The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy (134 page)

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Authors: Irvin D. Yalom,Molyn Leszcz

Tags: #Psychology, #General, #Psychotherapy, #Group

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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); direct advice used by; here-and-now focus in; higher power and; large-group format of; therapeutic factors and.
See also
Twelve-step groups


Alexander, Franz



Allport, G.


Altruism; in AA; in acute inpatient therapy groups; in medical illness groups; in systems of healing

Alzheimer’s caregiver groups, moving to leaderless format

Ambiguity, decreased by self-knowledge

Ambulatory groups; written summaries for

American Counseling Association

American Group Psychotherapy Association; experiential groups; training groups

American Psychiatric Association

American Psychological Association

American Self-Help Clearinghouse

Analysis of resistance

Analysis Terminable and Interminable

Analytic movement

Analytic theory

Anamnestic technique

Anger: expression of; group; in leaderless meetings; prejudice as source of; scapegoating and; sources in group therapy; transferential

Anthony, E.

Antigroup development

“Antigroup” forces

Antitherapeutic group norms

Anxiety; decreased by information; extrinsic; in group meetings; hospital-related; intrinsic; issues in; separation; socialization; of therapists

Anxiety-laden issues; in clinical example

Aquinas, Thomas

Arousal hierarchy

“As if” assumption

Asch, S.

Assertive training groups

Assessment of clinical situation

Asynchronous groups

At-risk clients

Attachment; behavior; to group; styles of

Attendance; group cohesiveness influenced by; harnessing group pressure for; influencing; irregular; pregroup training and; research on; resistance to therapy and

Attraction to group

Audiovisual technology; client response to; declining interest in; use of, in therapy groups.
See also
Videotaping of groups

Autonomy; of group members

Axis I psychiatric disorders

Axis II clients

Bandura, A.

Basic encounter groups

Behavioral change; interpersonal learning required for

Behavioral experimentation

Behavioral group therapy

Behavioral patterns in social microcosm

Behavioral therapy: techniques; therapeutic alliance in


Behavior-shaping groups: direct suggestions used by

Belonging: group; need for

Bereavement groups

Berne, Eric

Binge eating disorders


Bion, WIlfred

Bipolar affective disorder, treatment for

Bipolar clients; clinical example in early stage of group; clinical example in mature group; in early phases of group; in later stage of group

Blending therapy groups; formula for

Borderline clients; advantages of therapy group for; concurrent individual therapy for; conjoint therapy for; co-therapy and; description of; dynamics of; feedback for; heterogeneous groups and; individual therapy and; regression with; therapist interest in

Borderline personality disorder; dreams and; group therapy and; origins of


Boring clients: group reaction to; individual therapy for; masochism and; therapist’s reaction to; underlying dynamics of

Bosom Buddies

Boundary experiences

Bowlby, John

Breast cancer groups; research on; SEGT recommended for

Brevity of therapy

Brideshead Revisited

Brief group therapy: economic pressure for; effectiveness of; features of; general principles for leading; here-and-now focus in; individual short-term treatment and; length of; long-term treatment therapy and; research on; size of group; structured exercises in

Brief therapy groups; as closed groups; opportunities in; procedural norms for; termination of

British Group Analytic Institute

British National Health Service study

Budman, S.

Bugenthal, J.

Bulimia groups

Bulimia nervosa

Burdened family caregivers groups

Burrows, T.

Camus, A.

Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association

Cancer groups; adding members to; co-therapy in; emotional expression and; engagement with life challenges and; extreme experience and; here-and-now focus in; large-group format and; subgrouping as benefit to.
See also
Breast cancer groups


Catharsis; limitations of; research on; role of in therapeutic process


Cognitive behavioral analysis system psychotherapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Cognitive-behavioral group therapy

Chance, group development and

Change: behavioral; characterological; explanation; group cohesiveness and; group conflict and; interpretive remarks to encourage; preconditions for; process commentary sequence for; process illumination and; process of; readiness; responsibility and; as responsibility of client; self-understanding
; therapeutic; therapeutic strategies for; as therapy group goal; transtheoretical model; will and

Change readiness, stages of

Characterological change

Characterologically difficult clients; borderline clients; overview of; schizoid clients

Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System

Childhood conduct disorders, communication linked to

Chronic depression

Chronic pain groups

Circle of Friends

Classical psychoanalytic theory

Client(s): accepting process illumination; in acute situational crisis; assuming process orientation; at-risk; Axis II; behavior of; bipolar; borderline; boring; characterologically difficult; deselection of; difficulties of; discomfort levels of; expectations of; as focus of irritation in group; higher-level; “in or out” concerns of; interpersonal life of; interpersonal problems of; with intimacy problems; modeling; narcissistic; “near or far” concerns of; needs of therapy group and; primary task of group and; psychotic; removing from group; reports; schizoid; screening; selection of; silent; suicidal; tasks of; termination of; “top or bottom” concerns of; valuing therapeutic factors; willful action and.
See also
Group members; Therapist/client relationship

Client modeling

Client reports

Client selection: exclusion criteria; group members influenced by; inclusion criteria for; participation in group activities and; pride in group membership; procedure overview; relationships with group members and; research on inclusion criteria; satisfying personal needs; therapists feelings and

Clinical populations, of group therapy

Closed group therapy

Closed groups; adding new members to; as brief therapy groups; length of

Clustering, of personality pathology


Cognitive approach, goals of

Cognitive behavioral analysis system psychotherapy (CBASP)

Cognitive map

Cognitive psychotherapy; interpersonal therapy
; therapeutic alliance in

Cognitive restructuring

Cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBT-G); application of; PTSD and; social phobia treatment and; strategies of

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy groups; here-and-now focus in; imitation’s value for; subgrouping as benefit to; therapeutic factors and; therapist-client relationship in

Group cohesiveness

“Cold processing,”

Combined therapy; advantages of; beginning with individual therapy; clinical examples of; confidentiality and; dropouts discouraged by; envy in group; open-ended psychotherapy groups and; resistance to; therapist role in; time-limited groups; unpredictable interaction in group

Common group tensions; struggle for dominance as

Communicational skills groups: direct advice used by

Compassionate Friends

Composition of therapy groups: clinical observations; cohesiveness as primary guideline for; crafting an ideal group; cultural factors in; ethno-racial factors in; gender and; group function influenced by; group process influenced by; heterogeneous mode of; homogeneous mode of; overview of; prediction of behavior and; principles of; research summary; sexual orientation in; subsequent work influenced by

Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS)

Concurrent individual therapy; for borderline clients

Confidentiality; combined therapy and; in subgrouping; value of in therapy groups; written summaries and

Conflict; among group members; areas exposed by group members; around control/dominance in group; change and; climate of; decreased; dominance and; envy as fuel for; feedback and; group; in group development; in individual therapy; inevitability of; in inpatient groups; intimacy and; rivalry as fuel for; self-disclosure enhanced by; in sphere of intimacy; therapeutic process and; therapists and; in therapy groups.
See also
Conflict resolution; Hostility

Conflict resolution; empathy’s value in; role switching and; stages of

Conflictual infantile passions

Confrontation, norms and

Conjoint therapy; for borderline clients; clinical examples of; complications with; individual therapist in; recommended for characterologically difficult clients; resistance to; therapist collaboration in; value of here-and-now focus to


Conscious mimicry

Consensual group action/cooperation/mutual support

Consensual validation

Constructive loop of trust

Contact, patients’ need for

Content; examples in groups; process
; revelations of

Content of explanation



Convergence of twelve-step/group therapy approaches

Coping: active; emphasis; SEGT and; skills; style

Coronary heart disease groups

Corrective emotional experience; components of; conditions required for; as cornerstone of therapeutic effectiveness; importance of; in individual therapy

Co-therapists; clinical example of disagreeing; countertransference and; male-female teams; modeling and; selecting; senior
junior; “splitting” of

Co-therapy; advantages of; borderline clients and; for cancer groups; disadvantages of; research on; subgrouping in; in supervised clinical experience; value of collaboration in


Countertransference; co-therapist and; by therapist; therapist reaction to

Creation of group

Creation of therapy groups: brief group therapy; duration/frequency of meetings; preliminary considerations for; preparing for group therapy

Crisis group

Crisis-intervention therapy

Critical incidents; affect and; in therapy groups


Culture building; compared to game of chess

Current forces

Day hospital groups, existential factors in

Death; as co-therapist

Debriefing interviews

Decreased conflict, setting norms for



Depression; “cause and effect” and; heart attack and; prevention of, relapse groups; research on

Depue, R.


Deselection; of clients




Developmental tasks


Diagnostic label

Didactic instruction; employment of

Diluted therapy

Direct advice

Direct suggestions, with behavior-shaping groups

Discharge planning groups, therapeutic factors and

Disciplined personal involvement

Discomfort levels; value of in therapy groups

Discordant tasks



Displaced aggression


Dissonance theory


Diverse interpersonal styles, classification of

Domestic violence

Dominance; conflict and; by group members; struggle for

Dose-effect of individual therapy

Dostoevsky, F.

Double-mirror reactions

Draw-a-Person test

Dreams: borderline personality disorder and; family reenactment and; group work and; group-relevant themes in; loss of faith in therapist and; role in group therapy; sense of self and; termination and; therapy groups and; transference and

Drop-in crisis groups

Dropouts; categories of; characteristics of; with chronic mental illness; discouraged by combined therapy; emotional contagion and; external factors and; group behavior of; group deviancy and; intimacy problems and; other reasons for; pretherapy preparation; preventing; rates for; reasons for; removing client from group; research on.
See also
Premature termination

See 2000 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Dynamic; meaning of

Dynamic psychotherapy; history of; therapist’s task in


Eating disorders groups


“Eggshell” therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy

Elkin, G.


Emotional catharsis

Emotional contagion

Emotional experience

Emotional expression; in HIV/AIDS groups; intensity of; linked with hope

Emotional responses: pathology and; recognized by therapists; by therapists

Empathetic capacity: as component of emotional intelligence

Empathetic processing

Empathy; critical to successful group; in narcissistic clients; value of in conflict resolution

Empirical observation

Encounter ethos

Encounter groups; definition of; effectiveness of; end of; evolution of; extragroup therapeutic factors and; leader’s role in; Lieberman, Yalom, Miles study on; members’ attraction to; relationship to therapy groups; research on; self-disclosure in; silent members in; structured exercises in.
See also

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