Lust in Space Stranded

BOOK: Lust in Space Stranded
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Lust in Space:





By Erika Rios


*** WARNING ***

This book contains graphic depictions of sex between persons, aliens, and machines, which may offend some audiences.  This book is intended for mature audiences 18 years of age and older (or as allowed by your local laws).  All characters in this book who are engaging in sexual activity are 18 years of age or older.


This book may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of its author and/or publisher.  Excerpts from this book may be used explicitly for review purposes only.















Copyright © 2014 Hot Girl Media.

All Rights Reserved.




To a very special lady-friend of mine.

You know who you are… my sweet, sexy, soccer mom.



~ Erika


Table of Co


Chapter 1: There, Now Back

Chapter 2: Lust and the Robot

Chapter 3: GTFO!

Chapter 4: Bumps and Bruises… and Lust

Chapter 5: Fucking and Fucked




Hello readers!  It’s Erika! I’ve been mulling over some very naughty stories to share with you all. It’s been very difficult to decide which series to do but after some serious thinking, I’ve decided to bring you something a little different in a series I call
Lust in Space

Lust in Space
follows two women astronauts, Commander Lita McHenry and Lt. Commander Nikki Wilson. They are on a deep-space transport mission in the
DSS Freeman
, to resupply one of Earth’s furthest planetary colonies. It can get lonely in space for a woman, or two women, especially when they are three years from Earth.

I bet you can’t guess what happens! Of course they fuck! This is, after all, erotica! And when you are in space, what else do you think could happen? Aliens! That’s right! Our sexy, space vixens have a close encounter of the hot kind with some tentacle, tribal-like space aliens.

I won’t give you any more than that. Who doesn’t like a good, tantalizing story about aliens and women and tentacles? I know I do. It took me a while to write it because I kept having to stop and play with myself. It’s hard to be a writer sometimes!

So buckle up and hang on for a sexy, sinful story told through Lita’s eyes in
, book one of the
Lust in Space
series. I hope your dicks get hard and your pussies get wet. And please… feel free to play along. I am.

Chapter 1: There, Now Back


My name is Lita McHenry, the thirty-eight year old commander of the
DSS Freeman
, an interstellar freighter charged with delivering supply cargo to some of Humankind’s fringe colonies. I’ve commanded the Freeman for three years along with my faithful friend Lt. Commander Nikki Wilson. Our space ship was a marvel of technology; it’s nearly 100% autonomous and the first of its kind that can be piloted by only two crew members.

Nikki is a wonder, to say the least. She’s thirty-two, which is extremely young to be posted to a mission like ours but she’s a genius. She’s that quiet bookworm, hot sexy kind of woman every man wants and every woman wants to be- you know what I mean. I’m a looker too but her shyness seems to attract men in droves. Lucky for me she never seemed interested in any of the men or I’m quite sure I’d have had someone else sitting beside me for the mission.

I remembered wondering one time if maybe she was into girls. Heterosexuality was pretty much a thing of the past. Men with men, women with women, all kinds of men with all kinds of women and vice versa. Personally I preferred men over women. Perhaps I just hadn’t found the right girl yet but if I ever decided to do a little muff-diving, Nikki would be high on my list.

One time we were on a training mission to the Unified Space Training Facility to practice zero-g stuff. It was pretty awkward getting used to floating around. Nikki and I had bumped into each other on more than one occasion and each time I swear I saw a hint of rose in her cheeks. Was it because she liked me? Was she just too shy to say anything? Or maybe it was just genuine embarrassment from rubbing up against another woman who just happened to be her commanding officer?

You would think that nearly three years in a space ship together would give us plenty of time to figure things out, right? Wrong-o! Once Mission Operations had the computer all programmed, we were dumped in stasis tubes and sent on our merry way. It had something to do with the scientists’ deep-space equivalent to cabin fever.

Twenty-four hours ago, Delilah, our computer, pulled the
into a geosynchronous orbit near the transfer station around Deep Earth Colony 6 and initiated our wake from stasis. DEC-6 was further from earth than any other colony by far. In the time it took to get us here, we could have traveled to any of the others AND returned to Earth.

“Hey,” Nikki said as she walked into our quarters.

We shared quarters which was nothing more than a small room with a couple of bunks near the edge of the gravity collar. It was meant to be comfortable for a couple of days since most of the time we should be in stasis. I sat on the edge of my bunk in a tight tank top and panties- standard code for the tubes. I was sure it was a group of men that thought that one up.

“Hey, Nikki,” I said with a smile as I watched her close her eyes and stretch.

My eyes roamed over her tight, fit body. Her nipples were hard from the temperature in the ship and they poked through her top as tiny points. Nikki’s ass had the most delicious, subtle bounce to it as she walked by and for a second I nearly reached out to grab it. Wow, I was really checking her out. It must have been the lag after stasis messing with my mind. I groaned and rubbed my temples.

“Feeling that good?” she teased and sat down beside me.

“I’m too old for this shit,” I quipped.

Nikki laughed and put her hand on my knee. Her touch was warm and inviting and stirred something inside of me. She gave me a summary of our status but I wasn’t paying attention. All I could do was focus on her touch. Somewhere deep down in my body, a little voice said to kiss her. It told me to taste her full, supple lips and sample her curvaceous, sexy body. I just nodded in response to her report.

“So Delilah has already initiated the unloading sequence?” I asked.

“Yep,” Nikki replied. “All we need to do is double check the couplings and get on the Comms with the colony to coordinate the delivery.”

“Good,” I smiled and squeezed her hand with mine. “I’m going to shower first.”

“Mind if I join you?” she said with a hint of rose in her cheeks. “I feel dreadful after waking up.”

“I know what you mean,” I replied and tried to hide my excitement at seeing my lieutenant’s naked body. “Sure thing. The shower is designed for two.”

The shower was about the size of a broom closet- tiny. There were heads on either side of the facility and there wasn’t much room to maneuver. Nikki didn’t seem to mind. She appreciated the simplicity of the
design and welcomed the heat of the water to reinvigorate her. Myself, I appreciated the design of the shower for a completely different, non-technological reason.

As we showered, our asses would brush against each other. I closed my eyes to revel in the wet, silky touch of her soft, round cheeks gliding across mine. Nikki, in her usually shy manner, would make it a point to apologize whenever our bodies touched. Eventually I convinced her to stop doing that. I told her that considering how tiny the room was that contact was inevitable and that it was okay; I didn’t mind.

At one point I had turned around to rinse my back. I stood there and admired her wet, glistening body. Her round, apple-shaped ass was a vision of lust and desire and I reached out several times as if to grab it. I wondered how she would have reacted had I done so. I could already feel the heat starting to build inside of me and realized that I wanted her.

I inched my hands toward her shapely cheeks then suddenly Nikki turned around. I whipped my hands back and ran them over my body to help the water rinse the lather away. She met my eyes with a shy smile then looked down. She was perfect. Her medium-sized breasts seemed to beg for my touch and her nipples were hard and erect from the efforts of her washing. Nikki turned several times to make sure she had rinsed completely.

“You missed a spot,” I said, noticing a bit of soap still on her back.

“Really?” she replied. “Where?”

“Between your shoulders,” I answered nonchalantly. “Just under your neck.”

She turned and shimmied beneath the spray of water. Her scrumptious tits jiggled playfully before she turned around for me to check. I giggled and told her she still missed the spot. She hadn’t but my lust was making me lie for my own benefit.

“Here,” I said and motioned for her to turn around. “Let me help.”

I took my lieutenant by the shoulders and pulled her toward me until her ass was pressing against my pelvis. I stifled a groan but swore that I heard a tiny moan escape her lips. Did she like that? Was she attracted to me at all? I shook my head and leaned to one side so my showerhead could rain down on her back. I was feeling sort of giddy.

I reached up and gently began to pet her skin. I ran my hands slowly along the tops of her shoulders to her spine where the soap had once been. I pretended to rinse her off with the smoothing of my hands down her spine but in reality I was just taking advantage of our tiny facilities for a cheap thrill. Her body felt so soft and sexy beneath my touch that I could have spent the entire three years in space caressing her.

“All done,” I said, leaning forward, pressing my body into hers, so I could crane my head a little to look at her.

“Thanks,” Nikki replied with a hint of whisper on her voice.

That brief moment made my pussy twitch. My large, pillowy breasts pressed hotly against her back and the contact felt incredible. Nikki didn’t try to move away, at least not at first. She liked the touch. I felt her round ass press back into me. Her movement was subtle; I probably would not have noticed had I not been concentrating on her. I hoped we’d shower again before returning to stasis for the trip home.

The next four days were a tiring blur. The transfer station was nothing more than a docking collar with several spines extending from its center. It was designed to hold our cargo modules until the colony could begin their retrieval efforts. The design was simplistic and worked. In no time the
DSS Freeman
had been whittled nearly in half. It was sort of eerie when looking at it but the entire system was perfect.

The cargo modules were large containers with the cargo inside. The containers themselves and the extrusions that held them to the ship would be reused as building blocks for new colony structures and the like. So there was no waste. Everything had a use and after the final cargo container was secured to the station, our mission was over. It was time to head back to Earth.

Nikki and I sat in the command module and went over our return trip check list. Delilah confirmed our programming and began her pre-departure diagnostics. It would be a good hour or so before she finished so Nikki and I just talked. I reclined back in the chair and closed my eyes and enjoyed her company- and the absence of big-assed cargo containers!

“But why Delilah?” she asked. We had been conversing about the name of our computer.

“I like the name,” I responded. “It makes me think of something regal and luxurious. That’s exactly what this ship is.”

“Scientifically-speaking, perhaps,” Nikki frowned. “I wouldn’t exactly say the accommodations are five-star. I mean, everything is so compact.”

“But that’s the beauty,” I argued. “Simplistic. Everything serves a purpose. Like our room. It’s only used for a few days at a time so why make it bigger? Or the showers? Or the galley?”

I noticed her slight blush when I mentioned the showers. I gazed at her for a moment then put my hand on her thigh. I smiled brightly then tilted my head.

“Maybe we can get a few things ‘remodeled’ when we get back,” I smiled.

Nikki’s eyes slowly travelled from mine. I felt the heat of her gaze wash over my body until it fixed upon my hand on her leg. Her hand slowly reached for mine. My heart pounded as it came closer and closer. I couldn’t wait to feel her touch.

“Diagnostics complete,” Delilah interrupted.

Nikki snapped her hand away and touched one of the control panels. Reluctantly, and a bit irritably too, I turned my attention and my hand to another panel. Stupid computer. I thought about what could have happened had my lieutenant had put her hand on mine. No matter. With the diagnostics done, we’d be ready to leave before anything good would have happened anyway.

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