The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth (17 page)

BOOK: The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth
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Marked them?” He thought about a faerie he’d seen at the castle a few times. Her name had been Honey. Her face had been cut, and he’d often wondered what had happened. “He cut into their faces so that they’d hide in the houses of the homes he sold them to.”

He told them that the way they looked someone would surely kill them. And if they died in the other world, in this world their bodies would never be returned to their families. I’ve only just located the last of the ones who hadn’t made it.”

Aaron knew that she’d not leave them behind. She was without a doubt the most wonderful person he knew.
He took her hand again and held it. Kim looked at them, and he thought about her child.

“She’s going to have a baby.”
Elizabeth nodded. He should have known she’d be aware of it. “I wonder if she will stay here with it, or will she and Rythen live in the castle?”

, I would imagine. Rythen has enlisted the help of Logan in finding a house, and Mac is helping him find a job.” She looked at him. “I don’t suppose you have an opening in one of your many endeavors, do you?”

Looking out for the son-in-law, are you?” She slapped him, and Aaron laughed. “I might. I can see him working with the women on this project better. He seems to have a hand in it already.”

He did
, too. Offering suggestions to them all and not getting the least bit upset when he was shot down. This Rythen, the man in love with his mate, was now someone he could like. Aaron was glad that the poker had been removed from his ass.

“Phillip and I are going away for a while.” Aaron started to tell her no
, that they’d miss them too much, but she continued before he could. “We need to find some time to be a couple again. It’s been too long since we’ve had a long vacation. We were thinking about a cruise around the world.”

“That would be great for the two of you.” He could see them enjoying it. He wondered if Sara might enjoy a vacation
, too. It wasn’t as if they were not able to come and go as they pleased, but it would be nice to get away. Aaron decided to plan something very soon for them. He was startled out of his planning when a very large and heavy package landed on his lap.

“It’s from Draco.” Aaron looked at Elizabeth.
“He was very fond of you for some reason, and wanted you to have this. I do believe I’m jealous. He only left me his favorite pillow.”

He thought about waiting to open it
, but Elizabeth asked him what it was. Tearing open the parchment, he stared at the contents for a long while before he threw back his head and laughed. It took him five minutes to get his mirth under control so he could tell her what it was.

“Is that…good God. He’s given you a scale?
Whatever will you do with that thing?” Aaron knew just what he was going to do with it, and was honored that he’d given it to him.

“I’m going to use it as a shield.
We’d talked long ago about how I was in the service of a great many leaders, and he told me about his armor. We would talk for hours on the subject of how his armor was superior to anything I had ever used. He said that one day he’d give me one. But to give me one then would be certain death for him. He told me how it would leave a bare spot on his body, and someone would…he was forever fanciful that a dragon slayer would come and try to take him. I think he thought it to be a great idea.”

Draco had been his friend
, and Aaron would miss him forever. But with this, this gift of his, he felt as if his heart mended just a little.

“I shall miss him.” Aaron nodded.
“Whatever will I do when I go out to the fields and not see him there?”

“We’ll have our memories.”
Elizabeth was called to settle something about the project, and Aaron watched them. This was his family. It mattered little that they were not all vampires, but they belonged to him. Mathew came to sit next to him, and Aaron knew real joy.

The other boys were coming around
, but he thought they were still afraid of him. He smiled when he thought of the trip they were taking tomorrow, and he knew it was going to go a long way toward building their trust. What child wouldn’t like to spend the day at a castle with every magical creature they’d ever heard of right there for them to see?

The love of his life came to sit near him
, and he pulled her into his lap. Aaron couldn’t believe his luck and held her all the tighter because he’d found her.

“I think we should go on a trip.” He looked at Sara when she smiled down at him.
“I was speaking to Grandmother, and she said she’d love to have us along. But I declined. I told her that we were taking one ourselves.”

“Have I told you lately how brilliant I think you are?”
She kissed his nose, and he held her. “I was thinking that we should go to France. I’m sure there are any number of things a couple of old vampires like us could get into.”

, and mostly I’d like for you to get inside of me.”
The whispered comment had his cock jump, and he stood up when she did. “What do you think? Will they even miss us?”

“I don’t care.” He picked her up once they exited the room.
Taking the stairs three at a time, Aaron hurried them to their room. Before the door was even closed behind them, he had her naked, and as soon as she touched the bed, he was inside of her. “I love coming home with you, Sara. I love you with all my heart.”

“And I you, Aaron. Forever and a day.”

About the Author


Kathi Barton, author of the bestselling series Force of Nature, lives in Nashport, Ohio with her husband Paul. In addition to writing full time Kathi likes to spend time with her eight grandkids, three children and three children-in-laws. She writes to relax and have fun.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman brings them to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi on line and drop her an email if you’d like. She loves hearing from her fans.
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