Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1)

BOOK: Color Me Blind (A Divine Love Story Book 1)
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Color Me



A Divine Love Story








Published By







This book is a work of fiction. 
Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Copyright © 2013 by Gwendolyn Melinda Michelle Evans


All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer.


Global Multi Media Enterprises

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents



What Readers Are Saying about “Surviving Sunday”

Part One:



Chapter 1:  A Bond like No Other

Chapter 2:  Revelations

Chapter 3:  The Getaway

Chapter 4:  Can’t We All Just Get Along

Part Two:

High School

Chapter 5:  Temper, Temper

Chapter 6:  Choices

Part Three:

College Years

Chapter 7:  Scared Stupid

Chapter 8:  The Truth Hurts

Chapter 9:  The Nail in the Coffin

Chapter 10:  Un-break my Heart

Chapter 11:  Defining Moments

Chapter 12: Friendship is a Gift from God

Chapter 13: The Plan

Part Four:

Adult Years

Chapter 14:  A True Test of Faith

Chapter 15: What Lies Beneath

Chapter 16:  Love Holds No Record of Wrongs

Chapter 17: Enough is Enough

Chapter 18:  Open the Flood Gates

Chapter 19: Buried Feelings

Chapter 20:  Girl Talk

Chapter 21:  Boys Will Be Boys

Chapter 22:  A Change is Gonna Come

Chapter 23:  A Pain like No Other

Chapter 24:  Detox

Chapter 25:  I Miss You Much

Chapter 26:  The Return Home

Chapter 27:  Eyes Wide Shut

Chapter 28: The Unexpected

Chapter 29:  A Hate Filled Heart

Chapter 30:  Reality Check

Chapter 31:  The Domino Effect

Chapter 32:  In the Blink of an Eye

Chapter 33:  The Trials of Life

Chapter 34:  Breathtaking Moments

Chapter 35: Tick, Tock

Chapter 36:  Closure

Chapter 37:  The Hard Truth

Chapter 38:  No Time to Waste

Chapter 39:  Heart to Heart

Chapter 40:  Me and You against the World

Chapter 41:  From Now until Forever

Chapter 42:  Back to Reality

Chapter 43: Not in a Million Years

Chapter 44: A Haunting Past

Chapter 45:  Group Therapy

Chapter 46: Getting to the Bottom

Chapter 47:  The Whole Truth and Nothing But

Chapter 48:  A Very Dark Past

Chapter 49:  The Resolution

Chapter 50:  Here and Now

Letter to the Reader

Discussion Questions

Author Biography




I would like to thank God
. He is so amazing and I am so grateful to know Him and serve Him.  Without Him NONE of this would be possible.  Not many people get to live out their purpose, so I’m amazed that every day I wake up I get to do this!


I want to thank my editor Yanela Gordonfor her selfless kindness in assisting and directing me.  Thank you for believing in me and my purpose.  You make my words the best version of themselves
Consider this our “paper texting” and I will need to order one roll to go. It’s just a TURKEYYY!!!! LOLOLOLOL ~ Love ya girl!


I want to thank my parents for taking the time to read this in its infancy.  I appreciate the love and support you both continuously give me without hesitation.  I’m so blessed to be able to call you mom and dad.


I want to thank my P.I.C.
) Ileana Guerrero for listening to the “audio version” of this novel all night (LOL).  You’ve been an awesome support system and in case I don’t say it enough, THANK YOU for being my TRUE friend and lending help and support whenever I need it.  Nothing you do for me goes unnoticed. Love you Ma Sylvia!!!


I would like to thank my cousin Howard for his endless support and help as my unofficial PR rep.  You’re awesome and I love you for continuously cheering me on.


I gotta give a shout out to the best church ever, Family Worship and Praise Center, and our Pastor Cyrus Flanagan.  This church has changed my life and knowing you Rev has changed my perspective on what it means to truly be a Christian. 


To my Tally fam who motivate me all the time to keep doing what I’m doing.  Joshua, Maleah, Sharvis and Chantiel, I love you guys to no end and I’m so excited about what we are building together.  We need a name for our dynasty people and a theme song!  Forever and always #teamsundaydinner


Elder Sharvis Whitted for keeping me biblically in line, I appreciate you big bro. Michelle Griffin for once again making my book debut a masterfully crafted event, I love you girl.  Crystal Baker, you’re awesome! Ericka, you rock!!! Angela, I’m grateful for you honey!


To all my family, friends and church members, thank you for your endless support and encouragement.  I want to thank my readers for continuing to support me and I promise Monday Madness is on the way!







I thought by the time this book came out I would have a permanent special someone in my life
to dedicate it to.  That was not the case but then I realized that I already had someone
in my life, the Almighty God.  He is the Creator of all things and the love of my life.  On this risky walk of faith I have seen God’s love for me in ways that I could never imagine.  He has seen the very worst of me and yet He still loves me.  He brings out the best of me and allows me to share it with the world in a very amazing way. 

He cares about every little detail of my life and is always there when I need Him.  It’s just like any other relationship.  There’s fussing and crying…well I fuss and I cry and He remains the same, faithful. 
He patiently waits out my tantrums and then when I’m quiet, He speaks.  Sometimes He just waits for me to remember who He is and all that He’s done.  He has been everything to me.  In my darkest hour when there is no one around He’s
there, He’s
listening and He’s
working it all out for my good.  I can honestly say there isn’t a human being on this planet who can love me like that. 

Like Paul
I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, can separate me from the love of my God.  But the best thing…the very best thing is that the love He has isn’t just for me.  It’s for you too if you are willing to accept His son Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.  It is the
love affair and one you will never regret!



What Readers Are Saying
about “Surviving Sunday”



Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down.


All I can say is awesome book.




From the beginning I was hooked. Misplaced my book and I was going crazy...


This book can definitely be a tool to win lost souls in a new way. Genius author! :)


This book had me laughing, crying, pissed off and on the edge of my seat!


I look forward to hearing more from this young lady. #devotedfan!


I really enjoyed the approach Melinda took to help the reader understand the spiritual battle that rages around us. Her goal to do so reminds me of CS Lewis' Screwtape Letters…


It's not predictable and it is everything you want in a good read and more. I'm looking forward to the series!


It's been a long time since a book kept my attention. I almost felt this book was about my life in some strange way.


Surviving Sunday is filled with suspense, humor, and the Holy Ghost. The story line allows you to become involved with the characters as if it was you.


The book was not only entertainment, but as a sinner who was already considering giving their life to Christ, and you having the gift of painting the picture of the work of angels vs. demons in this book has given me a hunger to want to serve and give my life to Christ. I read the "ABC's" of salvation at the end of your book and I have given my life to Christ.

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