The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth (4 page)

BOOK: The Queen of All Magick: Elizabeth
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“I know you have to go back soon
, but I just need to hold you for a bit longer.” Elizabeth nodded, unable to speak at the moment. “I love you, dear. And always will. And I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too. When Logan saw that we could become human if we had a child to raise, I nearly leapt with joy.
A child was all I could think of. We should have thought of this sooner, having more children.” He nodded against her throat and she continued. “Morriganna said that we’d have a chance right now but we’d have to be careful. Rythen will not like being thwarted.”

“He won’t. I didn’t even consider what he was doing when he asked me to finish this book without interruptions.
To have me locked in here…I didn’t even try to leave until Logan contacted me. He said that it is in the contract that only you can be taken from this world.” He lifted her up and sat in a chair with her in his lap. “I won’t live without you. You’re my life, and I can’t stand the thought of living it without you by my side.”

“I know. I had thought of
his coming to me a few years ago, but dismissed it as it being too far away to think about. Then when Mathew was talking about how he’d been reading some of the older books in Aaron’s library, I thought of our own and decided to share some with him. I pulled down several books when the contract fell on the floor in front of me.” She laid her head on his shoulder as she continued. “Phillip, if this doesn’t work and we can’t have a child, I want—”

, love. Please. I love you and don’t want to think about that right now.” He put his hand over her flat belly and smiled. “I remember feeling our own Mathew growing here for the first time. He was such a good baby. I miss him daily.”

It had been over one hundred and fifty years since he’d died.
Mathew had gotten something that had made him ill from earth and had died a few weeks later. There had been a human woman, Dawn, that had given birth to his child, and she’d never told anyone. It was only by chance that they’d found Sara and had brought her to the family.

“Do you suppose we’ll survive the human world?”
His humor made her smile. “There are things there that frankly scare the pants off me.”

She shifted on his
nakedness and grinned at him when he moaned. “You seem to have a handle on it right now. I think we should make sure we did it right once more before I go.”

He turned her on his lap and lifted her up. When Phillip lowered her onto his cock
, she looked at him, surprised. This was something he’d never done either. When his fingers gripped her hips, pulling her forward and back, she got the hang of it and started to ride him. Every time her clit touched his pelvis, she felt her center start to build again.

“Phillip, please, I need to come
again.” He slid his fingers down her body to her pussy and pressed his thumb against her every time she rolled forward. As soon as she came again, he pulled her tight against him and took her mouth. When she cried out again, coming hard against him, she felt his cum fill her again. She wondered if she’d ever be able to move after this. Closing her eyes, she laid on his shoulder as tremor after tremor took her. When she settled finally, he lifted her chin up with his fingers.

It’s time.” Nodding, she stood up and reached for her clothes. Tears threatened to overflow from her eyes, and she tried hard to not let them go. She didn’t want their last few minutes together after what they’d just shared to be sad. When he said her name, she turned and looked at him.

“I’ve made this for you to give to Mel. It’s memories of all our live
s together. Even if we can make it out of this, we might not have those, and I’d very much like for someone to have them.” Taking them, she put the thick book to her heart and held it there. When he kissed her good-bye, she turned to leave. Turning at the door, she looked at him.

“I love you with all my heart.” He nodded.
“I will never forget you. Ever. If this doesn’t work, you’ll be the last person I think of and will forevermore be in my heart.”

Elizabeth left him before he could speak.
Her heart was breaking, and she thought he knew it. Finding the way back nearly got her lost twice, but finally she was at the opening, where the Fates were waiting.

“Don’t tell me. I already know.”
They all nodded. “There was no child conceived today. But we all knew it was a long shot. I even think Phillip knows.”

“He does. I’m so sorry, my lady. I had hoped that…
.” Lachesis turned away from her before finishing. “He is a good man, your mate. I wish that I had news that I could share with you.”

So did Elizabeth.
But she knew that asking them anything would get her nowhere. They had their secrets just as she did. And moving along the corridor to the outside, she took a deep breath before turning to them.

“Can you at least tell me if he dies with me?”
None of them would look at her, and she turned back to her walking. “I swear there are times when I want to smack you all. I wonder if there will ever be a time when I get a straight answer from you.”

“No. And if you did, you’d not believe us.”
Atropos walked beside her as her sisters moved back. “There is something I can tell you. Things are not as bad as they seem. Your granddaughter, Lizzy, she is with child. Did you know that she will have a great leader someday? And that she will rule the vampires with her mate until all is well with them?”

“Yes. You told me that before.”
Elizabeth turned to look at her when she stopped walking. “You want to tell me something, but I have a feeling that you’re going to make me work for it.”

“I will.”
Elizabeth would have gladly zapped her but was afraid she’d only harm herself. “And you would be correct. You don’t want to harm me, Elizabeth the queen. You want things from me that you know that I cannot give you. But there are some things…things that will need your help to come to fruition.”

“Such as?”
Clotho walked up to her and took her hand. “You’re going to take me now?”

“What a thing to ask.
I do not want you gone at all. Now pay attention. I can only say this to you one time. You will have all you want if you give him what he least expects.” Elizabeth waited for more but nothing was forthcoming. “Understand?”

Elizabeth wanted to stomp her foot. “Do you have any idea how many men I know that want something that they least expect? I don’t suppose you could give me a hint as to who this might be?”

“You know.”
Elizabeth growled at Lachesis. “You do that as well as Aaron the king of Vamps. I wonder if he taught you.”

Elizabeth started walking again. Her time was running short and she was so frustrated right now that if she started to argue with the Sisters Three she’d be
there for centuries. Or at least until her time was up. Was it really only twelve more days?

She was back in her chamber when she let go of her tears. It was going to end this way
, and the sooner she got used to the idea the better. Going to her bed, she decided that a nap was in order and closed her eyes. But all she saw behind her lids was the family she was going to miss more than anything. It was time to tell them good-bye.

Chapter 4


Rythen sat in the chair for a long time after his meeting with Logan.
The man refused to sign off on this. Not that he blamed him, but he needed to have his signature on this or things would have to go a different route. Who would have thought that a powerful queen such as Elizabeth had been would have so many people so loyal to her. Not even the beings at the castle had a bad thing to say about her, and apparently Mel, the current queen, was just as wonderful.

“No one can be that good. I never meant for her to be thought of this way.” He looked around when Aaron cleared his throat. “I’m thinking aloud. Is that not something that is done here?”

“Sure it is,” he told him. “But usually he does it when there isn’t a room full of people. What’s eating at you?”

And that was another thing. The sayings.
Nothing was eating at him, and he felt the overwhelming urge to produce something and have it chew on his leg for a bit. But he doubted that anyone would see the humor in it. No one here seemed to like him overly much.

“I’m upset that I cannot get young Logan to do what I need for him to do.
And then there is the added fact that I don’t understand this world at all. You had that man arrested. He was skimming money. I have no idea what that term means.”

Aaron sat down across from him and smiled. He had several smiles
, Rythen noticed, and each of them had a different meaning. This one, Rythen thought, said “you’re not a very bright man so I’ll explain things to you so you can understand.” Rythen thought that this one irritated him the most.

“I can have my grandson get you a copy of the
urban dictionary. Some of the things we say have a great many definitions and a few that are off the wall funny.” Rythen doubted it would help and told him so. “Your loss then. Why is it important that Logan sign off on the contract?”

That was
another thing he didn’t like…the rapid change of subject. Could these people not wait until one conversation was finished before starting another? Apparently not. Rythen looked at the men in the room still there and wondered how such a group of men, most of them older by far than Logan, could get along so well.

“He is the Keeper of Secrets.
And as such he cannot tell anyone what the contract says.” He looked at Aaron when he didn’t say anything. “It is his job to do such, yet he tells me no as if he has a choice.”

“He does.
Elizabeth and Phillip granted him and my daughter that title, and with it they gave him free will. With that, they can tell you to fuck off or not.” Rythen had been told to fuck off too. Several times just today. Aaron laughed as he continued. “I love my new son-in-law, and more so because he’s shit in your oatmeal so soundly.”

Rythen didn’t even ask. What would be the point?
Aaron would make fun of him and he’d be upset more than he was now. Rythen thought of another tactic to get the younger man to sign off. But before he could think it through, Sara moved into the room as silent as a breath.

“You do and I will tear you apart.”
Aaron stood up and took his wife into his arms. Rythen wanted to believe it was because he loved her, but he had a feeling he was saving his life.

“I was only thinking it. I would never have…
.” She glared at him, and Rythen flushed. “It would work. I would only hold them captive until he put his name on the lines where I need them. The young man would think it an adventure.”

You’ll still be in a world of hurt.” Aaron watched him as Sara continued. “He thought to take them hostage until Logan did as he wants. And his idea of hostage would be holding them apart and telling them that the other was dead. He is no longer welcome in our home.”

“You would have done that?”
Rythen shook his head, then nodded at Aaron. “You worthless piece of shit. I should run you through for such a thought. To think that you would make them suffer to get what you want. What sort of man are you?”

“A being that is used to getting what he wants.”
Rythen stood up. “I’m going to the castle. You people are not what I expected when I came here. I thought you’d be well and truly ready to get rid of her. She was supposed to keep everyone in line, not be their friend.”

“And that makes her a bad person in your eyes?”
Rythen looked back at the man he’d been introduced to. Bradley Wolff, alpha and leader of the largest pack of wolves in the world, stood waiting for him to answer.

“I’ve seen what a person who has no authority can do to a realm. She has let things slide.”
He flushed when Aaron snorted at him. There had been nothing showing that she’d been anything but an outstanding ruler, and her children were just like her. “You’ve no idea what will happen when there is no one to stand up to the bad as well as the good.”

Ah. So you think you have the market cornered on seeing what happens when rulers don’t do their job. I see. And how is it that I run such a successful pack? Do you suppose it’s because I kill all that go against me? I wouldn’t have much of a following if I did that. Or do you think that I too, rule my people with a light hand?” Bradley sat down, but it didn’t look to Rythen as if he were relaxed. He looked more poised to leap as he waited for an answer.

“I don’t know
what you’re talking about.” But he did, and he was sure the wolf knew it. “I’m talking about the kingdom of Molavonta and all the magic within.” Bradley nodded and smiled. “You don’t expect me to believe that you care to compare that world with your own?”

“I do.
And you should know that as a leader, I have taken my cues from the people I respect. And one of them is Elizabeth. What do you suppose would have happened had she been a harsh ruler as you think she should be? Do you think that her having so many loyal friends, that they would have come to her defense? And if you think that Logan is giving you no help, don’t even come to my pack house again. There will be no one there to save your ass this time.”

Rythen wanted to rub his leg where there had been long bites taken from him.
The female alpha, Aric, had told him that he’d be better off leaving on his own, but he’d tried to reason with her to get Logan’s help. The sixteen or so shifters that had been there had attacked him within seconds of him demanding that she see him. He was sure the only thing that had kept them from hurting him more was her shrill whistle. Rythen left by way of magic before they could attack again.

Rythen left the office in favor of his chamber at the castle.
But as soon as he entered, a guard was stationed at his doorway. He reached for Mel to ask her why he was being held prisoner.

“You’re not. I’m putting my men there to keep you safe. As of right now there are a great many of my subjects that would enter that room and try to murder you. And believe it or not, it was hard for me to find guards that would watch over you.
Imagine that.”

He felt a surge of anger wash over him. Rythen wanted to scream at her that this was her fault
, but he knew that he was the one doing this. They all loved his creation, but it was out of his hands. The contract was to be fulfilled or he’d look the fool.

Rythen paced his bedchamber for an hour before he finally sat down. In eleven days now he was going to have to end the life of someone that had
meant—and still meant—the world to him. He actually thought about doing it sooner but knew that if he tried, he’d be signing away any privileges that he had now. Few that they were.

He was going to have to figure out a way to make these people see reason. Perhaps he should talk to Aaron again. The man had been around for the longest
, and he would see reason…at least Rythen hoped he would. But maybe not after he found out what he’d been thinking about his grandson.


Kim was coming back from her break when she saw the man. He’d been there before, but this time she had a feeling he was lost rather than looking for someone. She walked up behind him and touched his shoulder. He turned so quickly that she nearly fell over. But he caught her before she could fall. It was the first time she’d been close enough to smell him. And boy oh boy did he smell good.

Being held in his arms was amazing
too. She wasn’t sure what she had expected from a man this tall, but he was looking down at her with such intensity that she felt herself flush. He even cupped her closer to him when she started to move back.

“Mr. Rythen, perhaps you should let me go.”
He nodded but didn’t move. When she started to push him back, she felt his cock as it thickened on her thigh.

“You’re very lovely.”
Nodding, she pushed a little harder on his chest and found the hard muscles there almost too good to be true. “I would very much like to kiss you.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I have a boyfriend and he gets very jealous of me being touched by other men.”
Mr. Rythen nodded but still held her. “You really need to let me go.”

“Please, just a small kiss.”
Before she could tell him no again, his mouth brushed over hers in the most gentle of touches. And when he did it again, it was all Kim could do not to run her fingers into his hair and pull him back. As he lowered his head to hers a third time, she had a moment to think about what the others had said about him being something of an oddity, and wondered if she was going to get fired over this. Then his mouth took hers.

There was no simple kiss in the way his mouth moved over hers.
He didn’t just kiss her so much as taste her and take everything she had. When his tongue moved over her lips, she felt as if she had no choice but to allow him entrance, and moaned when his heat entered her mouth. Kim decided that her boyfriend could go to hell; this was what a real man felt like. When something hard touched her, she moaned again when he rocked his hard shaft into her pussy.

“You’re not supposed to be here.”
She nodded, not having a clue what he was talking about. “I’ve waited centuries for you, and now that you’re here, you’re not what I can have.”

“I want you to take me.” She nearly cried out when he lifted his head from her
throat, and whimpered when he rocked into her again and again. “Please, you’re making me ache doing this. Just take me.”

, I would love to, but someone is coming down the hall.” He pulled back from her and held her until she was steady. “You’re very delicious. What I wouldn’t give to take you back to my chambers and ravish every inch of you.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to do it
, but she saw her boss at his door. She wondered how much he’d seen. When Mr. Rythen turned, she realized that Logan had seen a great deal, and he was not happy about it.

“So, you’ve decided to seduce my help in order to get what you want?”
For some reason that hurt her more than she could say. Moving away from both men, she made her way to the bathroom to repair the damage she was sure Mr. Rythen had done to her. Looking in the mirror, Kim was shocked to see just how much he’d mussed her up.

Not only was her hair mussed up
, her blouse was pulled from her skirt and her buttons on the top were undone. He’d done that while he’d been kissing her? Trying to straighten her clothing, she nearly screamed when someone came out of the stalls. The beautiful woman there merely smiled at her as she washed her hands.

“You’re the one. The one I’m to give him that he doesn’t know he needs.”
Kim shook her head, not really sure what Ms. Elizabeth was talking about as she continued. “He kissed you and nearly made love to you in a matter of seconds. Has that ever happened to you before?”

, and it won’t again. He…I don’t know what happened out there, but…how did you know?” Kim felt her body heat again at the thought of what the two of them had nearly done and shivered. “Never mind. I don’t care. I have a boyfriend and he’s going to ask me to marry him soon. And when he does, all the other things going on with him will stop.”

He’d told her that he was stressed with not having a job. And her mistake last night had been to point out that he’d not been looking very hard for one.
His fist had come out so quickly that she’d had no time to dodge it. He’d hit her in the side of the head so hard that she’d seen stars. Next time, she told herself, she’d learn to keep her mouth shut.

“You think that will solve things?
You keep your mouth shut a great deal, my dear, yet he still uses you as a punching bag. And if you marry him, you think it will make things better between the two of you?” Ms. Elizabeth put her hand near where Josh had hit her, and the pain seemed to dissipate instantly. “It will only get worse if you stay with him. And I think you know it.”

Shaking her head
, Kim felt the tears as they filled her eyes. This woman didn’t know what she was talking about. There was no way she was going to marry a man like her father had been. Looking in the mirror once more, she decided that she’d done all she could about her appearance. Moving to the door, she stopped when Ms. Elizabeth said her name softly.

“He’ll kill you if you stay
, Kim Craft. This I will promise you. Mark my words. If you continue to think that he loves you and that when he hits you it is somehow your fault, he will kill you because you have allowed him to.” Kim didn’t bother answering her but went out.

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