The Read And Weep Bundle: Anonymous, Perfectly Hopeless, Run (30 page)

BOOK: The Read And Weep Bundle: Anonymous, Perfectly Hopeless, Run
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“I promised Maven we would sit by the water.” Henri told them. Maven waved a hand trying to object. “Sitting is a good thing. I promise I’ll be home in no time.”

Flynn sighed. “Tori and I will hang out for a little while longer, Henri. You give me a call when you’re ready to go.” Flynn squeezed Henri tightly as if he was a proud father sending his son to school for the first time.

“What was that all about?” Henri asked as they broke apart, he looked skeptically at Flynn who offered no reason behind his weird disposition.

Flynn blew him off. “Nothing. Just make some memories you old stud you.” He slapped his back and left Henri to it.



“I left a blanket by the tree.” Henri told her as they walked down the hill to the water below. A moth swooped past his face as they hurried to their secret place.

Maven squeezed his hand. “Did you have a good time?”

“Of course.”

“Promise?” She looked at him, hoping he was being honest because for her it was the best time she ever had at the hop.

Henri shook his head, tracing a finger across his chest as a form of a promise.


Maven gasped, bringing her hands to her face in shock at the sight in front of her. “Henri!”

Henri was shocked himself. “Flynn.” He said under his breath. All along the grass were candles in protective glass lanterns. A radio sat nestled in the grass playing soft music. Maven dropped to her knees.

“This is beautiful.” She kissed his cheek. “Henri this is amazing.” She looked back and forth between the candles to the picnic basket. Flynn had snuck away without a word and set the entire thing up. Henri had no idea, but it meant a lot, and it answered the question of why Flynn was acting so odd.

He opened the picnic basket. “Water or soda?”

“Water,” Maven said, accepting the bottle.

He took a swig of his own and then set it down next to him. It was time to tell her why the night meant so much to him. He took her hand, she scooted closer. Searching his eyes, she suddenly felt nervous. She laid down, staring through the willows at the star lit sky. Henri laid down beside her, their hands blindly finding one another all over again.

“I have something to tell you.” Her grip tightened on his. He wondered if she was thinking the worst.

Maven squeezed her eyes shut. She knew it, he was about to tell her that he had gotten worse. She held her breath—waiting.

Henri turned over, stroking her hair. It was now or never. “What would you say if I told you they found a way to fix me?”

Maven sat up. She was confused, his words didn’t make sense. So she just looked at him.

Henri stayed where he was taking in the stars. “I found out yesterday that they think they can fix me. Your mother told us all about it at my last appointment. Tomorrow morning I will be admitted to start the procedure.”

Maven smiled and then burst into tears. Henri sat up, wrapping his arms around her. “Isn’t this good news?”

She nodded. “It’s the best news I have ever heard. I was just so afraid you were going to tell me something awful. This is great, Henri. How do you feel?” She touched his face. “Are you okay? Scared? Nervous?”

Henri was all of that and tha
n some. “I’m happy to try. What more can I say?” He had plenty more to say, but he didn’t want to seem weak to the one person that meant so much to him.

“That’s the best news. I am so happy for you.” She smiled, wiping at her eyes. She giggled feeling silly for crying. “I shouldn’t be crying. We should be celebrating.” She closed her eyes at Henri’s kiss.

He carefully maneuvered the two of them down onto the blanket. His fingers tangling with her hair, he pressed his mouth against hers more adamantly than anytime before. Maven pulled him closer, her hands running down his back. She lifted her head, giving Henri access to her neck.

Henri pulled away, staring down at her, the moonlight made her look like she had a golden aura all around her. “I want you to know that I
like you. And I really care about you. This summer has meant a lot to me.”

She pulled him close, softly kissing him. “I really like you too, Henri.” She kissed him again.

“I might be falling for you.” He admitted, smiling sheepishly, breaking the intense moment up. “And I’m not saying that because we are here right now. I just wanted to say it out loud.”

He kissed her again. Maven couldn’t have dreamt a better moment.

“Well I hate to disappoint you, Henri. But I have already fallen for you.” She giggled as Henri tickled her for joking with him.

“Swear it?” He said, raising an eyebrow. “You have fallen for me? Henri Levitt?” His expression grew serious. He ran a hand up her leg, watching her face at his forward touch. Finally it didn’t feel wrong or too soon. It felt right. She smiled, nodding her head without a sound.

His hands created a thousand welcomed goose bumps up and down her leg. She tugged his bowtie loose, working on the buttons of his shirt. Henri kissed her neck, his hand journeying up the length of her body. He enjoyed the feel of her skin, the scent of her perfume and the warmth of her skin.





Jake Summit was dressed in a bright red v neck t-shirt and black dress slacks. He ignored his friends as they talked about pointless things. He was only fixated on
thing—why Flynn was running around with all those candles earlier. And why Henri and Maven had taken off

so fast.

“Did anyone see Maven?” He asked his buddies. Everyone fell silent. “I take that as a no.”

Arnold Jones—Jake’s long time friend elbowed him. “Drink, loosen up and forget about girls for one night.” He handed over a small flask of liquor. They were all wasted as it was, but whatever it took to get Jake back in the moment and away from whining about Maven Wilder all night.

They all had heard the story of Maven to many times to count. How she all but made him a fool the day she refused to take him back. And how he suddenly realized after running around with Tatiana that Maven was the girl he wanted. Everyone knew Jake only wanted what he couldn’t have. Girls were a game to him. And he was the type of guy who thought they all should worship the ground he walked on.


Flynn wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. Tori pulled him from the dance floor. They found the punchbowl. But as Tori filled two solo cups with punch she noticed Flynn watching a group of boys across the way.

“Who are they?” She kissed his cheek offering him the drink. “And why are you staring at them like that?”

Flynn took a sip of the watered down punch, his eyes not leaving Jake Summit and his buddies. “I just don’t like that kid.”

“Who cares about some teenagers with James Dean hair? What’s it to you?” Tori asked, growing annoyed with Flynn’s interest in the young guy and his friends. She was beginning to think her trip was a waste of time.

“It’s nothing. You want to dance?” He forced a smile, sitting his drink on the table. But Tori crossed her arms in her usual sulk.

“I just want to go back to the house.” She raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to tell her no.

Flynn ran a hand down the back of his neck. He winced at the idea of saying no to her. “I kind of told Henri we would stick around.” He hoped she would have a heart for once.

“Henri is a big boy. Besides he’s probably off doing things that don’t involve his cousin sticking around for. When he is ready to come home he will.” She yanked him by the collar through the crowd.




Maven exhaled. Staring at Henri. The radio playing softly in the background, the candles had gone out and now the only light remaining was the moonlight right above them.

Henri smoothed her messy hair. “You have bed head. Or is it more blanket head?”

Maven laughed. “So do you.” She touched his hair, running her fingertips through it. Henri watched her focus on his hair, a smile hanging around after the moment they had together.

He didn’t want to move. Or think about anything else but her. He wanted to stay under the stars and the willow, to listen to the water and the music and Maven’s voice forever. That was how amazing he felt. It had been years since he was close enough to anyone to want to sleep with them. The idea of sex just slipped his mind anymore. It wasn’t important. Nothing was important anymore. But then came Maven and with her she brought hope back into his life. He had something to look forward to. Someone to laugh with, someone who made his days seem meaningful, he wasn’t moving through life trying to survive until the next any longer.

“All because of you.” It took Henri a moment to realize he had said that last part out loud.

“What do you mean?” Maven asked.

“Ever since I met you I feel real again. I don’t feel like I am living in some nightmare.  I felt like I was living in some weird nightmare that wasn’t my own. You brought me back to reality.”

Maven smiled. “I’m glad.”

They kissed.

“And now that we are clothed and looking halfway decent I have to break some more news to you,” Henri said, fidgeting with his bowtie. “I snuck out tonight so I could tell you the news and take you to the hop. Nobody but Flynn knows that I’m gone.”

Maven gasped. “Henri!”

“I know, but it was worth it. Morning is still hours away.” He wrapped an arm around her. “But I’d much rather sleep under the stars with you.”

Maven sat up. “You have to be admitted tomorrow. What if you weren’t supposed to be doing any of this?”

“I wasn’t, but I did it for you.”

Maven dropped her gaze. “And it was sweet, but a little foolish. You need to go home and get rest. We have all the time in the world for more nights like this.”

Henri shook his head, but his eyes said something totally different. “I’m glad I met you.”

Maven touched Henri’s arm. “Me too.” She was alarmed.

“So, I will walk you home and then go home and get some sleep,” Henri said, they packed up the candles throwing them in the picnic basket. Henri folded the blanket and grabbed the radio.

“I am a big girl. I can walk myself home for one night. Just get home so I can stop worrying about you.” Henri pulled her close, his fingers gripping her waist as they kissed in the moonlight.

“Will you visit me?”

“Of course, as soon as I am able.” She crossed her heart, promising there was no place she would rather be. “Now go on, Henri. I’ll text you when I am home.”

Maven watched Henri reluctantly leave her by their willow. As soon as he disappeared over the hill she collected her shoes, walking barefoot, her shoes dangling from her hand as she headed back to her house.


She could still smell Henri. Still feel his lips against hers. The way he made her feel, it was all precisely how she imagined it being.

And as soon as she was home she would tell him just that before she slipped off to sleep.



A flutter of leaves raced across the ground. The wind howled in Henri’s ears. He swore he could hear the relentless howling of an owl overhead every step he took to get home. The buzz of a motorbike swished past him, followed by another and another. Things were out of sorts tonight, things were making him jumpy.

Henri moved closer to the closed shops on the sidewalk. Besides the passing motorbikes the night was still—a little to still.

He concentrated on his footsteps trying to keep his thoughts on that instead of the creepiness all around. He was exhausted and ready for a couple hours of sleep before the hospital in the morning.

He stopped walking, setting the picnic basket and radio at the door of the old second hand store. He removed the items inside of the picnic basket and tossed them in the garbage. He didn’t have the energy to lug it the rest of the way home. At least this way it was going to a good home.






Jake crunched the beer can in his grip and then sent it airborne toward the dumpster next to the yogurt hut. “Hand one over, come on.” He ordered his buddy. It was safe to say he was wasted. It was safe to say they all were wasted.

Jake leaned back against the picnic table, smiling at the stars. He spilled half the beer on his red shirt as he tried to take another drink. “Did you see that kid’s bowtie?”

Arnold tipped his head back, downing his beer. He shot Jason—Jake’s other friend since grade school—a look. “Can’t say that I did, Jake.”

Jake scoffed, ignoring the fact that his friends never wanted to entertain his rants about Maven and her new boyfriend. He sat up. “I can’t believe she would rather hang out with that guy instead of me.”

Jason scratched his head. He didn’t understand the fixation with one girl when there were so many willing to give Jake a chance. “I hear he’s a nice guy.”

Arnold jumped, dodging the half full beer that flew past his head and into the side of Jason’s. Jason shook his arms that were now soaked with beer and stared down at his shoes. “What the hell, Summit!”

“You were asking for it. Don’t hang out with us and talk about how nice her new boyfriend is. I don’t want to hear it.” Jake snapped. He jumped from the picnic table. Jason and Arnold watched him wrench another beer from the cooler and pitch it at the window of the yogurt hut. Glass shattered instantaneously, spilling onto the concrete.

Arnold raised a powerless eyebrow at Jason. Jason shook his head, refusing to offer any suggestion. He stood up. “I’m outta here. You’re going to get us arrested. Grow up, Jake, she’s moved on. And it’s pretty clear why…you’re an asshole.” Jason shook his head, and started walking down the cobbled path to his house. He only lived a couple blocks away.




Flynn threw his hands up in defeat at Tori as her red charger rolled backwards out of the driveway of his parent’s house. He gritted his teeth as the squealing tires and gravel rocketed against the side of the house sending the stray dogs in the neighborhood howling and barking.

He cursed under his breath all the way to the door.

The kitchen light came on just as he expected. It was his mother.

“How was the hop? Where’s Tori?” His mother looked past him to the door. “Was that your girlfriend peeling out of here at such a late hour? Flynn that girl has the manners of a narrow-minded hog.”

Flynn kissed his mother on the cheek as a means of an apology. “That she does. Another reason I dumped her and told her to find someone else to drive crazy.”

His mother smiled. “Good for you.”

Before he could fill her in Sandra came through the door, her hair was unresponsive from the humidity and her heels were dangling from her fingertips. She let them drop on the kitchen floor pulling up a seat. “Hey momma. Hey Flynn.”

Flynn rounded the counter taking an apple from the fruit basket.

“How was the dance, Sandra?” Their mother asked.

“Fine. I danced with Clinton a couple times.” She started, plucking the bobby pins from her hair as she rattled on about the dance. “Jake Summit showed up. He didn’t even wear a dress shirt. Can you believe the nerve of that boy?” Sandra tossed the last pin on the tabletop and then let out a laugh. “And who let Henri wear a bowtie?”

Flynn inhaled the apple he was chewing down the wrong pipe, his eyes flew open and he clutched his throat, staring at Sandra. He waved a hand, but he knew it was too late. His mother’s dark hair whipped around just as fast as her body to look in him in the eye.

“Henri?” She asked. Her eyebrows knitted together angrily. Sandra stood up, wishing she hadn’t said a thing about the bowtie.

“Henri said he was going to bed. Henri should be up in his room.” Their mother said, but her words only echoed the room.

Flynn opened his mouth to say anything at all. But his mother was already barreling up the stairs to confirm Henri was indeed gone.

“Why didn’t you tell me not to say anything?” Sandra hissed, horrified she had ratted Henri out. If she would have only thought a little harder it would have made sense, nobody knew Henri was there. But it was too late now.

Flynn slammed his apple down on the counter. “Because I didn’t think you would be home for hours. Why can’t you be like April and stay out late making out with boys you’ll never marry?”

Sandra gasped. Flynn took off after his mother trying to control the situation.




Henri’s phone chirped.

He fished it from his pocket. The glint from the moonlight caught his attention before he looked at the text message. All below the window of the yogurt stand lay shattered glass.

“Shit.” Henri muttered to himself, he slowed to a stop at the deserted yogurt hut. Beer cans were scattered all around the tables. But there was nobody in sight. He wondered who would do such a thing. There wasn’t very much crime in Portwood, it was a safe place to be.

He kicked at the glass with the toe of his shoe and checked his phone.


It was Maven.


Tonight was the greatest night of my entire life. You’re the best, Henri


He grinned, the glass the furthest thing from his mind, he was tangled in Maven once again, intoxicated by the mere thought of her.


You mean I didn’t scare you away with my weird dance moves


Nothing weird about it. You were perfect. Goodnight, Henri. And good luck tomorrow. I will see you as soon as I can ok?


Henri nodded. Happy to know someone he cared about would be by his side after all was said and done.


Ok. Thanks. I’ll text ya from my bed if they allow it. Dream of me, ok?


I couldn’t think of a better kind of dream


Henri hesitated on sending his next text, but he was feeling kind of gushy


I know love is something you feel jaded by, but I really think I am in love with you. And if for some reason I never am able to say so, now is the perfect time.


He couldn’t be sure the surgery would go the way he wanted it to.  He didn’t want to close his eyes without ever telling Maven how he felt. He wasn’t one of those people who believed you could fall for someone in the matters of weeks, but he knew she was the person he could love for a lifetime. Life was just forcing him to be honest a little sooner than he wanted, but it didn’t matter to him, he had a feeling it was something he would always want to say to her no matter where they were in their lives.




Jake stumbled from out of the brush. He zipped his pants. And right before his eyes was the one person he didn’t want to see.

Henri looked up, startled Jake was even there. He thought he was alone. That undoubtedly explained the broken glass at the yogurt hut.

“Henri.” Jake slurred, using the picnic table to make it over to Henri.

Henri shoved his phone into his pocket. “Jake.”

“Henri, why you running around so late at night,” Jake hiccupped. He climbed up on the table, falling sideways as he took a seat.

“Heading home right now.” He looked him over. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair disheveled. It all proved just how intoxicated he was. Henri wanted no part in it.

“No, no. Why don’t you stay?” Jake patted the picnic table. “Sit. I’d offer you a beer, but I drank them all.” Just then Arnold appeared from the brush. He looked more aware of his surroundings than Jake did Henri noticed. Arnold’s gray eyes clouded with concern at the sight of Henri. He knew Henri shouldn’t be there.

“Hey, Henri. I am really sorry about the window. Jake’s just a little drunk.” He sighed. “Maybe I could pay your family tomorrow for the damages.”

Henri nodded. “It’s not my yogurt hut. But I’ll be sure to let them know that it was an accident.”

Arnold nodded, turning toward Jake. He grabbed him by the arm. “Let’s get you home.”

Jake pushed Arnold, hardly bringing himself to standing. “Everyone wants to tell me what to do.”

Henri’s phone chirped. This caught Jake’s attention. Henri refused to pull the phone from his pocket. But that didn’t stop Jake from waiting for him to make a move. “Are you going to check that?” Jake said, pointing toward the phone.

“Nope.” Henri replied casually. Suddenly his phone was ringing making matters worse.

Jake stepped forward. “What’s wrong, Henri? You don’t want me to see you talking with my ex girlfriend?”

Arnold stepped in between the two of them trying to diffuse the situation. “Jake. Home. Now.” He tried his best to push him the other way. But Jake was a lot bigger than he was. He had pushed him around since elementary school. Jake shoved him in a flash, knocking him into the table.

“Arnold you go if you’re so worried about going home.” Jake pointed at Henri’s cell that hadn’t stopped ringing. “Do you want me to answer it?”

Henri shook his head. “It’s probably just my cousin checking to see where I am.”

But Jake wasn’t satisfied with that answer. Henri flinched. Jake yanked the phone from his pocket shoving him with his free arm. The ringing quickly ended.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Henri asked, dusting himself off. He had to give it to the guy he had a good amount of muscle on his side. He had almost made him eat the concrete.

“Jake give him his phone back. He hasn’t done anything to you.” Jake ignored them both reading over the texts between him and Maven. His blood rocketing through his veins and making him angrier and angrier with every heartbeat, the thought of Maven having a nice time with anyone else made him furious. He squeezed the phone in his fist and then threw it at the window of the yogurt hut, letting out a guttural scream of anger. It crashed, a new symphony of glass showering the ground. Leaving both windows of the yogurt hut smashed.

Henri backed up, but Jake was gaining on him. He couldn’t even understand what he was saying, he was in shock. His body inundated with adrenaline, telling him to run instead of fight like normal guys his age would do.

Arnold jumped in trying to pry Henri loose from Jake’s grip. He hadn’t admitted to anyone, but he knew Henri was sick. And even though he had been sworn to secrecy he wasn’t about to sit there and let Henri get pummeled by Jake. Arnold pushed and shoved Jake trying his best to release Henri.

Henri shoved against Jake, the foul smell of beer on his breath. The moment turning into nothing but a nightmare that he didn’t want to be a part of. He could hear his phone echoing from inside the yogurt hut.


Jake swung, his fist coming into contact with the side of Henri’s face all the while Arnold was shouting at him to just lay off and leave poor Henri alone. Jake didn’t have empathy for Henri, he was beyond that. He was angry and drunk and irrational. He swung again landing another fist, only this time it was the side of his body because Henri was doing his best to duck and dodge each fist that crashed in a fury against him, burning his flesh, making his body ache.

“Why do you think you’re better than I am? Did Maven tell you about our kiss?” He swung again, both of them stumbling into the picnic table out of breath. Henri tried to stand up.

“What are you doing? What kind of guy doesn’t even throw a punch? Fight for her.” Jake growled, shoving Henri with everything he had left, knocking him against the wall of the yogurt hut and finally he dropped on his own free will into the glass beneath him.

Henri lifted his head, resting his arms on his knees. Jake was panting, out of breath at this point. He told himself to just get up and start walking. This kid was drunk and the quicker he got away the better. He wasn’t far from home.

“Jake.” Arnold said over and over again. Henri closed his eyes, concentrating on his breathing, trying to control his heart.  Trying to will it to just relax and not go haywire. He licked his lips, bringing a hand to his forehead, blood staining his fingertips.

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