The Shamrock (5 page)

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Authors: Nikki Winter

BOOK: The Shamrock
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She was going to combust; just explode in little bitty fiery pieces. Heat raced up Sirai’s spine, coming so fast and hard that her mouth dropped open but nothing came out. At some point when her hearing returned she heard Ardan’s chants of, “So good, so good, so fucking good,” before he thrust one last time and released deep inside her.

Her head fell back and bumped the wall. “Ow.”

Ardan snorted before he burst out laughing. Sirai couldn’t help it; she pressed her face into his shoulder and laughed too.

Ardan started to say something but froze when the closet door swung open and they could hear Braedan. “Calm down woman, I’m pretty sure they’re… Oh sweet baby Jesus I’m blind!”

“What the hell is wrong with you? Get off the floor, you jackass,” Sirai heard Candice command. Next came, “Oh…
well that’s kinda nice. Um, Ardan?”


Sirai you have pinned between your dick and the wall, right? Because if not I’m gonna have to put my foot in your ass…even if it is gorgeous.”

“Yes, it’s me,” Sirai answered.

“Good, glad to see you took my advice. Well, Braedan and I are just gonna leave you to uh…whatever it was you guys were doing.”

The door closed and Sirai looked up at Ardan as he tried to hold it together.

“Not. One. Word.”

He shook his head as his eyes watered from his effort to not laugh again. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”




“So, there’s uh…something I’ve been wanting to say to you for a while now.” Ardan stood in the doorway of his kitchen, watching her as she moved from stove to counter, plating breakfast in nothing but one of his t-shirts.

She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Yeah?”

“I…uh…well maybe if I had said it sooner things could’ve gotten here a long time ago and…”

Her looked turned expectant. “And?”

Why was this so hard? He knew he loved her, so why wouldn’t the words just come out? “I—”

Sirai’s phone rang and she held up a finger. “Hold that thought.” She answered, “What’s up, Candy? Oh yeah, I am. Yeah, he is. Unh-hunh. Unh-hunh. Yeah, right now he’s trying to figure out how to tell me he loves me, but his foot keeps getting stuck in his mouth.” She winked at him. “It’s actually pretty cute. Never seen him look this flustered before. Yeah. Unh-hunh. Unh-hunh. Wait, is that Braedan I hear in the background? Candice Denise Oliver, you better not hang up on—” Sirai pulled the phone from her ear and glared at it. “She hung up on me!”

Ardan cocked his head to the side and stared at her.


“C’mere, baby.”

A grin tugged at her full lips as she backed away, shaking her head. “No way, dude.”

“It wasn’t a request, Sirai.”

One brow quirked. “What’re you gonna do? Spank me again?”

“Among other things.” Ardan stalked her around the counter.

She grinned, her dimples winking at him. “Guess that means you have to catch me, Irishman.” Then she took off through the house and Ardan knew that when he did catch her, she was in for it.






When Nikki wrote her first story in the tenth grade, she knew without a doubt she was destined for greatness. Now if she could just convince everyone else…


Buckling down, she’s taken the time to polish what she refers to as her “writing superiority.” She hopes that the tales she has created grab the readers’ attention, and make them devoted
slaves to her will
fans. If you want to let her know just how absolutely, positively awesome she is, you can always e-mail her at
[email protected]
, friend her on Facebook at
, or follow her on Twitter as @NikkiWinter19.

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