The Physique 57 Solution (46 page)

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Authors: Tanya Becker,Jennifer Maanavi

BOOK: The Physique 57 Solution
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H. Rolling Pin

Bring your feet, knees, and thighs together, and hold the playground ball on your right thigh just below the knee (in the workouts, we’ll do both sides). Press your feet into the floor.

With your hands lightly on top of the ball and your arms straight, curl your rib cage up a few inches toward your right thigh, rolling the ball toward your right knee—you should feel this in your left oblique. Then roll back down to your starting position.

Envision the rolling-pin effect—as you roll the ball, you’re gaining flatness in your abs!


Curl-Ups with Ball Press

With your feet, knees, and thighs together, take the ball between your hands and squeeze it in front of your chest—your elbows should be wide to the side.

Maintaining the squeeze on the ball, curl your rib cage up and down a few inches in small, controlled movements. Think about hugging your abdominal wall around the ball.

This fabulous combo briefly shifts the focus to your arms in order to take your mind off your abs. Which do you feel more??


J. Figure 8

Extend your legs straight along the floor with your toes pointed, keeping your legs together. Hold the playground ball out in front of your chest with your arms straight.

Leading with the ball and keeping your arms straight, slowly and deliberately trace a sideways figure 8 in front of you. Make the biggest figure 8 you can. This bonus move will have you feeling both sets of obliques!


Place an extra cushion or towel under your lower back and/or hold on to your outer thighs whenever needed

57 T

When you do ab work correctly, you should feel your waistline—NOT your neck, lower back, or shoulders.

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