The Pussy Trap (24 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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Kayson opened the bottle of Jagermeister and poured some on the grave before taking some to the head. “Happy birthday Unc.” He said then took another swig.


“I know it’s been a while since I came to visit you.” He managed to say with his head hung low. “I just didn’t know what to say.” He paused as a tear fell from his eye. He reached up and caught it with the back of his hand before it rolled all the way down his face. “I let you down. I fucked up.” The words left his mouth and a sharp pain hit his heart. He wanted to hold back his tears but he couldn’t, they began to come one after another. He took his arm and wiped it across his face and nose then took another long drink.


“You were like a dad to me. Thank you.” Kayson went to one knee and placed his hand on the tombstone then ran his fingers over the letters.


“I can’t believe it’s been six years. A lot of things have changed. For one, I’m rich than a muthafucka.” he said then chuckled. His uncle always stressed the importance of stacking his money and having a future, “Because this shit don’t last forever.” He would say every time he saw Kayson buying something big. Kayson poured a little more liquor out then stood up. Taking another deep breath, he said, “Save me a spot.”


Kayson poured the remains out then sat the bottle up against the headstone and turned to walk away. He turned back with a smile, “Oh yeah, I met one. She fine as hell. I know you said don’t get fucked up. Too late I think a nigga feeling that ‘L’ word.” He put his head down and shook it, “Don’t laugh nigga. It was bound to happen.” He paused. “Rest easy.” Kayson turned walking towards his car listening to the leaves crunch under his feet; he felt a little better with every step. A smile came across his face and just as he reached the car the sun begun to shine bright. He looked up at the clouds and said, “I love you too Unc.” He grabbed his car handle, jumped in his car, and drove off.






Kayson pulled up to the side of the Hudson River where he would meet Edwin. He sat in his truck thinking about how long he had known Edwin had raped his mother. When Kayson was eighteen, his uncle was killed over some gambling debt. Kayson had handled the niggas responsible for that, but his uncle’s connect refused to work with anyone else in the crew.


This event forced Kayson to find his own connections. Edwin always propositioned him, but because he hated the man’s guts, he never took him up on his deal. However, his uncle’s misfortune would prove to be a very fortunate situation for him. He befriended Edwin and put a plan into action. Carefully, he plotted Edwin’s demise many days and nights. While he sat at the same table with this heartless rapist, he thought of pulling out his nine and just doing him right there, but he figured he would let him suffer long and slow.


When Kayson was twenty, he created a riff between the Russians and Edwin’s older sons, which ended in bloodshed. Then he took joy in watching him suffer day in and day out. Edwin would come to him and talk about the plans he had for his sons and how he was ready to walk away and leave it all to them and was robbed of that. Kayson would think to himself, yeah, just like you robbed my mom of her dignity. Edwin had one last hope, his youngest son, Raul. Until he was mature enough, Edwin had given a lot of control to Kayson, saying he was like a son to him. However, all that did was allow Kayson to get close to him to find out what he needed to know to destroy him. Being the wise individual he was, he took the opportunity and ran with it, getting his hands into all kinds of business. All the while, waiting for the opportune moment to make him pay with the life of his youngest son and then his own life.


Kayson was brought out of his daydream by Edwin’s headlights. He turned off his car, walked over to Edwin’s Benz, and got in. The sorrow and pain was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.


“So how you making out these days?” Kayson broke the silence.


“I feel like someone pulled my heart out, cut it up, and then poured hot pepper and alcohol on it then put it back in my chest,” Edwin said in his thick Spanish accent.


“Damn. How is the wife?”


“Shit, I wish I could take her pain and bear mine and hers. She cries all day. She can’t eat or sleep. She said she just wants to die and be with her sons.” A tear rolled down his face as Kayson sat thinking, well; she is getting ready to feel more pain. After tonight, she will spend the rest of her days in sorrow and agony.


“Well, here is the last of the money that I owe you. I'm getting out. I have something else I need to concentrate on.” Kayson handed him a small attaché case.


As Edwin put his hand out to take the money, he said, “Well, I wish you well. I just hope that you will still come around and see an old man. You are all I have left.”


Is this muthafucka serious? Kayson thought. “Only time will tell,” he responded.


They sat silently in the car looking out at the city over the river. A hooker came over to them knocking on the window, trying to solicit them. Edwin rolled the window down and stared at the long caramel legs on her. “No thank you, Mommie,” he said, handing her a yard. “Be safe,” he told her.


“Come on, daddy, at least let me earn it. Maybe I can do you both. I can’t go home to my daddy without more money.”


“Look, I gave you something. Now get the fuck on.”


The woman looked at him with pain in her eyes. She said, “No means no, muthafucka!” Then filled his chest with some hot shit.


Kayson jumped out then ran over to the woman. She slowly looked up at him and said, “Thank you, son. It’s over now.”


Kayson nodded. His mother grabbed the money and they jumped in his car and pulled off. They had successfully killed all his sons and allowed him to live to feel the pain, and took him out leaving his wife a childless widow. Not to mention all his connects were now with Kayson making him $10 million richer in just a few hours. He could move on, leaving the bad memories of Edwin behind.


When Kayson got home, he showered and crawled up next to KoKo and held her tightly in his arms. “Sleep well, baby. We have a flight to Vegas in the morning.”


“Vegas? What’s in Vegas?”


Kayson smiled. “Just get some sleep. Everything will all be clear in the morning.”


KoKo and Kayson arrived in Las Vegas and were greeted by Mr. Lu Chi's assistant. When they got to his penthouse suite in the MGM Grand Hotel, KoKo couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. She was excited about the lights and view of the city from the huge windows. Kayson could see the childlike excitement in her eyes. He smiled. They sat down and then he whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry we have one, too.”


KoKo started to smile. “You get on my nerves,” she responded.


When they looked up, Mr. Lu Chi entered the room. Kayson got up and gave him the proper greeting. They sat down to talk. He introduced KoKo to him and he was a little thrown off that a man of his caliber would have a woman running things. Mr. Lu Chi was old school, so a woman being in charge was beyond his comprehension. However, he proceeded. Once the meeting was over, KoKo's head was swimming with questions and confusion. All this time, she had thought that all Kayson did was deal drugs, when in fact it was all a front to wash Mr. Lu Chi's counterfeit money operation. Kayson would make major purchases from top distributors then sell the dope and turn clean money over to Mr. Lu Chi for half the profit. So in reality, he was getting free dope, cutting it up and flipping it, then turning half the money over to Mr. Lu Chi. Only to get half of that back as well as whatever the streets were making on the cut down. Sheeiit, that was brilliant.


As KoKo got into the elevator she asked, “Does anyone else know about this?”


Kayson put his finger up to his lips to hush her up. Then he placed her up against the elevator wall and kissed her lips and her neck, his favorite spot. He whispered in her ear, “Don't talk about shit in here. These Vegas cats can see and hear everything.” He continued to kiss her, slid his hand between her thighs, and began rubbing in her wetness.


“I thought you said they can see everything,” KoKo moaned.


“I did, so let’s give them a little show.” With that, he slid the enforcer out of his zipper, lifted KoKo up a little, and went to work. He pressed the button to several floors to slow them down from getting to the bottom. Knowing they only had a short time, he went right for her spot. The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, and a young white couple got in just as KoKo was climaxing.


“Ahhhh . . .” KoKo moaned holding him tight.


“Mmmmm . . . Damn, baby,” Kayson said just as the couple got on and went to the opposite corner, looking on in amazement. KoKo looked up at him with glossy eyes as Kayson placed himself back in his pants and slowly pulled down KoKo's dress. She, unlike him was embarrassed as hell and failed to make eye contact with the other couple. However, he was smiling from ear to ear then planted a few kisses on her lips.


“Why you looking like that?”


KoKo looked at him like, are you serious? “You keep me in some bullshit,” she said.


“Yeah, that may be true, but as DMX said, ‘I will keep you with a smile and walking funny.’” All she could do was laugh.


The elevator doors opened. They exited and headed toward the limo, and then to their suite to finish what they started.


For the next year, KoKo had been all over the States making connections and meeting people. She now had a new respect for what he did. Kayson and KoKo were becoming thicker than thieves. He had never had feelings for a woman that could compare to the way he felt about KoKo and was definitely not trying to let her go anywhere. KoKo was almost nineteen and had matured into a brilliant businesswoman, not to mention a trigger finger to match, making her a double threat. Everywhere he took her, people would fall in love with her and she made his trips easier. However, he didn’t want her overseas. It was time for him to renegotiate deals with his overseas connects, so he sent her home to check on things and get a little break from all those road trips and she was glad for it. He dropped her off at the airport and said, “Love you, baby. I'll see you in a couple days.”


KoKo kissed him. “Be careful, baby. Love you, too.” With that, he headed to the international airport and she headed to domestic.








Chapter 23

If a Bitch can’t keep her Mouth Shut, Close it for her!





Wednesday night, KoKo was feeling a little bored just sitting in the house so she decided to hit the club with Aldeen and Wise. They had been trying to see her, so when they called and invited her out, she took them up on their offer. She got dressed and headed out. When she got there, she saw all of them sitting in a booth and it appeared that they were having much fun. She walked right over to them.


“What’s up, my niggas?” She gave each one some dap.


“What’s up, sis?” The boss let you out to play,” Baseem said.


“Oooooohhhh,” everyone chimed in.


“Shut the fuck up. You know who wears the pants around here,” she said, reaching for the blunt in Aldeen’s hand.


“Yeah, okay, don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.” He took the blunt from her.


“Stop playing. I came out to have a good time. Shit, I’m still the same KoKo,” she said, trying to get in the booth.


“Damn KoKo, you’re going to be blocking and shit,” Baseem said sarcastically.


“No I’m not. Y’all can still try to fuck these drippy pussy bitches, and if they get out of line, I can run in their mouth. Now shut up and pass me something to smoke.”


Then they all said, “Yeah, same old KoKo.” They sat there reminiscing and laughing and tossing drinks back. The bitch from Kayson’s party came over to the table with her two little running partners.


“Hey guys, what’s up?”


“Nothing, ma. What y’all up to?” Aldeen responded. Everyone else just looked at Dee Dee. No one in Kayson’s immediate crew liked her. Kayson tried to use her for a mission, but she got all caught up in the mark and backed out at the last minute, costing them millions. The only reason Kayson kept her around was because she could handle her business with the little shit he put her on, but as for major jobs, she could not be trusted.


“We are just out trying to unwind.” She kept eye contact with KoKo since she had heard that Kayson was sweet on her and she was now the recipient of all that good dick. She was not pleased. Aldeen could feel the tension building between them and thought it best to dismiss the ladies before shit got ugly.

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