The Pussy Trap (22 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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“What’s the matter?” he asked between kisses.


“I don’t think I’m ready for all this yet.”


“You feel ready,” he managed to get out. He put his hand up her shirt and started to kiss and suck her neck and in one move, he was on top of her.


“Terrance, I can’t do this.”


“We ain’t doing anything but kissing.” He lifted her shirt and sucked on her nipple.


“Ssssss . . . you have to stop.” He ignored her and slid his hand between her legs. That must have freaked her out because she grabbed his hand and moved back.


“What’s the matter? Why you stop me? I thought we were having fun.”


“I can’t go there with you.”


“Talk to me. What’s up? You ain’t got no man, do you?”


“No. I just . . .” She was scared to continue.


“Just what?” Terrance stared at her, anticipating what bone was going to fall out her closet. She sat up, pulled her shirt down, looked him in the eyes and said, “I have never given myself to a man before.”


Terrance looked at her like she was an alien. “You’re a virgin?”


“There are still virgins out here. They’re not an endangered species. But that's not what I'm saying. I said I never gave myself to a man before. There is a difference.” As she tried to get up, Terrance grabbed her arm. He needed to know what it was she was trying to say.


“Talk to me,” Terrance said, concerned.




“Nah ma, if it’s something I should understand about you then I want to know.”


Star took a deep breath and recounted that fucked up night that changed her life forever. Then she started to pour her soul out to Terrance.


“I was sixteen and started to hang out with these three girls from the local college because I was taking a class that transferred into college credits while still in high school. One weekend, they invited me to a party, so I got all dressed up and they picked me up and drove way out to Compton to this guy’s house. It was filled with all kinds of suspect looking guys, smoking and drinking. People were yelling and playing domino’s and cards. Girls were posted up dancing nasty and allowing dudes to feel all over them—putting their hands up their dresses and feeling all over their breasts. I knew at that moment that I had come into a situation that was way out of my league. The so-called “innocent” college girls I had been studying and hanging with instantly turned into first class whores. They walked over to this dude named Sisco and grabbed the bottle of Hennessey out his hand and started to guzzle it down. I wanted to run right then, but I had no idea where I was, and lied to my mom so I sure didn’t want to call home.


‘Janet grabbed my arm and said, ‘Girl loosen up. Get a drink and have some fun.’ She pulled me along to a bar where some guy was making drinks and yelled over the music, ‘Give me a rum and coke.’


‘I don’t drink. I’ll just take the soda.’ I tried to inform her but she shot that down.


‘Girl please, this is a big girl party. You’re out with the big girls so act like it.’


“Then Janet forced the drink in my hand. I took a couple of sips and immediately got sick. I ran down the hall to the bathroom and threw up. I washed my face and when I got back to the living room, my girls were gone. I was dizzy and disorientated. This guy asked me if I wanted to lie down then led me to a room. Then next thing I know I was being undressed. His hands and mouth were all over me. I wanted to get up, but I couldn’t move. He undressed and put on a condom before I could regain my composure. Then without patience or care, that nigga took the most innocent part of me. Without permission, he took my virginity. I just lay there in pain and cried. I waited for the pause in the music then I yelled out. At first, no one came, then Karl came busting in the room. We only had one class together and hardly spoke, but he liked me and saw me being led into the room. He came right in time and pushed the guy off me and helped me up and took me home. We have been friends ever since.” Star wiped the tear that ran down her face.


“I have been trying to focus on school. And I never wanted some lame talking about me with his friends. So I’ve just been saving it for someone I feel really deserves me. I started not to give you the time of day, but it’s something about you.” she smiled.


Terrance kissed her again and then said, “It’s like that? In that case I can wait.”


“Who said you were the one who deserves it?” She smiled.


“Oh, don’t worry. By the time I get done with you, you’re going to be begging me to take it.” He said trying to lighten the mood.


“You are a trip.” Star lay across his lap. Terrance rubbed her hair and looked down at the woman he was now developing feelings for. He could definitely make her his number one.


For the rest of the night, they just talked and laughed. Then he pulled out around 1 a.m. The block was calling.


Over the next couple weeks, he came over faithfully. He always made sure she had everything she needed. He had started spending the night and had bought her a king-size bed and all kinds of new shit for her apartment. Their relationship was growing and as Terrance saw it, everything was right on schedule because he was going to be the first one she gave herself to.







Chapter 20

Taking Chances



Star and her best friend Sha’Reese and a white classmate named Lindsey from college were sitting at an outside café in LA having lunch when the infamous Terrance became the topic of conversation.


“So what’s going on with you and your little thug?” Lindsey asked.


Star was taken off guard because she had not talked about Terrance with anyone but Sha’Reese. She thought very carefully about how to answer. “I have someone I’m interested in.” Then she got quiet and looked at Sha’Resse over her glasses.


“Bitch, don’t look at me like that. Shit I shared, is that a crime? We just want to know if you getting that ass spanked,” She blurted out then laughed hard.


“Shut up.” Star threw the straw paper at Sha’Reese. “Everybody is not like you.”


“Whatever, bitch, just give up the dirt.”


“There isn’t anything to tell. He is a perfect gentleman. He treats me very nice and we are taking it slow,” Star said in a low tone, as if she was trying to convince herself that her words were true.


“I heard he was a killah,” Lindsey said nonchalantly.


“Where did you get that from?” Star asked. Sha’Reese was all ears.


“Weeell. I don’t really know for sure, but I overheard his name being mentioned when I went to see Tyrese. And from what I hear he is a boss on the streets.” Lindsey was the Kim Kardashian type—hooked on that black dick. She spent more time in the hood than the average sister.


Star was now getting agitated; she breathed in and out real hard and sucked her jaws in as she tapped her fork on the side of her plate. Up until this point, she was in denial about how he made his money. She knew he spent dough like water, but she didn’t really question it because she was so blinded by the way he treated her. Star sat there with Sha’Reese and Lindsey staring at her. She felt like a kid being questioned by her parents.


“We are not going to talk about this right now,” Star said.


“Shit, ain’t no time like the present. I see y’all getting serious and I know you ain’t no hood chick. I just want you to be sure this is a chance you want to take,” Sha’Reese said.


“Look, I know what I’m doing. We are just taking it slow.” Star tried to assert herself.


“Well, I hear he got a lot of females on his dick,” Lindsey said. Sha’Reese busted out laughing. It always cracked her up when white girls talked hood.


“Well, I’m not on his dick. So I wouldn’t know,” Star said and sucked her teeth.


“Bitch please, stop the innocent act. You know you want to fuck just like everybody else. Be trying to play the good girl roll, and your ass is going to be turned the fuck out when you finally stop being scared and give that fine nigga some ass,” Sha’Reese said.


“Your mouth is so filthy. Let’s act like we are educated women,” Star said with her face torn up.


“You didn’t give him none yet?” Lindsey asked.


“No. Is that a crime? I want to make sure the time is right,” she said. Star moved around in her seat feeling very uncomfortable.


“Shit. Hell yeah, it’s a crime. I seen what that nigga is working with when he came out the room that day with his pants open. Plus, when I stayed the night, I heard you in there calling for Jesus, and if he can make you moan like that and it’s no dick involved, I know he is going to have you climbing the walls. Plus, remember this. All that good dick ain’t going to waste cause the strongest and most in love nigga ain’t just eating no pussy. At some point, he is going to want to slide in something wet and it ain’t no gotdamn shower,” Sha’Reese said, eyes rolling and moving her neck and high-fiving Lindsey. And as always, she sat there, laughed and turned red. She enjoyed how they would go back and forth.


“Whatever! That’s why I got all I have and you’re always at my house and riding in my car and borrowing money off me that he gives me ‘cause I don’t have to work. And how many times a week you fucking?” It got real quiet. “Oh. I thought so,” Star shot back then she high-fived Lindsey.


“Bitch please, I fuck because I like to. See, there’s two types of fuck.” She had everybody’s attention. “It’s a need to fuck and a want to fuck. He got them both. That sexy muthafucka needs to fuck. But he wants to fuck you. But you are playing with the pussy, being a fucking tease. All I’m saying is how long you think that nigga is going to take a tease before his needs catch up with his wants?” Star looked at her. “You take heed to what I say. Laugh now. Cry later,” she said in her slave voice. They all started to crack up.


“You are so stupid with your so-called dickology,” Star said, turning her attention to her salad.


But in the back of Star’s mind, she knew that Sha’Reese was right. Some nights, Terrance would come in tired as hell and smelling like some woman’s perfume. One night, she had even noticed a few scratches on his back. Then there were the codes that would come into his phone by text that would make him smile and lead to the nights that he would not come back over. But shit, she couldn’t say anything; she wasn’t giving up any pussy. And at some point, she would have to stop all this scared shit and let him give her what she had heard about from so many of her girls called ‘the good shit.’



New York Bound



Terrance got out his car in front of the bar and grill and walked inside. He had a meeting with this guy named Boobie who was setting shit up for him to go to New York. Terrance didn’t just want to take a trip. He wanted to take over.


Terrance walked over to the bar, ordered a shot of Patron, and stood waiting for Boobie. When he showed up, he was all about business. He had Terrance’s description so he came right over to him.


“You ready to make this trip or what?” he asked. “Let me have a double of whatever he’s drinking,” he said to the bartender.


“Did you make the connection with the head guy out there?”


“Yeah, it’s all set up. But the question is, are you ready?”


“Fuck kinda question is that. I came to you.” Terrance was getting agitated with his line of questioning.


“Nigga, don’t get all out of pocket. This my reputation on the line.” Boobie looked at him with a screwed face. “It is going to take a couple weeks to set everything in motion. I’ll hit you with the final plan in a couple of days.”


“A’ight,” Terrance replied, then he walked off.


Terrance hopped in his car, turned up his music, and drove off. All he could think was this is going to be a hell of a move. He didn’t know anybody out East, and really he would be going on the word of this nigga he really didn’t know. He drove, contemplating for a while then said, “Fuck it, I’m in too deep. Turning around now would be pussy. I’m about to show these East coast niggas how the West gets down.” He picked up his phone and dialed Star. After three rings, she answered.


“Hello,” she said, sounding half-asleep.


“What’s up, pretty girl? Did I wake you?” he asked.

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