Captive to the Dark

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Authors: Alaska Angelini

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Captive to the Dark

Alaska Angelini





To Ally, Mai, Terri, and Monica. You girls rock my world! Also, to Digital Daggers. Your music is amazing.




Captive to the Dark

Alaska Angelini

Copyright © 2014 by Alaska Angelini




All Rights Reserved


All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. The scanning, uploading and distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and is punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.





***WARNING: This book contains very graphic violence, disturbing situations, dubious consent, and very strong language.***







Statistic. I’d been one of those my entire life. From my parent’s unwanted pregnancy, to being raped at the tender age of thirteen. The tolerable childhood I had known disappeared, and the road I was on took a wrong turn, right into the bare wasteland of fucked-upville.

No amount of counseling could help me, and my parents didn’t insist that I go. When my father said my rapist had been taken care of, the incident died in their eyes. It wasn’t to be talked about again and I was meant to move on with my life. As if a child of thirteen could forget that the bodyguard she’d trusted had practically torn her apart.

It didn’t end there.

Isolated. Completely withdrawn. Four years dragged on at a torturous pace. At seventeen, I stayed out of the public eye as much as possible. My deep thoughts consumed me and I basked in them. They were all I had. With my father being a political figure, people were always watching. That’s probably why when the BDSM club I had snuck into with my fake ID got raided, my father’s cronies knew right where to find me. They had swept me out of that back room so fast it made my head spin. I hadn’t even had a clue they were there. Or maybe they were the ones who caused the raid. I never discovered the truth.

To my family, I was broken. A disgrace. The biggest embarrassment to hit since my mother’s adulterous affair was exposed in black and white photos, plastered to the massive pillars that framed our front porch. Like with me, the black stain on my father’s reputation magically disappeared with no front page headlines. It took a few weeks, but everything went back to being perfect for them and, once again, I became the outcast.

They couldn’t understand how a rape victim would have an insatiable need for sexual acts. Really dark, twisted ones. But I did. The hate I held for myself knew no bounds and I needed control. Even if it was being the consenting party to things most people wouldn’t dream of. I was ruined. It took me until I was twenty-two to realize that I wasn’t as damaged as I had always believed. Technically, I was still a virgin. That was a gift. Maybe time had healed a piece of me and shown me the light. Or maybe I had completely disassociated myself. Regardless, I was free of the guilt. But not of my nature. That became my secret, balled up deep inside, wrapped in leather and latex.

I forged ahead, beginning my new life with renewed vigor. It didn’t matter that it was all an act. College became more of a necessity than a way to waste my time or my father’s money. My grades improved dramatically. The dark clothing I once sported turned into sundresses and jeans with cute matching tops. Life was looking up. The bond between my family and myself was strengthening for the first time in as long as I could remember. It was probably the reason Bethany had invited me out on her husband’s yacht for a trip down the California coast.

Truthfully, I hadn’t wanted to go. Boats and I agreed about as much as eating ice cream in the rain. But, I accepted her invitation. After all, I didn’t know my sister. Not really. She was older by almost ten years. I figured it’d be a good thing, but I was wrong. So, so wrong. The trip didn’t turn out the way I expected. Why? It happened. Again. I became another statistic.

At the hands of a killer—kidnapped.



Chapter 1



The sight of the large yacht down the length of the pier had my chest aching. Bethany beamed ahead of me, turning to throw me a huge smile like this was the best thing that’d ever happened to her. Bright, white teeth caught my attention as her platinum blonde hair blew across her flawless face. A face that belonged on the cover of a glamour magazine, and could have if she would have wanted it. Too bad she’d won the genetic lottery, because I sure as hell didn’t get her long legs or perfect figure. At almost six feet tall, my sister towered over my five-foot-three inch frame. I hated it. Every time we were around each other, she made me feel like a kid, and the memories of my childhood were the last thing I wanted to remember.

I’d woken up this morning with a gut wrenching feeling warning me not to go. Everything inside of me was throwing off red flags, warning of danger. I knew it was nothing more than an overwhelming sense of dread. The last time I was on a boat, I’d been so sick that it took me two days to fully recover. And that had been on a two hour trip, over ten years ago. If that happened again, this excursion was going to be quite the doozy.

Itching took over my skin like an addict desperate for a fix. All the while, I plastered a smile on my face and held tighter to the handle of the suitcase. Dammit. Why had I agreed to this madness?
Stupid, stupid, girl.
Because you’re a glutton for punishment, that’s why.
And perhaps, I was. No. There was no perhaps about it. I loved misery. Pain. It fed the constant need in my core. At twenty-three, I was still just as obsessed over sex as I had always been. Just picturing being away from my private erotic haven for the nearly three weeks caused me to break out in a cold sweat. My apartment had everything to satisfy to the fullest. To keep it private, like I’d done now for years. What calmed me wouldn’t be found on this boat, and I couldn’t stand it.

“Hurry, Mary, Charles wants to leave as soon as we’re onboard.”

Bethany’s soft tone floated through the air like church bells, but all I could hear was the loud call from the seagulls. They seemed to say,
go back. Leave now.
And damned if I didn’t want to.

Light blue eyes glanced up from the pier, transfixing my gaze. The danger Charles had always emitted was probably what drew Bethany to him. My father had hated him at first sight, and she’d thrived at that. I remembered the screaming that echoed through the large entryway as he threw Bethany’s, then boyfriend, right onto the porch.

The small criminal record he had didn’t sit well with my governor father. Months of persistency paid off for Charles. Victor came around and started talking to him sincerely. Before anyone knew it, the two were best friends, and he was giving Charles permission to marry my sister. Things turned around for him after that. He finished college, got a corporate job, thanks to my father’s connections, and apparently was doing well given the size of his monstrous boat.

“Long time, no see.” The short blond hair rested down to just above Charles’s eyes. It blew in the wind, portraying him to be every bit model material as my sister was.

“It has been awhile. I take it everything’s going good.” My head nodded toward the yacht, causing his chest to puff out with pride. That three level boat had to have cost him a couple million. I knew that taste. It was my father’s.

“Things have been great.” The broadness of his shoulders became even wider as he reached behind me and grabbed the handle of my suitcase. “Here, let me take that for you.” Charles glanced toward the main level. “Jordan!” 

Jordan? Who the hell was that? Someone else was coming? Instantly, my insides rolled. Strangers and I didn’t get along. They made me uneasy and trusting them was impossible. But, I knew what to do. Smile. I was good at that. Years in the spotlight taught me one thing—just fake it. Always be happy. Masks came in many forms. As long as you wore them with confidence, you could be anyone. Portray anything you wish. Right now, all I wanted was to be the good sister I knew Bethany had always wanted.

“Right here. What’s up...?” The stranger trailed off at our instant eye contact. From where I was standing, approaching the passerelle, I had no idea what shade they were, but they looked light colored from this distance. Something about them immediately drew me in, making my body tingle.

“Take this.” Charles walked a few steps up and handed over my suitcase to the stranger wearing the khaki shorts and white polo shirt. His dark hair was cut short, almost military style. So unlike my sister’s husband. There was a darkness about Jordan. I could feel it. Dark attracted dark. We were all like magnets, resistant to gravity. He sensed it in me. I knew he had, even if he didn’t realize what it was.

Warmth encircled my hand as Bethany clutched to me and pulled me up the fancy gangway. Most hoity-toity people with big boats referred to the passage as a passerelle, but I knew what it was. It was a damn metal bridge. That was it. Price, size, decoration, they all served the same purpose.

The main level nearly took my breath away. A Jacuzzi rested toward the aft deck. It was big enough to easily sit ten to twelve people. The top was off and it appeared ready to be climbed right into. A large table with a surrounding booth lay not far from there, cushioned with white leather seats. This place was party central and I couldn’t help but wonder how many times Bethany and Charles had dazzled guests or clients by bringing them here.

“Which room would you like me to put this in?” Jordan was directing his question to Charles, but his eyes never left me. There was a predator behind that gaze. One that looked to eat me alive. Although it was tempting to find out, I knew that wasn’t a good idea. I’d done well steering clear of men for the last two years. Changing now would only complicate my routine. Plus, there was no telling who he was. If he could so quickly bestow interest in my direction, how many other girls did he set his sights on?

The more I looked at him, the more I became disinterested. My mind was always great about talking me out of things, and this time I let it. At least for now.

“Put her in the room next to yours.”

“Will do.” Jordan disappeared through a door and Bethany eased me over to the booth.

Although the sun was shining, the leather was cool as it connected with the back of my thighs. The white sun dress I wore lifted and I quickly righted it.

“What do you think?” The deep green of my sister’s eyes sparkled as she smiled at me.

“It’s nice. Very fancy. And, I have my own room. I didn’t expect that.”

For a split second her teeth disappeared behind the frown. “I wasn’t talking about the boat. I was talking about Jordan. What do you think of him?”

“Oh.” The surprise didn’t escape my tone. I should have known she was referring to him. “He’s okay, I guess.”

“Okay?” She shook her head. “He’s gorgeous, and,” the smile returned as she leaned in closer, “he’s the son of Julian Brighton.
Julian Brighton.”

To say I didn’t know who that was would be a lie. Julian Brighton was the owner of the company Charles worked for. Julian and my father went way back, although I’d never personally met him. Maybe my dad was too embarrassed to introduce me. Or maybe what they shared was more of a behind-closed-door sort of thing. There was no telling. I wouldn’t necessarily say I knew my father all that well. He wore his masks better than anyone I’d ever met. You only saw what he wanted you to. For me, that was disappointment. Even after I’d tried my hardest to change in his eyes.

“I didn’t know Julian had kids.”

“Four, actually. Jordan is the oldest. Twenty-six, next month.” The way Bethany twisted her mouth had me feeling uneasy. “I’m going to be honest, it was father who hinted for me to introduce the two of you. He knows how close Charles and Jordan are and he thought it’d do you good to get out more. Figured you’d have chemistry with someone who fit your personality. Watching the way you both looked at each other, I think he may have been spot on.”

Bethany’s shoulder nudged into mine and she let out a little giggle. On autopilot, I went through the motions of pretending I was embarrassed. All the while, I felt anger stir.

My father. He did this. That only meant one thing. He expected me to give this everything I had. Wanted me to end up with someone that would look good for his reputation. I could already hear it.
Wow, did you see who Mary Hagen is settling with? Jordan Brighton. Governor Hagen must be so proud.
Yeah, it made me not want to talk to the guy even more. Although I craved the approval, the hate I held for my father’s callousness over the years pretty much nulled that. Yet, I found myself conflicted and wasn’t sure what to do. The repercussions might be bad if I completely thumbed my nose at Jordan. Maybe if I were nice, but appeared uninterested, he’d get the hint. Hell, maybe I’d luck out and he wouldn’t be interested at all. It’s not like I looked like my sister or anything. And he
Jordan Brighton. He could have any girl he wanted. Probably already had, twice over.

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