blame you for not wanting to start an Apocalypse, you’re wrong.  I’m glad that you don’t have to do it.  I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.  If I was created to ease your burdens, then I will gladly accept the responsibility of ending the world.”

Gabriel couldn’t believe what his daughter was saying.  “I have condemned you to a life of misery and guilt.  It won’t be an easy task.  Please, I accept the blame.  I have failed you time and again.”

“Father, please stop.  It’s okay.  I will do what is needed of me, not because you failed, but because you need help.  Everyone has their limits.  You knew that you couldn’t deliver the message and there’s no shame in that.  As long as you are by my side, supporting me, as you always have been, I know that I can do this.  I’m just sorry that you were punished by having to take care of me,” Anjali smiled.  No matter how scared or intimidated she was about being the Bringer of the Apocalypse, she couldn’t condemn her father.  She loved him too much to blame him.

“Never think that you are my punishment,” he grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.  “You are a blessing.  I have never once thought of you as a burden,” Gabriel hugged his daughter and thanked Father for creating her.

She smiled and nodded at him, wishing that she hadn’t made such a mess of things over the years.  Being the Voice of God while teaching her not to blow up the world and hiding her away from Lucifer, couldn’t have been easy.

“I’m sorry you have such a terrible job.  CJ and I always thought you were a spy or an assassin, like a CIA agent or something.  He would never believe that you were an angel,” she snickered as she pictured CJ’s reaction to seeing Gabriel’s white wings.

“Please, do not misunderstand, I love my job, I love being the Messenger of God, but some days it is nearly impossible to do what is needed.  You and CJ were not far from the truth.  There are times when I have to spy on our enemies and times that I must kill,” Gabriel said regretfully.

“Enemies like Lucifer and Hades? Lucifer told me that you tried to kill him, and that you did kill his servant Creeper,” she said matter-of-factly.  She didn’t want him to think she was mad at him for what he had done.

“I was angry at Lucifer and wanted to kill him for stealing you from me, but he pleaded with me to listen to him.  I saw the effect you have on him.  He seems to genuinely care for you.  It was the only thing that stayed my hand.  I do regret what I did to Jimmy, or Creeper, as Michael called him. Sadly, my head was not clear.  Granted, he did bring it upon himself by working with Lucifer.  Killing servants who trade Council secrets isn’t a crime, though he technically should’ve had a trial to determine his guilt first.  Once Michael heard that Lucifer had admitted to bribing Jimmy, I was absolved of any wrong doing, but I still feel bad about it,” Gabriel hated to admit his shortcomings to his daughter, but it was best for her to know that he wasn’t infallible and certainly made his fair share of mistakes.

Anjali shook her head slowly.  “I don’t know why a heavenly servant would work with Lucifer since he doesn’t treat his own servants very well. I guess Creeper got what he deserved if the Council wasn’t upset with you. I’m angry that he followed you, but I’m glad that you found out about his deception.  It’s possible he was selling other secrets to Lucifer.  Of course, he still sounds better than Lucifer’s horrible servants.  I’ll admit that I’m glad Caleb is dead.  Sadly, of all the servants I liked Aganon the most.  You should know that Lucifer put Aganon’s life in my hands.  I’ve decided that he will live to deceive another day, though I still don’t know why he attacked me,” she growled when she thought about the weasel.

“I don’t know for sure why Aganon attacked you, but I know that Lucifer will get the boy to speak and find out the truth.  I’m just relieved that you are alive.  What will you do to Aganon?” Gabriel wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer.  He personally wanted to put the boy to death for his deeds, but hoped that his daughter would have more tolerance.

“I’ve decided that he will live.  I want answers.  I’m too angry to speak to him now, but I will interrogate him when I’m ready,” she needed to be calmer before she spoke to him and accidentally unleashed her power.

“It won’t hurt Aganon to stew for a while.  You will have to watch your back constantly.  Lucifer has powerful enemies.  Once they learn of his affection for you, they will strike at him through you.  Be careful with whom you place your trust, though I have a feeling that trusting people won’t be high on your list of priorities,” Gabriel muttered, shifting uncomfortably on the ledge.  Lucifer had obviously kept Maraquette’s possible involvement from Anjali.  He decided it was best to keep her in the dark until Lucifer dealt with his insane ex.  He didn’t want his daughter facing off against a possible Rogue Angel.

“What do you mean?” she was confused about Gabriel’s statement.

“Trusting people has never been easy for you, and there is a reason for that.  As the intended Master of the Predznak, you have the ability to understand the temptations they carry, so that you control them and wield them.  You carry each of their sins within you; they are part of the darkness that you feel.  Some are more subtle than others, but they are all there.  Understanding the sins that they suffer from will be your greatest strength when dealing with them.  You will be able to relate to them as no other can.  Together, you form one larger whole.  Distrust is one of the sins they carry,” Gabriel explained.

“Tell me about them,” she said as she turned to face him.

“My Lord, we found Paris,” Malcolm grimaced as Dorian and Vincent dropped an injured Paris in front of Lucifer’s throne in the Hall of Mirrors.

“What did you do to him?” Lucifer chuckled.  He looked at Malcolm, ignoring the pathetic and broken Paris.

“It wasn’t me, my Lord.  He was found in the Roman section of the Caves of Darkness.  Apparently, he didn’t abandon his post after all,” Malcolm said, standing at attention.  This was his first time dealing with a problem, since his promotion and wanted to make a good show of it.

“Do we know who escaped the realms and bested Paris?  Not that it would have been difficult.  Any grandmother here could have accomplished the task,” Lucifer chuckled.  He thought very little of Paris, but he was stuck with him.  He was more concerned that Anjali was in the Mortal Realm.  He prayed that she kept her word and return to him quickly.

“No one is missing, my Lord.  A count was done shortly before he was found.  Perhaps Paris stopped the soul,” Malcolm cringed internally, waiting for Lucifer to order yet another dreaded count.

“I somehow doubt that, given his appearance,” Lucifer scoffed.  “Why hasn’t he told you who is responsible?” 

“My Lord, his throat has been crushed and his tongue removed.  He was beaten severely,” Malcolm shrugged, unsure how he was supposed to interrogate Paris.

“Doesn’t anyone have a quill and ink?” Lucifer waited for his idiot servants Dorian and Vincent to look at each other in confusion, while Malcolm merely shook his head.  “For the love of all that is holy, Paris, who did this?”

Paris looked in Lucifer’s direction, but it was clear that his vision was impaired.  Lucifer was reminded of how Mark had looked after his ass kicking.  Whoever did this was highly skilled and brutal.  While any of his Fallen could have delivered the beating, there was something masterful about the way the attack had been carried out.  This was a professional hit.  Lucifer suddenly became very interested in Paris’ attacker.

Paris looked helplessly at Lucifer then lowered his head to his hand.  He bit down on the pad of his index finger until he drew blood.  He’d already lost so much, what was a little more?  He was weak from his injuries, but managed to scrawl out the name of his assailant.

Lucifer watched Paris smear his blood across the marble.  It was difficult see in the dim firelight, but finally the name became visible.  Sacha.

Lucifer was in a killing rage in seconds.  “Take him to the Hall of Mercy and interrogate him once he has use of his mouth.  On second thought, make him write down everything that happened,” Lucifer paused.  “With a quill and a scroll, this time,” Anjali certainly was having an effect on him, which didn’t go unnoticed by Dorian and Vincent as they bowed to him and dragged Paris away.

“Yes, my Lord,” Malcolm waited until he was dismissed.

“Inform Hades and Sebastian that we have an intruder,” Lucifer growled.

Malcolm bowed and ran from the tower, afraid they could be under attack.

Lucifer paced across the dais.  He thought about how Maraquette, and now Sacha, had broken into Hell through the Caves of Darkness.  Most people were trying to fight their way out of Hell, not into Hell.  Of course, now they had a good reason to want to invade Hell; they wanted the Destroyer.

He threw himself from the dais and crossed the long hall.  He sneered as he entered the rotunda.  Staring at the blank wall across from the Hall of Mirrors, he steadied himself and waved his hand across the wall.

An ornate doorway appeared and revealed a long dark corridor.  Lucifer braced himself for a fight as he reigned in his anger.  He needed to be focused.  Stepping into the long forgotten hallway felt like stepping into a nightmare.  He hadn’t been here in nearly two thousand years, and for good reason.  The Harbinger’s Annex held the private domiciles of the Predznak, though he called it Mass Murdere Alley. It had been specially created for them so that they would be close to the Destroyer.  He knew when he made the agreement with Gabriel to take custody of Anjali that this part of the deal would bite him in the ass and it did.  He hated the Predznak from the moment they stepped foot into his Hell.

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