The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth (6 page)

BOOK: The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth
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“Hello there
, my love. Figured it out, did you?” Phillip took the blanket from Aaron and wrapped it around his waist as he walked toward her. It was apparent that he’d been in the shower. Soap still clung to his hair. His face was filled with humor and love, and she wanted nothing more than to pull him to her and kiss him. But there was the matter of Rythen.

“You shouldn’t have been able to do that.”
She quirked a brow at him. “Nothing in this world is strong enough to support you that way. I’m the only one, and you didn’t touch me.”

“You think I got this from one being?
Or do you think that I stole it? You do, don’t you?” His face said that he had. “Well, for your information, I asked and got what I needed. As you made me of both worlds, I govern them both. And as much as you think I’ve failed, they love me and were more than willing to help me.” Elizabeth took Phillip’s hand. “I’ve been thinking about what you’re planning for me. And while there is little to nothing I can do to prevent you from doing what you think best, I want you to know that I plan to live my final days with my family. And if you don’t like that, you can just fuck the hell off.”

When she turned back to Phillip
, he was dressed, and they sat down on the couch together. Elizabeth had never felt so good in her entire life. When Duncan came in with his tray, she smiled up at him when he handed her a large glass of sweet tea.

“My lady.
Sire. I see that things are the way they should be once again. Will you be staying for dinner? I do believe we are having roasted chicken with all the bulbs.” It took her several seconds to figure out what he meant.

“Trimmings. And yes, that would be lovely.”
He winked at her and offered Phillip a glass as well. When he turned to Aaron, Duncan smiled before speaking. “Sire, there is all manner of people in the kitchen. Master Colin is very…I would say he is displeased, but that would be an understatement. Lady Sara is working to calm him, but there are the others. Lady Shade has also threatened to cut some…parts off the young man who is flirting with her, and then there is Lady Maddie. I do believe she has gotten better with her magic in recent days.”

Others, Duncan? It sounds as if you have a few visitors there. That kitchen is pretty big. Just how many others are there?” Duncan flushed at his master, and Elizabeth put her hand over her mouth to stifle the laugh she felt bubbling up. “Duncan, you’re scaring me.”

“All that could fit, sire. And then some. The faeries have taken to the ceiling so as not to be smashed.
The brownies and the pixies are…. Sire, I do believe there is a war going to come from this.” He looked to the kitchen when a crash sounded. “I believe that was my new mixer. Someone will need to replace that posthaste.”

As Duncan moved toward the kitchen, Aaron did as well. Logan didn’t move but sat in the chair looking for all the world like he had not a trouble in the world.
Rythen was staring at him, and it took Elizabeth a few seconds to realize that they were speaking.

“It is considered rude to talk in a
foreign language when there are others about. I’m sure the same could be said for telepathy conversations.” Logan looked at her and smiled. “And you, sir, look as if you might have solved some great mystery.”

“I do believe I have.”
Logan stood up and took her hand. After kissing it, he looked to Phillip. “Have you finished the book? Mathew will be thrilled to death that you’re home by the way. And he has a great deal more pictures to add to his book the two of you are creating for future generations.”

“I have only just.
And pictures? I’m so happy to hear that he has not quit his job. I’ve a great need to see him as well. Did you know that some of the things that I’ve been working on were a good deal easier because of that scamp? Oh my, I would so love to see him again, and the other children. And I am to understand that congratulations are in order…a new baby to hold. How wonderful for us all.” Logan nodded and turned to Rythen.

“You are only welcome here because I have stood up for you. Fuck this up and I’ll make sure that you are in a world of hurt.
There will be no more talk of this ending shit either. You have a question, a statement concerning it, you come to me. Understand?” Logan looked like a man who was thrice his size. Magic, as powerful magic as he held, would do that. Rythen wanted to be impressed, but he was more angry than anything.

“You should have more respect for me.”
Logan snorted at Rythen. “I’m a good deal older than you and a tad more on the strong side. I could end your very existence with a snap of my finger.”

“First of all, respect is earned
, and you, sir, have not earned a thing from me. Secondly, if you really thought you could end me, as you put it, I do believe you would have by now. We both know that you cannot.” Logan put his hands on his hips as he continued. “I’ve read the entire contract. You should know that I am well aware of things now. And the few loopholes that you put in for yourself will benefit me when I need them. You, sir, are royally fucked.”

Rythen looked at
her before looking back at Logan. There was something there. Something both of them knew but were not sharing. But before she could ask or even look, the room was suddenly filled with people. Colin picked her up in a large hug and kissed her soundly on the cheek. Elizabeth squealed with delight. She so loved the big man.

“My lady. I’d heard that ye’d been harmed.
And then when I felt your request for help, I knew that there were lies abounding.” He looked over at Rythen, who stood up. “Ye’d be better off standing down. I’ve no use for a mon such as you. To think I thought you a good person.”

“It’s not right that I’m being judged for something that was created long ago.
This contract is something that we both agreed upon.” Rythen turned to her. “I will not be the subject of all this. You and I know that this will end for you. I’m not the only one at fault. You signed the contract as well.”

“I did. When there was no family for me. No mate to love, children to hold onto.
And you said that I would rule for a time and when that time was up, I’d be able to live out my days in a ring with the faeries to watch over me. You never once said a thing about having children. You lied to me.”

Her temper was getting up
, and several of the people in the room took a step back. It wasn’t until Lizzy stood in front of her that she started to calm. There was something so serene about her that….

“You’re with child.”
Lizzy nodded and smiled. “Oh my child, you’ve made me so happy. Does your father know?”

“No. Would you like to tell him?
Logan is afraid of him. You know, daddy seems to think we’re not having sex.” Elizabeth hugged her granddaughter to her and told her she’d be thrilled to tell the old poo. “Just wait until the moment is right, okay?”

“You mean when Logan is
nowhere near him?” Lizzy laughed and told her yes. “I will enjoy this. More than you can imagine.”

As soon as Aaron sat down with his friends and family around him
, she knew this was it. At some point Rythen had left, and she was glad. News like this was for family, and he most certainly wasn’t.

“I’d like to make an announcement.”
She looked at Aaron. “You’re so going to love me for this. Lizzy is going to make you a grandda again.”

The look on his face was something she would remember for the rest of her life.
He looked thrilled beyond words for about ten seconds. Then his face changed to one of complete fury. When he stood up, Logan did as well. The two of them were going to have to work this out, but for now, she was going to enjoy the show.

“I told you that we were having monkey sex whenever we could.”
Aaron growled at Logan, who laughed. “How on earth do you think Mac had a child? I’m pretty sure that they were having sex all the time—”

“He’s not my daughter.”
Logan laughed harder and backed up as Aaron continued. “You told me that I could trust you. You said you’d take care of her.”

“I’m pretty sure I did. A lot.
She really enjoyed herself a great deal. If you asked her, I’m sure she’d tell you the same thing. We really like sex.” Logan was still laughing when Aaron grabbed him around the throat. It wasn’t until Lizzy put her hand on her dad’s arm that he let him go.

“I’m not happy with him.”
Lizzy told her dad that she knew, but that she loved him. “That is the only reason that I’ve not murdered him.”

“But you’re going to be a grandda again.
And also, I wanted to tell you that the adoption went through. We’re going to get the four boys that I was telling you about. We will get them this afternoon.”

As Aaron hugged Lizzy and shook Logan’s hand
, all Elizabeth could think about was that there would be more children. Elizabeth felt her heart break a little, and she looked at Phillip. “We’re going to have to love them as much as we can.”

“We will anyway.
Now, no more thoughts about this thing with Rythen. We have a big family coming and we’re going to enjoy it as much as they’ll let us.” He stood up. “I think we need to go shopping. I believe a large party is set for tonight, and we’ll bring them gifts.”

The two of them left with all the family
congratulating the young couple. Mathew showed up just as they were leaving and they asked if he could go with them. Of course they said he could, and the little man was so happy he hugged them several times on the way out to the car.

What do you think of having new brothers?” Phillip smiled at Mathew when he only shrugged. “You don’t want brothers? Or do you want sisters instead?”

“Oh I guess they’ll be okay.
They’re vampires, did you know that? And one of them is older than me. Not a lot, but a few weeks.” He looked out the window as he continued. “I guess Grandda will want to spend a lot of time with him because they’re the same and all.”

“I doubt that.
He might love the new children a great deal, but you forget that you were the first one to call him that. I’m pretty sure that you and Aaron will have a very special relationship forever.” Phillip smiled. “You don’t think we’re going to spend more time with them, do you?”

“I don’t know. They’re going to live forever and I’m not.”
Elizabeth looked at Phillip, and he smiled. They needed to tell him.

“You’re going to live for a very long time as well.
We’ve…your grandmother and I have been putting a little extra in your body for months now. We did it a little at a time so no one would get upset with us. But you should live another…oh I don’t know, a few thousand years, so long as you don’t do anything stupid.” Mathew shook his head. “You don’t believe me?”

, I believe you. And I know all about it. And Mom and Dad know too. They told me you’d been supercharging me.” Mathew climbed over the seat of the limo and hugged Phillip. “I’m glad you are. I would really miss you if I had to go so soon. And Dad said that it made me special because nobody else was going to be as powerful as me. But he said I had to be careful that my juices wouldn’t kick in until I was older.”

knew that was true. What Mathew had now was enough to do some serious magic if he were to use it, but he was still human. Elizabeth hugged him to her and gave him another gift, one that would protect him for the rest of his human life. And maybe poor Duncan would be a little more relaxed as well. Phillip touched her mind as she watched the two of them together.

I’m glad you did that. It makes me feel better just knowing that he’ll be safe. We should start his training then. It would be nice for him to use this if the need came. I think he will do well with the right training. What do you think?”

Instead of answering him, she looked at Mathew.
“Starting tomorrow morning, I’d like for you to come to the castle, and Grandda and I will begin your magic training. I’m pretty sure I still have the books that your mother used. It might be fun for the three of us. And I’m pretty sure that Mel’s children can help you as well. Why, just the other day I saw little Grace making a messenger mist. You’ll need one of those as well.”

The rest of the trip to the mall was made with much speculation on what he would do first.
Mathew was such a treasure to them, as were all the children. But this little boy would hold a special place in their hearts because of his father. Logan had done so much for them.

Chapter 6


Rythen sat on his bed and thought about all that was going on.
And if he was truthful to himself he was a little afraid. When he’d returned to the castle, the woman was gone, yet her scent was everywhere. She had been back in his room and if he wasn’t mistaken, she’d managed to touch everything in there. He picked up the pillow that lay over his lap and brought it to his nose. Her scent was strongest there.

A mate.
He knew now that she was just that. A human mate was not something that he had planned for. And worse yet, she was mad at him. He glanced at the note that had been on his desk when he’d returned from the other realm and thought about what she’d said.

“Stay away from me. And if you think I’m kidding, you just try and come near me again. I’ve no more use for you than you do me. Double that. I think you’re insane as well.”

There had been nothing else other than her name.
Kim Craft. At least now he knew the name of the woman who would haunt him for the rest of his life. Moving to the window, he watched the faeries move along the darkened field. He had seen it when he’d first come to the castle and wondered about it. One of the pixies told him what had happened.

“Megan the Black did it. She had been told over and over not
to go there to do her practicing. And over the months of her not listening to anyone, she destroyed it all. The queen tried to repair it, but there was no help for it. She said that it was dead very deep and that it would be centuries before she could try again.” The little pixie moved to just the edge of the forest. “My mom worked there, as did my dad. They said it was beautiful once.”

“What happened to this Megan the Black? Was she punished?”
She smiled and nodded. “Good. There should have been a trial as well for her actions.”

There had been
, she’d told him. Not only had Megan destroyed a large field, but she had kidnapped one of the Royal court. And for that she’d been hanged. Rythen was impressed that her punishment had been just and that it had been carried out so swiftly.

Rythen walked out of the castle a few minutes later and found Draco sunning in the yard.
The smaller creatures seemed to be all over him, and when Rythen asked him why, he laughed.

“They find my warmth to be at odds with what I am.
I would guess that I’d be cold, but the sun here keeps my scales warm, and they love it.” He opened one eye and looked at him without raising his head. “You seem to be in a low kind of spirit. Perhaps you should find a sunny spot and rest it away.”

“I was thinking I need your help with something.”
Rythen pointed to the dark forest. “I can repair that but will need you to help me. I was thinking that it would be nice for the other faeries to go if they wanted. You as well.”

“I would be
honored to bring back what was lost to us. Lady Elizabeth cried for months over the destruction. She felt the loss of the faeries that had been caught in the fire as if it were her own children. There was a memorial put up in their honor that she visits daily.” Something else the pixie had told him. What an honorable and kind woman Elizabeth was.

They moved slowly to the field. Not because of the distance
, for it was only a few short miles away, but because Draco didn’t want to disturb the forest he was in. There were as many above the ground, he’d told him, as below. He had to tread softly.

“They tend to get a little upset with me when I accidently crush a tree or two. And if there is a flower that had been set for propagation, then I never hear the end of it.
No, it is better for all if I walk as if I walk on eggs.”

damage was extensive. And as they walked through the brittle ground, he wondered if he’d be able to fix it after all. When Draco said his name, Rythen looked at him.

“’Tis a great sadness here.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt something so profound before. Can you work some magic on it?” Rythen wasn’t sure, but he wanted to try. “I’ve summoned you some help. I hope you don’t mind.”

Rythen looked up to see not just Melody coming toward him
, but the rest of the family as well. Even a few of the vampires were there, as well as Tess and her mate. They looked ready to do business.

“Where do we start?”
Melody looked out over the field. “I can summon a great deal of magic from the surrounding areas, and Mom and Grandmother a bit more. These men and women have said to take from them as well.”

Logan appeared with Aaron and Sara
, and as he watched, she organized a long chain of magic with the others by having them hold hands. The power was enough to supply a very large state, but he wasn’t sure it was enough to completely heal the earth beyond them. When Duncan appeared a few minutes later getting the faeries to bring drinks and food, Rythen felt something he’d not felt in all his considerable years. He felt the power of love and friendship.

“We’ll do this. It will drain us badly
, I think, but I do believe it can be done.” He was startled to see young Mathew snapping pictures of the devastation. He wanted to see some of his work, but knew that he had to concentrate on the task at hand. Rythen looked at Elizabeth when she stepped near him. “He will record this for history?”

, and he will do a fine job of it as well.” Elizabeth put out her hand as she spoke to him. “We’re ready when you are.”

Reaching for her hand
, he nearly let her go as soon as they touched. It was as if he’d touched something electrified. When she nodded to him, Rythen looked out over the field and pulled the power being fed to him, and little by little he felt it come into him. Then Elizabeth touched his mind.

“I’m giving you it in small doses.
Too much will hurt you, and this way you won’t drain us too quickly. Let her rip when you’re ready.”
Rythen nodded and pushed the magic outward.

At first he felt nothing
, just the power running though him like he was a conduit. He knew the exact moment when someone else touched his source and it soared through him and outward like a hose. Closing his eyes, Rythen willed the forest to take what was freely offered and to use it.

He had no idea how long he had used this magic. Rythen did know that he was nearing his end when Elizabeth let go of him.
Unable to stand, he crumpled to the ground and lay there. Had anyone tried to harm him at that moment, he would have had to let them. He was as drained as he’d ever been. The glass of juice that was shoved into his hands was just what he needed, but he didn’t have the strength to lift it to his mouth. He heard someone say his name and looked up at them. Aaron.

“You’ll have to drink
this before Duncan has a fit. He said that you were to have three glasses of this vile stuff before I was to put you to bed.” The first sip of the nectar was heavenly cool. “That’s it, drink it down.”

“Did it work?”
Aaron laughed and told him he could see something but not a great deal right now. “It will take centuries to regrow.”

Aaron laughed again
, but Rythen was too weak to care. As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt his body go lax. Exhaustion seemed to not just move over him, but had taken up residence as well. Sleep claimed him immediately.


Kim tried her best to hide the bruises on her face. Josh had been so mad at her last night that she was sure he was going to kill her. She should have called and told him she was going to be late.

The truth of the matter was she’d not given him a single thought once she’d sat with those women. They had talked to her for hours
, and the time had just sped by. They had told her all sorts of things that she knew couldn’t be true, but they believed it, so she simply smiled at them. But the woman who had given her the lift home had told her the most amazing news. Elizabeth had told her that all of them had enjoyed her and wanted to get together soon. Kim had never had any female friends before, and since Josh, not even many male ones. She had missed them.

When the elevator opened
, she put her hand over her cheek to try to hide the cut. But Ms. Lizzy pulled her hand away and glared at it.

“He was most upset with me because I didn’t call and tell him I was going to be late.”
Lizzy snorted. “I should have thought about how much he’d miss me. I’m not saying it’s my fault entirely, but I was late and I didn’t call.”

ed you as a punching bag, you mean. You know that slimy bastard needs to pick a fight with me. I’ll show him what it’s like to be hit.” Kim wanted to be upset with her, but she was more embarrassed than anything. When she sat down in the chair across from her, Kim put her hands under the desk. If she saw the bruises on her arms, she might fire her.

“I’m not going to fire you.”
Kim nodded, relieved. “There are a great many things I’d like to do for you right now, but this will have to do.”

The touch was gentle and warm. As soon as Lizzy’
s fingers moved down her cheek and over her arms, she felt as if she’d been given something strong to take away the pain. When she put her hand to her cheek, Kim was startled to find that the wound there was gone, as was the pain. She looked at Lizzy and all she did was shrug.

“I need a favor from you.” Kim nodded and said anything.
“I would refrain from being so generous if I were you, but I do need some help with something. I know you had fun at the castle last night. Grandma said you might still not believe everything, but she thought you were coming around.”

Kim grinned.
“Draco gave me a ride on his back. I’ve never even been in a plane, and he took me so high. I’m not sure about the rest, but I’m not going to be as closed-minded as I once was.”

Good for you. And I’m assuming you didn’t tell the prick who hit you either?” Kim shook her head. “I didn’t think you would. And you should know that if you did tell him, he’d more than likely take something of your happiness away. Don’t let him hurt you again.”

Kim had a feeling she wasn’t just talking about the physical hurts either
, but the way he cut her down all the time. And then there was the money. She blurted out what he’d told her before he’d hit her the last few times.

“He took all my money.
I went to the bank this morning to get a money order for our rent and it’s all gone. I hadn’t even signed off on the paper saying he could get into it yet and they gave it to him.” Lizzy picked up her phone and pressed some buttons. “You’re not having him arrested, are you?”

“No, nothing that simple.
But a friend of mine can take care of the money being returned.” Lizzy started talking to a woman by the name of Miss Pete. “I’d like for you to see what you can find out about an account for me. Kim Craft had her money in one of our banks, and they let an unauthorized person take out the money.”

Ten minutes later, Lizzy hung up.
“She said to tell you that no one will get into your account again, and that the bank is going to pay your rent this month as well. It’s the least they can do. Also, you should know that as of now, your account is quite a bit more than you started with. As I said before, I need your help.”

Even though she’d been cautioned about it, she would sincerely do anything for this woman. This woman had saved her from being tossed out on her ass. The landlord had told her that if she was late again, he would have no choice but to kick her out. He was already mad that Josh was living there with her and his name wasn’t on the lease.

“You might not think so when you hear what it is.
You remember Rythen?” She nodded and felt her face heat up. The man could touch her in ways no man ever had before. “I need someone to watch over him for me. He’s…he’s ill.”

“Oh my.
Did something happen to him? It wasn’t Draco, was it? I know the dragon would never really harm anyone, and Mr. Rythen might just be out of sorts about something.”

“He’s saved a forest.”
Kim didn’t understand how that would happen, but since meeting these people, she’d been subject to a lot of things she didn’t understand. Nodding, she told her she’d watch him until he was better. Before she could ask her when she would start, Kim found herself back at the castle.

“He’s very weak
, so I don’t expect him to wake for several days.” Kim barely heard Lizzy talk…she was too busy looking at the man on the bed. “He drained himself pretty good helping out the forest, so he might be down for a while.”

“He’s very pale, isn’t he?” Kim wanted to move his hair from his brow but was afraid of waking him. He
seemed to be in such a deep sleep that he didn’t appear to be breathing. “How will he receive fluids? He will need them, won’t he?”

“He will
, but I doubt that he’ll wake enough to take them in. What I need for you to do is just to make sure that if he does wake, there is someone here to give him what he needs.” Kim looked around the large room she’d been in before when Lizzy told her that everything she needed was there. “Just go to the door there and anyone of the guards watching over this room will see that you have whatever you need. And don’t worry that they won’t have it. We can produce anything you want.”

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